Smuggled Aquarius migrants to receive 495 euros of welfare every month in Spain


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The 629 migrants smuggled by the French NGO SOS Mediterranée from waters off the coast of Libya on Saturday will, once they arrive in Spain, potentially receive a monthly welfare payment of 495 euros.
Smuggled ‘Aquarius migrants’ to receive 495 euros of welfare every month in Spain

Oh they don't mind screwing over their own in order to feed those who aren't native born to the country. Why that's just fine.....

Why don't InfoWars and you post the full accurate thing? NOBODY arrives in Spain and is AUTOMATICALLY given MONEY. WTF do you think EVERYONE is a total moron?

The below from the actual article, not the InfoWars edited one.


Valencia ayudará a los inmigrantes del Aquarius dándoles una ayuda de 450 € mensuales

ANYONE MUST have been registered in a municipality in the region for 12 months to qualify for the MSII, ie. NOBODY just arrives on a Monday and is immediately GIVEN money, they have to have been REGISTERED AND LIVING for a MINIMUM of 12 months in order to qualify for the MSII.

But 90% of that crowd will never qualify for it because 90% will spend most of the time in a detention centre and then will probably be deported back to Senegal, see below:



^^^^ Every single one of them will be assessed and processed on an INDIVIDUAL BASIS.


^^^^ EVERY single one of the 629 on the Aquarius is from Senegal, IF you can read asylum claims from Morocco, Senegal, Ghana or Algeria are more complicated, that is because they are relatively calm nations, they have NO war.

Edited to update: Mistake from that 629 approx 206 are from Morocco and Algeria, no change though still Economic Migrants not refugees.


^^^^ The 629 the majority will once they have been assessed and processed in the detention centre will have NO claim to asylum because they are not refugees they are migrants, Economic Migrants.Those from Morocco, Senegal, Ghana and Algeria are considered Economic Migrants, they have no legal right to asylum their claims are not only rejected they are never even considered.

What next for Aquarius migrants in Spain?
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