So No Accountability For Obama Administration Crimes...AGAIN?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Rather than continue to ignore Obama's latest new U.S. Record, let's address IT and what should be done about it...

Approx 2 weeks ago it was reported (then buried) that Barry's administration easily set the new US record for being THE most CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT administration EVUH by ILLEGALLY failing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests made to his administration during its successful attempt to HIDE its Un-Constitutional and Illegal actions from the American people.


...except, as usual in Obama's administration, no one is being held accountable within Barry's regime for breaking the law.

Aside from going down in history as the most corrupt / illegal non-compliant secretive administration in US history, shouldn't SOMEONE be held accountable to the law?

Or does Barry continue to get a pass because he is a liberal? Maybe he thinks govt documents are like his own personal records he can just seal away from people like he did with all his own personal records?!

But it isn't just information pertaining to FOIA Requests Barry & his criminal administration refuses to release:

A week ago it was revealed that AFTER the State Department had received a SUBPOENA for government documents relating to the events of 9/11/12 the State Departmend did NOT turn them over but instead HID them in other departments ... for a year, until they were eventually discovered (NOT voluntarily offered up as they should have been).

Again, SOMEBODY should have the SHITE hammered out of them, as in 'legally punished', for this but once again under Obama laws are broken and no one is held accountable.

It's WAY past time that sh!t ends...and with more than an historic note in the Obama administration's record book for being the most criminally secretive administration in all of US history.
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Longest run on sentence in the world...
Barry is doing what Bush jr was doing also....Bad presidents...are the same on both sides....
Rather than continue to ignore Obama's latest new U.S. Record, let's address IT and what should be done about it...

Approx 2 weeks ago it was reported (then buried) that Barry's administration easily set the new US record for being THE most CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT administration EVUH by ILLEGALLY failing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests made to his administration during its successful attempt to HIDE its Un-Constitutional and Illegal actions from the American people.


...except, as usual in Obama's administration, no one is being held accountable within Barry's regime for breaking the law.

Aside from going down in history as the most corrupt / illegal non-compliant secretive administration in US history, shouldn't SOMEONE be held accountable to the law?

Or does Barry continue to get a pass because he is a liberal? Maybe he thinks govt documents are like his own personal records he can just seal away from people like he did with all his own personal records?!

But it isn't just information pertaining to FOIA Requests Barry & his criminal administration refuses to release:

A week ago it was revealed that AFTER the State Department had received a SUBPOENA for government documents relating to the events of 9/11/12 the State Departmend did NOT turn them over but instead HID them in other departments ... for a year, until they were eventually discovered (NOT voluntarily offered up as they should have been).

Again, SOMEBODY should have the SHITE hammered out of them, as in 'legally punished', for this but once again under Obama laws are broken and no one is held accountable.

It's WAY past time that sh!t ends...and with more than an historic note in the Obama administration's record book for being the most criminally secretive administration in all of US history.
No, it’s way past time for this sort of moronic blind partisanism to end.
Longest run on sentence in the world...
Barry is doing what Bush jr was doing also....Bad presidents...are the same on both sides....
so if one did it, its ok that the other one does it too?
Guess when Trump wins we can expect you to accept everything he does, since the others operated outside of the constitution, Donald gets a free pass.
Rather than continue to ignore Obama's latest new U.S. Record, let's address IT and what should be done about it...

Approx 2 weeks ago it was reported (then buried) that Barry's administration easily set the new US record for being THE most CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT administration EVUH by ILLEGALLY failing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests made to his administration during its successful attempt to HIDE its Un-Constitutional and Illegal actions from the American people.


...except, as usual in Obama's administration, no one is being held accountable within Barry's regime for breaking the law.

Aside from going down in history as the most corrupt / illegal non-compliant secretive administration in US history, shouldn't SOMEONE be held accountable to the law?

Or does Barry continue to get a pass because he is a liberal? Maybe he thinks govt documents are like his own personal records he can just seal away from people like he did with all his own personal records?!

But it isn't just information pertaining to FOIA Requests Barry & his criminal administration refuses to release:

A week ago it was revealed that AFTER the State Department had received a SUBPOENA for government documents relating to the events of 9/11/12 the State Departmend did NOT turn them over but instead HID them in other departments ... for a year, until they were eventually discovered (NOT voluntarily offered up as they should have been).

Again, SOMEBODY should have the SHITE hammered out of them, as in 'legally punished', for this but once again under Obama laws are broken and no one is held accountable.

It's WAY past time that sh!t ends...and with more than an historic note in the Obama administration's record book for being the most criminally secretive administration in all of US history.
No, it’s way past time for this sort of moronic blind partisanism to end.
Liberals refuse to give it up, though.
Longest run on sentence in the world...
Barry is doing what Bush jr was doing also....Bad presidents...are the same on both sides....
Glow, why can't liberals ever man up and accept their own actions?

'B...B...BUT BUSH...'

& you're wrong. What part of 'WORST, MOST ILLEGAL, CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT ADMINISTRATION EVUH' do you not understand? Obama is NOT 'doing what Bush did'! Obama is doing what NO OTHER PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY has ever done.
Rather than continue to ignore Obama's latest new U.S. Record, let's address IT and what should be done about it...

Approx 2 weeks ago it was reported (then buried) that Barry's administration easily set the new US record for being THE most CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT administration EVUH by ILLEGALLY failing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests made to his administration during its successful attempt to HIDE its Un-Constitutional and Illegal actions from the American people.


...except, as usual in Obama's administration, no one is being held accountable within Barry's regime for breaking the law.

Aside from going down in history as the most corrupt / illegal non-compliant secretive administration in US history, shouldn't SOMEONE be held accountable to the law?

Or does Barry continue to get a pass because he is a liberal? Maybe he thinks govt documents are like his own personal records he can just seal away from people like he did with all his own personal records?!

But it isn't just information pertaining to FOIA Requests Barry & his criminal administration refuses to release:

A week ago it was revealed that AFTER the State Department had received a SUBPOENA for government documents relating to the events of 9/11/12 the State Departmend did NOT turn them over but instead HID them in other departments ... for a year, until they were eventually discovered (NOT voluntarily offered up as they should have been).

Again, SOMEBODY should have the SHITE hammered out of them, as in 'legally punished', for this but once again under Obama laws are broken and no one is held accountable.

It's WAY past time that sh!t ends...and with more than an historic note in the Obama administration's record book for being the most criminally secretive administration in all of US history.

WTF is this blather about?

How about a credible link?
Actually bad Presidents aren't the same on both sides. Some get Congressional approval before making bad decisions. Some bypass Congress before doing so. Some set records, surpassing all others, in setting themselves apart in just how bad they are.
Rather than continue to ignore Obama's latest new U.S. Record, let's address IT and what should be done about it...

Approx 2 weeks ago it was reported (then buried) that Barry's administration easily set the new US record for being THE most CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT administration EVUH by ILLEGALLY failing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests made to his administration during its successful attempt to HIDE its Un-Constitutional and Illegal actions from the American people.


...except, as usual in Obama's administration, no one is being held accountable within Barry's regime for breaking the law.

Aside from going down in history as the most corrupt / illegal non-compliant secretive administration in US history, shouldn't SOMEONE be held accountable to the law?

Or does Barry continue to get a pass because he is a liberal? Maybe he thinks govt documents are like his own personal records he can just seal away from people like he did with all his own personal records?!

But it isn't just information pertaining to FOIA Requests Barry & his criminal administration refuses to release:

A week ago it was revealed that AFTER the State Department had received a SUBPOENA for government documents relating to the events of 9/11/12 the State Departmend did NOT turn them over but instead HID them in other departments ... for a year, until they were eventually discovered (NOT voluntarily offered up as they should have been).

Again, SOMEBODY should have the SHITE hammered out of them, as in 'legally punished', for this but once again under Obama laws are broken and no one is held accountable.

It's WAY past time that sh!t ends...and with more than an historic note in the Obama administration's record book for being the most criminally secretive administration in all of US history.
No, it’s way past time for this sort of moronic blind partisanism to end.
Liberals refuse to give it up, though.
Non sequitur fallacy, red herring fallacy – you contrive these ridiculous lies concerning the president for no other reason than he belongs to the ‘wrong’ party.

Again, it’s way past time for your sort of moronic blind partisanism to end.
Actually bad Presidents aren't the same on both sides. Some get Congressional approval before making bad decisions. Some bypass Congress before doing so. Some set records, surpassing all others, in setting themselves apart in just how bad they are.

Which side doesn't bypass Congress?
Rather than continue to ignore Obama's latest new U.S. Record, let's address IT and what should be done about it...

Approx 2 weeks ago it was reported (then buried) that Barry's administration easily set the new US record for being THE most CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT administration EVUH by ILLEGALLY failing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests made to his administration during its successful attempt to HIDE its Un-Constitutional and Illegal actions from the American people.


...except, as usual in Obama's administration, no one is being held accountable within Barry's regime for breaking the law.

Aside from going down in history as the most corrupt / illegal non-compliant secretive administration in US history, shouldn't SOMEONE be held accountable to the law?

Or does Barry continue to get a pass because he is a liberal? Maybe he thinks govt documents are like his own personal records he can just seal away from people like he did with all his own personal records?!

But it isn't just information pertaining to FOIA Requests Barry & his criminal administration refuses to release:

A week ago it was revealed that AFTER the State Department had received a SUBPOENA for government documents relating to the events of 9/11/12 the State Departmend did NOT turn them over but instead HID them in other departments ... for a year, until they were eventually discovered (NOT voluntarily offered up as they should have been).

Again, SOMEBODY should have the SHITE hammered out of them, as in 'legally punished', for this but once again under Obama laws are broken and no one is held accountable.

It's WAY past time that sh!t ends...and with more than an historic note in the Obama administration's record book for being the most criminally secretive administration in all of US history.
No, it’s way past time for this sort of moronic blind partisanism to end.
Liberals refuse to give it up, though.
Non sequitur fallacy, red herring fallacy – you contrive these ridiculous lies concerning the president for no other reason than he belongs to the ‘wrong’ party.

Again, it’s way past time for your sort of moronic blind partisanism to end.
Your whole post has already been proven to be a lie as what I said has been proven, reported, documented.
Actually bad Presidents aren't the same on both sides. Some get Congressional approval before making bad decisions. Some bypass Congress before doing so. Some set records, surpassing all others, in setting themselves apart in just how bad they are.

Which side doesn't bypass Congress?
Libs love to squeal, 'B...b...but BUSH', but Bush went before Congress and was GIVEN approval to go to war. Liberals did not hust vote for it - they argued FOR it, they clamored for it. Afterwards, to this day, they whine like little bitches, ignore the fact they did so, and try to blame someone else.

Obama bypassed Congress and took the nation to war - into the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator - on his own in order to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. He did so because he knew there was no way in hell he could go before Congress and make a case for going to war - to use our military - to HELP the terrorists who slaughtered so many Americans on 9/11/01 to take over their own country.

(Al Qaeida evidently did not take enough American life on 9/11/01 for Obama as he and Hillary sacrificed 4 more to them needlessly on 9/11/12!)
Again, it’s way past time for your sort of moronic blind partisanism to end.

So despite the Obama administration having been PROVEN to be the most criminal, non-legally compliant administration in the entire history of the United States - 70% non-compliant with ALL FOIA requests - you claim it means nothing because facts don't matter, that the only thing that matters is Obamapologists' claims that the law and the facts are 'partisan' against Obama, who is just a 'victim' of partisanship?

Thank you for proving there is no more reason for anyone to take you seriously.
WTF is this blather about?

How about a credible link?

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", or question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection

7. Lie

8. Play race card

9. Play gender card

10. Play gay/lesbian card

11. Make up shit.

12. Deny it constantly

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