So a whopping 17% of Americans approve of the GOP healthcare plan.

Actually it is NOT Trumpcare, it is Ryancare. It was not what Trump wanted, but it does do away with the UNCONSTITUTIONAL act of the government forcing the people to purchase a product. That was a major goal, Now maybe the senate will fix the problems and the committee will make something that Trump really likes and can SIGN INTO law and will call TRUMPCARE.

How the hell do you liberals even get up the nerve to post some of the stupid uneducated shit you post. oshitass and the shitocrats built oshitcare, and he signed it that made it oshitass care. This bill hasn't even made it to the floor of the senate yet and you are already naming it as if Trump had reviewed and signed it You shitpiles are completely devoid of even a minute vestige of credibility.

It's looking bad.
It's really not going to fly.

I think this one, will be laying down to die.

It will take much more effort than that to semi-fix what Obama and Pelosi did while having minimal impact on citizens.
Actually it is NOT Trumpcare, it is Ryancare. It was not what Trump wanted, but it does do away with the UNCONSTITUTIONAL act of the government forcing the people to purchase a product. That was a major goal, Now maybe the senate will fix the problems and the committee will make something that Trump really likes and can SIGN INTO law and will call TRUMPCARE.

How the hell do you liberals even get up the nerve to post some of the stupid uneducated shit you post. oshitass and the shitocrats built oshitcare, and he signed it that made it oshitass care. This bill hasn't even made it to the floor of the senate yet and you are already naming it as if Trump had reviewed and signed it You shitpiles are completely devoid of even a minute vestige of credibility.

It's looking bad.
It's really not going to fly.

I think this one, will be laying down to die.
This one? His whole first 60 days has been a miserable failure.
So when's the roll out of Muslim ban 3.0?
Ha ha ha
Actually it is NOT Trumpcare, it is Ryancare. It was not what Trump wanted, but it does do away with the UNCONSTITUTIONAL act of the government forcing the people to purchase a product. That was a major goal, Now maybe the senate will fix the problems and the committee will make something that Trump really likes and can SIGN INTO law and will call TRUMPCARE.

How the hell do you liberals even get up the nerve to post some of the stupid uneducated shit you post. oshitass and the shitocrats built oshitcare, and he signed it that made it oshitass care. This bill hasn't even made it to the floor of the senate yet and you are already naming it as if Trump had reviewed and signed it You shitpiles are completely devoid of even a minute vestige of credibility.

It's looking bad.
It's really not going to fly.

I think this one, will be laying down to die.
This one? His whole first 60 days has been a miserable failure.
So when's the roll out of Muslim ban 3.0?
Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha. What if your mom was raped or killed by one of those unvetted refugees.
Actually it is NOT Trumpcare, it is Ryancare. It was not what Trump wanted, but it does do away with the UNCONSTITUTIONAL act of the government forcing the people to purchase a product. That was a major goal, Now maybe the senate will fix the problems and the committee will make something that Trump really likes and can SIGN INTO law and will call TRUMPCARE.

How the hell do you liberals even get up the nerve to post some of the stupid uneducated shit you post. oshitass and the shitocrats built oshitcare, and he signed it that made it oshitass care. This bill hasn't even made it to the floor of the senate yet and you are already naming it as if Trump had reviewed and signed it You shitpiles are completely devoid of even a minute vestige of credibility.

It's looking bad.
It's really not going to fly.

I think this one, will be laying down to die.
This one? His whole first 60 days has been a miserable failure.
So when's the roll out of Muslim ban 3.0?
Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha. What if your mom was raped or killed by one of those unvetted refugees.
There's a 1.3 billion chance of an American being killed by a refugee.
I know you don't know that. You believe ALL of Trump's lies.
Actually it is NOT Trumpcare, it is Ryancare. It was not what Trump wanted, but it does do away with the UNCONSTITUTIONAL act of the government forcing the people to purchase a product. That was a major goal, Now maybe the senate will fix the problems and the committee will make something that Trump really likes and can SIGN INTO law and will call TRUMPCARE.

How the hell do you liberals even get up the nerve to post some of the stupid uneducated shit you post. oshitass and the shitocrats built oshitcare, and he signed it that made it oshitass care. This bill hasn't even made it to the floor of the senate yet and you are already naming it as if Trump had reviewed and signed it You shitpiles are completely devoid of even a minute vestige of credibility.

It's looking bad.
It's really not going to fly.

I think this one, will be laying down to die.
This one? His whole first 60 days has been a miserable failure.
So when's the roll out of Muslim ban 3.0?
Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha. What if your mom was raped or killed by one of those unvetted refugees.
There's a 1.3 billion chance of an American being killed by a refugee.
I know you don't know that. You believe ALL of Trump's lies.

Says a cat that lives in Bizarro world. You've got about 5 levels to go to make it to mine, boy.
Ha ha ha. What if your mom was raped or killed by one of those unvetted refugees.

Far greater likelyhood they would be killed by a gun carrying angry white man on a shooting spree.

You got some statistics to support your position?
By the way, it's "Likelihood" Ask me how I know you've never done a spelling bee or debate and rely on your smartphone, dipshit.
Far greater likelyhood they would be killed by a gun carrying angry white man on a shooting spree.

You got some statistics to support your position?
By the way, it's "Likelihood" Ask me how I know you've never done a spelling bee or debate and rely on your smartphone, dipshit.

Take the number of americans killed or assaulted by foreign refugees, and the number of americans killed by gun carrying white males. It's actually possible, i'd have to recheck the posts, that after 9-11 more americans are killed by gun toting toddlers, than by terrorists.
The GOP'ers said Obamacare was 'rammed through' against the will of the people,

and to defend that they cited polls showing slightly less than 50% support for it.

Now THEY are trying to ram through a bill with 17% support.

Are we watching real life, or a satirical comedy?
The GOP problem is that they ran this bill up the flagpole,

and the American people opened up on it with howitzers.

Republicans have been demanding this moment for the last 7 years. They've been running on for years. And now that it's here. ?????????
Democrats had to use bribes and intimidation to get Obamacare passed and they didn't even read the freaking thing much less poll Americans about it.

Compared to republicans who had to use bribes and intimidation and couldn't get Trumpcare passed.

The closer, the art of the deal, the mighty Trumpy has struck out.
I have Medicare and tricare for life. I am healthy as a horse. Eventually something will kill me. Until then I have no interest in which moron has the better plan...I'm happy with what I have. Fuck with it and I'll get involved. Government should back out....let the private sector provide the solution...monitor that it is fair for all...good care...reasonable profits...incentivize healthy lifestyle...penalize overweight drug users and those who practice unhealthy lifestyles.

Do you think Medicare and Tricare are private health insurance providers?
They are programs I paid for over a period of 58 years....offered by the gummint for services rendered and payments made. Now people are demanding those same benefits as a constitutional right. Can't work that way.

Guess that's the difference between you and me, I want everyone to have Medicare...then, if they want better coverage, they can purchase supplemental plans from insurance companies. Win win
Breaking News: Trump lied again
Trump requests AHA bill vote pulled.
After promising a vote on the bill just this morning.

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