So, Apparently Muslims Fear Islam More Than Any Other Religion


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022


I guess American-Muslims actually tend to understand that they're the most fundamentalist, violent religion on the face of contemporary Earth.

Who knew?

But yeah.

Iluminating stuff.

The poll was conducted by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU), a Muslim think tank headquartered in Dearborn, Mich. Its findings were so inescapable that ISPU — whose entire existence revolves around presenting Muslims as victims of Islamophobia in America — had to conclude that “over time, Islamophobia has declined among other groups but has increased among Muslims.”

Muslims, themselves, are by far the most Islamophobic group when it comes to the false notion that Muslims are more prone to violence than others. One-quarter of American Muslims (24%) somewhat or strongly agree with this trope, which is at least about two times more likely than other groups. In comparison, 9% of Jews, 8% of Catholics, 11% of Protestants, 12% of white Evangelicals, 13% of the nonaffiliated, and 9% of the general public agree with the idea that Muslims are more prone to violence than others…. Roughly one-quarter of Arab Muslims (23%) agree that Muslims are more prone to violence than others….

American Muslims (19%) are more likely to agree with this idea [that “most Muslims living in the US are hostile to the US”] than are Jews (4%), Protestants (10%), the nonaffiliated (7%), and the general public (8%).…

[Then there is] the erroneous idea that most Muslims living in the United States are less civilized than other groups. Again, we find that Muslims exhibit higher levels of endorsement of this trope with American Muslims nearly three times more likely than white Evangelicals to do so. Nearly one in five Muslims (19%) agree with this trope, compared with 5% of Jews, 6% of Catholics, 5% of Protestants, 7% of white Evangelicals, 5% of the nonaffiliated, and 5% of the general public. The 19% of Muslims who agree with this idea includes 11% who ‘strongly agree’ compared with 1-2% of all other groups surveyed.


Ain't that a kick in the head!!

It's almost as if there's an objective truth that all the politically correct virtue signaling in the World can't obscure.
Well of course, they are going to take over, so that naturally generates fear. This is an objective numerical fact, and it usually causes most folks a bit of fear. Especially among those who are the fearful type.

For those who have made peace with change, and are not afraid of change or death? meh. Who gives a shit?

In my own life? I have had two college educated friends convert. And a high school educated friend that had been an atheist, convert, no loss, he had been a radical progressive. . .

"Their Messaging Is More Attractive!" - Could Islam Ever Take Over The World?​

"They're Going to Win" - Will Muslims Run America in 30 Years?​

and of course they have a bit to-do about Islamophobia but barely a peep on the rampant Anti-Semitism.
and of course they have a bit to-do about Islamophobia but barely a peep on the rampant Anti-Semitism.
View attachment 852436
Hamas and its supporters are openly and eagerly calling for the genocidal end of Israel by wiping it out from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

Yet, at the same time, they also claim it is Israel that is committing genocide

Hamas was voted in on the basis of annihilating Israel.

Which is why even hinting at the idea of bombing those terrorists is #HATE.


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