Since building the wall is Trump's most important issue, and promise...

Trump supporters can't answer any of these questions and they don't want an answer. They hear 'we'll build a wall' and it could just as well be 'we'll have sharks with laser beams on their heads'. Then they clap and feel like it's 1950 again for half an hour.

Of course, comparing it to building sharks with laser beams on their heads is utterly ridiculous. It makes more sense to comparing it building a deck on the back of your house.

Building walls is not a difficult task. Man has been doing it for thousands of years.
Trump supporters can't answer any of these questions and they don't want an answer. They hear 'we'll build a wall' and it could just as well be 'we'll have sharks with laser beams on their heads'. Then they clap and feel like it's 1950 again for half an hour.

Of course, comparing it to building sharks with laser beams on their heads is utterly ridiculous. It makes more sense to comparing it building a deck on the back of your house.

Building walls is not a difficult task. Man has been doing it for thousands of years.

You of all people supporting a big central government confiscation of private property. lol
I would like to ask the Trump supporters some serious and fair questions about that:

1. How long will it take to complete the wall?

2. What will be the diplomatic/legal process to obtain the funding from Mexico? How long will that take?

3. Will construction of the wall begin before or after the funding is obtained from Mexico? In other words, will American taxpayers be required to fund the construction pending receipt of money from Mexico?

4. What legislation is required to begin building the wall? How long will the legislative process take?

5. How will challenges such as environmentalist and private property owner lawsuits be dealt with? How long will that take?

Trump hasn't thought through shit. That's why he's now Teleprompter Trump. His handlers are scared shitless to put him on a debate stage because he's all hot air with no substance.
Trump supporters can't answer any of these questions and they don't want an answer. They hear 'we'll build a wall' and it could just as well be 'we'll have sharks with laser beams on their heads'. Then they clap and feel like it's 1950 again for half an hour.

Of course, comparing it to building sharks with laser beams on their heads is utterly ridiculous. It makes more sense to comparing it building a deck on the back of your house.

Building walls is not a difficult task. Man has been doing it for thousands of years.

You of all people supporting a big central government confiscation of private property. lol

It's a trade off between that and big government facilitating an invasion of a foreign culture into our towns and neighborhoods.
I would like to ask the Trump supporters some serious and fair questions about that:

1. How long will it take to complete the wall?

2. What will be the diplomatic/legal process to obtain the funding from Mexico? How long will that take?

3. Will construction of the wall begin before or after the funding is obtained from Mexico? In other words, will American taxpayers be required to fund the construction pending receipt of money from Mexico?

4. What legislation is required to begin building the wall? How long will the legislative process take?

5. How will challenges such as environmentalist and private property owner lawsuits be dealt with? How long will that take?

Trump hasn't thought through shit. That's why he's now Teleprompter Trump. His handlers are scared shitless to put him on a debate stage because he's all hot air with no substance.

What did Nazi Pelosi say about Obamacare? Oh yeah . . . "we have to pass it to find out what's in it."

I've never seen such a gang of craven hypocrites in my life.
Trump supporters can't answer any of these questions and they don't want an answer. They hear 'we'll build a wall' and it could just as well be 'we'll have sharks with laser beams on their heads'. Then they clap and feel like it's 1950 again for half an hour.

Of course, comparing it to building sharks with laser beams on their heads is utterly ridiculous. It makes more sense to comparing it building a deck on the back of your house.

Building walls is not a difficult task. Man has been doing it for thousands of years.

You of all people supporting a big central government confiscation of private property. lol

It's a trade off between that and big government facilitating an invasion of a foreign culture into our towns and neighborhoods.

So you concede you're not what you pretend to be.
Trump supporters can't answer any of these questions and they don't want an answer. They hear 'we'll build a wall' and it could just as well be 'we'll have sharks with laser beams on their heads'. Then they clap and feel like it's 1950 again for half an hour.

Of course, comparing it to building sharks with laser beams on their heads is utterly ridiculous. It makes more sense to comparing it building a deck on the back of your house.

Building walls is not a difficult task. Man has been doing it for thousands of years.

Is it as quick and easy as building a pipeline, you know, as in the Keystone pipeline?
I would like to ask the Trump supporters some serious and fair questions about that:

1. How long will it take to complete the wall?

2. What will be the diplomatic/legal process to obtain the funding from Mexico? How long will that take?

3. Will construction of the wall begin before or after the funding is obtained from Mexico? In other words, will American taxpayers be required to fund the construction pending receipt of money from Mexico?

4. What legislation is required to begin building the wall? How long will the legislative process take?

5. How will challenges such as environmentalist and private property owner lawsuits be dealt with? How long will that take?

Trump hasn't thought through shit. That's why he's now Teleprompter Trump. His handlers are scared shitless to put him on a debate stage because he's all hot air with no substance.

What did Nazi Pelosi say about Obamacare? Oh yeah . . . "we have to pass it to find out what's in it."

I've never seen such a gang of craven hypocrites in my life.

So what you hated about Pelosi you've now embraced with loving arms...interesting.
I would like to ask the Trump supporters some serious and fair questions about that:

1. How long will it take to complete the wall?
with multiple companies building sections that will connect to each other, it is feasible to have a wall completed in less than a year depending on weather.

2. What will be the diplomatic/legal process to obtain the funding from Mexico? How long will that take?
It is roughly estimated that the illegals cost the U.S 100 billion a year when you take in to consideration their health care, education, crime, incarceration etc... it is also estimated that the illegals send 50 billion a year back to family in their home countries.
one year worth of savings from this would be enough to build the fence. And, over the course of just a few years, the money no longer leaving the country would cover the cost completely including maintenance and staffing of the fence. In other words, with the loss of that influx of cash from the illegals to their home countries, the bill would be covered by their countries.

3. Will construction of the wall begin before or after the funding is obtained from Mexico? In other words, will American taxpayers be required to fund the construction pending receipt of money from Mexico?
the wall can be built with bonds that would be covered by the savings once the illegals left. The wall would have to be started before any savings would be realized.

4. What legislation is required to begin building the wall? How long will the legislative process take?
Congress would have to agree to open the purse strings to pay for the wall, immigration legislation is already written so that would only have to be followed. Other than that, required studies and permits to build along the route chosen. ( dont want to disturb some new found dung beetle that only lives in that one square foot of space the wall will stand on.)

5. How will challenges such as environmentalist and private property owner lawsuits be dealt with? How long will that take?
good question. However it will be dealt with in the same way it currently is, lets say a new highway is going in, how are the lawsuits dealt with when Harry homeowner and his neighbors discover that their living room is going to be in the HOV lane of the new road?
Not to mention all of the access roads that will be made through private ranching lands. Trump is the King of eminent domain though.
When have leftwing douche bags like you ever been concerned about the government taking private property? You endorse the EPA taking it for stuff as trivial as some minnow or some puddle.
I would like to ask the Trump supporters some serious and fair questions about that:

1. How long will it take to complete the wall?

2. What will be the diplomatic/legal process to obtain the funding from Mexico? How long will that take?

3. Will construction of the wall begin before or after the funding is obtained from Mexico? In other words, will American taxpayers be required to fund the construction pending receipt of money from Mexico?

4. What legislation is required to begin building the wall? How long will the legislative process take?

5. How will challenges such as environmentalist and private property owner lawsuits be dealt with? How long will that take?

Trump hasn't thought through shit. That's why he's now Teleprompter Trump. His handlers are scared shitless to put him on a debate stage because he's all hot air with no substance.

What did Nazi Pelosi say about Obamacare? Oh yeah . . . "we have to pass it to find out what's in it."

I've never seen such a gang of craven hypocrites in my life.

So what you hated about Pelosi you've now embraced with loving arms...interesting.

When you douche bags demand that Hillary start providing specifics on her agenda perhaps someone will give a shit about your incessant blubbering.

Unlike taking over the entire healthcare industry, building a wall isn't complicated. No one believes the task will be difficult, not even sleazy turds like you who try to pretend it can't be done.

Building a wall is a far easier task than building an interstate highway of the same length, and the government does that every day.

Who do you morons think you're fooling?
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I would like to ask the Trump supporters some serious and fair questions about that:

1. How long will it take to complete the wall?

2. What will be the diplomatic/legal process to obtain the funding from Mexico? How long will that take?

3. Will construction of the wall begin before or after the funding is obtained from Mexico? In other words, will American taxpayers be required to fund the construction pending receipt of money from Mexico?

4. What legislation is required to begin building the wall? How long will the legislative process take?

5. How will challenges such as environmentalist and private property owner lawsuits be dealt with? How long will that take?

Trump hasn't thought through shit. That's why he's now Teleprompter Trump. His handlers are scared shitless to put him on a debate stage because he's all hot air with no substance.

So says the douche bag whose going to vote for a criminal who won't even hold a press conference.
Trump supporters can't answer any of these questions and they don't want an answer. They hear 'we'll build a wall' and it could just as well be 'we'll have sharks with laser beams on their heads'. Then they clap and feel like it's 1950 again for half an hour.

Of course, comparing it to building sharks with laser beams on their heads is utterly ridiculous. It makes more sense to comparing it building a deck on the back of your house.

Building walls is not a difficult task. Man has been doing it for thousands of years.

Is it as quick and easy as building a pipeline, you know, as in the Keystone pipeline?

Building the Keystone pipeline will be a piece of cake if we can get all the scumbag Democrat politicians out of the way.
I would like to ask the Trump supporters some serious and fair questions about that:

1. How long will it take to complete the wall?

2. What will be the diplomatic/legal process to obtain the funding from Mexico? How long will that take?

3. Will construction of the wall begin before or after the funding is obtained from Mexico? In other words, will American taxpayers be required to fund the construction pending receipt of money from Mexico?

4. What legislation is required to begin building the wall? How long will the legislative process take?

5. How will challenges such as environmentalist and private property owner lawsuits be dealt with? How long will that take?

Trump hasn't thought through shit. That's why he's now Teleprompter Trump. His handlers are scared shitless to put him on a debate stage because he's all hot air with no substance.

What did Nazi Pelosi say about Obamacare? Oh yeah . . . "we have to pass it to find out what's in it."

I've never seen such a gang of craven hypocrites in my life.

So what you hated about Pelosi you've now embraced with loving arms...interesting.

When you douche bags that Hillary start providing specifics on her agenda perhaps someone will give a shit about your incessant blubbering.

Unlike taking over the entire healthcare industry, building a wall isn't complicated. No one believes the task will be difficult, not even sleazy turds like you who try to pretend it can't be done.

Building a wall is a far easier task than building an interstate highway of the same length, and the government does that every day.

Who do you morons think you're fooling?
but the highway is built by Mexicans with the promise that it will open up faster travel for the rest of their illegal family to join them.
Who is going to build this wall that will be to keep the Mexicans families where they belong.
I would like to ask the Trump supporters some serious and fair questions about that:

1. How long will it take to complete the wall?

2. What will be the diplomatic/legal process to obtain the funding from Mexico? How long will that take?

3. Will construction of the wall begin before or after the funding is obtained from Mexico? In other words, will American taxpayers be required to fund the construction pending receipt of money from Mexico?

4. What legislation is required to begin building the wall? How long will the legislative process take?

5. How will challenges such as environmentalist and private property owner lawsuits be dealt with? How long will that take?
You should ask Hillary these questions since Senator Clinton voted to build the barrier she now claims to oppose.

Last Friday, however, she did exactly that, joining Senate Republicans and the majority of her Democratic colleagues in voting for an ignominious piece of legislation known as the “Secure Fence Act of 2006.”

The bill calls for the erection of 700 miles of fortified fencing stretching across the entire length of Arizona’s frontier with Mexico as well as portions of the southern borders of California, New Mexico and Texas. According to some estimates, the cost of such a massive project would reach $7 billion.


In Hillary Clinton’s case, the vote has a deeper significance. As the reputed frontrunner in the contest for the Democratic Party’s 2008 presidential nomination, she is making a direct appeal to the same anti-immigrant sentiments that are being stoked by the right wing of the Republican Party.


Thus, in a 2003 interview with WABC radio in New York, she declared: “I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants.”

Continuing with what amounted to a backward rant against the foreign-born, she said, “People have to stop employing illegal immigrants. I mean, come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties, stand on the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx. You’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work.”

Before the "Border Wall," Hillary Voted for a Border Fence.
I would like to ask the Trump supporters some serious and fair questions about that:

1. How long will it take to complete the wall?
with multiple companies building sections that will connect to each other, it is feasible to have a wall completed in less than a year depending on weather.

You think every private property/eminent domain objection, plus every environmental objection can be litigated in a couple weeks?
Trump supporters can't answer any of these questions and they don't want an answer. They hear 'we'll build a wall' and it could just as well be 'we'll have sharks with laser beams on their heads'. Then they clap and feel like it's 1950 again for half an hour.

Of course, comparing it to building sharks with laser beams on their heads is utterly ridiculous. It makes more sense to comparing it building a deck on the back of your house.

Building walls is not a difficult task. Man has been doing it for thousands of years.

Is it as quick and easy as building a pipeline, you know, as in the Keystone pipeline?

Building the Keystone pipeline will be a piece of cake if we can get all the scumbag Democrat politicians out of the way.

Then it would be done by now.
I would like to ask the Trump supporters some serious and fair questions about that:

1. How long will it take to complete the wall?

2. What will be the diplomatic/legal process to obtain the funding from Mexico? How long will that take?

3. Will construction of the wall begin before or after the funding is obtained from Mexico? In other words, will American taxpayers be required to fund the construction pending receipt of money from Mexico?

4. What legislation is required to begin building the wall? How long will the legislative process take?

5. How will challenges such as environmentalist and private property owner lawsuits be dealt with? How long will that take?

Trump hasn't thought through shit. That's why he's now Teleprompter Trump. His handlers are scared shitless to put him on a debate stage because he's all hot air with no substance.

What did Nazi Pelosi say about Obamacare? Oh yeah . . . "we have to pass it to find out what's in it."

I've never seen such a gang of craven hypocrites in my life.

So what you hated about Pelosi you've now embraced with loving arms...interesting.

When you douche bags demand that Hillary start providing specifics on her agenda perhaps someone will give a shit about your incessant blubbering.

Unlike taking over the entire healthcare industry, building a wall isn't complicated. No one believes the task will be difficult, not even sleazy turds like you who try to pretend it can't be done.

Building a wall is a far easier task than building an interstate highway of the same length, and the government does that every day.

Who do you morons think you're fooling?

So you admit there is no real plan to build the wall.
You want to clean up illegal immigration, get out there and arrest and fine a few thousand bucks every American who uses an illegal to put a roof on his house or mow his lawn or pick his fruit.

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