Signs and Portents


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Today whilst walking down Market Street in San Francisco. I passed by a table at which some people were handing out pamphlets. The table was decorated with two posters. One featured a picture of FDR with the subtitle "He Saved America". The other showed a picture of Obama with a Hitler moustache and a subtitle "He Saved Wall St. Banks".

The members of the group were handing out flyers for a candidate running against Pelosi.

All of them were young black men - the candidate is from the LaRouche Youth Movement.

I do not see this as a good sign for the Dems.
This is true. Further, anyone who claims FDR "saved" America doesn't know history. We have him to thank for many of the Government programs that have been slowly bankrupting the country for years. When you also consider the fact that he served 4 terms and his presidency ceased only because he died in office, he was the closest thing we ever had to a King or Dictator.

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Today whilst walking down Market Street in San Francisco. I passed by a table at which some people were handing out pamphlets. The table was decorated with two posters. One featured a picture of FDR with the subtitle "He Saved America". The other showed a picture of Obama with a Hitler moustache and a subtitle "He Saved Wall St. Banks".

The members of the group were handing out flyers for a candidate running against Pelosi.

All of them were young black men - the candidate is from the LaRouche Youth Movement.

I do not see this as a good sign for the Dems.

That is exactly how alvin greene won. It is not so much a vote FOR but a vote against. They don't care who it is just so long as its not the party line favorite.

This is true. Further, anyone who claims FDR "saved" America doesn't know history. We have him to thank for many of the Government programs that have been slowly bankrupting the country for years. When you also consider the fact that he served 4 terms and his presidency ceased only because he died in office, he was the closest thing we ever had to a King or Dictator.


nope, not even close to being a dictator or king....we, the citizens of the united states VOTED FOR HIM, we as a country, chose him....through voting for him.....without a gun to our heads....
Today whilst walking down Market Street in San Francisco. I passed by a table at which some people were handing out pamphlets. The table was decorated with two posters. One featured a picture of FDR with the subtitle "He Saved America". The other showed a picture of Obama with a Hitler moustache and a subtitle "He Saved Wall St. Banks".

The members of the group were handing out flyers for a candidate running against Pelosi.

All of them were young black men - the candidate is from the LaRouche Youth Movement.

I do not see this as a good sign for the Dems.

You want to know how bad it is? The Democrats have nominated a woman who wants to impeach Obama!
Rogers, 33, told TIME she is a "full time political activist" in the Lyndon LaRouche Youth Movement, a recruiting arm of the LaRouche political organization that is active on many college campuses. The LYM espouses LaRouche opposition to free trade and "globalism" (the UN, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund) and it also calls for a return to a humanist classical education, emphasizing the works of Plato and Leibnitz. On her professional looking campaign website,, she touts the LaRouche political philosophy — a mix of support for the economic policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the impeachment of President Obama — and calls Obama a "London and Wall Street backed puppet" whose policies will destroy the Democratic Party. During the campaign, she was photographed carrying an oversized portrait of the President with a Hitler-style moustache penciled on his lip.

Texas Dems Grapple With Their Own Alvin Greene - TIME

Those Larouche people are getting around, and they make the weirdest people on the right look sane.
This is true. Further, anyone who claims FDR "saved" America doesn't know history. We have him to thank for many of the Government programs that have been slowly bankrupting the country for years. [...]
This is malicious neo-Conservative propaganda. Please be specific and site the programs you're referring to.

FDR's New Deal was responsible for lifting the U.S. out of the Great Depression and initiating the most phenomenal rise to economic supremacy in history -- which lasted until the corporatist puppet bastard, Ronald Reagan, commenced the destruction of the American Middle Class with his union busting and deregulation of the finance industries and major corporations. That sonofabitch is responsible for most of the problems this country is experiencing today.

The bottom line is it is you who doesn't know history. FDR did save America and it is the Republican Conservatives who are destroying it.
FDR's New Deal was responsible for lifting the U.S. out of the Great Depression

Why did the depression of 1920-1921 last 2 years while the Great Depression lasted 10+?

which lasted until the corporatist puppet bastard, Ronald Reagan, commenced the destruction of the American Middle Class with his union busting and deregulation of the finance industries and major corporations.

The truth about Ronald Reagan: The Free Market: The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan
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This is true. Further, anyone who claims FDR "saved" America doesn't know history. We have him to thank for many of the Government programs that have been slowly bankrupting the country for years. [...]
This is malicious neo-Conservative propaganda. Please be specific and site the programs you're referring to.

FDR's New Deal was responsible for lifting the U.S. out of the Great Depression and initiating the most phenomenal rise to economic supremacy in history -- which lasted until the corporatist puppet bastard, Ronald Reagan, commenced the destruction of the American Middle Class with his union busting and deregulation of the finance industries and major corporations. That sonofabitch is responsible for most of the problems this country is experiencing today.

The bottom line is it is you who doesn't know history. FDR did save America and it is the Republican Conservatives who are destroying it.

lifting us out of the great depression? No, it made it far worse.

We were out of the even worse depression of 1920 much faster by cutting spending and taxes.

FDR wasn't as great as you seem to think. It's not a coincidence that the second he died, we amended the Constitution and installed term limits.
This is true. Further, anyone who claims FDR "saved" America doesn't know history. We have him to thank for many of the Government programs that have been slowly bankrupting the country for years. When you also consider the fact that he served 4 terms and his presidency ceased only because he died in office, he was the closest thing we ever had to a King or Dictator.


nope, not even close to being a dictator or king....we, the citizens of the united states VOTED FOR HIM, we as a country, chose him....through voting for him.....without a gun to our heads....
Hitler was elected too. And Chavez, and Castro, and Stalin...

huh... imagine that.
This is true. Further, anyone who claims FDR "saved" America doesn't know history. We have him to thank for many of the Government programs that have been slowly bankrupting the country for years. When you also consider the fact that he served 4 terms and his presidency ceased only because he died in office, he was the closest thing we ever had to a King or Dictator.


nope, not even close to being a dictator or king....we, the citizens of the united states VOTED FOR HIM, we as a country, chose him....through voting for him.....without a gun to our heads....
Hitler was elected too. And Chavez, and Castro, and Stalin...

huh... imagine that.

yep and so was tell me, did we elect FDR under those same conditions? :cuckoo:
nope, not even close to being a dictator or king....we, the citizens of the united states VOTED FOR HIM, we as a country, chose him....through voting for him.....without a gun to our heads....
Hitler was elected too. And Chavez, and Castro, and Stalin...

huh... imagine that.

yep and so was tell me, did we elect FDR under those same conditions? :cuckoo:

no--we always get 2 shitty choices. :lol:
rewriting History for some political posturing, is quite unbecoming imho....and hurts us as a country.

Just stick to the truth....truth will set you free....

instead of holding you all hostage to your imaginary fears.

FDR was not a dictator. PERIOD.
nope, not even close to being a dictator or king....we, the citizens of the united states VOTED FOR HIM, we as a country, chose him....through voting for him.....without a gun to our heads....
Hitler was elected too. And Chavez, and Castro, and Stalin...

huh... imagine that.

yep and so was tell me, did we elect FDR under those same conditions? :cuckoo:
yep and so was tell me, did we elect FDR under those same conditions?

Actually, yes. But FDR's path was slower, less militant because we had two things going for us. Although our economy had collapsed the money haddn't like it did in Germany, and second the character's moral character was not able to be radicalized quite the same way as in Germany. Lastly, the best bulwark we had and still barely have because the other two defenses are now gone, is the Constitution. Sure He packed the court and ran roughshod over much of it in his 15 years as president, but he couldn't push us over the hump.

Today? pffft! We have no moral character as a nation, we are already severely polarized and on the brink of having economic AND monetary collapse to rival the Weimar republic. Not to mention that one side is on the verge of sweeping away the constitution as old and useless as they have been repeating as a mantra for 50 years combined with a dumber and dumber populace who doesn't even comprehend their basic rights and responsibility as citizens and free men and women. They just want their next gubmint check.

rewriting History for some political posturing, is quite unbecoming imho....and hurts us as a country.

Just stick to the truth....truth will set you free....

instead of holding you all hostage to your imaginary fears.

FDR was not a dictator. PERIOD.

Rewriting history by the right... hmmmm yeah. That's why history books don't teach about the 100k poltical prisoners of Woodrow Wilson, the Crash of 1920 that was solved in 18 months. Where do they teach about how FDR suspended rights of tens of thousands of American citizens based on nothing but paranoid and racist fears.

Then this little topper came out of the State of Texas schoolbook debate a month or two back... They want to IGNORE all US history before 1865 AS IRRELEVANT! They want to delete the founding of this nation and basis for ALL OUR FREEDOMS AS IRRELEVANT! No! This can't be rewriting history by omission could it? No! that'd be toooooo obvious. :rolleyes:

I've seen history books where they have captioned pictures of tourist photos of the redwoods with 20-40 lumberjacks around the base of a great tree re-labled "early environmentalists try to prevent clear cutting in the 1880's!!! What a crock of shit! There were no environmentalists till after John Muir and the creation of the national parks!

Children are taught that Rachel Carson was a visionary and brilliant ecological mind who saved the birds. The reality was she was a scientific fraud who is now responsible for millions of deaths every year due to mosquito borne illnesses in Africa and South America and Asia thanks to her fear mongering getting DDT ban which STILL hasn't been proven to be harmful.

You wanna whine about revisionist history? Fine, You go ahead and whine. America's waking up that it's just a crocodile tears defense mechanism to protect the lies spun to dumb them down and push the left's political agenda.

FDR was not able to get over the hump and BECOME a dictator, but he was the closest this nation ever was, and that was damn close. Thank God for the 20th amendment and now we must expand it to cover all elected officials.
History is going to show Owe Bama as the worst President that the US has ever had. I think he is a total insult to the things that most Americans hold dear and I'm willing to wager that if all of the Owe Bama sheep had of truly known what kind of a liar and schemer this guy was he would have never been elected. Most likely Hillary Clinton would be President now instead of this ass clown. We could then be harping about what a big ass clown she is now instead of Owe Bama. Ass Clowns seem to flock together like birds and they call themselves Democrats.
History is going to show Owe Bama as the worst President that the US has ever had. I think he is a total insult to the things that most Americans hold dear and I'm willing to wager that if all of the Owe Bama sheep had of truly known what kind of a liar and schemer this guy was he would have never been elected. Most likely Hillary Clinton would be President now instead of this ass clown. We could then be harping about what a big ass clown she is now instead of Owe Bama. Ass Clowns seem to flock together like birds and they call themselves Democrats.

I don't know if he is the worst yet. I think that still belongs to James Buchanan. I mean the nation did devolve into civil war at the end of his term as President. Id rather not see President Obama reach the point where he is worse than Buchanan.

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