So now a simple accusation true or false can jail Trump

The prosecutors are not keeping quiet, so it is illegal to expect Trump to not respond to their false attacks.
You see the way that's written? "Or break the law of any state"...that's completely illegal...Georgia has no jurisdiction outside of their own state lines. So some activist in another state only has to file charges true or false and an arrest warrant will be issued in Georgia. Basically. The moment Trump calls it political persecution someone will call it a lie....
Not how it works, but I'm all for anything that would lock his fat orange ass up.
They screwed up on this...
It's all subject to politics and opinion this is no longer law or judicial statute.'re just wrong here.
So Trump will be arrested if he says democrats are intelligent, moral, and honest?
The way it is written he will be arrested for yawning. Or at least they will try. Not sure how they can do it in practice. He may have to stay out of states that have Dem administrations. I'm sure they will all cooperate. This is completely illegal. If Trump says that they'll just call it a False Statement and an arrestable offense. This is a VERY BIG MISTAKE THEY ARE's not going to stop with Trump.
Those dimwits will say he yawned when he wasn't actually tired, and the lefty useful idiots on USMB will have a hyperventilating circle-jerk over it.
Oh...yeah this is too broad for any kind of legitimate application legally. It means the moment they don't like what he's saying they will arrest ( or try ) him. Another state system could block the action. This will go to SCOTUS pretty fast I think.
The way it is written he will be arrested for yawning. Or at least they will try. Not sure how they can do it in practice. He may have to stay out of states that have Dem administrations. I'm sure they will all cooperate. This is completely illegal. If Trump says that they'll just call it a False Statement and an arrestable offense. This is a VERY BIG MISTAKE THEY ARE's not going to stop with Trump.
What about bail for all of the future defendants of this illegal power grab? There's no joke here... This isn't even remotely legal. What the hell makes you think it's going to be limited to just this one case or this one party?
You act like they had a choice. I'll bet you also believe that Twitter and Facebook censorship was voluntary,
Correct....even the lawyers are being threatened. This is the beginning of something very bad... This is no longer about Trump...this is the rise of authoritarianism.
Oh...yeah this is too broad for any kind of legitimate application legally. It means the moment they don't like what he's saying they will arrest ( or try ) him. Another state system could block the action. This will go to SCOTUS pretty fast I think.
It’ll be very interesting to see how his secret service detail will respond to any attempt.
This is outright election interference. On his list of restrictions it says he can't make any false statements??? WTF??? False is more often than not a partisan opinion and nothing more. So the moment he says something somebody doesn't like all they have to do is call it a lie and he's gone .... The left has let a genie out of the bottle that cannot be controlled or even harnessed.
Of course he cannot lie to defend himself. That is called perjury if done under oath. If not, it is obstruction of justice.

This is what Martha Stewart some extra time in the pokey.
Of course he cannot lie to defend himself. That is called perjury if done under oath. If not, it is obstruction of justice.

This is what Martha Stewart some extra time in the pokey.
Wrong....the " Lie " is no longer a valid legal term in this context. A difference of opinion will be relabeled as a lie. This is no longer about law.
Wrong....the " Lie " is no longer a valid legal term in this context. A difference of opinion will be relabeled as a lie. This is no longer about law.
A hearing of such a statement will be based on the facts of the events surrounding the words.

He can't say the election was stolen because 38 people, including Pence and Barr and Meadows told him flatly that he lost. He can't say, "I disagree with the findings on the facts, thus my opinion shelters me."

Nope, he does that, he will be sanctioned.

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