So Much For Obama's Red Line in Syria


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO. Red line my ass.

Putin and Syria know a loser when they see one. 1300 gassed today in Syria. They continue to shit on Obama with impunity.

LMAO. Red line my ass.

Putin and Syria know a loser when they see one. 1300 gassed today in Syria. They continue to shit on Obama with impunity.


No link I assume ?

You folks under a rock today?

Syria gas 'kills hundreds', Security Council meets | Reuters

(Reuters) - Syria's opposition accused government forces of gassing hundreds of people on Wednesday by firing rockets that released deadly fumes over rebel-held Damascus suburbs, killing men, women and children as they slept.

With the dead estimated between 500 and 1,300, what would be the world's most lethal chemical weapons attack since the 1980s prompted an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council in New York.

Immediate international action is likely to be limited, with the divisions among major powers that have crippled efforts to quell two and a half years of civil war still much in evidence.

Russia backed up denials from the administration of President Bashar al-Assad by saying it looked like a rebel "provocation" to discredit him
Have any other countries made this stuff beside the US and the Russian's? Real militarized state made weapons. They should be able to tell were it was made and go from there.
It doesn't matter where it was made but who used it. I flat don't believe al quaeda as to the number of dead and am quite skeptical that they didn't use the gas themselves like they did last time.

obama says nothing no matter who used it. He doesn't even believe himself anymore.
It doesn't matter where it was made but who used it. I flat don't believe al quaeda as to the number of dead and am quite skeptical that they didn't use the gas themselves like they did last time.

obama says nothing no matter who used it. He doesn't even believe himself anymore.

Who knows in this crazy world. Syria and Egypt are falling to pieces.

One has to bear in mind that Assad is a very well educated and worldly man. He's not your average crazy dictator that you find in the ME.

I can't believe he committed this alleged attack. Assad would just not be stupid enough to use chemical weapons in the suburbs of Damascus when guess who just arrived on the scene.

Check this out.

The alleged attack coincided with the visit to Syria by a 20-member UN chemical weapons team, which only has a mandate to investigate three previous allegations of chemical weapons use.

UN holds emergency meeting on Syria attack - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
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And serious discrepancies in the death toll reports are emerging. The Brits say 100. The rebels claim waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over 100.

There have been conflicting reports on the death toll. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based watchdog group, said that the attack killed at least 100 people.

However, Salim Idriss, the military chief of the Free Syrian Army, told Al Jazeera that at least 1,600 were killed and hundreds more injured.

The Syrian National Coalition's George Sabra said that more than 1,300 people had been killed in what he described as a "coup de grace that kills all hopes for a political solution in Syria"

UN holds emergency meeting on Syria attack - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

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