The Tenets of the Clinton Doctrine

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
By the end of Operation Midterm Exam, the investigation into Hillary's use of a private email server, located in one of her bathrooms, to receive, send and store thousands of highly classified documents, we learned some of the guiding principles used by the FBI when investigating a senior U.S. political figure.

When served a subpoena, a senior U.S. political figure may simply reject the subpoena and continue to negotiate, while destroying the evidence listed, without having a search warrant used to collect the items under subpoena.

Intent is difficult to prove, and absent clear proof, a senior U.S. political figure is a person that no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.

All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information;

If we've never prosecuted a senior politician for storing classified documents in exactly the same way that we find in this case, we cannot do it now.

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts.

You may be thinking, 'what are you talking about? The FBI is not following any of those "tenets" when dealing with Trump!' No, they are not. That's the point, Boo.

All of those tenets were put forth during the investigation of Hillary. They did not say, "but, of course this is only for Hillary Clinton, since so many of us are her big money donors."

Comey was fired by President Trump, but not for the kid glove treatment of Hillary. No one at the FBI ever said, "We won't ever treat a suspect like that again, letting them determine our investigation parameters."

Rather, Trump fired Comey for his speech listing his speculation of the crimes of Hillary and then announcing no prosecution. That's something no American should have to endure at the hands of our government. Why would Trump object to his political opponent being so treated?

Because Trump, unlike many on this board, understood that if the FBI can do that to a powerful person like Hillary Clinton (was at the time), they can and will do it to anyone.

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