SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

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Yet you have no issues at all with all of the unexplained fantastical elements in movies like Star Wars.

Let's compare how Black Panther and a New Hope, introduced these fantastical elements, and explained them.

1. Massive impossible high tech? In a New Hope, the tech is presented as presumably developed by an advanced technological society, of thousands of worlds, over , at least, thousands of years more than we have here. In Black Panther the high tech is presumably developed in the same time period the rest of the world developed our normal tech, only in secret and with a far smaller tech base than the rest of the world.

2. Human enhancement? In New Hope, the best they had was some bionics, that was if anything was suspiciously weak considering how advanced the society was. In Black Panther, magic plant that for some reason only grew in Wakanda, and for some reason could not or just was not mass produced ever.

3. Mysticism. IN New Hope, the Force helped the main character make a tough shot. In Black Panther, the main character got some advice in a dream. Both are pretty acceptable, imo.

1. In New Hope it is never mentioned or even hinted at, the tech is just there. How does a speeder hoover? How does a ship jump to light speed? Why is there no negative effects to an entire planet being destroyed? Why are there only 2 Sith?

1. THe society is presented as being really, really old. It would take, at least thousands of years for humans to spread out like that. More likely more. A society that has been interstellar for literally tens of thousands of years, would have a lot of high tech. If Black Panther was set 30 thousand years in the future, I would have no problem with them having a lot of high tech.

2. Why would there be negative effects to a planet blowing up?

3. 2 sith? Seems to be a tradition thing. The master and the apprentice always seen to be looking to take each other out. THe apprentice wants to become the master, and the master wants to replace the apprentice with someone newer and mor controllable. A better question is, how often does a master decide to be a lone wolf?

2. Gravity, perhaps you heard of it. In our solar system all the planet orbit the sun the way they do in part because of the others being where they are. If Mars was suddenly removed from the pattern all the other planet's orbits would be changed.

3. Where in the New Hope did Vader try and take out the Emperor?

2. I never got the idea that any of the other planets mentioned where in the Alderran system.

3. He did not.

2. there are 7, or were 7, only 6 now. Alderaan system/Legends

3. Then where did you pick up your ideas about the tradition thing?
Let's compare how Black Panther and a New Hope, introduced these fantastical elements, and explained them.

1. Massive impossible high tech? In a New Hope, the tech is presented as presumably developed by an advanced technological society, of thousands of worlds, over , at least, thousands of years more than we have here. In Black Panther the high tech is presumably developed in the same time period the rest of the world developed our normal tech, only in secret and with a far smaller tech base than the rest of the world.

2. Human enhancement? In New Hope, the best they had was some bionics, that was if anything was suspiciously weak considering how advanced the society was. In Black Panther, magic plant that for some reason only grew in Wakanda, and for some reason could not or just was not mass produced ever.

3. Mysticism. IN New Hope, the Force helped the main character make a tough shot. In Black Panther, the main character got some advice in a dream. Both are pretty acceptable, imo.

1. In New Hope it is never mentioned or even hinted at, the tech is just there. How does a speeder hoover? How does a ship jump to light speed? Why is there no negative effects to an entire planet being destroyed? Why are there only 2 Sith?

1. THe society is presented as being really, really old. It would take, at least thousands of years for humans to spread out like that. More likely more. A society that has been interstellar for literally tens of thousands of years, would have a lot of high tech. If Black Panther was set 30 thousand years in the future, I would have no problem with them having a lot of high tech.

2. Why would there be negative effects to a planet blowing up?

3. 2 sith? Seems to be a tradition thing. The master and the apprentice always seen to be looking to take each other out. THe apprentice wants to become the master, and the master wants to replace the apprentice with someone newer and mor controllable. A better question is, how often does a master decide to be a lone wolf?

2. Gravity, perhaps you heard of it. In our solar system all the planet orbit the sun the way they do in part because of the others being where they are. If Mars was suddenly removed from the pattern all the other planet's orbits would be changed.

3. Where in the New Hope did Vader try and take out the Emperor?

2. I never got the idea that any of the other planets mentioned where in the Alderran system.

3. He did not.

2. there are 7, or were 7, only 6 now. Alderaan system/Legends

3. Then where did you pick up your ideas about the tradition thing?

2. Ok. So, perhaps there orbits are effected. I'm sure that an inhabited areas will certainly be concerned with an increase in meteor strikes.

3. Behavior seen in later films.
3. Behavior seen in later films.

3. Has it occurred to you that your questions about Black Panther might be answered in later films? Did you bash New Hope for not answering all the questions?
I want to see the tax returns of all the corporations, companies and individuals involved in the production of modern films. These entities exist to make money, and would not have so severely damaged their revenue and royalties by akwardly inserting all this Trigglypuff level SJW shit inside their products.

Not only that, but they still continue to ruin their own products as of 2020 and are only increasing the amount of unnatural and off-putting propaganda present in their films...having caused a grave decline in profit, which can also be seen by the annual decline of Oscar ratings (with 2020 being dangerously low, as in, not being worth the cost of hosting/producing).

So, the only way film production entities would have adamantly doubled down and continued their SJW march, at the expense of the massive revenues and profit is...SOMEONE OR SOMETHING IS REFUNDING THEIR LOSSES (adjusted for inflation and pre-2010 box office models).

Forget Lefty Politics: Here's Why the Oscars' Ratings Hit an All-Time Low


Who is forcing you to watch all these terrible movies?

It seems like you search each day to find something to piss you off.
I've been watching South Korean movies for years. They are way better than what Hollywood has been cranking out.

Hollywood seems to think a good movie is one which has a CGI explosion every five minutes.

Seriously. Watch South Korean movies. They are amazing.

Start with the Vengeance Trilogy. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. Oldboy. Lady Vengeance.

I have not seen Parasite yet, but I am looking forward to it.
3. Behavior seen in later films.

3. Has it occurred to you that your questions about Black Panther might be answered in later films? Did you bash New Hope for not answering all the questions?

Fair question. Let me consider it...

1. Yes, it has occurred to me that they might answer some of these questions in a later film. They really should have at least indicated that there were odd questions to be answered later. I believe the industry term is "hung a lamp on it".

2. If the rest of the film was more entertaining, and/or less insulting, I might have been more forgiving. Hell, if HOLLYWOOD, had been more entertaining and less insulting, I might have been more forgiving.

3.There was no question in The New Hope about why there were only two Sith. They did not reveal details until they were ready to deal with the issue more. They hinted at stuff to come later, instead of just dropping a bunch of unexplained shit on you, in one big lump. This is the difference between a good movie and a not good movie.
Correct. Tony Stark's super science requires a suspension of disbelief. You need an additional suspension of disbelief, that the answer to so many problems, ie build an army of Iron Men, is never done.

Bruce Banner's super science requires some suspension of disbelief, though his super science is not that super, and it is very believable that they don't want to do that to more people.

Hank Pym's super science requires suspension of disbelief. His accomplishments, seem less world saving than Starks, so the lack of an army of Ant Men, seems more believable.

Shuri's super science requires a suspension of disbelief. THat she is super science, at age 16 as opposed to the other Mad Scientists listed, who mastered their fields as adults, requires another suspension of disbelief. That her brother is a super hero, requires another suspension of disbelief. That her family maintained secrecy of hiding a secret the size of a nation, for centuries, requires another suspension of disbelief. Vibranium, requires another suspension of disbelief. That a nation ruled by a warrior king with a warrior culture, and a massive tech advantage, never waged war, for centuries, requires another suspension of disbelief. The cloaking field, requires another suspension of disbelief.

Seven is a lot more than one or two. That is what is over the top about Black Panther.

You list those things about Shuri in Black Panther as if each of the other characters didn't have tons of different things requiring suspension of disbelief in their various movies. That's very disingenuous.

No, I really don't know of Iron Man or the Incredible Hulk, or Ant Man, requiring so many suspensions of disbelief.

If you can list them, the way I did for Black Panther, I will consider your list.
Off the top of my head: Stark being able to build that massive suit out of a couple of missiles in a cave. The suit being able to protect him from the impact of his fall, after being able to fly, again being built from a couple of missiles. Stark seemingly unaware his weapons might ever fall into enemy hands.
Pym being able to not just shrink objects, but reduce their mass. Speaking to ants. Any bit of pseudoscience or tech being passed off with use of the word quantum (they even make fun of themselves for that).
Banner gaining mass when becoming the Hulk. Hulk’s unexplained changes in intelligence.

I’m sure there are many more.

Those examples are actually, all tied into ONE suspension of disbelief, ie their Super Science.

except for the speaking to ants one. That is an additional suspension of disbelief. ANd quite a big one. The Ant Man movies really strike me as being much more....

Actually, the whole Ant Man tech is really, really bad, even for super science. It really does fall more into bad movie/guilty pleasure category. The second one especially.

Stark seemingly not realizing his tech could fall into enemy hands isn't tied to his pseudoscience.

Shuri's brother being a superhero is tied to pseudoscience, since the Black Panther drink is due to the vibranium. Similarly, the ability to maintain Wakanda's secrecy is also tied to that vibranium pseudoscience. Ditto the cloaking field.

The point being that, of course, Marvel movies require a lot of suspension of disbelief!
After all, they are based on comic books. But apparently now fueled by con-servative tears.
3. Behavior seen in later films.

3. Has it occurred to you that your questions about Black Panther might be answered in later films? Did you bash New Hope for not answering all the questions?

Fair question. Let me consider it...

1. Yes, it has occurred to me that they might answer some of these questions in a later film. They really should have at least indicated that there were odd questions to be answered later. I believe the industry term is "hung a lamp on it".

2. If the rest of the film was more entertaining, and/or less insulting, I might have been more forgiving. Hell, if HOLLYWOOD, had been more entertaining and less insulting, I might have been more forgiving.

3.There was no question in The New Hope about why there were only two Sith. They did not reveal details until they were ready to deal with the issue more. They hinted at stuff to come later, instead of just dropping a bunch of unexplained shit on you, in one big lump. This is the difference between a good movie and a not good movie.

1. There were no hints in New Hope

2. This comes down then to personal opinion. Most of the world found the movie greatly entertain and you are the first and only one I have ever spoken to that found it insulting.

3. I wondered why there was only 2 even during New Hope. Later I read the Old Republic books and found out.
3. Behavior seen in later films.

3. Has it occurred to you that your questions about Black Panther might be answered in later films? Did you bash New Hope for not answering all the questions?

Fair question. Let me consider it...

1. Yes, it has occurred to me that they might answer some of these questions in a later film. They really should have at least indicated that there were odd questions to be answered later. I believe the industry term is "hung a lamp on it".

2. If the rest of the film was more entertaining, and/or less insulting, I might have been more forgiving. Hell, if HOLLYWOOD, had been more entertaining and less insulting, I might have been more forgiving.

3.There was no question in The New Hope about why there were only two Sith. They did not reveal details until they were ready to deal with the issue more. They hinted at stuff to come later, instead of just dropping a bunch of unexplained shit on you, in one big lump. This is the difference between a good movie and a not good movie.

1. There were no hints in New Hope

2. This comes down then to personal opinion. Most of the world found the movie greatly entertain and you are the first and only one I have ever spoken to that found it insulting.

3. I wondered why there was only 2 even during New Hope. Later I read the Old Republic books and found out.

1. Obi wan discussed an universal force, and a religious order built on it, that ruled or led the Republic for untold time. That hints at a lot of shit.

2. Which could be, as I said, the result of fear based conformity.

3. I don't recall, at the time, giving any thought to whether there were more Sith lords or not.
Seeing that this thread is 85 pages and still alive, I think it's fair to say that SJW's have negatively impacted normal people's enjoyment of modern films and video games.

nope, not normal people. Just snowflakes like you and correll
Humor by its very nature pokes fun
Snowflakes can’t be poked at so no
humor allowed
You list those things about Shuri in Black Panther as if each of the other characters didn't have tons of different things requiring suspension of disbelief in their various movies. That's very disingenuous.

No, I really don't know of Iron Man or the Incredible Hulk, or Ant Man, requiring so many suspensions of disbelief.

If you can list them, the way I did for Black Panther, I will consider your list.
Off the top of my head: Stark being able to build that massive suit out of a couple of missiles in a cave. The suit being able to protect him from the impact of his fall, after being able to fly, again being built from a couple of missiles. Stark seemingly unaware his weapons might ever fall into enemy hands.
Pym being able to not just shrink objects, but reduce their mass. Speaking to ants. Any bit of pseudoscience or tech being passed off with use of the word quantum (they even make fun of themselves for that).
Banner gaining mass when becoming the Hulk. Hulk’s unexplained changes in intelligence.

I’m sure there are many more.

Those examples are actually, all tied into ONE suspension of disbelief, ie their Super Science.

except for the speaking to ants one. That is an additional suspension of disbelief. ANd quite a big one. The Ant Man movies really strike me as being much more....

Actually, the whole Ant Man tech is really, really bad, even for super science. It really does fall more into bad movie/guilty pleasure category. The second one especially.

Stark seemingly not realizing his tech could fall into enemy hands isn't tied to his pseudoscience.

Shuri's brother being a superhero is tied to pseudoscience, since the Black Panther drink is due to the vibranium. Similarly, the ability to maintain Wakanda's secrecy is also tied to that vibranium pseudoscience. Ditto the cloaking field.

The point being that, of course, Marvel movies require a lot of suspension of disbelief!

1. Agreed, the idea that Stark would be shocked that his weapons could fall into enemy hands was monumentally stupid. I had blocked that one. Hollywood writes can be such morons.

2. That is a really versatile substance. Special vibration qualities, and special medicinal properties and special optical properties.

Vibranium is a lazy writing sort of substance lol
There is clearly some excellent examples of moves and/or shows that have gone down the crapper because of the asinine social pandering that has been forced into them despite a story line that does not flow with it.

Black panther is not one of those examples.

I respectfully disagree.
I can see that considering the last 80 pages :p

I don't really see it though - the plot holes are no worse than any other. Ant Man, IMHO, was FAR worse. It's only saving grace is that it did not take itself seriously. Would have been better if they went all the way with the light hearted feel like Guardians of the Galaxy does.
There is clearly some excellent examples of moves and/or shows that have gone down the crapper because of the asinine social pandering that has been forced into them despite a story line that does not flow with it.

Black panther is not one of those examples.

I respectfully disagree.
I can see that considering the last 80 pages :p

I don't really see it though - the plot holes are no worse than any other. Ant Man, IMHO, was FAR worse. It's only saving grace is that it did not take itself seriously. Would have been better if they went all the way with the light hearted feel like Guardians of the Galaxy does.

I'm sure there are a ton of plot holes and various suspensions of disbelief to be found in GotG, but that movie is excellent. One of the best Marvel has put out.
Seeing that this thread is 85 pages and still alive, I think it's fair to say that SJW's have negatively impacted normal people's enjoyment of modern films and video games.

I have got to the point where I automatically turn off anything with SJW bullshit, which is a lot of stuff.

If I wanted to be brainwashed with filthy ass Libtard doctrine I would attend a Democrat Party hate rally. I don't have to watch that in my my own home or pay to be brainwashed at a theater.

The sad thing is I don't even think those stupid Limousine Liberals in Hollywood even know they are being assholes.
No, I really don't know of Iron Man or the Incredible Hulk, or Ant Man, requiring so many suspensions of disbelief.

If you can list them, the way I did for Black Panther, I will consider your list.
Off the top of my head: Stark being able to build that massive suit out of a couple of missiles in a cave. The suit being able to protect him from the impact of his fall, after being able to fly, again being built from a couple of missiles. Stark seemingly unaware his weapons might ever fall into enemy hands.
Pym being able to not just shrink objects, but reduce their mass. Speaking to ants. Any bit of pseudoscience or tech being passed off with use of the word quantum (they even make fun of themselves for that).
Banner gaining mass when becoming the Hulk. Hulk’s unexplained changes in intelligence.

I’m sure there are many more.

Those examples are actually, all tied into ONE suspension of disbelief, ie their Super Science.

except for the speaking to ants one. That is an additional suspension of disbelief. ANd quite a big one. The Ant Man movies really strike me as being much more....

Actually, the whole Ant Man tech is really, really bad, even for super science. It really does fall more into bad movie/guilty pleasure category. The second one especially.

Stark seemingly not realizing his tech could fall into enemy hands isn't tied to his pseudoscience.

Shuri's brother being a superhero is tied to pseudoscience, since the Black Panther drink is due to the vibranium. Similarly, the ability to maintain Wakanda's secrecy is also tied to that vibranium pseudoscience. Ditto the cloaking field.

The point being that, of course, Marvel movies require a lot of suspension of disbelief!

1. Agreed, the idea that Stark would be shocked that his weapons could fall into enemy hands was monumentally stupid. I had blocked that one. Hollywood writes can be such morons.

2. That is a really versatile substance. Special vibration qualities, and special medicinal properties and special optical properties.

Vibranium is a lazy writing sort of substance lol

I don't know how much of this is canon from the comics. If all of it is, that does not reflect well on the source material.

A buddy of mine, a couple of months ago, dismissed my complaints about Star Wars, with the come back that he was happy "to be a whore for star wars".

Which really sort of sums it up. Some of us want to be respected by Hollywood, and others are comfortable not being respected as long as they get some fan service.

Back in the day, another buddy said that some Star Trek Fans would be happy to pay to watch Star Trek the Test Pattern for two hours.

Fans deserve better.
Seeing that this thread is 85 pages and still alive, I think it's fair to say that SJW's have negatively impacted normal people's enjoyment of modern films and video games.

nope, not normal people. Just snowflakes like you and correll

Calling people you disagree with, snowflakes, is kind of a dick move.

A snowflake is someone that is easily offended and takes everything personally. Based upon your post in this thread, that is you to a T. You are offended by things that pretty much nobody else, except maybe the OP, are offended by. You take bad movies personally, as if they were made that way just to insult you. And then you insult those that do not share your view...100% a snowflake move.
Off the top of my head: Stark being able to build that massive suit out of a couple of missiles in a cave. The suit being able to protect him from the impact of his fall, after being able to fly, again being built from a couple of missiles. Stark seemingly unaware his weapons might ever fall into enemy hands.
Pym being able to not just shrink objects, but reduce their mass. Speaking to ants. Any bit of pseudoscience or tech being passed off with use of the word quantum (they even make fun of themselves for that).
Banner gaining mass when becoming the Hulk. Hulk’s unexplained changes in intelligence.

I’m sure there are many more.

Those examples are actually, all tied into ONE suspension of disbelief, ie their Super Science.

except for the speaking to ants one. That is an additional suspension of disbelief. ANd quite a big one. The Ant Man movies really strike me as being much more....

Actually, the whole Ant Man tech is really, really bad, even for super science. It really does fall more into bad movie/guilty pleasure category. The second one especially.

Stark seemingly not realizing his tech could fall into enemy hands isn't tied to his pseudoscience.

Shuri's brother being a superhero is tied to pseudoscience, since the Black Panther drink is due to the vibranium. Similarly, the ability to maintain Wakanda's secrecy is also tied to that vibranium pseudoscience. Ditto the cloaking field.

The point being that, of course, Marvel movies require a lot of suspension of disbelief!

1. Agreed, the idea that Stark would be shocked that his weapons could fall into enemy hands was monumentally stupid. I had blocked that one. Hollywood writes can be such morons.

2. That is a really versatile substance. Special vibration qualities, and special medicinal properties and special optical properties.

Vibranium is a lazy writing sort of substance lol

I don't know how much of this is canon from the comics. If all of it is, that does not reflect well on the source material.

A buddy of mine, a couple of months ago, dismissed my complaints about Star Wars, with the come back that he was happy "to be a whore for star wars".

Which really sort of sums it up. Some of us want to be respected by Hollywood, and others are comfortable not being respected as long as they get some fan service.

Back in the day, another buddy said that some Star Trek Fans would be happy to pay to watch Star Trek the Test Pattern for two hours.

Fans deserve better.

You remind me of a couple guys I know that drink craft beers. Now, I drink craft beers and cannot stand "normal" beers, but these two guys are beer snobs and they put down those that drink Bud or Corona or what have you. They accuse these people of being brainwashed and such things.

Movies, like beer and food even are all 100% a purely subjective thing, whether you like them or not is 100% up to you. The best made Orecchiette Tartufate in the world is pretty much not worth a hot dog if you cannot stand truffles.

You take things in movies as a purposeful insult, yet I see the same thing and would not ever think to be did the movie maker really try and insult everyone or are you just overly sensitive?

I will tell you what I tell my beer snob friends...if you do not like the movies or the not watch them. I see maybe 4 to 6 movies a a good year. I watch very little TV, maybe 3 to 4 Netflix or Prime series a year along with sports and a few cooking shows, and then there is my current favorite show "Forged in Fire" which I record religiously and watch every week.

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