So proud of black people now....its about time!!

Bullshit. I'm white and have no problem with blacks loving and appreciating themselves. It is the calls for violence and segregation I have a problem with. Appreciation of the black panthers makes me wonder if I should support for the kkk. Six of one, half doz. of the other. We should be Americans; not black or white people.
Those calls for violence and segregation is in direct response to the continued racism. If whites had gotten their act together when Blacks won their freedom their would be no issues today. Instead whites have done everything in their power to keep Blacks down legally and illegally.

But its not without our help. Its time we all began to understand that we must invest in our political system in this country and stop allowing others to do our bidding. Flint didn't just happen, Fergerson didn't just happen.....ignoring who's at the helms of our communities is what allows these types of injustices to occur. Black people need to wake up and get envolved with everything that's going on in this country and in our lives and stop with allowing pandering do nothing politicians bate you every election for your votes.
The best thing that could happen for the Black man is to free himself from dependence on government and realize the Democrat Party is not his savior. Self-dependence is his ticket to happiness and self-love.
Thats the best thing that could happen to you poor whites as well. Its amazing you vote for people that want to take away your benefits.

The same benefits, these brainless shit heads enjoy are attached to this anti government bullshit they all whine, so help me, white rednecks are an enigma, can't figure these fucks out at all.
Black men need to get on board this new trend of black love:

In 2013 72% of black births were to unmarried women.

Where did Daddy go ?


Births to Unmarried Women

LOLOLOLOL.. they way they knocking up white women and leaving, and leaving you white boys to pick up the pieces.....we know that trend ain't effecting yaw. LOLOLOLO
Don't count on Beyoncé being invited to entertain at Super Bowl half-times in the future or getting a police escort to her next event.
Why do you say that?
Watch the news. There are protest marches. When white guys March, you know the shit hit the fan. NFL won't repeat the mistake f having those Hoes prancing around again.

LOLOLOL...since when does white protest produce anything? Remember Michael Vick? Rice that beat his wife? Remember when Kanya hated on Bush at the Grammy's? OJ Simpson, the most hated black man in America at the time, was still golfing with you white simps, until he put his own self in jail..LOLOLOLOL....One thing about white motherfuckers, if a nigga can make you a dollar, there is no sin....LOLOLOLOL...Beyonce will be alright, she still have the black community behind her and fuck the super bowl.
Back in 1915, DW Griffith did something like Byonce's 2016 Super bowl
halftime show. A little movie called "Birth of a Nation, it was just as cloying , ignorant and just as popular at the time. One popularized the Black Panthers, the other, the Ku Klux Klan. And for similar reasons. Can we move beyond all this? Please?
Don't count on Beyoncé being invited to entertain at Super Bowl half-times in the future or getting a police escort to her next event.
Why do you say that?
Watch the news. There are protest marches. When white guys March, you know the shit hit the fan. NFL won't repeat the mistake f having those Hoes prancing around again.

LOLOLOL...since when does white protest produce anything? Remember Michael Vick? Rice that beat his wife? Remember when Kanya hated on Bush at the Grammy's? OJ Simpson, the most hated black man in America at the time, was still golfing with you white simps, until he put his own self in jail..LOLOLOLOL....One thing about white motherfuckers, if a nigga can make you a dollar, there is no sin....LOLOLOLOL...Beyonce will be alright, she still have the black community behind her and fuck the super bowl.

When whites protest...and I mean a LARGE number....shit changes.

1776 we defeated England with our protest and founded the United States. That's one.
In 1861 half the whites protested slavery and we freed yalls asses. That's 2.
In WW2 we protested what Hitler was doing and defeated the Nazis.
In the 60s....white Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bills.....and yall thank us by going and voting for racist Democrats that want to keep yall poor and dependent.

We don't protest every little thing. But when the large number of whites get pissed....shits changin.

So YOUR COUNTRY and YOUR FREEDOM came from whites protesting.

That good enough?
Don't count on Beyoncé being invited to entertain at Super Bowl half-times in the future or getting a police escort to her next event.
Why do you say that?
Watch the news. There are protest marches. When white guys March, you know the shit hit the fan. NFL won't repeat the mistake f having those Hoes prancing around again.

LOLOLOL...since when does white protest produce anything? Remember Michael Vick? Rice that beat his wife? Remember when Kanya hated on Bush at the Grammy's? OJ Simpson, the most hated black man in America at the time, was still golfing with you white simps, until he put his own self in jail..LOLOLOLOL....One thing about white motherfuckers, if a nigga can make you a dollar, there is no sin....LOLOLOLOL...Beyonce will be alright, she still have the black community behind her and fuck the super bowl.

When whites protest...and I mean a LARGE number....shit changes.

1776 we defeated England with our protest and founded the United States. That's one.
In 1861 half the whites protested slavery and we freed yalls asses. That's 2.
In WW2 we protested what Hitler was doing and defeated the Nazis.
In the 60s....white Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bills.....and yall thank us by going and voting for racist Democrats that want to keep yall poor and dependent.

We don't protest every little thing. But when the large number of whites get pissed....shits changin.

So YOUR COUNTRY and YOUR FREEDOM came from whites protesting.

That good enough?
The same thing applies when Black people protest. When we get pissed shit changes.
When that war with England was going on Blacks were there.
The union would nave never won the civil war without Blacks.
WW2 we saved your cracker asses again.
In the 60' Malcom X and MLK were your only options. You crackers chose the less violent route.

So your country and your freedom have long been provided by Blacks. You crackers would be in a penal colony if not for us. That good enough?
Don't count on Beyoncé being invited to entertain at Super Bowl half-times in the future or getting a police escort to her next event.
Why do you say that?
Watch the news. There are protest marches. When white guys March, you know the shit hit the fan. NFL won't repeat the mistake f having those Hoes prancing around again.

LOLOLOL...since when does white protest produce anything? Remember Michael Vick? Rice that beat his wife? Remember when Kanya hated on Bush at the Grammy's? OJ Simpson, the most hated black man in America at the time, was still golfing with you white simps, until he put his own self in jail..LOLOLOLOL....One thing about white motherfuckers, if a nigga can make you a dollar, there is no sin....LOLOLOLOL...Beyonce will be alright, she still have the black community behind her and fuck the super bowl.

When whites protest...and I mean a LARGE number....shit changes.

1776 we defeated England with our protest and founded the United States. That's one.
In 1861 half the whites protested slavery and we freed yalls asses. That's 2.
In WW2 we protested what Hitler was doing and defeated the Nazis.
In the 60s....white Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bills.....and yall thank us by going and voting for racist Democrats that want to keep yall poor and dependent.

We don't protest every little thing. But when the large number of whites get pissed....shits changin.

So YOUR COUNTRY and YOUR FREEDOM came from whites protesting.

That good enough?
The same thing applies when Black people protest. When we get pissed shit changes.
When that war with England was going on Blacks were there.
The union would nave never won the civil war without Blacks.
WW2 we saved your cracker asses again.
In the 60' Malcom X and MLK were your only options. You crackers chose the less violent route.

So your country and your freedom have long been provided by Blacks. You crackers would be in a penal colony if not for us. That good enough?

I'm not gonna knock black servicemen of the past.

But the Colonial Army in 1776....the Union Army in 1864...and the US military in 1944....they still would've won without black troops. Especially the 1776 and 1864 ones. The Civil Rights Bills passed because white Republicans passed them. Democrats then...and now...wanted you all to stay poor and dependent and still do.

You're welcome.
Why do you say that?
Watch the news. There are protest marches. When white guys March, you know the shit hit the fan. NFL won't repeat the mistake f having those Hoes prancing around again.

LOLOLOL...since when does white protest produce anything? Remember Michael Vick? Rice that beat his wife? Remember when Kanya hated on Bush at the Grammy's? OJ Simpson, the most hated black man in America at the time, was still golfing with you white simps, until he put his own self in jail..LOLOLOLOL....One thing about white motherfuckers, if a nigga can make you a dollar, there is no sin....LOLOLOLOL...Beyonce will be alright, she still have the black community behind her and fuck the super bowl.

When whites protest...and I mean a LARGE number....shit changes.

1776 we defeated England with our protest and founded the United States. That's one.
In 1861 half the whites protested slavery and we freed yalls asses. That's 2.
In WW2 we protested what Hitler was doing and defeated the Nazis.
In the 60s....white Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bills.....and yall thank us by going and voting for racist Democrats that want to keep yall poor and dependent.

We don't protest every little thing. But when the large number of whites get pissed....shits changin.

So YOUR COUNTRY and YOUR FREEDOM came from whites protesting.

That good enough?
The same thing applies when Black people protest. When we get pissed shit changes.
When that war with England was going on Blacks were there.
The union would nave never won the civil war without Blacks.
WW2 we saved your cracker asses again.
In the 60' Malcom X and MLK were your only options. You crackers chose the less violent route.

So your country and your freedom have long been provided by Blacks. You crackers would be in a penal colony if not for us. That good enough?

I'm not gonna knock black servicemen of the past.

But the Colonial Army in 1776....the Union Army in 1864...and the US military in 1944....they still would've won without black troops. Especially the 1776 and 1864 ones. The Civil Rights Bills passed because white Republicans passed them. Democrats then...and now...wanted you all to stay poor and dependent and still do.

You're welcome.
You cant knock the Black servicemen of the past and be taken seriously. They saved your white asses on multiple occasions.

No. You white boys have yet to win a war without Blacks so you can go sell that to your retarded cave monkey friends.

The Civil Rights Bill passed because the option was to deal with Malcolm X and his followers.

Youre welcome cave monkey
The same benefits, these brainless shit heads enjoy are attached to this anti government bullshit they all whine, so help me, white rednecks are an enigma, can't figure these fucks out at all.

Rednecks rule! And your prejudice is showing.
Ahh. I see. So, you don't see a world where the lighter black man will look down on the darker black man?


No. Only confused Black people do stuff like that. Black people nowdays are more aware that the strength is in the darker or closer to African Black man.

But yet they would mate with a white woman to create a lighter offspring?


Blacks are not caught up trying to create a master race. Eventually the offspring will breed back in and become darker. There are two things working against a supposedly pure white race. There are way more Blacks on this planet than whites (which begs the question why we are called minorities) and our genes are dominant. Any mixing will lower the percentage amount of neanderthal DNA. Hence the genetic tendency to be a racist will be either subdued or genetically erased.

You only make up 20% of America max

There are way more of us in India, the south american and African continents. Thats not even counting the Melanesian people and the south asian Black cultures.

Thought of you when I saw this.

Humans, Neanderthals interbred thousands of years earlier than first thought, research shows | Fox News
No. Only confused Black people do stuff like that. Black people nowdays are more aware that the strength is in the darker or closer to African Black man.
But yet they would mate with a white woman to create a lighter offspring?

Blacks are not caught up trying to create a master race. Eventually the offspring will breed back in and become darker. There are two things working against a supposedly pure white race. There are way more Blacks on this planet than whites (which begs the question why we are called minorities) and our genes are dominant. Any mixing will lower the percentage amount of neanderthal DNA. Hence the genetic tendency to be a racist will be either subdued or genetically erased.
You only make up 20% of America max
There are way more of us in India, the south american and African continents. Thats not even counting the Melanesian people and the south asian Black cultures.
Thought of you when I saw this.

Humans, Neanderthals interbred thousands of years earlier than first thought, research shows | Fox News
I pretty much assumed this. Cool to see it validated with evidence.
Don't count on Beyoncé being invited to entertain at Super Bowl half-times in the future or getting a police escort to her next event.
Why do you say that?
Watch the news. There are protest marches. When white guys March, you know the shit hit the fan. NFL won't repeat the mistake f having those Hoes prancing around again.

LOLOLOL...since when does white protest produce anything? Remember Michael Vick? Rice that beat his wife? Remember when Kanya hated on Bush at the Grammy's? OJ Simpson, the most hated black man in America at the time, was still golfing with you white simps, until he put his own self in jail..LOLOLOLOL....One thing about white motherfuckers, if a nigga can make you a dollar, there is no sin....LOLOLOLOL...Beyonce will be alright, she still have the black community behind her and fuck the super bowl.

When whites protest...and I mean a LARGE number....shit changes.

1776 we defeated England with our protest and founded the United States. That's one.
In 1861 half the whites protested slavery and we freed yalls asses. That's 2.
In WW2 we protested what Hitler was doing and defeated the Nazis.
In the 60s....white Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bills.....and yall thank us by going and voting for racist Democrats that want to keep yall poor and dependent.

We don't protest every little thing. But when the large number of whites get pissed....shits changin.

So YOUR COUNTRY and YOUR FREEDOM came from whites protesting.

That good enough?
The same thing applies when Black people protest. When we get pissed shit changes.
When that war with England was going on Blacks were there.
The union would nave never won the civil war without Blacks.
WW2 we saved your cracker asses again.
In the 60' Malcom X and MLK were your only options. You crackers chose the less violent route.

So your country and your freedom have long been provided by Blacks. You crackers would be in a penal colony if not for us. That good enough?

The Union would have never won the Civil War without the blacks ?

Be specific. Are you talking about black soldiers, or the black population in general ?

Black soldiers only made up about 10% of Union forces, and that wasn't until late in the war.
What doses it take to shut down this silly condescending and pedantic thread? Silver bullets? a stake through it's heart? Garlic? Facts or truth? No effect. Ignore it, that's my next tact.
Why do you say that?
Watch the news. There are protest marches. When white guys March, you know the shit hit the fan. NFL won't repeat the mistake f having those Hoes prancing around again.

LOLOLOL...since when does white protest produce anything? Remember Michael Vick? Rice that beat his wife? Remember when Kanya hated on Bush at the Grammy's? OJ Simpson, the most hated black man in America at the time, was still golfing with you white simps, until he put his own self in jail..LOLOLOLOL....One thing about white motherfuckers, if a nigga can make you a dollar, there is no sin....LOLOLOLOL...Beyonce will be alright, she still have the black community behind her and fuck the super bowl.

When whites protest...and I mean a LARGE number....shit changes.

1776 we defeated England with our protest and founded the United States. That's one.
In 1861 half the whites protested slavery and we freed yalls asses. That's 2.
In WW2 we protested what Hitler was doing and defeated the Nazis.
In the 60s....white Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bills.....and yall thank us by going and voting for racist Democrats that want to keep yall poor and dependent.

We don't protest every little thing. But when the large number of whites get pissed....shits changin.

So YOUR COUNTRY and YOUR FREEDOM came from whites protesting.

That good enough?
The same thing applies when Black people protest. When we get pissed shit changes.
When that war with England was going on Blacks were there.
The union would nave never won the civil war without Blacks.
WW2 we saved your cracker asses again.
In the 60' Malcom X and MLK were your only options. You crackers chose the less violent route.

So your country and your freedom have long been provided by Blacks. You crackers would be in a penal colony if not for us. That good enough?

The Union would have never won the Civil War without the blacks ?

Be specific. Are you talking about black soldiers, or the black population in general ?

Black soldiers only made up about 10% of Union forces, and that wasn't until late in the war.

The most profound changes that occurred in this country, all stem from poor, disenfranchised people, regardless of color, but most importantly through black protest. That is fact. Yes, we needed whites to enact those changes, but it was the voices of the poor and of minorities that forced that change to occur. As for the civil house keepers told secrets...that's what helped us win the south.
Why do you say that?
Watch the news. There are protest marches. When white guys March, you know the shit hit the fan. NFL won't repeat the mistake f having those Hoes prancing around again.

LOLOLOL...since when does white protest produce anything? Remember Michael Vick? Rice that beat his wife? Remember when Kanya hated on Bush at the Grammy's? OJ Simpson, the most hated black man in America at the time, was still golfing with you white simps, until he put his own self in jail..LOLOLOLOL....One thing about white motherfuckers, if a nigga can make you a dollar, there is no sin....LOLOLOLOL...Beyonce will be alright, she still have the black community behind her and fuck the super bowl.

When whites protest...and I mean a LARGE number....shit changes.

1776 we defeated England with our protest and founded the United States. That's one.
In 1861 half the whites protested slavery and we freed yalls asses. That's 2.
In WW2 we protested what Hitler was doing and defeated the Nazis.
In the 60s....white Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bills.....and yall thank us by going and voting for racist Democrats that want to keep yall poor and dependent.

We don't protest every little thing. But when the large number of whites get pissed....shits changin.

So YOUR COUNTRY and YOUR FREEDOM came from whites protesting.

That good enough?
The same thing applies when Black people protest. When we get pissed shit changes.
When that war with England was going on Blacks were there.
The union would nave never won the civil war without Blacks.
WW2 we saved your cracker asses again.
In the 60' Malcom X and MLK were your only options. You crackers chose the less violent route.

So your country and your freedom have long been provided by Blacks. You crackers would be in a penal colony if not for us. That good enough?

The Union would have never won the Civil War without the blacks ?

Be specific. Are you talking about black soldiers, or the black population in general ?

Black soldiers only made up about 10% of Union forces, and that wasn't until late in the war.
Thats correct. I am talking about Black people.

Thats all the Black people that were needed. If you have a hundred idiots running around messing up it only takes 1 person to get it right. Its quality not quantity.
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.

You have been self loving yourselves to death since you started voting democrat in the need to put fathers in homes to raise your boys into men. If you want to save your people.....get the boys to become men and fathers......
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.

You have been self loving yourselves to death since you started voting democrat in the need to put fathers in homes to raise your boys into men. If you want to save your people.....get the boys to become men and fathers......
No such thing as loving yourself to death. Thats just more white boy ramblings. There are plenty of Black men and fathers. I would wager more than in the white race. There is a reason so many white girls want Black men.
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.

You have been self loving yourselves to death since you started voting democrat in the need to put fathers in homes to raise your boys into men. If you want to save your people.....get the boys to become men and fathers......
No such thing as loving yourself to death. Thats just more white boy ramblings. There are plenty of Black men and fathers. I would wager more than in the white race. There is a reason so many white girls want Black men.

Yeah...keep telling yourself that as your children murder each other in these democrat cities.....
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.

You have been self loving yourselves to death since you started voting democrat in the need to put fathers in homes to raise your boys into men. If you want to save your people.....get the boys to become men and fathers......
No such thing as loving yourself to death. Thats just more white boy ramblings. There are plenty of Black men and fathers. I would wager more than in the white race. There is a reason so many white girls want Black men.

Yeah...keep telling yourself that as your children murder each other in these democrat cities.....
Youre children drug themselves into oblivion in republican cities and stress the welfare system. I think you should concentrate on fixing your issues before you try to fix ours. It would show your opinion has credibility.

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