Simple Questions About Trump's Alleged "Obstruction of Justice" vs. Bill & Hillary's Actions


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Did Trump ever call in a key witness for a virtually unprecedented weekend meeting and coach her/him on what to say to federal investigators? No. But Clinton did. (pp. 190-197)

Did Trump ever destroy thousands of e-mails that were actually under a federal subpoena? No. But Hillary Clinton did.

Congressional investigators find irregularities in FBI's handling of Clinton email case

Hillary Clinton Server: Emails Erased, Technician Should Be Pressured | National Review

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal - Judicial Watch

Hillary Managed Her Emails Like Criminals I’ve Known

Did Trump have his main computer server wiped after he knew federal investigators would want to examine it and before he handed it over to federal investigators? Nope. But Hillary Clinton did.

Hillary Clinton's Email Server: FBI Gets One She Wiped Clean | [site:name] | National Review

Did Trump ever instruct any White House aide to get a White House job for someone who had incriminating evidence against him? Nope. But Bill Clinton did.

THE STARR REPORT; Full Text of Findings Sent to Congress -- Part Two of Thirteen

THE STARR REPORT; Full Text of Findings Sent to Congress -- Part Five of Thirteen

Did Trump ever lie under oath to civil or federal investigators? No. But Bill and Hillary Clinton did. (pp. 7-44, for example)

House Panels Lay Out Case That Clinton Perjured Herself

Obstruction, lies and dishonor: Hillary's Benghazi legacy

Just curious.
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Anybody in here ever seen a Coach charge a Referee or an Umpire like he wanted to rip his head off, only to be restrained by his Assistants and Players before he get two feet?

Does he get a flag for that? Is that against the rules?

Now, imagine you were just accused of the most heinous crime you can possibly imagine.

What would that be? For a God Fearing, Patriotic Conservative....... Maybe being accused of molesting your child by a vindictive neighbor. (I have seen it by wives in divorce cases, personally. People have died over that shit)

I'll use that because it is about the worst thing you could accuse a loving Parent of. Kinda goes along with accusing a Patriot of Treason, no?

Then imagine the neighbor gets the Cops involved and they're turning your life upside-down.

How pissed would you be??

Now, imagine the Cops nail the time period down to say, between 2:00 and 2:30PM on a Saturday on such and such date.

You know, for a fact, that you were having lunch all that afternoon, from around 12:30PM to 3:00PM.

So you ask your lunch date to vouch for you.

Is that obstruction? To the ABSOLUTE SCUM OF THE EARTH DIMOCRAP FILTH, it is.

Conversely, if you're guilty of being a perv and you ask someone to vouch for you being somewhere you were NOT, that IS obstruction.

But only to DIMOCRAP FILTH is telling the truth obstruction.

Only to DIMOCRAP FILTH is trying to defend yourself obstruction.

Only to DIMOCRAP FILTH is being outraged about a false accusation 'proof' of guilt.

People, dimocrap FILTH aren't your friends. None of them. Not in here, not your neighbor, not your Aunt Tilly, not your Sister-In-Law, not your Son's Teacher -- NONE of them.

They are absolute SCUM.

You need to come to grips with that fact. Soon.

Were Bill or Hillary subjects or targets of the Mueller investigation? Fuck no they were not! Your OP is nothing more than a supercilious attempt at diversion, cover and smear propaganda!

Were Bill or Hillary subjects or targets of the Mueller investigation?

That has to be one of the dumbest questions I've ever seen here. Have you heard of the term "comparison"? The OP compares the crimes of Bill and Hillary with Trump's alleged crimes.

Yes, Benghazi again, because you guys gave her a pass after she got four Americans killed and then lied through her teeth about it before Congress. I ask for about the 100th time, Does any rational person on this planet really believe Hillary's absurd, obscene lie that Ambassador Stevens never once asked her to intervene to get at least some of his rejected security requests approved, and, even more unbelievably, never even mentioned the subject to her in all the times they spoke by phone?!
Were Bill or Hillary subjects or targets of the Mueller investigation?

That has to be one of the dumbest questions I've ever seen here. Have you heard of the term "comparison"? The OP compares the crimes of Bill and Hillary with Trump's alleged crimes.

Yes, Benghazi again, because you guys gave her a pass after she got four Americans killed and then lied through her teeth about it before Congress. I ask for about the 100th time, Does any rational person on this planet really believe Hillary's absurd, obscene lie that Ambassador Stevens never once asked her to intervene to get at least some of his rejected security requests approved, and, even more unbelievably, never even mentioned the subject to her in all the times they spoke by phone?!

any day now, any day.

have you seen Trumps new logo ?

Were Bill or Hillary subjects or targets of the Mueller investigation?

That has to be one of the dumbest questions I've ever seen here. Have you heard of the term "comparison"? The OP compares the crimes of Bill and Hillary with Trump's alleged crimes.

Yes, Benghazi again, because you guys gave her a pass after she got four Americans killed and then lied through her teeth about it before Congress. I ask for about the 100th time, Does any rational person on this planet really believe Hillary's absurd, obscene lie that Ambassador Stevens never once asked her to intervene to get at least some of his rejected security requests approved, and, even more unbelievably, never even mentioned the subject to her in all the times they spoke by phone?!
Have you heard of the term "comparison"?
Comparison my fat ass, ya lying Bitch!

There is no rational comparison in the OP, only an ax grinding hit job regarding three different people in three different periods with three VASTLY different circumstances. Cognitive dissonance deep within you dwells, Warthog!

You can put lipstick on a pig but your porcine construction in the OP ain't gonna git up and dance, lipstick or not!
Were Bill or Hillary subjects or targets of the Mueller investigation?

That has to be one of the dumbest questions I've ever seen here. Have you heard of the term "comparison"? The OP compares the crimes of Bill and Hillary with Trump's alleged crimes.

Yes, Benghazi again, because you guys gave her a pass after she got four Americans killed and then lied through her teeth about it before Congress. I ask for about the 100th time, Does any rational person on this planet really believe Hillary's absurd, obscene lie that Ambassador Stevens never once asked her to intervene to get at least some of his rejected security requests approved, and, even more unbelievably, never even mentioned the subject to her in all the times they spoke by phone?!
Have you heard of the term "comparison"?

Comparison my fat ass, ya lying Bitch!

There is no rational comparison in the OP, only an ax grinding hit job regarding three different people in three different periods with three VASTLY different circumstances. Cognitive dissonance deep within you dwells, Warthog!

LOL! Do your parents know you're using their computer? You strike me as some high school or college juvenile who can't engage in a rational discussion.

So, pray tell, what were the "vastly different circumstances"? Hillary was being investigated for sending official e-mails via a private server. She knew this. She knew her server and its contents were under subpoena, and yet she deleted over 30,000 e-mails and had her server wiped before handing it over for forensic analysis. If you can't bring yourself to admit that that was bald-faced obstruction of justice, well, you need to return your parents' computer and wait until your brain has matured a few years so you can engage in rational thought.

And I noticed you did not venture to answer my question about Hillary's ludicrous claim that Ambassador Stevens never once mentioned his frustration over the dozens of his security requests that had been rejected. Pray tell, how did Hillary's aides know that Stevens was so upset that he was thinking about resigning, and Hillary not know? She was clearly lying through her teeth. So he told them about his anger and frustration but didn't say a peep to Hillary in all their phone conversations and e-mails? Really? Really? And Hillary's aides never said a word to her about such serious information? Really? Really?
Were Bill or Hillary subjects or targets of the Mueller investigation?

That has to be one of the dumbest questions I've ever seen here. Have you heard of the term "comparison"? The OP compares the crimes of Bill and Hillary with Trump's alleged crimes.

Yes, Benghazi again, because you guys gave her a pass after she got four Americans killed and then lied through her teeth about it before Congress. I ask for about the 100th time, Does any rational person on this planet really believe Hillary's absurd, obscene lie that Ambassador Stevens never once asked her to intervene to get at least some of his rejected security requests approved, and, even more unbelievably, never even mentioned the subject to her in all the times they spoke by phone?!
Have you heard of the term "comparison"?

Comparison my fat ass, ya lying Bitch!

There is no rational comparison in the OP, only an ax grinding hit job regarding three different people in three different periods with three VASTLY different circumstances. Cognitive dissonance deep within you dwells, Warthog!

So, pray tell, what were the "vastly different circumstances"? Hillary was being investigated for sending official e-mails via a private server. She knew this. She knew her server and its contents were under subpoena, and yet she deleted over 30,000 e-mails and had her server wiped before handing it over for forensic analysis. If you can't bring yourself to admit that that was bald-faced obstruction of justice, well, you need to return your parents' computer and wait until your brain has matured a few years so you can engage in rational thought.

And I noticed you did not venture to answer my question about Hillary's ludicrous claim that Ambassador Stevens never once mentioned his frustration over the dozens of his security requests that had been rejected. Pray tell, how did Hillary's aides know that Stevens was so upset that he was thinking about resigning, and Hillary not know? She was clearly lying through her teeth. So he told them about his anger and frustration but didn't say a peep to Hillary in all their phone conversations and e-mails? Really? Really? And Hillary's aides never said a word to her about such serious information? Really? Really?
LOL! Do your parents know you're using their computer? You strike me as some high school or college juvenile who can't engage in a rational discussion.
You need some new insulting intro's for your opening shtick, putz Boi!
So, pray tell, what were the "vastly different circumstances"?
Bullshit! It should be obvious what the unrelated basic situations, facts and criminal circumstances are reviewing one case in contrast with the other two in order. The number of total indictments to date and the 14 pending referrals for prosecution in the Mueller Report alone bespeak a huge difference in circumstances! Even a mental dwarf with a low heart rate should be able to discern some of them upon reading mere outlines of the three kerfuffles.

You're a fucking partisan FRAUD running for cover or you're a mental dwarf lacking a heartbeat!!
Were Bill or Hillary subjects or targets of the Mueller investigation? Fuck no they were not! Your OP is nothing more than a supercilious attempt at diversion, cover and smear propaganda!

The fact that they were not targets of it, when they should have been, speaks volumes about have distorted everything has been over the past 2 years. Not only is it Hillary, Obama, Comey, Brennan, et al, who should have been investigated (and now finally are), the Clintons should have been investigated for serial murders they have arranged for years. Maybe finally that will be coming along too. The families of the victims can hope.



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All you have to do is a few Sunday Morning shows and lie like a dawg on the front porch and wait for the promotion... Went from UN Ambassador to U.S. National Security Advisor laying at the feet of pbo...

Talk about collusion...:eusa_whistle:

Did Trump ever call in a key witness for a virtually unprecedented weekend meeting and coach her/him on what to say to federal investigators? No. But Clinton did. (pp. 190-197)

Did Trump ever destroy thousands of e-mails that were actually under a federal subpoena? No. But Hillary Clinton did.

Congressional investigators find irregularities in FBI's handling of Clinton email case

Hillary Clinton Server: Emails Erased, Technician Should Be Pressured | National Review

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal - Judicial Watch

Hillary Managed Her Emails Like Criminals I’ve Known

Did Trump have his main computer server wiped after he knew federal investigators would want to examine it and before he handed it over to federal investigators? Nope. But Hillary Clinton did.

Hillary Clinton's Email Server: FBI Gets One She Wiped Clean | [site:name] | National Review

Did Trump ever instruct any White House aide to get a White House job for someone who had incriminating evidence against him? Nope. But Bill Clinton did.

THE STARR REPORT; Full Text of Findings Sent to Congress -- Part Two of Thirteen

THE STARR REPORT; Full Text of Findings Sent to Congress -- Part Five of Thirteen

Did Trump ever lie under oath to civil or federal investigators? No. But Bill and Hillary Clinton did. (pp. 7-44, for example)

House Panels Lay Out Case That Clinton Perjured Herself

Obstruction, lies and dishonor: Hillary's Benghazi legacy

Just curious.

Bill was charged with obstruction, and that was part of his impeachment, he also testified IN PERSON BEFORE CONGRESS - LOOK IT UP GOMER.

Hillary was investigated 9 times, and testified IN PERSON before Congress FOR OVER 11 HOURS ... Gowdy said in front of cameras his Republican Commitee couldnt find any issues with her. - LOOK THAT UP TOO, GOMER.

Lying as Donnie didnt have the BALLS to testify UNDER OATH IN PERSON BEFORE CONGRESS.


fuck all of those pissant links you posted above.
Did Trump ever call in a key witness for a virtually unprecedented weekend meeting and coach her/him on what to say to federal investigators? No. But Clinton did. (pp. 190-197)

Did Trump ever destroy thousands of e-mails that were actually under a federal subpoena? No. But Hillary Clinton did.

Congressional investigators find irregularities in FBI's handling of Clinton email case

Hillary Clinton Server: Emails Erased, Technician Should Be Pressured | National Review

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal - Judicial Watch

Hillary Managed Her Emails Like Criminals I’ve Known

Did Trump have his main computer server wiped after he knew federal investigators would want to examine it and before he handed it over to federal investigators? Nope. But Hillary Clinton did.

Hillary Clinton's Email Server: FBI Gets One She Wiped Clean | [site:name] | National Review

Did Trump ever instruct any White House aide to get a White House job for someone who had incriminating evidence against him? Nope. But Bill Clinton did.

THE STARR REPORT; Full Text of Findings Sent to Congress -- Part Two of Thirteen

THE STARR REPORT; Full Text of Findings Sent to Congress -- Part Five of Thirteen

Did Trump ever lie under oath to civil or federal investigators? No. But Bill and Hillary Clinton did. (pp. 7-44, for example)

House Panels Lay Out Case That Clinton Perjured Herself

Obstruction, lies and dishonor: Hillary's Benghazi legacy

Just curious.

Same ole diversion shit. Is that the only way you can defend Trump?

Same ole diversion crap.

Since you are unable or unwilling to grasp the point, I'll state it as plainly as possible: The point of the OP is to show that when Bill and Hillary committed acts that were clearly obstruction of justice, you guys claimed they did not break the law, but now you are claiming that far less serious acts done by Trump constitute obstruction of justice.

You see, that's called comparing cases and exposing a double-standard. You have one standard for Democrats and a much harsher one for Republicans. And when this is pointed out to you, you whine about "diversion."

Is that the only way you can defend Trump?

Nope, not at all. In replies in other threads, I have discussed the Trump actions that liberals are claiming constitute obstruction of justice and have argued that they do nothing of the kind. So have many conservative websites. So has Attorney General Barr.

So where do you get the idea that Republicans cannot defend Trump against obstruction claims without mentioning Bill and Hillary? It's a figment of your liberal imagination.

But, again, it is perfectly valid and logical to point out that you liberals have been wildly inconsistent in what actions you are willing to call obstruction of justice. We both know what you would be saying right now if, for example, Trump had destroyed 30,000 e-mails that were under a federal subpoena and had had his main server wiped before federal agents could examine it.
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Same ole diversion crap.

Since you are unable or unwilling to grasp the point, I'll state it as plainly as possible: The point of the OP is to show that when Bill and Hillary committed acts that were clearly obstruction of justice, you guys claimed they did not break the law, but now you are claiming that far less serious acts done by Trump constitute obstruction of justice.

You see, that's called comparing cases and exposing a double-standard. You have one standard for Democrats and a much harsher one for Republicans. And when this is pointed out to you, you whine about "diversion."

Is that the only way you can defend Trump?

Nope, not at all. In replies in other threads, I have discussed the Trump actions that liberals are claiming constitute obstruction of justice and have argued that they do nothing of the kind. So have many conservative websites. So has Attorney General Barr.

So where do you get the idea that Republicans cannot defend Trump against obstruction claims without mentioning Bill and Hillary? It's a figment of your liberal imagination.

But, again, it is perfectly valid and logical to point out that you liberals have been wildly inconsistent in what actions you are willing to call obstruction of justice. We both know what you would be saying right now if, for example, Trump had destroyed 30,000 e-mails that were under a federal subpoena and had had his main server wiped before federal agents could examine it.

See Mike, the Left is trying to change the conversation, and what this whole thing is REALLY about. It is patently obvious. Mueller is going before congress from what we hear, and that will be one of the links that brings down the Left, and they know it.


Because he is going to have to answer, to when HE KNEW that there was no collusion, and also talk about how they got a FISA warrant...…………..which he renewed......with evidence that HIS people swore to were accurate, when they knew it wasn't. We all must remember that Wiseman was informed of what was up with the dossier, in July or August of 16! Even Comey himself said that it was "unverified!"

The Lefts debate point on that on here has been------------> The dossier was NOT needed to get the FISA, it was a miniscule part of the evidence. THAT is a fine example of the Left moving the goalposts. Why? Because to get a FISA, you have to swear that the evidence is 100% true under the Woods procedure; not part of it, but ALL of it! All they had to do was REMOVE the dossier from the other applications for the FISA once they knew it had NOT been vetted to avoid this problem, thing was, no matter how the Left spins it, it is apparent without the dossier, they could NOT have gotten the FISAs renewed.

So what really happened?

A little speculation here, but drawing conclusions is not to hard--------------> Remember when the story broke about Strozk and Paige texts? The NEXT day Papadoupolis was arrested, and within a short period of time, Mueller went and got a revised scope memo.


Because Mueller knew that inside those text messages, they would probably be discussing the case. If they were and texted about lack of evidence, his whole reason for being would go up in smoke. In fact, Strozk DID talk about there being "no there, there," so Mueller hit the nail on the head. Also, after the new scope memo, the FISA warrants were NEVER again renewed...………..TRANSLATION...………..the NEW scope memo gave him the ability to look for OBSTRUCTION! This allowed him to keep the investigation open.

So what is the bottom line?

It is OBVIOUS to anyone who can think logically, that Bob Mueller KNEW at the very latest, August of 2017 when he had to get a revised scope, that there was NO COLLUSION. Think about that for a second, August of 2017, and here it was March of 19 that he ended. So all of those BREATHLESS news reports on Mueller closing in on COLLUSION were all poppycock, he was investigating obstruction, lol. All the threads by the Leftists on here, day, after day, after day, about Trump being treasonous, was a fabrication of their MEDIA outlets-)

Finally, the UNANSWERED question remains, although we know the answer, don't we Mike--------------->who started this whole fiasco!

The answer to that is proven by the evidence------------>on the way out the door, the Obama administration changed the rules to allow agencies to SHARE intel, much more easily. They did it at the very last moment. In essence, now the DNI, CIA, and FBI could much more easily shift intel back and forth. (think Clapper/Brennan/Comey, AKA the three stooges) Even Ellen Farkas admitted as much on a talk show, and it was for the sole purpose of investigating Russia collusion, conspiracy. (she actually admitted this)

So now the odds are heavily weighted, that the Obama Administration reached in on its way out the door, and SCREWED the incoming Trump Administration, basically tying their hands for almost 2 and 1/2 years with their fairytale. And as Lisa Paige said so succinctly in her texts----------->the Whitehouse is running the whole show, written when the Obama Administration was STILL in office, proving our assertions accurate!

People are going to pay for this, they will. Probably NOT Obama, but his legacy will be destroyed forthwith. Also, probably NOT Hillary, because that would be seen as a political prosecution, and that would be a big no-no, although it would be fun, lol. But Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and a host of others are going to take the brunt of this. As soon as the Honarble Bob Mueller goes before congress...…...if not sooner...…...the wheels will fall off the Lefts tricycle.


Because many in the FBI are already singing like little birdies. The rank and file had little to do with this, it all came from the top, and avoided all the safeguards put in place to insure that NOTHING like this could ever happen, and yet, it did, because those on high, DID IT!

I wouldn't want to be a Leftist today, even if they actually BELIEVE they have something, lol. If it was GW, or HW, maybe, but not with Trump in there! They messed with him, his family, and his Presidency, and love him or hate him, we all know one thing---------------> Trump WILL repay them, and do it publicly!
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Hillary was investigated 9 times, and testified IN PERSON before Congress FOR OVER 11 HOURS ... Gowdy said in front of cameras his Republican Commitee couldnt find any issues with her. - LOOK THAT UP TOO, GOMER.

Lying as Donnie didnt have the BALLS to testify UNDER OATH IN PERSON BEFORE CONGRESS.


fuck all of those pissant links you posted above.

You talk like a total fool. Request for help came directly to Hillary from her man in the field in Libya. She consistently refused to provide them with added security.
Then disaster struck with the Benghazi attack. You're saying this didn't happen ?

This is the trouble with liberals. They make believe everything is how they would prefer it to be. They're deranged.
Both Clintons are mass murderers, who should have been executed decades ago.


You can either click the above link to read the details of the many Clinton murders (complete with color photos), or you can click the one below, and then magnify it >>

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There is no question that Clinton's team deleted 33,000 e-mails under subpoena. If the Mueller report said Trump's team took this very same action, the left would be yelling obstruction of justice. But, they are willing to give Hillary Clinton a pass.
Were Bill or Hillary subjects or targets of the Mueller investigation? Fuck no they were not! Your OP is nothing more than a supercilious attempt at diversion, cover and smear propaganda!

Obama telling Putin to wait till after the election so he could work for him better. That's what you call collusion.

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