Siren @ Height: A Halloween Spectre


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a Halloween-festive fable inspired by Siren, and I posted it in the Garage section, since I wanted it to reflect general Halloween spirit and not necessarily my love-affair with short-stories!

Cheers (signing off),




A Dutch man named Dirk was a pilot for KLM airlines. One one tragic flight from Amsterdam to New York, Dirk met an attractive stewardess and began conversing with her in the cockpit right before the plane went out of control because of a storm and had to crash-land in the water, right by an island-shoreline. As Dirk climbed safely out of the plane along with the other passengers, he noticed the attractive stewardess mysteriously walking onto the shore with her luggage. She simply disappeared somewhere into the island forest, and he couldn't find her anywhere.


Dirk quit his job at KLM and began keeping a journal in which he kept writing about the attractive/mysterious stewardess who simply disappeared onto that island shore. Dirk wrote in his journal every night, inexplicable obsessed with the woman and continued to wonder if/where he'd see her again. He couldn't get the image of her walking away from the crash-landed plane with her luggage out of his head.


Dirk decided to get a job as a newsstand-owner in Virginia (USA) and continued to write in his journal one year later. When Halloween Eve came, Dirk was sitting in front of his decorated newsstand waiting with candy for trick-or-treating kids to walk by; that's when he thought he saw that attractive/mysterious woman again. She was dressed as a cavewoman, and Dirk jumped up and ran towards her, determined to talk to her, but once again, she simply disappeared. He wrote in his journal that night, "I'm determined to someday meet this woman...and marry her!"


Dirk was camping on Virginia Beach one summer night (one year later) and was enjoying the moonlight. He decided to jump into his rented dune-buggy and drive around the forest-and-road area leading to one section of the beach when he saw the same attractive/mysterious woman again. Her hair was different this time; she had cut it short. This time, nothing would stop him from talking to her.

DIRK: I met you on that crashed Dutch airplane.
WOMAN: I was a stewardess then...
DIRK: Yes! Please, I must know your name.
WOMAN: My name?
DIRK: Yes, I find myself incredibly intrigued by your person, miss.
WOMAN: What will you do if you knew my name?
DIRK: Please...just tell me...who you're beautiful!
WOMAN: My name is Medusa!
DIRK: Medusa(?). Medusa? As in the snake-deity who turns women into stone?
WOMAN: If you like...
DIRK: If I 'like'? Are you toying with me? Why is your name Medusa?
WOMAN: I'm whoever you want me to be...Dirk.
DIRK: You know my name! Someone on the plane told you, right?
WOMAN: Maybe...
DIRK: I want you to spend time with me; you fascinate me!
WOMAN: I don't belong to this world...
DIRK: What? What're you saying? Are you a 'ghost' or something, Medusa?
WOMAN: Maybe...
DIRK: I'm confused and a bit dizzy; can I see you again?
WOMAN: Maybe...


As Dirk went to fix the engine in his dune-buggy, the woman (Medusa) disappeared. However, this time Dirk did not lose breath, since she promised that they 'might' meet again, and he was willing to see her again. That night, he went home and wrote in his journal, "I find that Medusa is my soul-mate, and if I keep waiting/watching for her, I think she'll keep re-appearing and I can talk to her (again and again). I have a new theory that she's some kind of 'siren' of Halloween 'spectre' which is why I saw her on the plane and on Halloween Eve. Whoever (or whatever!) she is, I know this --- this is one shivering obsession!"



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