So...I got pulled over today...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Missouri Indiana. I was speeding...75 in a 65. State policeman (solo) and I hit the off ramp.

I am armed.

Officer comes up to the door...asks me to open it (it's a semi... this is common).

He tells me what he pulled me over for...I tell him I have a legal firearm in the truck.

Officer (O) "I'm all for law abiding citizens carrying legal firearms. Do you have a permit?"

Me: "Yes."

O: "Are you planning on shooting me?"

Me: "Absolutely not."

O: "Licence, registration and permit please"

Me: [paperwork, logs, bills, yada, yada]

O: "where is the firearm?"

Me: "it is [redacted]"

O: "ok...please slowly place it on the dashboard" [officer places his hand on his holstered service firearm]

Me: [three finger pinch hold...keep the barrel pointing away from the officer...slowly on the dash]

Officer: "perfect."

More yada yada...the boring business of being pulled over in a commercial vehicle.

Officer: "Is that a (type of gun...honestly can't remember what but it wasn't what I have)?"

Me: "No, it's a [redacted]. Would you like to see it?"

O: "I would...but I better not...people would see and get all freaked out. Wait here... I'll be back in a few minutes."

<A few moments later>

O: "ok...I issued you a warning. Keep it under 65 and be safe."

Me: "Thank you Sir... Have a good day." Indiana. I was speeding...75 in a 65. State policeman (solo) and I hit the off ramp.

I am armed.

Officer comes up to the door...asks me to open it (it's a semi... this is common).

He tells me what he pulled me over for...I tell him I have a legal firearm in the truck.

Officer (O) "I'm all for law abiding citizens carrying legal firearms. Do you have a permit?"

Me: "Yes."

O: "Are you planning on shooting me?"

Me: "Absolutely not."

O: "Licence, registration and permit please"

Me: [paperwork, logs, bills, yada, yada]

O: "where is the firearm?"

Me: "it is [redacted]"

O: "ok...please slowly place it on the dashboard" [officer places his hand on his holstered service firearm]

Me: [three finger pinch hold...keep the barrel pointing away from the officer...slowly on the dash]

Officer: "perfect."

More yada yada...the boring business of being pulled over in a commercial vehicle.

Officer: "Is that a (type of gun...honestly can't remember what but it wasn't what I have)?"

Me: "No, it's a [redacted]. Would you like to see it?"

O: "I would...but I better not...people would see and get all freaked out. Wait here... I'll be back in a few minutes."

<A few moments later>

O: "ok...I issued you a warning. Keep it under 65 and be safe."

Me: "Thank you Sir... Have a good day."
easy peasy japaneasy,, Indiana. I was speeding...75 in a 65. State policeman (solo) and I hit the off ramp.

I am armed.

Officer comes up to the door...asks me to open it (it's a semi... this is common).

He tells me what he pulled me over for...I tell him I have a legal firearm in the truck.

Officer (O) "I'm all for law abiding citizens carrying legal firearms. Do you have a permit?"

Me: "Yes."

O: "Are you planning on shooting me?"

Me: "Absolutely not."

O: "Licence, registration and permit please"

Me: [paperwork, logs, bills, yada, yada]

O: "where is the firearm?"

Me: "it is [redacted]"

O: "ok...please slowly place it on the dashboard" [officer places his hand on his holstered service firearm]

Me: [three finger pinch hold...keep the barrel pointing away from the officer...slowly on the dash]

Officer: "perfect."

More yada yada...the boring business of being pulled over in a commercial vehicle.

Officer: "Is that a (type of gun...honestly can't remember what but it wasn't what I have)?"

Me: "No, it's a [redacted]. Would you like to see it?"

O: "I would...but I better not...people would see and get all freaked out. Wait here... I'll be back in a few minutes."

<A few moments later>

O: "ok...I issued you a warning. Keep it under 65 and be safe."

Me: "Thank you Sir... Have a good day."
As it should be. Well done. Indiana. I was speeding...75 in a 65. State policeman (solo) and I hit the off ramp.

I am armed.

Officer comes up to the door...asks me to open it (it's a semi... this is common).

He tells me what he pulled me over for...I tell him I have a legal firearm in the truck.

Officer (O) "I'm all for law abiding citizens carrying legal firearms. Do you have a permit?"

Me: "Yes."

O: "Are you planning on shooting me?"

Me: "Absolutely not."

O: "Licence, registration and permit please"

Me: [paperwork, logs, bills, yada, yada]

O: "where is the firearm?"

Me: "it is [redacted]"

O: "ok...please slowly place it on the dashboard" [officer places his hand on his holstered service firearm]

Me: [three finger pinch hold...keep the barrel pointing away from the officer...slowly on the dash]

Officer: "perfect."

More yada yada...the boring business of being pulled over in a commercial vehicle.

Officer: "Is that a (type of gun...honestly can't remember what but it wasn't what I have)?"

Me: "No, it's a [redacted]. Would you like to see it?"

O: "I would...but I better not...people would see and get all freaked out. Wait here... I'll be back in a few minutes."

<A few moments later>

O: "ok...I issued you a warning. Keep it under 65 and be safe."

Me: "Thank you Sir... Have a good day."

You sound disappointed that he didn't take a larger interest in you.. :hyper:
Police are not bad guys...
Just guys doing a job...don't give them a reason to do it to you and all is good.

They really just want to arrest bad guys...guys who give them lip and lie at the same time are prime suspect of being a bad guy.

Usually they are strangers to you... meaning they don't know who you are or what you are about. Doing everything possible to allay their fears and assure them that you are not a bad guy is always in your best interest.

And looky here...he had you dead to rights with a ticket and you got off Scott free.
You sound disappointed that he didn't take a larger interest in you.. :hyper:
I get to interact with law enforcement on a pretty regular basis...usually routine...but occasionally when I am in the wrong. This was a good interaction. Wasn't really expecting a warning.

Each officer reacts differently to the declaration of a legal firearm. In Texas I had my firearm in my pocket and the Trooper couldn't have cared less. Never asked what it was, or to see it or see my permit. Then he invited me to sit in the passenger seat of his air conditioned patrol car while we went over paperwork (pre covid)

Today I was expecting a ticket...or a federal code stipulated speeding warning...which counts against your CSA safety score. The officer really cut me a break. Indiana. I was speeding...75 in a 65. State policeman (solo) and I hit the off ramp.

I am armed.

Officer comes up to the door...asks me to open it (it's a semi... this is common).

He tells me what he pulled me over for...I tell him I have a legal firearm in the truck.

Officer (O) "I'm all for law abiding citizens carrying legal firearms. Do you have a permit?"

Me: "Yes."

O: "Are you planning on shooting me?"

Me: "Absolutely not."

O: "Licence, registration and permit please"

Me: [paperwork, logs, bills, yada, yada]

O: "where is the firearm?"

Me: "it is [redacted]"

O: "ok...please slowly place it on the dashboard" [officer places his hand on his holstered service firearm]

Me: [three finger pinch hold...keep the barrel pointing away from the officer...slowly on the dash]

Officer: "perfect."

More yada yada...the boring business of being pulled over in a commercial vehicle.

Officer: "Is that a (type of gun...honestly can't remember what but it wasn't what I have)?"

Me: "No, it's a [redacted]. Would you like to see it?"

O: "I would...but I better not...people would see and get all freaked out. Wait here... I'll be back in a few minutes."

<A few moments later>

O: "ok...I issued you a warning. Keep it under 65 and be safe."

Me: "Thank you Sir... Have a good day."
I love it. I’m assuming you were not in Clark County? Lol … an “infamous” little area there on I-65 north and southbound where formally it was 55, until recent change to rationally up it to 65 to match connecting highways- at 55 it was a.k.a speed trap! I am glad to see you had a professional officer treat you with courtesy and respect:)
I love it. I’m assuming you were not in Clark County? Lol … an “infamous” little area there on I-65 north and southbound where formally it was 55, until recent change to rationally up it to 65 to match connecting highways- at 55 it was a.k.a speed trap! I am glad to see you had a professional officer treat you with courtesy and respect:)
We called it the "no fly zone"... glad it's gone. There is still one on the North end of 65 from Gary to Crown Pointe.
I love it. I’m assuming you were not in Clark County? Lol … an “infamous” little area there on I-65 north and southbound where formally it was 55, until recent change to rationally up it to 65 to match connecting highways- at 55 it was a.k.a speed trap! I am glad to see you had a professional officer treat you with courtesy and respect:)
Over on interstate 24 going towards Montgomery county there was a famous speed trap. Then the FBI got called in and had a "come to Jesus" meeting over it. The police got to targeting soldiers coming from Nashville heading to Clarksville and the Army Base.

They got it cleaned up by throwing the mayor and several officers in Fed Pokeys....
Over on interstate 24 going towards Montgomery county there was a famous speed trap. Then the FBI got called in and had a "come to Jesus" meeting over it. The police got to targeting soldiers coming from Nashville heading to Clarksville and the Army Base.

They got it cleaned up by throwing the mayor and several officers in Fed Pokeys....
Good to hear. It was a long time coming for this particular stretch of 55 mph speed trap to get up to speed, literally, to 65 with 70 mph being the new norm. Cops had a field day for years, catching all kinds of semis going over the limit, particularly with a certain hill. I am seriously wondering how they “recouped” those lost funds. There had to be a major hit!
Good to hear. It was a long time coming for this particular stretch of 55 mph speed trap to get up to speed, literally, to 65 with 70 mph being the new norm. Cops had a field day for years, catching all kinds of semis going over the limit, particularly with a certain hill. I am seriously wondering how they “recouped” those lost funds. There had to be a major hit!
Tennessee highways and interstates have been bad for the past decade for speed traps...I don't know why these small town mayor's and police forces think that it's acceptable to do it.

But our State Police had a division all about narcotics for a while...
They really weren't targeting the drugs as much as they were only interested in targeting the drug money heading back. Heading East they didn't care...but heading West they were all about catching the guys they strongly suspected of hauling drug money....and usually let the mules go so long as they got to keep the cash.

Huge scandal surrounding it all.
Tennessee highways and interstates have been bad for the past decade for speed traps...I don't know why these small town mayor's and police forces think that it's acceptable to do it.

But our State Police had a division all about narcotics for a while...
They really weren't targeting the drugs as much as they were only interested in targeting the drug money heading back. Heading East they didn't care...but heading West they were all about catching the guys they strongly suspected of hauling drug money....and usually let the mules go so long as they got to keep the cash.

Huge scandal surrounding it all.
Oh quite interesting about the East versus West difference with drug money confiscation in Tennessee. Now this might be in relation to that (minus the drugs) but I’ve noticed a difference heading east into Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg as opposed to leaving west, with a heavier police force eastbound. Usually (May, June, August, September) several vehicles pulled over within 5 miles on both sides of the road at various times of the day.
Oh quite interesting about the East versus West difference with drug money confiscation in Tennessee. Now this might be in relation to that (minus the drugs) but I’ve noticed a difference heading east into Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg as opposed to leaving west, with a heavier police force eastbound. Usually (May, June, August, September) several vehicles pulled over within 5 miles on both sides of the road at various times of the day.
Seen them white plain SUVs parked in the center? That's the ones I'm talking about. Those are the ones looking for drug money. Indiana. I was speeding...75 in a 65. State policeman (solo) and I hit the off ramp.

I am armed.

Officer comes up to the door...asks me to open it (it's a semi... this is common).

He tells me what he pulled me over for...I tell him I have a legal firearm in the truck.

Officer (O) "I'm all for law abiding citizens carrying legal firearms. Do you have a permit?"

Me: "Yes."

O: "Are you planning on shooting me?"

Me: "Absolutely not."

O: "Licence, registration and permit please"

Me: [paperwork, logs, bills, yada, yada]

O: "where is the firearm?"

Me: "it is [redacted]"

O: "ok...please slowly place it on the dashboard" [officer places his hand on his holstered service firearm]

Me: [three finger pinch hold...keep the barrel pointing away from the officer...slowly on the dash]

Officer: "perfect."

More yada yada...the boring business of being pulled over in a commercial vehicle.

Officer: "Is that a (type of gun...honestly can't remember what but it wasn't what I have)?"

Me: "No, it's a [redacted]. Would you like to see it?"

O: "I would...but I better not...people would see and get all freaked out. Wait here... I'll be back in a few minutes."

<A few moments later>

O: "ok...I issued you a warning. Keep it under 65 and be safe."

Me: "Thank you Sir... Have a good day."

I'd be embarrassed to admit I'd carry a gun just for the heck.
Seen them white plain SUVs parked in the center? That's the ones I'm talking about. Those are the ones looking for drug money.
Yes I have, and have even commented about the unmarked vehicles, so now I’ll know what that’s all about. Good to be in the know- tx! I figured they were just picking up more speeding tickets.
Yes I have, and have even commented about the unmarked vehicles, so now I’ll know what that’s all about. Good to be in the know- tx! I figured they were just picking up more speeding tickets.

It's one of several videos...not much that can be done...
I get to interact with law enforcement on a pretty regular basis...usually routine...but occasionally when I am in the wrong. This was a good interaction. Wasn't really expecting a warning.

Each officer reacts differently to the declaration of a legal firearm. In Texas I had my firearm in my pocket and the Trooper couldn't have cared less. Never asked what it was, or to see it or see my permit. Then he invited me to sit in the passenger seat of his air conditioned patrol car while we went over paperwork (pre covid)

Today I was expecting a ticket...or a federal code stipulated speeding warning...which counts against your CSA safety score. The officer really cut me a break.
I keep my permit with my license and hand them both at the same time. Then I let them ask about it if they choose (and they always want to know where it is) while keeping my hands on the wheel.
24 alerts, 15 positives… not the best track record for ineffective training those amazing dogs.
There's a whole series of investigation videos about the forfeitures and seizures.

But it's a form of legalized stealing.... albeit from drug dealers which nobody cares about really...but why not focus a bit more in the drugs themselves?
There's a whole series of investigation videos about the forfeitures and seizures.

But it's a form of legalized stealing.... albeit from drug dealers which nobody cares about really...but why not focus a bit more in the drugs themselves?
It’s very interesting how you mentioned these cops are interested in the drug money but not the drugs per se. This alone reveals unchecked cops and video evidence should lead to them being fired along with all in approval.

Good cops have a bad enough time maintaining their reputation. They certainly don’t need these characters freely acting out without concern for the laws pertaining to lawful search and seizure.

Added thought: too bad we don’t have true investigative journalists as we had in the past. These crooks should go down.

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