Sit Down

Is this just me, or perhaps blacks need to look inward instead of this blame game? Blacks have been here way over 250 years, slavery ended almost 150 years ago. Any other group, say, Vietnamese, Irish or Italians got over their oppression and racial stuff years ago. But blacks have got this hedge now, it's their new found "Privilege" to claim racial oppression even though they can and should have transcended that long ago.

Irish and Italians are white. Vietnamese struggle badly because if current racism and most of them came here after the civil rights act.

So after slavery everything ended and things were all just fine and equal. Is that what you are saying? That Jim crow segregation did not exist all over this country by written law until 53 years ago? And I guess all of the racism expressed here isn't applied in real life.
What bothers me, is I don't think it is necessarily an issue of race. The media portrays it as such, yet all poor people are victims of the police state. When a black person is the victim, it makes the news. When a different ethnicity is the victim? It isn't news because it doesn't garner the ratings and outrage. Innocent poor folks are being gunned down every day, their rights are being violated, as are their pets and property.

I do think minorities, women and the disabled, just by their weaker status, tend to disproportionately bear the brunt of this unchecked corrupt power.

Folks need to go watch the movie Serpico to understand what the Police force is really like. It has only gotten worse.

. . . and let's face it, the Obama Administration and the Deep State didn't help matters, they probably only made things worse. They did this on purpose by giving folks a false sense of hope that things would change, no such attempt was made. In fact, during his rule, they have only become more draconian masters of the corporate police state.

The Police Are Still Out of Control

I should know.

October 23, 2014
The Police Are Still Out of Control

"In the NYPD, it used to be you’d fire two shots and then you would assess the situation. You didn’t go off like a madman and empty your magazine and reload. Today it seems these police officers just empty their guns and automatic weapons without thinking, in acts of callousness or racism. They act like they’re in shooting galleries. Today’s uncontrolled firepower, combined with a lack of good training and adequate screening of police academy candidates, has led to a devastating drop in standards. The infamous case of Amadou Diallo in New York—who was shot 41 times in 1999 for no obvious reason—is more typical than you might think. The shooters, of course, were absolved of any wrongdoing, as they almost always are. All a policeman has to say is that “the suspect turned toward me menacingly,” and he does not have to worry about prosecution. In a 2010 case recorded on a police camera in Seattle, John Williams, a 50-year-old traditional carver of the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations (tribes), was shot four times by police as he walked across the street with a pocketknife and a piece of cedar in his hands. He died at the scene. It’s like the Keystone Kops, but without being funny at all.

Many white Americans, indoctrinated by the ridiculous number of buddy-cop films and police-themed TV shows that Hollywood has cranked out over the decades—almost all of them portraying police as heroes—may be surprised by the continuing outbursts of anger, the protests in the street against the police that they see in inner-city environments like Ferguson. But they often don’t understand that these minority communities, in many cases, view the police as the enemy. We want to believe that cops are good guys, but let’s face it, any kid in the ghetto knows different. The poor and the disenfranchised in society don’t believe those movies; they see themselves as the victims, and they often are.

Law enforcement agencies need to eliminate those who use and abuse the power of the law as they see fit. As I said to the Knapp Commission 43 years ago, we must create an atmosphere where the crooked cop fears the honest cop, and not the other way around. An honest cop should be able to speak out against unjust or illegal behavior by fellow officers without fear of ridicule or reprisals. Those that speak out should be rewarded and respected by their superiors, not punished.

We’re not there yet."



Photo Still of Frank Serpico from Antonino D’Ambrosio's feature documentary film Frank Serpico: Only Actions Count. Courtesy of Antonino D'Ambrosio/Gigantic Pictures.


"Over the years, politicians who wanted to make a difference didn’t. They were too beholden to the police unions and the police vote. I wrote a letter to President Bill Clinton in 1994 addressing this very issue, saying that honest cops have never been rewarded, and maybe there ought to be a medal for them. He wrote back, but nothing changed. In New York City, then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg professed that things were going to change, but in the end he went right along with his commissioner, Ray Kelly, who was allowed to do whatever he wanted. Kelly had been a sergeant when I was on the force, and he’d known about the corruption, as did Murphy.

As for Barack Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder, they’re giving speeches now, after Ferguson. But it’s 20 years too late. It’s the same old problem of political power talking, and it doesn’t matter that both the president and his attorney general are African-American. Corruption is color blind. Money and power corrupt, and they are color blind too.

Only a few years ago, a cop who was in the same 81st Precinct I started in, Adrian Schoolcraft, was actually taken to a psych ward and handcuffed to a gurney for six days after he tried to complain about corruption – they wanted him to keep to a quota of summonses, and he wasn’t complying. No one would have believed him except he hid a tape recorder in his room, and recorded them making their demands. Now he’s like me, an outcast. . . . "

Except that when it happens to whites it is covered. And it is a matter of race.
Is this just me, or perhaps blacks need to look inward instead of this blame game? Blacks have been here way over 250 years, slavery ended almost 150 years ago. Any other group, say, Vietnamese, Irish or Italians got over their oppression and racial stuff years ago. But blacks have got this hedge now, it's their new found "Privilege" to claim racial oppression even though they can and should have transcended that long ago.

Irish and Italians are white. Vietnamese struggle badly because if current racism and most of them came here after the civil rights act.

So after slavery everything ended and things were all just fine and equal. Is that what you are saying? That Jim crow segregation did not exist all over this country by written law until 53 years ago? And I guess all of the racism expressed here isn't applied in real life.

I think you are reaching. Jewish, Irish and Italian immigrants were treated like crap, race wasn't an issue. They transcended not by sitting in ghettos and blaming others for their misfortunes , but by getting off their asses and ..DOING SOMETHING positive. Jim crow laws... it didn't exist nationwide. In the west, we had black cowboys and politicians, there wasn't any segregation , in fact there wasn't segregation in 2/3 of the US. THAT IS A FACT. Please. So that dosen't fly as an excuse. And it comes off as exactly THAT. An EXCUSE. 53 years (over 2 generations ago) in a limited part of the US segregation ended. How does that tie into NOW in the MAJORITY of the country where it was never a factor?
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Scott Martin: "My point of view. It is not immoral to escape violence and poverty and try and give your family a better life. Might be illegal but not immoral.

It is immoral to lock people up infinitely without hope or to separate children from their parents at the border. That might be legal but it is not the moral thing to do.

Legality and morality are two different things."
Is this just me, or perhaps blacks need to look inward instead of this blame game? Blacks have been here way over 250 years, slavery ended almost 150 years ago. Any other group, say, Vietnamese, Irish or Italians got over their oppression and racial stuff years ago. But blacks have got this hedge now, it's their new found "Privilege" to claim racial oppression even though they can and should have transcended that long ago.

Irish and Italians are white. Vietnamese struggle badly because if current racism and most of them came here after the civil rights act.

So after slavery everything ended and things were all just fine and equal. Is that what you are saying? That Jim crow segregation did not exist all over this country by written law until 53 years ago? And I guess all of the racism expressed here isn't applied in real life.

I think you are reaching. Jewish, Irish and Italian immigrants were treated like crap, race wasn't an issue. They transcended not by sitting in ghettos and blaming others for their misfortunes , but by getting off their asses and ..DOING SOMETHING positive. Jim crow laws... it didn't exist nationwide. In the west, we had black cowboys and politicians, there wasn't any segregation , in fact there wasn't segregation in 2/3 of the US. THAT IS A FACT. Please. So that dosen't fly as an excuse. And it comes off as exactly THAT. An EXCUSE. 53 years (over 2 generations ago) in a limited part of the US segregation happened. How does that tie into NOW in the MAJORITY of the country were it was never a factor?

You got a map showing the 2/3 of the country that wasn't segregated 53 years ago? Where I was had Jim Crow laws and lots of Whites Only signs.
Is this just me, or perhaps blacks need to look inward instead of this blame game? Blacks have been here way over 250 years, slavery ended almost 150 years ago. Any other group, say, Vietnamese, Irish or Italians got over their oppression and racial stuff years ago. But blacks have got this hedge now, it's their new found "Privilege" to claim racial oppression even though they can and should have transcended that long ago.

Irish and Italians are white. Vietnamese struggle badly because if current racism and most of them came here after the civil rights act.

So after slavery everything ended and things were all just fine and equal. Is that what you are saying? That Jim crow segregation did not exist all over this country by written law until 53 years ago? And I guess all of the racism expressed here isn't applied in real life.

I think you are reaching. Jewish, Irish and Italian immigrants were treated like crap, race wasn't an issue. They transcended not by sitting in ghettos and blaming others for their misfortunes , but by getting off their asses and ..DOING SOMETHING positive. Jim crow laws... it didn't exist nationwide. In the west, we had black cowboys and politicians, there wasn't any segregation , in fact there wasn't segregation in 2/3 of the US. THAT IS A FACT. Please. So that dosen't fly as an excuse. And it comes off as exactly THAT. An EXCUSE. 53 years (over 2 generations ago) in a limited part of the US segregation happened. How does that tie into NOW in the MAJORITY of the country were it was never a factor?

You got a map showing the 2/3 of the country that wasn't segregated 53 years ago? Where I was had Jim Crow laws and lots of Whites Only signs.
Do you? Please, this was primarily a southern issue. I grew in the west in the late 50' early 60's next door to blacks in a mixed community. Hell, My dad and his black friend use to take me down town to the local farmer's market. There was never any form of segregation created by any law I ever saw growing up in Denver. it was never even implied. So It (segregation) comes off as science fiction to me. Oh, I know it happened...but it was NEVER nation wide institution and hardly constitutes a excuse for black inability to transcend their victim-hood "shtick".
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Oh totally I've been to Montgomery Alabama and same thing, who were these weird businessmen got an extra dollar with a black-only and white-only entrance? They clearly went out of business far as I saw. Anyway here's Martin Luther King Jr with his March on the Montgomery Capitol saying 'here's the United States coming down on the powers of the state of Alabama, Glory Glory hallelujah', and I say burn the confederate capitol or come make some tourism dollars instead please, the applebee's was delicious. Alabama State Capitol - Montgomery Alabama - Convention & Visitor Bureau
Is this just me, or perhaps blacks need to look inward instead of this blame game? Blacks have been here way over 250 years, slavery ended almost 150 years ago. Any other group, say, Vietnamese, Irish or Italians got over their oppression and racial stuff years ago. But blacks have got this hedge now, it's their new found "Privilege" to claim racial oppression even though they can and should have transcended that long ago.

Irish and Italians are white. Vietnamese struggle badly because if current racism and most of them came here after the civil rights act.

So after slavery everything ended and things were all just fine and equal. Is that what you are saying? That Jim crow segregation did not exist all over this country by written law until 53 years ago? And I guess all of the racism expressed here isn't applied in real life.

I think you are reaching. Jewish, Irish and Italian immigrants were treated like crap, race wasn't an issue. They transcended not by sitting in ghettos and blaming others for their misfortunes , but by getting off their asses and ..DOING SOMETHING positive. Jim crow laws... it didn't exist nationwide. In the west, we had black cowboys and politicians, there wasn't any segregation , in fact there wasn't segregation in 2/3 of the US. THAT IS A FACT. Please. So that dosen't fly as an excuse. And it comes off as exactly THAT. An EXCUSE. 53 years (over 2 generations ago) in a limited part of the US segregation happened. How does that tie into NOW in the MAJORITY of the country were it was never a factor?

You got a map showing the 2/3 of the country that wasn't segregated 53 years ago? Where I was had Jim Crow laws and lots of Whites Only signs.
Do you? Please, this was primarily a southern issue. I grew in the west in the late 50' early 60's next door to blacks in a mixed community. Hell, My dad and his black friend use to take me down town to the local farmer's market. There was never any form of segregation created by any law I ever saw growing up in Denver. it was never even implied. So It (segregation) comes off as science fiction to me. Oh, I know it happened...but it was NEVER nation wide institution and hardly constitutes a excuse for black inability to transcend their victim-hood "shtick".

No segregation in Denver? Then why did the Supreme Court rule that Denver had intentionally segregated their schools in 1973? I guess Denver wasn't such a fine example of equality after all. I would still like to see some doccumentation that 2/3 of the country didn't have racial inequality when it comes to laws when you were a kid.
I just saw a PBS program on the the anti Chinese hysteria that swept America in the 1880's in California and the Chinese exclusionary laws as a allegory of current immigration laws. Not buying it, neither am I accepting Jim crow laws as a one size excuse for current black dysfunctional culture. Nice try though, but reset to the present tense. Those round pegs of the past aren't quite fitting into the present square holes.
I just saw a PBS program on the the anti Chinese hysteria that swept America in the 1880's in California and the Chinese exclusionary laws as a allegory of current immigration laws. Not buying it, neither am I accepting Jim crow laws as a one size excuse for current black dysfunctional culture. Nice try though, but reset to the present tense. Those round pegs of the past aren't quite fitting into the present square holes.

You don't think Jim Crow laws existed? Why am I not surprised?
MaryL is so fun, I don't care who's just flailing their arms white supremacy, at least they're fun. How can you compare any of these problems? You know we basically had started "immigration" in 1850. Before that 100 years Stay off! Its not immigration when you arrive in a forest with a wild indian or two in it, its colonization. Hail Columbia! We invited German and Northern Europeans of Identitical background to ourselves, to enlist and fight the Civil War. That's what made everyone put up the Statue of Liberty for Free European Immigration Always, Bring me your huddled masses to New York! Facing away from China, back turned to China! Impossible to arrive from that direction! So that stayed about the same until 1960's hippies are like Let There Be Peace on Earth, I guess these Asian extremists and nationalists just work out in America, peace pipe man. Dixie's kicking out all the germans and european immigrants along with President Eisenhower and his Korean war, the blacks , +200% Korean immigration. They got the Christian church we were trying to beat into heathen blacks, the rednecks shotguns got to back down, they got doctors of the God man, trust me.
You are talking about all the lazy options like we didn't have money to send back blacks and we didn't want to learn anything from asia, these are just lazy options. Jim Crow Laws are referring to the Jim Crow Minstrel song obviously that's Not a Lazy option, that's having blacks notice and respect laws of the Southern states, correct, where there were unique laws to the area.
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I just saw a PBS program on the the anti Chinese hysteria that swept America in the 1880's in California and the Chinese exclusionary laws as a allegory of current immigration laws. Not buying it, neither am I accepting Jim crow laws as a one size excuse for current black dysfunctional culture. Nice try though, but reset to the present tense. Those round pegs of the past aren't quite fitting into the present square holes.

You don't think Jim Crow laws existed? Why am I not surprised?
Nope, never said that. You need to learn to read. Segregation laws where never a nation wide dictate , it was a southern states issue. Like, 1/3 of the country. Did you suddenly go blind? Does this break a rule of your liberal dogmatic white self hate? Opps, me bad. Well, good for ME.
I just saw a PBS program on the the anti Chinese hysteria that swept America in the 1880's in California and the Chinese exclusionary laws as a allegory of current immigration laws. Not buying it, neither am I accepting Jim crow laws as a one size excuse for current black dysfunctional culture. Nice try though, but reset to the present tense. Those round pegs of the past aren't quite fitting into the present square holes.

You don't think Jim Crow laws existed? Why am I not surprised?
Nope, never said that. You need to learn to read. Segregation laws where never a nation wide dictate , it was a southern states issue. Like, 1/3 of the country. Did you suddenly go blind? Does this break a rule of your liberal dogmatic white self hate? Opps, me bad. Well, good for ME.

Segregation laws were never nation wide? What laws caused that intentional segregation the SC ruled on in the 70s?
I love to dissolution some of you, but, NO segregation wasn't a nation wide thing. There wasn't whites only seats at the local Woolworth in down town Denver. Nope. No, perhaps some of you over sixty crowd can chime in. It just never happened. I know some people willingly segregated (birds of a feather), but it was never mandated by law. It was never institutionalized like in the south. So spare me your incredulity.
I love to dissolution some of you, but, NO segregation wasn't a nation wide thing. There wasn't whites only seats at the local Woolworth in down town Denver. Nope. No, perhaps some of you over sixty crowd can chime in. It just never happened. I know some people willingly segregated (birds of a feather), but it was never mandated by law. It was never institutionalized like in the south. So spare me your incredulity.

So the school segregation was by choice?
Those who want to downplay the role of segregation in our history have nothing of value to offer.
I love to dissolution some of you, but, NO segregation wasn't a nation wide thing. There wasn't whites only seats at the local Woolworth in down town Denver. Nope. No, perhaps some of you over sixty crowd can chime in. It just never happened. I know some people willingly segregated (birds of a feather), but it was never mandated by law. It was never institutionalized like in the south. So spare me your incredulity.

So the school segregation was by choice?
I was in a primarily black school when the national mandate to desegregate schools came back in the early 70's. I saw hordes of unwilling kids being being trucked around like meat, and it had nothing to do with education, it was artificial and without anyone's "choice". It really was the stupidest thing since Vietnam.
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