Small govenment Louisianians beg Romney for big government help - and he says sure!

Jodie Chiarello, 42, said her home was submerged to the rooftop. She said she told Romney she wanted the federal government to help the victims and do more to prevent flooding.

"He said that he was going to do the best that he could for us," she said.

Romney visits Louisiana flood victims; Obama talks to the troops -

Another clear cut case of etch-a-sketch Romney telling people exactly what they want to hear!

EDIT - As well as another example of how "small government conservatives" have no trouble with the "socialism" that benefits them personally.

I wonder if Chiarello is aware that the Ryan budget would do exactly the opposite of what Romney just said sure, no problem! to?

Most conservatives have no idea what ‘small government’ is, or what that might entail. It’s an empty phrase they use when whining about being ‘taxed too much.’
here is some help, for free, don't live in an area that is mostly under sea level.

What about the people who live in tornado alley or Around the San Andreas or Florida or Midwest flood zones or NYC?

You're an asshole of the lowest order... I guarantee that something you use flowed through the Port of New Orleans.

yes, my toilet flow
No, he is correct. The port of New Orleans benefits the entire nation so we should have no problem helping them. Unless of course it is true that the Republican led Congress cut the FEMA budget and we can't afford to do so.
Romney visits Louisiana flood victims; Obama talks to the troops -

Another clear cut case of etch-a-sketch Romney telling people exactly what they want to hear!

EDIT - As well as another example of how "small government conservatives" have no trouble with the "socialism" that benefits them personally.

I wonder if Chiarello is aware that the Ryan budget would do exactly the opposite of what Romney just said sure, no problem! to?

OMG, you people can't crawl much lower

Sure they can, just wait and see.

we woke with a republican state of mind.
A big easy solution. For all registered voters, ask how they vote. Repubs, no benes. Dems., benes. Non voters all the help they need.

Don't want to offend those Rethugs with no stinkin federal disaster money. The repub charities will help them out. Not a problem.
The fact that Romney didn't even give the poor woman the FEMA phone number to speaks volumes. He's not there to help, he's there to make empty promises and get votes.
Jodie Chiarello, 42, said her home was submerged to the rooftop. She said she told Romney she wanted the federal government to help the victims and do more to prevent flooding.

"He said that he was going to do the best that he could for us," she said.

Romney visits Louisiana flood victims; Obama talks to the troops -

Another clear cut case of etch-a-sketch Romney telling people exactly what they want to hear!

EDIT - As well as another example of how "small government conservatives" have no trouble with the "socialism" that benefits them personally.

I wonder if Chiarello is aware that the Ryan budget would do exactly the opposite of what Romney just said sure, no problem! to?

In 2008, I said the same thing about Obama, all talk not substance.
There's a difference between a bullshit artist and a flip-flopping waffling etch-a-sketch.
Mr. Romney let the cat out of the bag yesterday, when he misspoke and called our country "a company."

No mere slip of the tongue. It is a mindset, a way of life.

It follows that the American people, at least the little ones, are employees--with luck, working only for minimum wage with no benefits and, for Pete's sake, no unions to make the first two less likely.

Thus, telling flood victim Jodie Chiarello to go home and phone 211 makes perfect sense. (At least, it would, if she still had a home or a phone.) Romney too used government subsidies and loopholes at Bain whenever he could find them. Only a stupid man turns down resources, for Pete's sake.

Only thing, Jodie had better make that phone call soon. If Romney is elected, that emergency number and resources behind it, will be disconnected. Only the little people need such resources. The others live on hills, well above the floodwaters.

Romney. He's running for president, for Pete's sake.

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