So Dems and Liberals?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Holder and Obama both have said they knew nothing about Fast and Furious and have stated those involved would be punished.

Question for you. What happened to the senior Agents at the ATF that we KNOW created the program and ran it?
I'm still waiting for them to look into Reagan's crimes.

Since there was in fact Congressional hearings on whether Reagan committed any crimes and the results were he did not, perhaps you would care to troll some other thread?

They had a show that looked into the Iran-Contra , I think they called it Congressional Hearings to make it sound like they were serious but they never investigated top Reagan Admin.

not trolling, just saying if they let Reagan and Bush get away with high crimes I don
't these will get looked at.
I'm still waiting for them to look into Reagan's crimes.
I disagree with Reagan's policies, and the cult following he still receives (despite the fact he is dead). But he didn't break any laws, people voted him in, and he had popular support to pass his policies. :tongue:

just because there is smoke doesn't mean there is a fire but you should look into it and they never did with the Reagan Administration becuase they were doing some serious smoking.
I'm still waiting for them to look into Reagan's crimes.
I disagree with Reagan's policies, and the cult following he still receives (despite the fact he is dead). But he didn't break any laws, people voted him in, and he had popular support to pass his policies. :tongue:

just because there is smoke doesn't mean there is a fire but you should look into it and they never did with the Reagan Administration becuase they were doing some serious smoking.
I would say Clinton was worse, at least Reagan didn't deal as much with drug companies, nor mess as much with agriculture regulations.
I disagree with Reagan's policies, and the cult following he still receives (despite the fact he is dead). But he didn't break any laws, people voted him in, and he had popular support to pass his policies. :tongue:

just because there is smoke doesn't mean there is a fire but you should look into it and they never did with the Reagan Administration becuase they were doing some serious smoking.
I would say Clinton was worse, at least Reagan didn't deal as much with drug companies, nor mess as much with agriculture regulations.

Promising Iran weapons to hold American hostages until after the election would be treason in my book and worse than anything Clinton did, nevermind the fact he was supporting Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein
I'm still waiting for them to look into Reagan's crimes.
I disagree with Reagan's policies, and the cult following he still receives (despite the fact he is dead). But he didn't break any laws, people voted him in, and he had popular support to pass his policies. :tongue:

Actually, a lot of his policies were against public opinion. he does it, and he is a hero to the Conservatives. Obama does it, and he should be impeached.

Interesting fact. The first time Reagan was elected, he only received 27% of the vote of eligible voters. 29% his second election.
Reagan did a very good job of acting like a President. He spoke his given lines well and with the conviction that any good actor can give to whatever hypocracy that he is handed. Quite an accomplishment for someone already well into senility. A real trooper.
As usual the left trolls, back to the subject, since it has nothing to do with whether a President did anything wrong. This administration via Holder and Obama has stated the people RESPONSIBLE for Fast and Furious would be punished. I have seen absolutely zero charges filed yet we the pubic and this Administration know exactly who in Arizona did order the program started and continued.

Further the last thing I read was all the ATF supervisors involved were either moved to better jobs in DC and some were promoted AFTER Fast and Furious came out.

I repeat can a liberal or a Democrat please provide for us a list of the people charged with the fiasco that was Fast and Furious?
I'm still waiting for them to look into Reagan's crimes.
I disagree with Reagan's policies, and the cult following he still receives (despite the fact he is dead). But he didn't break any laws, people voted him in, and he had popular support to pass his policies. :tongue:

He may have broken some laws. Just because you were elected and are popular, you can still break laws.
Holder and Obama both have said they knew nothing about Fast and Furious and have stated those involved would be punished.

Question for you. What happened to the senior Agents at the ATF that we KNOW created the program and ran it?


Kill an american get promoted the DNC WAY
Holder and Obama both have said they knew nothing about Fast and Furious and have stated those involved would be punished.

Question for you. What happened to the senior Agents at the ATF that we KNOW created the program and ran it?


Kill an american get promoted the DNC WAY

ATF denies it promoted Fast and Furious supervisors - Los Angeles Times

Want to try that again?

No need I believe the term is moved to another position with a pay increase.
Holder and Obama both have said they knew nothing about Fast and Furious and have stated those involved would be punished.

Question for you. What happened to the senior Agents at the ATF that we KNOW created the program and ran it?


Kill an american get promoted the DNC WAY

ATF denies it promoted Fast and Furious supervisors - Los Angeles Times

Want to try that again?

Want to answer my question? Lets forget Obama for a minute. Holder stated to Congress that the justice Department would bring charges against those that created the program, have any charges been brought?
The point of Fast and Furious was to give weapons to the drug cartels so they could kill Americans with the ultimate goal of ending second Amendment rights in the US.

The cartels have enough money to buy their own weapons.

Want to answer my question? Lets forget Obama for a minute. Holder stated to Congress that the justice Department would bring charges against those that created the program, have any charges been brought?

you asked what happened to them...someone offered a false suggestion. I refuted it. You never said anything about prosecution in your OP.

Want to answer my question? Lets forget Obama for a minute. Holder stated to Congress that the justice Department would bring charges against those that created the program, have any charges been brought?

you asked what happened to them...someone offered a false suggestion. I refuted it. You never said anything about prosecution in your OP.

You havent refuted anything.

This is like Blaggo hiring Holder to investigate corruption. They didnt find any.

The atf attacked the whistle blower but now we are telling the truth.

The point of Fast and Furious was to give weapons to the drug cartels so they could kill Americans with the ultimate goal of ending second Amendment rights in the US.

The cartels have enough money to buy their own weapons.

Charton Heston told you that from the grave, didn't he?

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