So much for Rasmussen being an "outlier"!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

So...........for months, the 21%ers cast aside all the Rasmussen #'s which were showingthe president in epic free-fall in the polls. Their response was ALWAYS, "Well...........RCP says..........!!"

Not anymore s0ns!!!!

RCP average? Dead even.............approve/disapprove.

My question to the typical 21%er is............are you shocked beyond words that this has all happened within a years time??? Also, how much of your arms have you all knawed off in the process?? Think about it? Top of the world to laughingstock in 12 months! Not even I expected it to happen this fast.

Does anybody think THIS >>>>

......might have something to do with it????:tomato:
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

So...........for months, the 21%ers cast aside all the Rasmussen #'s which were showingthe president in epic free-fall in the polls. Their response was ALWAYS, "Well...........RCP says..........!!"

Not anymore s0ns!!!!

RCP average? Dead even.............approve/disapprove.

My question to the typical 21%er is............are you shocked beyond words that this has all happened within a years time??? Also, how much of your arms have you all knawed off in the process?? Think about it? Top of the world to laughingstock in 12 months! Not even I expected it to happen this fast.


You just confirmed that Rasmussen is STILL an outlier. The RCP average has Obama's net approve/disapprove at +.8, Rasmussen has him at -9. That puts Rasmussen about 10 points off the average,

which is the same kind of OUTLIER number Rasmussen has been producing for years, first for Bush (on the positive side) and then for Obama (on the negative side).

Now post a funny picture in refutation, skool boy.

Unfortunately.. too few care... and too many just want whatever they can get out of government or others, and will keep voting for ones who promise to get it for them

If the polls are accurate, this may not be the case going forward. But we can only wait.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

So...........for months, the 21%ers cast aside all the Rasmussen #'s which were showingthe president in epic free-fall in the polls. Their response was ALWAYS, "Well...........RCP says..........!!"

Not anymore s0ns!!!!

RCP average? Dead even.............approve/disapprove.

My question to the typical 21%er is............are you shocked beyond words that this has all happened within a years time??? Also, how much of your arms have you all knawed off in the process?? Think about it? Top of the world to laughingstock in 12 months! Not even I expected it to happen this fast.


You just confirmed that Rasmussen is STILL an outlier. The RCP average has Obama's net approve/disapprove at +.8, Rasmussen has him at -9. That puts Rasmussen about 10 points off the average,

which is the same kind of OUTLIER number Rasmussen has been producing for years, first for Bush (on the positive side) and then for Obama (on the negative side).

Now post a funny picture in refutation, skool boy.

No... what it shows is a different setup to Rass's polls... many polls show a simple support or no support question, and poll people whether they are likely voters or not... Rass shows a different part of the whole picture, but does not mean its an outlier poll or invalid....

Personally... I like a poll where you can have more than one degree of agreeing or disagreeing with something... I wish gallup, which polls me often, would have a better setup on many of their polls
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

So...........for months, the 21%ers cast aside all the Rasmussen #'s which were showingthe president in epic free-fall in the polls. Their response was ALWAYS, "Well...........RCP says..........!!"

Not anymore s0ns!!!!

RCP average? Dead even.............approve/disapprove.

My question to the typical 21%er is............are you shocked beyond words that this has all happened within a years time??? Also, how much of your arms have you all knawed off in the process?? Think about it? Top of the world to laughingstock in 12 months! Not even I expected it to happen this fast.


You just confirmed that Rasmussen is STILL an outlier. The RCP average has Obama's net approve/disapprove at +.8, Rasmussen has him at -9. That puts Rasmussen about 10 points off the average,

which is the same kind of OUTLIER number Rasmussen has been producing for years, first for Bush (on the positive side) and then for Obama (on the negative side).

Now post a funny picture in refutation, skool boy.

Hey!!!!!! Where's my funny picture, skool boy?? I want a funny picture, and I want it NOW!!!!!!!
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

So...........for months, the 21%ers cast aside all the Rasmussen #'s which were showingthe president in epic free-fall in the polls. Their response was ALWAYS, "Well...........RCP says..........!!"

Not anymore s0ns!!!!

RCP average? Dead even.............approve/disapprove.

My question to the typical 21%er is............are you shocked beyond words that this has all happened within a years time??? Also, how much of your arms have you all knawed off in the process?? Think about it? Top of the world to laughingstock in 12 months! Not even I expected it to happen this fast.


You just confirmed that Rasmussen is STILL an outlier. The RCP average has Obama's net approve/disapprove at +.8, Rasmussen has him at -9. That puts Rasmussen about 10 points off the average,

which is the same kind of OUTLIER number Rasmussen has been producing for years, first for Bush (on the positive side) and then for Obama (on the negative side).

Now post a funny picture in refutation, skool boy.

No... what it shows is a different setup to Rass's polls... many polls show a simple support or no support question, and poll people whether they are likely voters or not... Rass shows a different part of the whole picture, but does not mean its an outlier poll or invalid....

Personally... I like a poll where you can have more than one degree of agreeing or disagreeing with something... I wish gallup, which polls me often, would have a better setup on many of their polls

Then it shouldn't be used in an average of polls with different questions, imho.
Hey..........all I know is that every single k00k lefty on here fell all over themselves back in October 2008, posting up the Rasmussen Presidential Poll showing Obama ahead. EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! In fact, they were giddy with glee............k00ks like Rightwinger, Dean, Dante, NYcaribineer were posting up Rasmussen polls on a daily basis. Rasmussen..............who of course nailed the election results with a fcukking bullseye............a hero to the k00ks then, an outlier now!!!:tomato::tomato::tomato: As usual........the 21%ers always go with revisionist history!!!:clap2: why the gayness when Obama is falling like a stone in every Rasmussen poll???

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