Slouching Towards Big Brother...

Originally posted by the truth hurts
Heres an idea?? Don't put free speech on your site!!!

Here's an idea, eat shit!

Your credibility is shot when you need to login with an alternate ID in order to pat yourself on the back.
Originally posted by OCA
Please tell me Truth Hurts is still allowed on. A few days ago he said he was a muslim and I wanted him to respond to my saying I supported Milosevic in his war to eradicate all Albanian criminal muslims from Kosovo. Now my home country of Greece is overran with begging, criminal Albanians thanks to Bubba Clinton.

Oh I'm still here. Ignoring your immature attempts to pick a "fight" with me. I don't answer to you, I answer to the Almighty.

I don't know too much about the war in Kosovo. So I can't discuss in detail.
But I can say one thing. If the US chose Milosevic over muslims as the greater of 2 evils, you know you guys were doing something f***ed up!
And you sure got yours, didn't you (lol).
Say hello to the Slobster, when you visit him in the looney bin.

Be safe.

Might is not right. Right is right, silly!!
Well after your episode today we'll just say you are a very troubled and misguided soul but better Milosevic than your bud Bin Laden. How many of your Turkish muslim brothers have raped and pillaged in the Mediterranean? The way I sse it is you are reaping what you sowed.
Originally posted by OCA
Well after your episode today we'll just say you are a very troubled and misguided soul but better Milosevic than your bud Bin Laden. How many of your Turkish muslim brothers have raped and pillaged in the Mediterranean? The way I sse it is you are reaping what you sowed.

2 co workers, same workplace, same server= same IP address.

Bin laden is not my bud. Nor my representative of my religion. So stop using him as the poster child for Islam, when producing arguments with me.

It's also funny how you use Turkey as an example, one of the most anti-muslim states I can think of!
Your comments are not only childish, they're just plain insulting. They're also uneducated, full of hot air, and baseless at best.

Oh... I'm reaping nothing. I have a good life, great paying job. I'm chillin! Praise be to Allah.

Keep on smilling!
Originally posted by evilarnold
hey pal, praise be to this!:fu2:

With such an intelligent response, one would think you actually graduated high school!

I'm impressed!
Originally posted by the truth hurts
Praise be to Allah.

A Muslim dies and goes to heaven. When he gets there, St. Peter meets him at the gate and says, "Welcome to heaven my son, please enter!"

The Muslim says "Oh no, no, I cannot enter without seeing Allah." St. Peter says, "Oh... Allah. He is upstairs."

The Muslim says, "Well of course, Allah is upstairs!" He climbs upstairs and meets Jesus.

Jesus says "Welcome to heaven my child, please enter!" And the Muslim says "Oh no, no, with all due respect, I cannot enter without seeing Allah."

Jesus says "But of course...Allah is upstairs, top floor."

The Muslim smiles and thinks to himself, "Of course, Allah is on top of heaven itself because He is most high!"

At the final gate he meets the all mighty Lord himself who says "Welcome to heaven my child, please enter."

As expected, the Muslim says he cannot enter without meeting Allah, to which the Lord replies "I understand, my child...Allah is here. But he is busy right now. Why don't you have a seat and wait for him?"

The Muslim is so excited that his Allah is so important, after all he always believed this was so. The Lord says to the Muslim "Why you must be parched, would you like a drink?"

The Muslim says, "Yes, I would like a drink. I would like that very much."

And the Lord asks, "Would you like a Coke?"

The Muslim says "Yes, that sounds good, thank you."

The Lord says, "It does indeed. I think I'll join you."

And with that the Lord snapped his fingers and said, "Allah, bring two cokes!"
With such an intelligent response, one would think you actually graduated high school!

So is coming up with excuses for using the same IP and confusing yourself!!!!!!!!!! and this shows your intelligence as well! and the HELL with ALLAH!!!!!!!
Originally posted by William Joyce
"Allah, bring two cokes!"


So the only comeback you can come with is insulting my religion.
HA HA...
Man o man.
You see, I don't worry about people like you. Intelligent people who do visit this site, will only see you as the grand dragon wannabees you really are.

Why don't you guys go clean your guns.
Salute the flag.
Muster all your food stamps to pay your internet bill.
A reminise about the good old days when you dodged the draft.

Ya bunch of inbred frauds. Go read a book for once in your life!
Originally posted by the truth hurts
So the only comeback you can come with is insulting my religion.
HA HA...
Man o man.
You see, I don't worry about people like you. Intelligent people who do visit this site, will only see you as the grand dragon wannabees you really are.

Why don't you guys go clean your guns.
Salute the flag.
Muster all your food stamps to pay your internet bill.
A reminise about the good old days when you dodged the draft.

Ya bunch of inbred frauds. Go read a book for once in your life!

Shut up and get me a coke.
Originally posted by jimnyc
A Muslim dies and goes to heaven. When he gets there, St. Peter meets him at the gate and says, "Welcome to heaven my son, please enter!"

The Muslim says "Oh no, no, I cannot enter without seeing Allah." St. Peter says, "Oh... Allah. He is upstairs."

The Muslim says, "Well of course, Allah is upstairs!" He climbs upstairs and meets Jesus.

Jesus says "Welcome to heaven my child, please enter!" And the Muslim says "Oh no, no, with all due respect, I cannot enter without seeing Allah."

Jesus says "But of course...Allah is upstairs, top floor."

The Muslim smiles and thinks to himself, "Of course, Allah is on top of heaven itself because He is most high!"

At the final gate he meets the all mighty Lord himself who says "Welcome to heaven my child, please enter."

As expected, the Muslim says he cannot enter without meeting Allah, to which the Lord replies "I understand, my child...Allah is here. But he is busy right now. Why don't you have a seat and wait for him?"

The Muslim is so excited that his Allah is so important, after all he always believed this was so. The Lord says to the Muslim "Why you must be parched, would you like a drink?"

The Muslim says, "Yes, I would like a drink. I would like that very much."

And the Lord asks, "Would you like a Coke?"

The Muslim says "Yes, that sounds good, thank you."

The Lord says, "It does indeed. I think I'll join you."

And with that the Lord snapped his fingers and said, "Allah, bring two cokes!"

Isn't it funny that even in this story, Allah is above Jesus!!!
Freudian slip me thinks!!
Originally posted by the truth hurts
Isn't it funny that even in this story, Allah is above Jesus!!!
Freudian slip me thinks!!

Yes, Allah is master of the slaves! Do you think Allah is a wife beater too? Very sad.
Originally posted by tim_duncan2000
I hate it when people cry about free speech because they don't like the mods/admins on a site. It's their site. They can do what they want. You may not like it, but it's their right.

Correct. Jimnyc can ban anyone for any reason he sees fit. However, it is hypocritical to ban someone from a so-called free speech board for not breaking any rules. And the reason I cried 9wept) about it only after being reinstated was becasue I couldn't exactly post while I was banned. Nor could I post while I was banned the second time(?). I have had more replies from, and made comments too jimnyc, OCA, rightwingavenger, wonderwench, etc, than I ever do to the thruth hurts... so what's the big deal? Am I following every line he types?
I believe I asked him one question about Iran... so relax. If my IP says I am idle it might be because I am not typing anything.

Anyhow, we're here to post and debate right? Can we just get on with that?
No matter who you think I am...
Originally posted by Scourge
Anyhow, we're here to post and debate right? Can we just get on with that?
No matter who you think I am...

Sorry, I don't debate with those who use mulitple ID's.

Your credibility is shot when you need to login with an alternate ID in order to pat yourself on the back.
Correct. Jimnyc can ban anyone for any reason he sees fit. However, it is hypocritical to ban someone from a so-called free speech board for not breaking any rules. And the reason I cried 9wept) about it only after being reinstated was becasue I couldn't exactly post while I was banned. Nor could I post while I was banned the second time(?). I have had more replies from, and made comments too jimnyc, OCA, rightwingavenger, wonderwench, etc, than I ever do to the thruth hurts... so what's the big deal? Am I following every line he types?
really? I think Jimnyc cares. A LOT. In fact he won't leave me alone...
And even though I only have one ID, I would expect you to debate issues not people. Somebody wrote something about ad hominem...
Originally posted by Scourge
really? I think Jimnyc cares. A LOT. In fact he won't leave me alone...
And even though I only have one ID, I would expect you to debate issues not people. Somebody wrote something about ad hominem...

Nope, just despise people who try to be sneaky and follow up their own posts with another ID. I really don't give a shit about you at all. I'm just making sure no one wastes their time replying seriously to someone that goes to such pathetic lengths.

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