So Ohio gets union rights back; What next? Layoffs or tax hikes?

Every country has productive people. Matter of fact I can guarantee you there are other countries that have far more productive people than we do.

I think all the Republicans and "conservatives" should go live there. It sounds like the kind of thing they'd like.

We have a lot of lazy people in this country.

I dunno, I like Americans, myself. But hey, it's cool. You know, if you go down to the corner on rt. 331, right across from the ice house, you can pick up a bunch of wetbacks and hire them. They're hard working, I'm sure. You won't even have to pay taxes either. Bet you'd like that.

The reason this country is rich is because of the rich people that came here to be free from an oppressive government. That is a fact.

W. T. F. ?
Government Unions are the problem,not the solution. Hopefully most Americans will come to see this at some point. They don't care about any other Americans but themselves. They have absolutely no problem screwing Taxpayers and bankrupting States. They really do believe that we the Taxpayers work for them. I can understand why Ohioans bought into the Union/Democrat PR Campaign but it was still a big mistake. Most other Ohio Citizens will suffer because of it. The Unions will get theirs but most others are screwed.

The sad truth is the majority of voters have no idea what they're really voting for. They believed the lies in the anti issue 2 adds. They really have no idea how they're getting screwed by the public sector employee. Most of them don't realize that it's their tax dollar that pays for the public sectors pay and benefits. That is obvious by the way they voted to repeal sb5, but voted down all of the school levies. :doubt:

Meanwhile we had people like this guy spending our tax money on UNION only contracts

ABC Chapter Takes to the Airwaves to Call for OSFC Chief’s Ouster | The Truth About PLAs

Since Richard Murray’s appointment as executive director of the Ohio Schools Facilities Commission (OSFC) late last year, he has pushed the use of union-only Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) on local school districts hoping to obtain state funding support for local school construction. PLAs are good for unions and bad for taxpayers. PLAs inflate the cost of public construction and put people out of work. Moreover, PLAs are illegal for use on OSFC school construction projects.

A recent report by the Ohio Inspector General’s office detailed how Gov. Ted Strickland fired former state senator and fellow Democrat, Michael Shoemaker at the behest of labor unions. It turns out Director Shoemaker was not aggressive enough in forcing local school districts to accept the use of PLAs.

Upon appointment as the OSFC’s new director, Richard Murray’s actions demonstrated he was a soldier anxious to impress his boss, Gov. Strickland. Mr. Murray quickly set about to get as many local school districts to use their “local authority” to adopt union only PLAs. The Inspector General detailed how Murray used intimidating tactics to obtain these contracts for his former union employers.

This is what our taxayers were paying for. Strickland was a union hack as was his entire administration.

Governor Kasich is working on the corruption brought forth by the last administration. But as long as the Union thugs are running everything and the people of Ohio think that Unions are good, we can say bye bye to many good people of Ohio. They have been leaving in droves for some years now.

By the way, we have what we refer to as "orange barrell season"
Dumbass left wingers just dont get the math do they. Ohio voters voted to bring back collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

Its known that Ohio governments simply cant afford the status quo. But, the law is now the law, and unions are gonna always demand more, and refuse to sacrifice for the greater good. So........which is first:

1- Layoffs for firemen, cops, teachers. Gotta make payroll and budget. Time to trim some fat.


2- Raise taxes on companies and individuals. Which will cause business to leave Ohio for non-union states like South Carolina, which is rapidly attracting business like Google, Boeing, BMW, etc, due to non-union labor, low taxes.

So either way, Ohio loses jobs.

Good job libtards.

lay them all off.....
Then cry the blues when you need help that the police didn't respond fast enough. Idiot lefties.
Most States are broke and are trying to balance their budgets. Public Unions have shown no effort to help.

Once again, you demonstrate your willingness to state fantasy totally devoid of any connection to fact.

All of the proposed budget cuts in both Ohio and Wisconsin were ALREADY AGREED TO by the public-employees unions BEFORE these union-busting measures were EVEN PROPOSED.

This is not about the state budget. This is about smashing the bargaining power of labor and ending the rights of working people.

The changes were for the future not for the current problems. People don't seem to reallize that the real problem here is not now but here in the future because both recessions have killed the pension plans and now most are not going to have the money in the future.
This was about collective bargaining. What the fuck is wrong with collective bargaining?

What is the rights solution to bargaining with a corporation for benefits and wages? David and Goliath? There isnt strength in numbers?

You are not bargaining with corporations you are bargaining with the tax payers.
Exactly why the left is destroying this country. They only do the math they want to make it look good.

Wait a second.....did you just call me "the left" for supporting the will of the people? You really might want to rethink that one.
The changes were for the future not for the current problems. People don't seem to reallize that the real problem here is not now but here in the future because both recessions have killed the pension plans and now most are not going to have the money in the future.

Changes to pension plans were already agreed to by the unions. Also changes to health care and pay and other benefits. This was not about the state budget. This was about destroying the rights of working people. The OP is disingenuous.
Sorry Jake..that won't fly. We live in a country with people with personal wealth of over 48 billion dollars. I can't imagine what one person does that is so valuable they have that much money. And if "collective bargaining" were that big a problem..we wouldn't have the extreme disparity in wealth we see today.

You actually make no sense. Collective bargaining has been killing businesses and now the states. You can argue against it but the facts are staring you in the face. If we do not do away with the collective bargaining rights, we will end up have a Greece spring.
Dumbass left wingers just dont get the math do they. Ohio voters voted to bring back collective bargaining rights for public sector unions.

Its known that Ohio governments simply cant afford the status quo. But, the law is now the law, and unions are gonna always demand more, and refuse to sacrifice for the greater good. So........which is first:

1- Layoffs for firemen, cops, teachers. Gotta make payroll and budget. Time to trim some fat.


2- Raise taxes on companies and individuals. Which will cause business to leave Ohio for non-union states like South Carolina, which is rapidly attracting business like Google, Boeing, BMW, etc, due to non-union labor, low taxes.

So either way, Ohio loses jobs.

Good job libtards.

They don't care. Union socialists/communists are like a blood sucking leech. They'll suck the life blood out of it's prey until the prey either has no more blood or the prey dies. Makes no difference to them. They don't have any more brains than a leech either. They'd rather see the state die than to give up their socialist/commie agenda.
Uh, America grew exponentially with Labor Unions, why do people want to blame those same Unions for the jobs losses? :confused:

I have a problem with Unions taking their members money and donating it to political causes, but you can't argue that Unions have made working conditions and pay much better for the American worker.

Why has America been losing jobs? Traitorous Congressmen and Presidents (who are owned by Banks) have signed a long list of "free trade" agreements that sent the majority of the good paying jobs over seas.

The fight is with them, not your fellow American.

Because in the beginning the intentions were good as is always the case. In the beginning they were put together to protect workers but as time went on they eventually became the illness that started to kill businesses. They became to powerful for their own good. The very existence requires them to continue to get more and more out of the host. Until their host can no longer afford to stay in business. That is the problem.
The changes were for the future not for the current problems. People don't seem to reallize that the real problem here is not now but here in the future because both recessions have killed the pension plans and now most are not going to have the money in the future.

Changes to pension plans were already agreed to by the unions. Also changes to health care and pay and other benefits. This was not about the state budget. This was about destroying the rights of working people. The OP is disingenuous.

You need to go look up the state pensions. Since the last two recessions every single state’s pensions are now under funded. Mainly because collective bargaining made the rates the economy could never keep pace with. It was only a matter of time the lid came off.
Because in the beginning the intentions were good as is always the case. In the beginning they were put together to protect workers but as time went on they eventually became the illness that started to kill businesses. They became to powerful for their own good. The very existence requires them to continue to get more and more out of the host. Until their host can no longer afford to stay in business. That is the problem.

You're talking about corporations and their host, the American people, right?

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