So if Dems favor equal female pay why are Dems paying females as much 40% less Men!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Of the five senators who participated in Wednesday’s press conference—Barbara Mikulski (D., Md.), Patty Murray (D., Wash.), Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.), Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) and Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.)—three pay their female staff members significantly less than male staffers.

Murray, who has repeatedly accused Republicans of waging a “war a women,” is one of the worst offenders. Female members of Murray’s staff made about $21,000 less per year than male staffers in 2011, a difference of 35.2 percent.

Other notable Senators whose “gender pay gap” was larger than 23 percent:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.)—47.6 percent
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D., N.M.)—40 percent
Sen. Jon Tester (D., Mont.)—34.2 percent
Sen. Ben Cardin (D., Md.)—31.5 percent
Sen. Tom Carper (D., Del.)—30.4 percent
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.)–29.7 percent
Sen. Kent Conrad (D., N.D.)–29.2 percent
Sen. Bill Nelson (D., Fla.)—26.5 percent
Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore)—26.4 percent
Sen. Tom Harkin (D., Iowa)—23.2 percen

Senate Dems Betray Lilly | Washington Free Beacon
Maybe it's the positions that are held by men versus women. The higher positions (ala chief advisors positions) in the Washington Beltway are and have been dominated by men and this has been the environment there from day one. The women working in Washington haven't climbed that ladder yet.
But, it's still hypocrisy by the Dems as they have kept the status quo.
Maybe it's the positions that are held by men versus women. The higher positions (ala chief advisors positions) in the Washington Beltway are and have been dominated by men and this has been the environment there from day one. The women working in Washington haven't climbed that ladder yet.
But, it's still hypocrisy by the Dems as they have kept the status quo.

Maybe women make less in this country because they get more time off and work fewer hours. No way though ... not possible.
Maybe it's the positions that are held by men versus women. The higher positions (ala chief advisors positions) in the Washington Beltway are and have been dominated by men and this has been the environment there from day one. The women working in Washington haven't climbed that ladder yet.
But, it's still hypocrisy by the Dems as they have kept the status quo.

Maybe women make less in this country because they get more time off and work fewer hours. No way though ... not possible.

the democrat way if i change the definition enuff, u cant call me out on it. Obama doesnt do anything wrong, u cant define it enuff to call him on it.

Actually the Dems "Do as I say and not as I do"..."talk the talk..but not the walk" is their M.O.!
Hypocrisy starting with Obama piously telling us "I'm my brother's keeper" while his lives in a $12/yr hut!
Hypocrisy with Obama telling people to stay away from Las Vegas.. while his wife visits!

I don't ever expect die hard kool aid dems to agree.. NONE of my contributions are for them!
I want those "independents" that voted for Obama because they feared being called "racists" to understand the independents that voted for Obama's their lower esteem of themselves has the country in this precarious position!
These independents NEED in upcoming vote more with the FACTS and head and less with perceptions and what makes them FEEL good!

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