So Alexandria Cortez Afraid To Debate A Republican? What Would You Ask Her If You Had The Chance?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:cul2: :boobies: So recently some conservative offered Alex $10,000 to debate him? and like the mouse she is, looks like she was not interested. Well what happens when the day comes when she has to debate her opponent? God, would we all love to be one of the moderators? Imagine if you had that chance? :woohoo:

What would you ask "The Genius Alexandria Cortez"?

Here's one to start with: Miss Cortez, tonight, I would like to open with a very straight forward question for you. I would like to start by asking you,, "Alexandria, do you know anything about Anything?"
alexandria, uhm, have you ever heard of a nation called "Venezueala?
One might explore her knowledge of the Constitution, economics, sociology, and statistics.

Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Alexandria, do you know what year follows 2018?, its ok, take your time, I know its a very complex question, we can even break to a commercial break if you prefer.
It was a publicity stunt
Shaprio debates many people on the left.
I like Shapiro but publicly challenging her to a debate for Money? Thats all publicity

Well, turning down the challenge certainly created some publicity.
It reminds of how Obama ignored Trumps insane call for the birth certificate, which was another political stunt. Serious people don’t play those games.
One might explore her knowledge of the Constitution, economics, sociology, and statistics.

Like shooting fish in a barrel.
We should have her debate Trump

He is clueless on all those subjects
It was a publicity stunt
Shaprio debates many people on the left.
I like Shapiro but publicly challenging her to a debate for Money? Thats all publicity

Well, turning down the challenge certainly created some publicity.
It reminds of how Obama ignored Trumps insane call for the birth certificate, which was another political stunt. Serious people don’t play those games.
Serious people don't call a debate request sexual harassment either so fuck off with your games.
It was a publicity stunt
Shaprio debates many people on the left.
I like Shapiro but publicly challenging her to a debate for Money? Thats all publicity

Well, turning down the challenge certainly created some publicity.
It reminds of how Obama ignored Trumps insane call for the birth certificate, which was another political stunt. Serious people don’t play those games.

Yup, just like demanding to see Trump's tax returns.
It was a publicity stunt
Shaprio debates many people on the left.
I like Shapiro but publicly challenging her to a debate for Money? Thats all publicity

Well, turning down the challenge certainly created some publicity.
It reminds of how Obama ignored Trumps insane call for the birth certificate, which was another political stunt. Serious people don’t play those games.
Serious people don't call a debate request sexual harassment either so fuck off with your games.
You’re right the cat call thing was a dumb way to respond. Why you so angry Gramps? I’m not playing games

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