Skanks Cashing In


Ya she married Ostattle/whatever for his good looks...Right!

I believe a very strong reason she married Onassis was for something money couldn't buy. PRIVACY. She cared most and also feared the most for her children. She saw Onassis as someone that had the means and properties to afford her personal protection for herself, for her children and the ability to keep them away from the paparazzi, curiosity seekers and the press.

She also didn't care for the way some of Caroline and John's cousins were raised. So she also saw it as a way to cut some of those ties. Jackie relied heavily on Bobby after Jack's death. When he too was brutally murdered, she wanted out of America. She hated what was going on here and believed Kennedy's were targets.

Very patriotic of her to seek a Greek tycoon to provide her with security. Is that how she felt about Marlon Brano too ?

Patriotic??? The truth is she hated America after her husband and his brother were brutally murdered. Shortly before Bobby was murdered, Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down. If you weren't alive during those tumultuous times, then you have NO IDEA what it was like in America! Greece wasn't far enough away from this country. Onassis had the means and the properties like his huge yacht were she could escape and feel safe and keep her children safe and away from flying bullets aimed at Kennedys.

WHAT is so hard for you to comprehend?
I believe a very strong reason she married Onassis was for something money couldn't buy. PRIVACY. She cared most and also feared the most for her children. She saw Onassis as someone that had the means and properties to afford her personal protection for herself, for her children and the ability to keep them away from the paparazzi, curiosity seekers and the press.

She also didn't care for the way some of Caroline and John's cousins were raised. So she also saw it as a way to cut some of those ties. Jackie relied heavily on Bobby after Jack's death. When he too was brutally murdered, she wanted out of America. She hated what was going on here and believed Kennedy's were targets.

Very patriotic of her to seek a Greek tycoon to provide her with security. Is that how she felt about Marlon Brano too ?

Patriotic??? The truth is she hated America after her husband and his brother were brutally murdered. Shortly before Bobby was murdered, Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down. If you weren't alive during those tumultuous times, then you have NO IDEA what it was like in America! Greece wasn't far enough away from this country. Onassis had the means and the properties like his huge yacht were she could escape and feel safe and keep her children safe and away from flying bullets aimed at Kennedys.

WHAT is so hard for you to comprehend?

I see you bought the whole Camelot story--no worries--lots of people still refuse to believe a lot of what the Kennedy gang did.
I'm probably older than you are so you can drop the " you had to have been there" defense.
o damn a skank got a friend of mine's hubby. his family has is a lawyer etc...mother is from old money....he is now living with the skank in her trailor. he didnt move her up...he just moved down to her....real fucking nice

sounds like "Reverse De-Womannation" to me. Her trailer, probably an 8X20 skank terrarium. I am 'makin' myself sick here, I am done..............:D
Very patriotic of her to seek a Greek tycoon to provide her with security. Is that how she felt about Marlon Brano too ?

Patriotic??? The truth is she hated America after her husband and his brother were brutally murdered. Shortly before Bobby was murdered, Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down. If you weren't alive during those tumultuous times, then you have NO IDEA what it was like in America! Greece wasn't far enough away from this country. Onassis had the means and the properties like his huge yacht were she could escape and feel safe and keep her children safe and away from flying bullets aimed at Kennedys.

WHAT is so hard for you to comprehend?

I see you bought the whole Camelot story--no worries--lots of people still refuse to believe a lot of what the Kennedy gang did.
I'm probably older than you are so you can drop the " you had to have been there" defense.

OK, then tell me, WERE you 'there'? I asked you if you were alive when President Kennedy and his brother were assassinated. Why didn't you just answered that straight forward question? I know that I was, and I remember it very well.

I didn't bring a "Camelot" story. If you go back and read my posts, I mentioned Jackie 'didn't care for the way some of Caroline and John's cousins were raised. So she also saw it (leaving the country) as a way to cut some of those ties.' Post #79

The Kennedys are human beings, not Gods. I don't make excuses for bad behavior in their personal lives. But there are a couple questions I would ask. Where do we draw the line on public figures? If Jack Kennedy was a philanderer, then that was Jackie's problem. If it didn't interfere with his public role, then why is it our business? And the second has to do with being 'human'..."let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"...are you without sin?

If you took a piece of paper, drew a ledger down the middle and listed all the positive things the Kennedy family has brought to this nation on one side, and the negatives on the other, it would be years of writing versus minutes. The positives and the good heavily outweigh any personal failings, especially when viewed in light of what IS our business; evaluating their public roles.

In my opinion, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy served this nation with dignity, honor, grace, patriotism and courage. When her husband, our beloved president was assassinated, this country was devastated and grief stricken. As a matter of fact, the whole world was grief stricken. Even in Russia. When Soviet Premier Khrushchev got the news from Dallas in November 1963, he broke down and sobbed in the Kremlin, unable to perform his duties for days.

The trip to Dallas was Jackie's first public appearance after the horrible lost of their son Patrick in August of '63. Patrick lived only 2 days after his birth. Then, in Dallas, riding in an open automobile, she watched as her husband was brutally murder sitting at her side. She climbed onto the back of the limousine to retrieve a piece of his skull.

Here was this young 34 year old wife and mother facing all this private tragedy in public view. Yet it was Jackie that taught a grieving nation how to grieve and how to move on. It was Jackie that directed the funeral arrangements for her husband follow protocol and history. Abraham's Lincoln's funeral was the template.

On November 25th, the day her husband was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, she hosted a reception at the White House for the world dignitaries that attended the President's funeral. But that day was also John Jr's 3rd birthday. Jackie had a private birthday party upstairs for John John. She and the other Kennedy women attended John's birthday party in black mourning dresses.

Courage and grace will always remain as my strongest image of Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy. She served our country with honor.

OK, then tell me, WERE you 'there'? I asked you if you were alive when President Kennedy and his brother were assassinated. Why didn't you just answered that straight forward question? I know that I was, and I remember it very well.

I didn't bring a "Camelot" story. If you go back and read my posts, I mentioned Jackie 'didn't care for the way some of Caroline and John's cousins were raised. So she also saw it (leaving the country) as a way to cut some of those ties.' Post #79

The Kennedys are human beings, not Gods. I don't make excuses for bad behavior in their personal lives. But there are a couple questions I would ask. Where do we draw the line on public figures? If Jack Kennedy was a philanderer, then that was Jackie's problem. If it didn't interfere with his public role, then why is it our business? And the second has to do with being 'human'..."let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"...are you without sin?

If you took a piece of paper, drew a ledger down the middle and listed all the positive things the Kennedy family has brought to this nation on one side, and the negatives on the other, it would be years of writing versus minutes. The positives and the good heavily outweigh any personal failings, especially when viewed in light of what IS our business; evaluating their public roles.

In my opinion, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy served this nation with dignity, honor, grace, patriotism and courage. When her husband, our beloved president was assassinated, this country was devastated and grief stricken. As a matter of fact, the whole world was grief stricken. Even in Russia. When Soviet Premier Khrushchev got the news from Dallas in November 1963, he broke down and sobbed in the Kremlin, unable to perform his duties for days.

The trip to Dallas was Jackie's first public appearance after the horrible lost of their son Patrick in August of '63. Patrick lived only 2 days after his birth. Then, in Dallas, riding in an open automobile, she watched as her husband was brutally murder sitting at her side. She climbed onto the back of the limousine to retrieve a piece of his skull.

Here was this young 34 year old wife and mother facing all this private tragedy in public view. Yet it was Jackie that taught a grieving nation how to grieve and how to move on. It was Jackie that directed the funeral arrangements for her husband follow protocol and history. Abraham's Lincoln's funeral was the template.

On November 25th, the day her husband was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, she hosted a reception at the White House for the world dignitaries that attended the President's funeral. But that day was also John Jr's 3rd birthday. Jackie had a private birthday party upstairs for John John. She and the other Kennedy women attended John's birthday party in black mourning dresses.

Courage and grace will always remain as my strongest image of Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy. She served our country with honor.

You're both right. The Kennedys and all of us are only human, not Gods. And one can both respect the quiet strength Mrs. Kennedy showed in the ability to accept what must be done and do it with grace and dignity, AND question the side that led her to put up with or maybe even participate in so much that was wrong. There is no such thing as a human who's all good or all bad, they just are. Accepting that does mean viewing heroes and legends, even people much more close and intimate, with that grain of salt on one hand - but it also means understanding if you're going to get along with anybody in this world and not be continually disappointed it's necessary to accept imperfection and forgive people their weaknesses once in a while. The bad and the good don't erase each other as though they never existed, you know. Both are equally true.

"Skank" isn't a word I would associate with Jackie K., but in context I can see where it's coming from. /shrug
OK, then tell me, WERE you 'there'? I asked you if you were alive when President Kennedy and his brother were assassinated. Why didn't you just answered that straight forward question? I know that I was, and I remember it very well.

I didn't bring a "Camelot" story. If you go back and read my posts, I mentioned Jackie 'didn't care for the way some of Caroline and John's cousins were raised. So she also saw it (leaving the country) as a way to cut some of those ties.' Post #79

The Kennedys are human beings, not Gods. I don't make excuses for bad behavior in their personal lives. But there are a couple questions I would ask. Where do we draw the line on public figures? If Jack Kennedy was a philanderer, then that was Jackie's problem. If it didn't interfere with his public role, then why is it our business? And the second has to do with being 'human'..."let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"...are you without sin?

If you took a piece of paper, drew a ledger down the middle and listed all the positive things the Kennedy family has brought to this nation on one side, and the negatives on the other, it would be years of writing versus minutes. The positives and the good heavily outweigh any personal failings, especially when viewed in light of what IS our business; evaluating their public roles.

In my opinion, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy served this nation with dignity, honor, grace, patriotism and courage. When her husband, our beloved president was assassinated, this country was devastated and grief stricken. As a matter of fact, the whole world was grief stricken. Even in Russia. When Soviet Premier Khrushchev got the news from Dallas in November 1963, he broke down and sobbed in the Kremlin, unable to perform his duties for days.

The trip to Dallas was Jackie's first public appearance after the horrible lost of their son Patrick in August of '63. Patrick lived only 2 days after his birth. Then, in Dallas, riding in an open automobile, she watched as her husband was brutally murder sitting at her side. She climbed onto the back of the limousine to retrieve a piece of his skull.

Here was this young 34 year old wife and mother facing all this private tragedy in public view. Yet it was Jackie that taught a grieving nation how to grieve and how to move on. It was Jackie that directed the funeral arrangements for her husband follow protocol and history. Abraham's Lincoln's funeral was the template.

On November 25th, the day her husband was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, she hosted a reception at the White House for the world dignitaries that attended the President's funeral. But that day was also John Jr's 3rd birthday. Jackie had a private birthday party upstairs for John John. She and the other Kennedy women attended John's birthday party in black mourning dresses.

Courage and grace will always remain as my strongest image of Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy. She served our country with honor.

You're both right. The Kennedys and all of us are only human, not Gods. And one can both respect the quiet strength Mrs. Kennedy showed in the ability to accept what must be done and do it with grace and dignity, AND question the side that led her to put up with or maybe even participate in so much that was wrong. There is no such thing as a human who's all good or all bad, they just are. Accepting that does mean viewing heroes and legends, even people much more close and intimate, with that grain of salt on one hand - but it also means understanding if you're going to get along with anybody in this world and not be continually disappointed it's necessary to accept imperfection and forgive people their weaknesses once in a while. The bad and the good don't erase each other as though they never existed, you know. Both are equally true.

"Skank" isn't a word I would associate with Jackie K., but in context I can see where it's coming from. /shrug

Tell me specifically 'so much that was wrong'... Things her nieces or nephews did were the responsibility of the parents of those children. A family offers support and possibly private criticisms, not public condemnation...

What is this, the fucking Scarlet Letter?
o for fucks shake....i was alive...i was young...shut up...yall....i was in the fifth grade when jfk was killed...i was in high school....when bobby kennedy was killed...(i think) i remember it all....
she did not have to move to be many kids of former presidents have been killed....well?

how many wives of former presidents have been killed..granted she was in the car in dallas...i cannot fathom the impact of having your husband killed in front of you...but did the ss want the open car?

she had ever right to remarry and do whatever she wanted...but face it..she married her a sugar daddy....simple as that...even if you have good motives...doesnt make it does it?
o for fucks shake....i was alive...i was young...shut up...yall....i was in the fifth grade when jfk was killed...i was in high school....when bobby kennedy was killed...(i think) i remember it all....
she did not have to move to be many kids of former presidents have been killed....well?

how many wives of former presidents have been killed..granted she was in the car in dallas...i cannot fathom the impact of having your husband killed in front of you...but did the ss want the open car?

she had ever right to remarry and do whatever she wanted...but face it..she married her a sugar daddy....simple as that...even if you have good motives...doesnt make it does it?

Who cares about what YOU went through. HOW could you know THEN that a wife or sibling of a former President wouldn't be a target? HOW asshole? 20/20 hindsight...DUH...and who the fuck are you to JUDGE her or what SHE saw as best for HER children????

“If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do matters very much.”
Jacqueline Kennedy

She wanted so much for her children to lead normal lives. But, in the aftermath of JFK‘s assassination, it proved to be an impossible dream. She tried to continue living in their Georgetown home but tour buses added it to their route and reporters mobbed them on their doorstep. The crowds were too much to bear.

“The world is pouring terrible adoration at the feet of my children,” she’d once confided to her decorator Billy Baldwin, “and I fear for them, for this awful exposure. How can I bring them up normally?”

Jackie ended up moving them all to New York where, to her dismay, she discovered her children weren’t being invited for playdates and parties by their school friends. It turned out that their parents were intimated by the Kennedy children’s fame.

On June 5, 1968, just moments after winning the California primary, Bobby Kennedy was assassinated. Jackie was devastated – and terrified.

I despise America,” a distraught Jackie told a friend. “If they are killing Kennedys, my children are the No. 1 targets. I want to get out of this country.”

She did, on October 20, when, in a small private ceremony, she wed Ari Onassis on the Greek isle of Skorpios.
ahh werent you bitching about no one answering you...on i did...fuck yourself

Were do you come up with this shit? Where was I 'bitching' about no one answering me? I was confronting dilloduck's remark. I had previously asked dilloduck if she was alive when those events occurred, and instead of saying yes or no, she chose to fire off a snide remark: "I'm probably older than you are so you can drop the " you had to have been there" defense."
o for fucks shake....i was alive...i was young...shut up...yall....i was in the fifth grade when jfk was killed...i was in high school....when bobby kennedy was killed...(i think) i remember it all....
she did not have to move to be many kids of former presidents have been killed....well?

how many wives of former presidents have been killed..granted she was in the car in dallas...i cannot fathom the impact of having your husband killed in front of you...but did the ss want the open car?

she had ever right to remarry and do whatever she wanted...but face it..she married her a sugar daddy....simple as that...even if you have good motives...doesnt make it does it?

She did what in her mind (and Lord only knows how her mind was working after everything she'd been through) she had to do to, but yeah she still used Onassis to get what she wanted. Wrong choice. For perfectly understandable reasons, but still wrong. I feel for her, always have, but the truth is the truth.
o for fucks shake....i was alive...i was young...shut up...yall....i was in the fifth grade when jfk was killed...i was in high school....when bobby kennedy was killed...(i think) i remember it all....
she did not have to move to be many kids of former presidents have been killed....well?

how many wives of former presidents have been killed..granted she was in the car in dallas...i cannot fathom the impact of having your husband killed in front of you...but did the ss want the open car?

she had ever right to remarry and do whatever she wanted...but face it..she married her a sugar daddy....simple as that...even if you have good motives...doesnt make it does it?

She did what in her mind (and Lord only knows how her mind was working after everything she'd been through) she had to do to, but yeah she still used Onassis to get what she wanted. Wrong choice. For perfectly understandable reasons, but still wrong. I feel for her, always have, but the truth is the truth.

She had suitors lining up at the door. She could have had any 'sugar daddy' she wanted. THAT was not what she was looking for. She deeply loved Jack and confided to a priest Bobby brought to Hickory Hill to council her that she wanted to commit suicide, the pain and hurt in her heart was so great.

She chose Onassis because he had the ONE thing none of the other suitors could offer...isolation, protection and some place as far away from America as she could get. And possibly a paternal male instead of a lover.

In the post-JFK years, Jackie wasn’t just mobbed by tourists and reporters. The beautiful and charming young widow was besieged by male suitors, among them author Philip Roth, Frank Sinatra, Marlon Brando, and director Mike Nichols. Jackie’s friend and White House advisor Letitia Baldrige said that, even in the pre-JFK years, “she [Jackie] had more men per square inch than any woman I’ve ever known.”

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
Oscar Wilde
o for fucks shake....i was alive...i was young...shut up...yall....i was in the fifth grade when jfk was killed...i was in high school....when bobby kennedy was killed...(i think) i remember it all....
she did not have to move to be many kids of former presidents have been killed....well?

how many wives of former presidents have been killed..granted she was in the car in dallas...i cannot fathom the impact of having your husband killed in front of you...but did the ss want the open car?

she had ever right to remarry and do whatever she wanted...but face it..she married her a sugar daddy....simple as that...even if you have good motives...doesnt make it does it?

I'm not sure why she married Onassis.

Maybe she just wanted to move away from the states and live in a marriage that wasn't all about sex. Live comfortably because her husband was the rich one wasn't he? She was basically a trophy-wife anyway.

Who knows. Should she have remained unmarried and maintained her image.....maybe.

Does it really matter? Hell no.

My grandfather was a hard man. My father said the only time he saw him cry was when they were watching the funeral procession and as the caisson rolled by, Jack jr. saluted his father.

I know this is one of the most frequently asked rhetorical questions, but I often wonder what life would be like had Kennedy not been assassinated.

As for Jackie, I don't blame her for anything she did after watching her husband being brutally murdered and then Robert too. I don't know if she acted out of fear, love, or just a "screw this" mentality, but she more than earned it.
o for fucks shake....i was alive...i was young...shut up...yall....i was in the fifth grade when jfk was killed...i was in high school....when bobby kennedy was killed...(i think) i remember it all....
she did not have to move to be many kids of former presidents have been killed....well?

how many wives of former presidents have been killed..granted she was in the car in dallas...i cannot fathom the impact of having your husband killed in front of you...but did the ss want the open car?

she had ever right to remarry and do whatever she wanted...but face it..she married her a sugar daddy....simple as that...even if you have good motives...doesnt make it does it?

I'm not sure why she married Onassis.

Maybe she just wanted to move away from the states and live in a marriage that wasn't all about sex. Live comfortably because her husband was the rich one wasn't he? She was basically a trophy-wife anyway.

Who knows. Should she have remained unmarried and maintained her image.....maybe.

Does it really matter? Hell no.

Pretty much sums it up.
If Jackie could have taken her children and left the planet, she would have...this is the closest thing...

John F Kennedy and Sir Winston Churchill first met as guests of Aristotle Onassis on board CHRISTINA O in 1957.


Christina O Yacht
since when do priests reveal confessions?

It wasn't a confession. But some in the priesthood have raised that concern.

Grief-stricken Jackie contemplated suicide to join JFK, says priest who comforted her

The former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy was so consumed with grief at the loss of her husband that she contemplated suicide as a means of rejoining him, according to a Catholic priest in whom she confided after President John F Kennedy was assassinated.

This poignant new glimpse of Mrs Kennedy emerges from excerpts of the diaries of Richard McSorley, a Jesuit priest and professor of theology at Georgetown University, which have just been made public, shortly before the 40th anniversary of JFK's assassination on 22 November 1963.

Father McSorley had been asked to help Mrs Kennedy by JFK's brother Bobby, who was worried about his sister-in-law's state of mind after her loss. At Bobby's suggestion, the priest asked her to play tennis, and some of the conversations took place on the court.

"Do you think God would separate me from my husband if I tried to kill myself?," she asked Father McSorley, according to the entry for 28 April 1964. "I feel that I am going out of my mind at times. Wouldn't God understand that I just want to be with him?"

Grief-stricken Jackie contemplated suicide to join JFK, says priest who comforted her - Americas, World - The Independent
as far as her suitors...brando could have provided privacy...roth i am not sure about authors are always so sketchy...nichlos wouldnt have yet entered his earnings...remember he does not strike it till easy rider.

she did bring grace and charm to the white house..and showed a great deal of dignity in a situation where most would have simply given up...

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