Since rising cases of the Kung Flu didnt scare people, now the Lame Stream Media resorts to phase 2, alarming rise in hospital and deaths..


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Over the last couple of months when business were starting to reopen and people were getting back to being happy, the Lame Stream Media started their propaganda that there was an alarming increase in "Cases" of the Kung Flu, and everyone should stop being happy and go back to being like Joe Biden, scared in their basements. But this didnt have the right results of the propaganda machine because people still weren't afraid of that microscopic terror, and people continued to open up their businesses and now with schools opening up soon, there is a new tactic from the left.

Now there is suddenly "An alarming increase of hospitalizations and deaths attributed to the Kung Flu. Children suddenly have more chances of catching the Wuhan Virus than previously thought. Are you fucking kidding me? This should make everyone alarmed at what the progressives are trying to do, yet those on this board, some will actually believe what they are told.

Children suddenly have more chances of catching the Wuhan Virus than previously thought. Are you fucking kidding me?

Notice how they all say, COVID-19 "related deaths". Does being murdered by a fellow citizen fall into a Kung Flu related death? Or OD'ing because you cant get your job back, because the left has shut down your business, count as a Wuhan Virus death?

uh - do you know what 'novel' means in relation to COVID 19?

it means ' brand spanking new '. that means there's not much knowledge about how this virus behaves & we are finding out as time goes on.

there's no spinning on the stats.

dead is dead & both AZ & texas are now using freezer trucks because their morgues are filled to capacity.

oh & we are learning that this virus seems to be more than respiratory; it looks like it is very much a vascular disease as well because coroners are finding that victims have developed blood clots in all their major organs.

just a few months ago ( that feels like years ) we thought it was also transmitted thru touching surfaces... it still can be on frequently touched surfaces like elevator buttons... but now we know that actually getting INTO an elevator could be what kills you.
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Over the last couple of months when business were starting to reopen and people were getting back to being happy, the Lame Stream Media started their propaganda that there was an alarming increase in "Cases" of the Kung Flu, and everyone should stop being happy and go back to being like Joe Biden, scared in their basements. But this didnt have the right results of the propaganda machine because people still weren't afraid of that microscopic terror, and people continued to open up their businesses and now with schools opening up soon, there is a new tactic from the left.

Now there is suddenly "An alarming increase of hospitalizations and deaths attributed to the Kung Flu. Children suddenly have more chances of catching the Wuhan Virus than previously thought. Are you fucking kidding me? This should make everyone alarmed at what the progressives are trying to do, yet those on this board, some will actually believe what they are told.

Children suddenly have more chances of catching the Wuhan Virus than previously thought. Are you fucking kidding me?

Notice how they all say, COVID-19 "related deaths". Does being murdered by a fellow citizen fall into a Kung Flu related death? Or OD'ing because you cant get your job back, because the left has shut down your business, count as a Wuhan Virus death?

A few more for you. Not that facts mean anything to least,, not until you can spin them into tin-foil hat gold.

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The US has had more deaths than any other nation.

Cuomo did a good job with that.
In your alternate the here and now...people are still dying....and Cuomo's screw-ups are not the reason for all the deaths outside of New York, now are they?

Do keep your head in the sand..that is also good social distancing.
Over the last couple of months when business were starting to reopen and people were getting back to being happy, the Lame Stream Media started their propaganda that there was an alarming increase in "Cases" of the Kung Flu, and everyone should stop being happy and go back to being like Joe Biden, scared in their basements. But this didnt have the right results of the propaganda machine because people still weren't afraid of that microscopic terror, and people continued to open up their businesses and now with schools opening up soon, there is a new tactic from the left.

Now there is suddenly "An alarming increase of hospitalizations and deaths attributed to the Kung Flu. Children suddenly have more chances of catching the Wuhan Virus than previously thought. Are you fucking kidding me? This should make everyone alarmed at what the progressives are trying to do, yet those on this board, some will actually believe what they are told.

Children suddenly have more chances of catching the Wuhan Virus than previously thought. Are you fucking kidding me?

Notice how they all say, COVID-19 "related deaths". Does being murdered by a fellow citizen fall into a Kung Flu related death? Or OD'ing because you cant get your job back, because the left has shut down your business, count as a Wuhan Virus death?

A few more for you.

i hope they truly commit to enforcing mask wearing & social distancing at the convention - & keep an eye out for donny's campaign staffers, who might try to take signs off seats designated to stay empty - like they did in tulsa.
The US has had more deaths than any other nation. This post helps explain it.

amerika has only 4% of the world's population, but 25% of covid deaths.

there's something horribly wrong with those at the top of the food chain.

one person described it as ' genocide by policy ' & aptly so.
The TRUMPvirus is rampaging through states that took the threat lightly.

Meanwhile, states like NY, NJ and Connecticut have it under control
/——/ CDC Director: Northerners Brought the Coronavirus South

Dr REDFIELD: “If you look at the South, everything happened around June 12th to June 16th. It all simultaneously kind of popped. We’re of the view that there was something else that was the driver. Maybe the Memorial Day, not weekend but the Memorial Day week, where a lot of Northerners decided to go south for vacation.”
The TRUMPvirus is rampaging through states that took the threat lightly.

Meanwhile, states like NY, NJ and Connecticut have it under control
/——/ CDC Director: Northerners Brought the Coronavirus South

Dr REDFIELD: “If you look at the South, everything happened around June 12th to June 16th. It all simultaneously kind of popped. We’re of the view that there was something else that was the driver. Maybe the Memorial Day, not weekend but the Memorial Day week, where a lot of Northerners decided to go south for vacation.”
They went south on vacation because the Southern States, reopened, and welcomed them, with opened arms....

Too early.
Over the last couple of months when business were starting to reopen and people were getting back to being happy, the Lame Stream Media started their propaganda that there was an alarming increase in "Cases" of the Kung Flu, and everyone should stop being happy and go back to being like Joe Biden, scared in their basements. But this didnt have the right results of the propaganda machine because people still weren't afraid of that microscopic terror, and people continued to open up their businesses and now with schools opening up soon, there is a new tactic from the left.

Now there is suddenly "An alarming increase of hospitalizations and deaths attributed to the Kung Flu. Children suddenly have more chances of catching the Wuhan Virus than previously thought. Are you fucking kidding me? This should make everyone alarmed at what the progressives are trying to do, yet those on this board, some will actually believe what they are told.

Children suddenly have more chances of catching the Wuhan Virus than previously thought. Are you fucking kidding me?

Notice how they all say, COVID-19 "related deaths". Does being murdered by a fellow citizen fall into a Kung Flu related death? Or OD'ing because you cant get your job back, because the left has shut down your business, count as a Wuhan Virus death?

This is what happens when you combine stupidity, cynicism and partisanship. A denial of everything negative and a headstrong refusal the engage with reality. Look for this condition at Trump rallies.
The TRUMPvirus is rampaging through states that took the threat lightly.

Meanwhile, states like NY, NJ and Connecticut have it under control
/——/ CDC Director: Northerners Brought the Coronavirus South

Dr REDFIELD: “If you look at the South, everything happened around June 12th to June 16th. It all simultaneously kind of popped. We’re of the view that there was something else that was the driver. Maybe the Memorial Day, not weekend but the Memorial Day week, where a lot of Northerners decided to go south for vacation.”
The states in the north had little time to prepare for the TRUMPvirus. While the TRUMPvirus was raging through the northeast, southern states laughed and said TRUMPvirus is a northern problem. They ignored CDC guidance on preventing the TRUMPvirus and opened their bars, restaurants and beaches.

Now, the TRUMPvirus is raging through their states and they blame......testing
The states in the north had little time to prepare for the TRUMPvirus. While the TRUMPvirus was raging through the northeast, southern states laughed and said TRUMPvirus is a northern problem. They ignored CDC guidance on preventing the TRUMPvirus and opened their bars, restaurants and beaches.

Now, the TRUMPvirus is raging through their states and they blame......testing

It takes a Commie Pig to try to absolve the CCP of it's virus.
I think everyone here pretty much knows you are CCP
'Severe brain damage possible even with mild coronavirus symptoms'

'According to British neurologists, COVID-19 can cause serious damage to the brain and central nervous system, causing psychosis, paralysis and strokes, which are often detected in their late stages.'


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