Smoking, Trans fats, and terrorists

And you know this how? Oh right because people are guilty cause the government says so. Awesome standard.

um, by the total lack of missing persons out crying that family members were drug away by the fucking black ops? Good grief.. life is not a fucking john grisham novel, dude.

And, regarding Padilla, the EVIDENCE said so. If you can't digest that because you are logic intolerant then so be it.
Ah yes, which must be why he is wandering the streets. No, wait, he is still in jail isn't he. Guess your little technicality argument is a bit shit then, ain't it

Why bother with a trial at all, eh? Why not just execute him. And since OJ isn't an "ordinary criminal" execute him too...and really anyone who is a murderer, eh?

As I said, you are a fucking fascist.

Watching a weak minded uber liberal call someone a fascist is about as profound as watching joe mccarthy insist that hidden commies will destroy America. So you don't like the bitchslap that brought my ring finger and your face together.. so what. I bet if you stomp your foot and cry your mommy will buy you a candy bar but you'll still be a little bitch who, despite my abrasive USMB behaviour, is a lauging fucking joke to people all over the political spectrum here. Not just RGS. Hell, Not just conservatives for that matter.

enjoy knowing that.

I realize that I must have caught your eye lately but, just so you know, no means no.

for real.

the answer is no. You can stop trying to court me now.

Trainwrecks tend to catch my eye. Nothing particularly unique about that.
exactly.. the FUCK if you know. Your lack of trust means two things: jack and shit. given the reality of 9/11 versus the fabrication of your 1984 fantasy I'll go ahead and give credit to the actual threat rather than your silly, childish foot stomping tantrum.

Right...lets trust the government on everything, hey? Oh wait...the FBI was just found to be spying on Americans. Oh wait, the government jailed tens of thousands of Japanese without cause during WWII. Oh but its ok...lets just piss on the constitution and trust the government. I mean we don't even need a judiciary or a constitution, right? We can just trust that the government will respect our rights.

and, yet, at the end of the day.. he was found... say it with me.. GUILTY.

:eusa_wall: You still haven't explained why him being guilty is relevant. But no surprise there.

Indeed, quite the fucking robin hood figure you've got there.

Sorry, when did I say he was robin hood, or brave, or anything good at all? Oh right, its you LYING again. No surprise.

yea, there sure is nothing nihilistic about automatically distrusting the gov when they are out trying to keep your stupid ass from becoming the next bomb fodder for disillusioned fucks who, similarly, hate this nation. Indeed, you ARE the true patriot. Yea, you sure ARE the majority opinion in America when it comes to cases like Padilla! :rofl:

Oh, well if the government is trying to protect me (thats their job, yes?), then we'll just let them do anything. And yes, I'm the majority opinion. Notice how I've gotten several people backing me up in this thread, and you've gotten exactly NONE?

HA! Yea, I can see that by the evidence peppered throughout your posts! Now, don't forget to take your meds today.. We don't want to have to confiscate your trenchcoat again.

Try sticking to substance bucko. Although if you do it might be difficult to keep up this charade.

profound response! Gosh, I've been bested with the wit of the GODS. :rofl:

See above.

uhh, according to.. YOU? Gee, skippy... Having YOU state as much carries so much water in an ocean of opinions! Shit, why weren't we asking for YOUR opinion the day after 9/11?? Folly, I tellya... Next time we'll have to ask WWLD before taking history into context! :rofl:

Also according to the USSC, who are the interpretors of the Constitution. Try learning a little bit of history before you tell me to learn some, genius.

OH NOW we've got to apoint where you admit that there are LIMITS... ahhh... gotcha. I guess the nation should accept YOUR opinion on where to draw the line in the sand then? You mean there is no precedent on the first like, uh, THERE IS IN SUSPENDING HC?

Actually how about the nation accept the constitutions opinion on where to draw the line in the sand? The line is already drawn, its just that Bush wants to go past that.

The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.

Thats in Article ONE...which is the legislative branch. Bush does NOT have the authority to suspend HC without a directive from Congress. By the way...neither rebellion nor invasion has happened (except of other countries, but I'm pretty sure thats not what the founders had in mind.

As I said, learn some history.

Hey, which of is is the one insisting that Padilla's case is the first chuck of sky falling to the ground regarding the rights of AMERICANS? Oh yea, that would be you. Poor guy... I mean, if you are going to defend a position maybe you should have the balls to do so even while having your ass handed to you... Just a thought.

Padilla was AN AMERICAN. THAT is an infringement of an Americans rights, I'm not using a slippery slope argument here. Just because you are willing to take away someones rights on a charge alone, doesn't mean the rest of America is.

Given which of us is defending the TERRORIST you might wanna limit the "you want to destroy america" joke to your circle jerk chomsky wannabe friends. I know, I know... Abe Lincoln sure was a fucking eeeevil fascist!

Your right...we had to arrest Padilla, because if we didn't America would be destroyed! No wait...the worst he would have done is set off some bombs and been caught. Bad, yes. America destroyed? No. Sorry, but I'll risk my life to keep my liberty. Its a shame that you don't have the same balls.

Oh well hey, NOW you proved your point! :rofl: Gosh, that changes EVERYTHING! Hell yea it's perfectly clear that the Bush admit is JUST LIKE NAZIS now that you cleared that up..

Wait did I say it proved my point? Oh, no I didn't. However it adds onto the heaping pile of evidence that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Poor guy.... It's probably STILL a total mystery why Padilla tried to use a DEFENSIVE JIHAD defense.... Clearly, watching you split hairs over the first amendment while crying like a bitch about HC, despite historic precedence no less, is not a giant bowl of hilarity!

Intent matters, son. And unless you think the founders intended to allow murder to be legal if done by a religious extremist, your point holds no water. Oh, and by the way historic precedence means JACK SHIT. LEGAL precedence means something. And there is loads and loads of legal precedence as to why your defensive jihad idiocy doesn't work.

Which HC is a part of.

The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.

so is this.

And Congress needs to determine that, not the president.

uh, yea.. precedence sure is RETARDED! :rofl:

As an argument for legality? Yes.

Lincoln was a fucking WAR CRIMINAL!

Umm, thats an international law term. We are talking about domestic law. Try and know what the hell you are talking about.

You just asserted that RGS is the only person that I was talking about regarding laughing at your silly little posts... Indeed, you should proabbly call MORE people liars with honestly like that, buddy!

No, I didn't. Its quite obvious from what I said.
Whose dancing here, genius? Have you figured out how funny it was to see you suggest that it takes some kind of expertise in Psych to us an insanity plea yet?

Who is dancing? You are. And I didn't say an expert, I said some experience. And yes it does require that if one is not insane at all.


Oh I KNOW... just like the red scare was IRRELEVANT in putting the Rosenbergs to death!...

Try and keep on topic. Thanks.

Oh yea... blaming bush for suspending HC in a post 9/11 effort to keep killers from attacking the US PROBABLY has nothing to do with hating on the Bush admin... Suuuuuuuuuuure.. I believe you! Indeed, tell me more about what whose arguments boil down to dude... It's almost as fun as watching you cry that someone ELSE is a liar.

Again, substance. And no this has nothing to do with Bush. If Hillary or Obama tries to do the same thing I would be just as pissed.

Yea, I know.. being convicted for conspiring to harm Americans is like a full presidential pardon..

Being convicted of something does NOT justify removing someones rights before the conviction.

It wasn't Shogun who decided such.. It was the PRESIDENT of your fucking nation, stupid. You know, the Commander in Chief? The guy that has had your panties all bunched up for the last 7 years? That guy? You know, the same guy who is playing the same role as, uh, Honest Abe did during HIS national crisis?

Oh, and it was the USSC who decided that was illegal .

Yes I am an American. No, the gov would ahve no reason to black ops me to gitmo since, *GASP*, im not out learning how to say "death to the infidels" in arabic while exchanging email addys with terrorists.

Just like the government would have no reason to intern the Japanese unless they were all guilty, hey?

What is simple here is your ability to comprehend the nature of our Constitution. Indeed, NOW padilla is just like jews baking in a holocaust oven! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yea! 6 million jews are JUST LIKE Jose Padilla!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thats fucking RICH, dude. THAT was the cherry on top of your death by chocolate sunday of stupidity!

Sure, MILLIONS of other 'mericans have yet to be dragged to a cuban gulag but.. yes, JOSE PADILLA is the telltale sign of an American Holocaust!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall:

Did I say an American holocaust was going to happen? No. If you had some basic reading comprehension skills it would make this a lot easier.

Try to stop being a limp wristed pussy when faced with logic that overloads your feeble brain. Crying non sequiter and strawman at every point where i've got you choking for breath probably isn't obvious or anything.

LMFAO...the problem is that I'm faced not with logic but with illogic. I love that you say that your facing me with logic but then dismiss when I point out the logical flaws that you use constantly. Ah, classic.

Oh yea... Of COURSE it's not relevant.. because YOu say so! Shit, what on EARTH was I thinking in not assuming that your opinion is the clearest beacon of justice that this earth has seen in two thousand years?!?!

Of course instead of attacking my opinion you could describe why it is relevant. But then you might have to give facts, and we all know how few of those are on your side.

Oh I know.. insisting that i'm not standing over your king and pissing on your queen probably means that I don't have you in check too!

tsk tsk, boy. Substance, remember?

Well, to me and the Americans who found him guilty eventually.. Yes, i'd say that trumps your dim-witted opinion all day long...

And how about to the Americans who ruled that you can't hold Americans without HC? You keep forgetting about them.

yea.. terrorists that want to kill Americans. That might not mean much to your wannabe nihilist world view but the rest of us will go ahead and learn our lessons from 9/11, thanks.

Sorry, but the rest of us still remember the lesson that fascism is a bad thing and front-loading the power to the executive leads to a dictatorship.

Oh yea... CLEARLY precedence :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: means little in our system of government... shit.. I couldn't even laugh at you without laughing at you.

You know.. common law being created last year sometime... And SCOTUS? every decision is a product of today!

I said:

Historical precedence doesn't count for much. Legal precedence does. I'm sure someone with your learning capabilities can understand the difference if you spend enough time on it.

So Shogun...tell me. Is common law legal precedence or historical precedence? Is SCOTUS legal precedence or historical precedence?

You obviously didn't spend enough time on the difference. I know, I know...its hard to learn things when you are that stupid, but it just takes time.
um, by the total lack of missing persons out crying that family members were drug away by the fucking black ops? Good grief.. life is not a fucking john grisham novel, dude.

The word DANGER means may happen in the future .

And, regarding Padilla, the EVIDENCE said so. If you can't digest that because you are logic intolerant then so be it.


Care to tell me what the evidence that they arrested him on was?
Watching a weak minded uber liberal call someone a fascist is about as profound as watching joe mccarthy insist that hidden commies will destroy America. So you don't like the bitchslap that brought my ring finger and your face together.. so what. I bet if you stomp your foot and cry your mommy will buy you a candy bar but you'll still be a little bitch who, despite my abrasive USMB behaviour, is a lauging fucking joke to people all over the political spectrum here. Not just RGS. Hell, Not just conservatives for that matter.

enjoy knowing that.


Awwww. Its so cute that you respond to substance with insults and then proclaim yourself the winner.

By the way...who again came to this thread in your support Shogun?
Oh, and as for the Lincoln claim, read a bit about it.

Oh, and by the way, Cato (that leftist version of Ann Coulter!) has backed up the USSC ruling which slapped Lincoln's (through the grave!) wrist for suspending habeas corpus.

Ex Parte Milligan "71 U.S. 2 (1866), was a United States Supreme Court case that ruled suspension of Habeas Corpus when civilian courts are still operating as unconstitutional."

Still want to talk about precedent, boy?

ahh yes..

:rofl: :rofl:

In the last 140 years, America has not faced a crisis anything like the Civil War, and the power to suspend habeas corpus has mostly gone unused. Although (as I'll explain next week) the Supreme Court never definitively ruled Lincoln's suspensions unconstitutional, his actions did come to be seen as a blemish on an otherwise heroic record of wartime leadership. That disrepute into which his behavior fell just may have helped deter his successors from using such measures themselves.

hey, I hear someone at makes a solid point about how to conduct brain surgery too....


Still trying to prove something to someone, dude? It's working. For real.

:rofl: :rofl:

If i'm lucky maybe RSR can, uh, run to my rescue in support!
Wow... next time maybe you'll even try responding to what he wrote.

What were you saying about Milligan? Oh right, you weren't.

Gosh, lemme guess.... this is just another example of my jooo hating antisemitism, right?


you are a one trick pony, jill..

It observed further that during the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, citizens may be only held without charges
, not tried, and certainly not executed by military tribunals. After all, the writ of habeas corpus is not the right itself but merely the ability to issue orders demanding the right's enforcement.

The President's ability to suspend habeas corpus independently of Congress, a central issue, was left unaddressed.

I know I know.. such obvious antisemitism....
I do so love how you get stupid and hit the anti-semitism/nazi button when you're getting your ass kicked.

Now what were you saying about "one trick pony"?

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

I figure that I could post bolded quotes from a thousand sources that dump your position in the trash and Yuud still fall back on the ole trusty antisemite label so why not meet you there already?

Maybe this is one of those "jew who cried wolf" moments that deflates the word in light of ACTUAL antisemitism. naaa... it's probably jew hating antisemitism to even suggest such a thing!

Hey, It's Friday, Jill, and I'm going to dedicate Track #14 of this album to you..


ahh yes..

:rofl: :rofl:

In the last 140 years, America has not faced a crisis anything like the Civil War, and the power to suspend habeas corpus has mostly gone unused. Although (as I'll explain next week) the Supreme Court never definitively ruled Lincoln's suspensions unconstitutional, his actions did come to be seen as a blemish on an otherwise heroic record of wartime leadership. That disrepute into which his behavior fell just may have helped deter his successors from using such measures themselves.

Then perhaps you would care to address the Milligan case? You know, the vaunted precedent you can't stop talking about? The precedent which shows Bush's actions to be illegal? (along with the USSC ruling).

hey, I hear someone at makes a solid point about how to conduct brain surgery too....


So is your point that only the experts should figure out whether the suspension of habeas corpus was legal or not? I agree. The USSC has said it was illegal. Bam, bitch.

Still trying to prove something to someone, dude? It's working. For real.

No. I know whatever I post you are too irrational to see the truth of what I am saying. Now I'm just having fun kicking your ass.

And now here is Jillian, another one of those people here to tell me I am so wrong on this issue.

If i'm lucky maybe RSR can, uh, run to my rescue in support!

Maybe. You should call him up. It would be an even match to see who made worse points.

By the way...what the hell does this have to do with anti-semitism? WTF are you blabbering about?
I did specifically address that case.

Try putting your spectacles on your nose instead of your roommates testicles.

And now here is Jillian, another one of those people here to tell me I am so wrong on this issue.

HA! you seem to think Jillians contention with me has anything to do with the ramifications of this thread... how cute...
HA! you seem to think Jillians contention with me has anything to do with the ramifications of this thread... how cute...

Really? Where did I interject when I think you're correct?

It's that you weren't responding to his point and he's R-I-G-H-T on this subject.

Now be a good boy and go address Milligan.

And thanks for the dedication o "Jewish Princess". I'm okay with that. Thanks.
What does

The President's ability to suspend habeas corpus independently of Congress, a central issue, was left unaddressed.

mean, jillian?
I did specifically address that case.

Oh? And where was that?

Try putting your spectacles on your nose instead of your roommates testicles.

Sorry, its difficult to wade through the loads of bullshit you've been throwing at me. You write so clearly and concisely, I just don't know how I could have missed anything :rolleyes:

HA! you seem to think Jillians contention with me has anything to do with the ramifications of this thread... how cute...

No, I don't. Except for the point that YOU made that:

Indeed, and if it were not also true that you've been peppered with the same type of condemnation from more than a couple other local peeps then my criticism might just be like water off of your ducks back.. As it is....

So do other peoples opinions matter or not? Make up your mind.

Oh, and while your at it you could address those two long posts I made. What happened to thanking me for posting so you could "check mate" me? Don't feel so hot anymore?
What does

The President's ability to suspend habeas corpus independently of Congress, a central issue, was left unaddressed.

mean, jillian?

Wait, wasn't that in Slate, the article you made fun of as not meaning anything?

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