
And Trump is loving every minute of it. 2 Billion in free advertising last I heard. Did it ever occur to you that if in fact a hatefest is happening, it is not an action, but a reaction. Trump's claim that he is a victim sure gets your support, so it evidently works well. And his threat of libel suits against negativity towards him is a real good campaign ploy too. Not to mention that in the future, in a Trump presidency promises that we would only read and hear nice things about our beloved leader and his manly last-gladiator-at-the-pass stand against a hostile world.
Oh are so sad.

You think a LWNJ media is just doing the right thing. No bias...just unbiased reporting....Damn...I don't know how one can get so stupid.

Yeah Trump sucks big time...but Cankles is the END....clearly this is true, but the MSM is promoting her and attacking Trump and you think that is just the right thing to do.
Attacking Trump with his own words? Most folks know pundits and SNL is not a news org. Are you confused?
I am guessing you do not know who the MSM is. Allow me to inform you .....once again.

Here goes....NBC,ABC,CBS,CNN,MSLSD,PBS, NYSLIMES, LASLIMES, WAPO,ETC............................GET IT NOW?

I've always found this to be a good list of how the MSM is controlled by the elites. It's a partial list, but a good starting point. All the news services are controlled by either the CFR or the Royal Institute of International Affairs (out of Britain.)

Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media
Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media
The CFR's "Profile of the Membership" in its 2008 Annual Report lists 398 members as journalists, correspondents, and editors. That includes members such as:

Michael P. Hirsh (Newsweek)
Jim Hoagland (Washington Post)
Fareed Zakaria (Time, CNN)
Thomas Friedman (New York Times)
Erin Burnett (CNBC)
Ethan Bronner (New York Times)
Paula Zahn (Discovery cable channel)
Heather Nauert (Fox News)
Norman Podhoretz (Commentary magazine)
Tom Brokaw (NBC)
Lesley Stahl (CBS)
Andrea Michell (NBC)
Elaine Sciolino (New York Times)
Diane Sawyer (ABC)
Deroy Murdock (Scripps Howard News Service and National Review Online)
David Ignatius (Washington Post)
Alan S. Murray (Wall Street Journal)
Jim Lehrer (PBS)
Margaret Warner (PBS)
Judy Woodruff (PBS)
Christopher Dickey (Newsweek)
Mortimer Zuckerman (U.S. News & World Report)

The above list barely scratches the surface of the elite media folks tied to Pratt House, the New York headquarters of the Council, located at 58 East 68th Street in Manhattan. The nearly 400 "Journalists, Correspondents, and Editors" counted on the CFR rolls does not include the many additional CFR members who are the executive officers of major media corporations. They may or may not be publicly well known but they are the bosses of the more visible members of the Fourth Estate. These include CFR members such as:

Michael Bloomberg (Mayor of New York City, founder/owner Bloomberg L.P.)

Rupert Murdoch (chairman, CEO News Corporation)

Jeffrey Bewkes (Chairman, CEO of Time Warner, in which capacity he oversees Time, CNN, TNT, HBO, TBS, Warner Bros., etc.)

Christopher Isham (CBS News vice president), and Barry Diller (IAC/InterActiveCorp and Washington Post).

In addition to the above-mentioned individual members there are CFR Corporate Members, which are major financial supporters of the CFR and its programs and agenda. The media organizations that have become CFR Corporate Members include Time Warner, ABC Inc., Bloomberg, News Corporation, General Electric (NBC Universal), Google, Thomson Reuters, and the Washington Post.

The Washington Post's ombudsman and columnist Richard Harwood detailed the CFR's domination of his own profession in an October 30,1993, column tellingly entitled "Ruling Class Journalists." In what was a rare admission (and/or boast) from a CFR establishment journal, Harwood characterized CFR members as "the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States."

Harwood wrote:

In the past 15 years, council directors have included Hedley Donovan of Time Inc., Elizabeth Drew of the New Yorker, Philip Geyelin of The Washington Post, Karen Elliott House of the Wall Street Journal, and Strobe Talbott of Time magazine...

The editorial page editor, deputy editorial page editor, executive editor, managing editor, foreign editor, national affairs editor, business and financial editor and various writers as well as Katharine Graham, the paper's principal owner, represent The Washington Post in the council's membership.

The executive editor, managing editor and foreign editor of the New York Times are members, along with the executives of such other large newspapers as the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times, the weekly news magazines, network television executives and celebrities, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Jim Lehrer, for example, and various columnists, among them Charles Krauthammer, William Buckley, George Will and Jim Hoagland.

Harwood noted that the CFR's Ruling Class Journalists (CFR-RCJ) "do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy; they help make it." And not only foreign policy, of course; they have also had (and continue to have) a huge hand in making domestic policy as well. They are not content, however, with the illicit power they already wield. They are upset that millions of Americans refuse to accept their direction and continue to seek news and information from sources beyond the control (as yet) of the CFR-RCJ thought cartel. So they are trying to build a fake public consensus in favor of taxing the American public to provide the CFR-RCJ cartel with tens of billions of dollars in government funding to force us to hear and see and read what they think is important for us. Get ready for more barrages in this propaganda campaign.
2008? Many of these listed are long dead.
Agreed, however, if you bothered to do research, you would find that nothing ever changes. Go to their site, or to wiki and find, that it is all the same.

Some have retired, are associate or emeritus members, but on the whole, the power structure is the same.

In fact, the power structure reaches back to the early 1900's. It changes and shifts with buyouts and mergers, but it is still essentially the same. Any outlet of any significant influence is bought and made a member. This is a known fact. Individuals either play ball, or they are not part of the game.

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