“si se puede”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Round them up, put them of busses, trains and planes and transport them across the border. We cannot do it? 40,000 Native Americans, menn women and children, were rounded up on their land, shown a “Trail of Tears” and sent across the country and 10,000 of them lost their lives on the way. They did not have the luxury of busses, trains and planes.
Thousand of Japanese American men, women and children, were rounded up and put on busses and trains and put into internment camps.
We should send illegal aliens back home the same way they came, walking across the border and the desert, swimming across the American Canal and we want to make the Canal safer for them to cross? :cuckoo:
Do you even bother to read what you post for hitting the submit button?
I'm with you. Free rides to the border the first time by bus. Free rides to the border the second time by ambulance.
So tell me, which of you brave vigilantes is going to take out a child first so they'll have to be deported by ambulance or casket? :eusa_eh:
Choices are made by individuals! They choose to take chances and come illegally and there are consquences to be paid for that. I'm sure they are very aware of that and do so anyway......so.....
This country must do what it has to do to stop the flow - some will like it; some will not....that is just the way it is. They should THINK about the choices they make before making them. If they choose not to, so be it.....the consequences are still there.
Round them up, put them of busses, trains and planes and transport them across the border. We cannot do it? 40,000 Native Americans, menn women and children, were rounded up on their land, shown a “Trail of Tears” and sent across the country and 10,000 of them lost their lives on the way. They did not have the luxury of busses, trains and planes.
Thousand of Japanese American men, women and children, were rounded up and put on busses and trains and put into internment camps.

The fact that you equate a (albeit poor) solution for illegal immigration to two of the greater injustices in American history shows how out to lunch you frigging people are.

BTW, we've been sending them back to Mexico for decades. They come right back. Before anyone vilifies Mexicans too much, do they honestly think the Irish would have gone through Ellis Island during the potato famine if they shared a common border with us? It makes it hard to be an "illegal immigrant" when you have to get on a boat and cross an ocean to get here. Geography is as much a problem here as anything.

The plight of the hispanics and the persecution they face in this country isn't too terribly different from most other ethnic groups if you aren't completely ignorant of your own history. Ever hear of the "know nothings"? Why did the Italians form the "Cosa Nostra"?

But by all means, go draconian and start harassing every brown skinned person that crosses your path and demand to see their papers. We'll take their votes and you guys will become more and more despondent and wonder what ever happened to your "'merica" and how you lost control.

The country is going to march on in spite of your xenophobia.
The fact that they keep coming back is more the reason to build the fence....if they come back, we keep sending them back - if that is what has to be done, do it. Ireland is not the one that borders us - it's Mexico. We would do the same thing if it were the Irish jumping the fence......but it happens to be MEXICO! It's time you bleeding hearts stop making this a 'color' thing. Ilegals are here from across the oceans also.....but they come via ships and boats; they come from Cuba (wet foot, dry foot), Haiti, DR, etc. Do I blame them for wanting to come to this great nation? Hell NO! But - come in through the FRONT DOOR! Wait in line! Do it right or stay home.
Round them up, put them of busses, trains and planes and transport them across the border. We cannot do it? 40,000 Native Americans, menn women and children, were rounded up on their land, shown a “Trail of Tears” and sent across the country and 10,000 of them lost their lives on the way. They did not have the luxury of busses, trains and planes.
Thousand of Japanese American men, women and children, were rounded up and put on busses and trains and put into internment camps.

The fact that you equate a (albeit poor) solution for illegal immigration to two of the greater injustices in American history shows how out to lunch you frigging people are.

BTW, we've been sending them back to Mexico for decades. They come right back. Before anyone vilifies Mexicans too much, do they honestly think the Irish would have gone through Ellis Island during the potato famine if they shared a common border with us? It makes it hard to be an "illegal immigrant" when you have to get on a boat and cross an ocean to get here. Geography is as much a problem here as anything.

The plight of the hispanics and the persecution they face in this country isn't too terribly different from most other ethnic groups if you aren't completely ignorant of your own history. Ever hear of the "know nothings"? Why did the Italians form the "Cosa Nostra"?

But by all means, go draconian and start harassing every brown skinned person that crosses your path and demand to see their papers. We'll take their votes and you guys will become more and more despondent and wonder what ever happened to your "'merica" and how you lost control.

The country is going to march on in spite of your xenophobia.

If they don't like the "presecution" they can leave. Blacks, Native American could not and Japaneses were American and should not have been put in camps and their property taken.
Illegal immigration is much worse but we want to make it easier for them to commit crimes.
Free healthcare, free education, free food and housing, is "PRESECUTION"
f and the horse you rode across the border on.
Heres the deal bagbrains.

The cost of rounding up and deporting people is money we do not have.

The most humaine, cost effective, legal and intelligent way to handle this situation is to have people come to you for their temporary papers. Those who do that within a certain amount of time will get the chance to be in line for permanent citizenship. Then we go after those who will not come in of their own free will. They will be the criminals and we wont have to sort them out from the decent people who only came here out of need and have not commited crimes.

The nasty ones get their asses tossed acrossed the border.

Families of American citizens dont get split in two.
The fact that they keep coming back is more the reason to build the fence....if they come back, we keep sending them back - if that is what has to be done, do it. Ireland is not the one that borders us - it's Mexico. We would do the same thing if it were the Irish jumping the fence......but it happens to be MEXICO! It's time you bleeding hearts stop making this a 'color' thing. Ilegals are here from across the oceans also.....but they come via ships and boats; they come from Cuba (wet foot, dry foot), Haiti, DR, etc. Do I blame them for wanting to come to this great nation? Hell NO! But - come in through the FRONT DOOR! Wait in line! Do it right or stay home.

I grew up on a farm. I've got to tell you, fences don't even adequately contain livestock and you think a fucking fence is going to keep people out? You guys want to turn the entire country into a gated community as opposed to dealing with the root issue?

Call me a bleeding heart if you want. I am actually just pragmatic and think you guys are too emotionally labile to really come up with any good ideas on this issue.
Heres the deal bagbrains.

The cost of rounding up and deporting people is money we do not have.

The most humaine, cost effective, legal and intelligent way to handle this situation is to have people come to you for their temporary papers. Those who do that within a certain amount of time will get the chance to be in line for permanent citizenship. Then we go after those who will not come in of their own free will. They will be the criminals and we wont have to sort them out from the decent people who only came here out of need and have not commited crimes.

The nasty ones get their asses tossed acrossed the border.

Families of American citizens dont get split in two.

If they would just declare a bounty on them there would be plenty of volunteers to help round them up for nothing.
If they would just declare a bounty on them there would be plenty of volunteers to help round them up for nothing.

And who's going to pay for this bounty? The whole point of a bounty is paying for the capture or death of someone, moron.


payment or reward (especially from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military
If they would just declare a bounty on them there would be plenty of volunteers to help round them up for nothing.

And who's going to pay for this bounty? The whole point of a bounty is paying for the capture or death of someone, moron.

define:bounty - Google Search

payment or reward (especially from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military

Medals are cheap.
Medals are cheap.

:lol: So let me get this straight.

You're going to pay professional bounty hunters to capture illegals in the form of medals? Meanwhile, you're going to give amateurs to go chasing after who exactly? The whole point of a bounty is having a idea of who the hell you're trying to capture.

"Yup, bounty for anyone you capture or kill that's brown?"

Do tell me, without horribly violating tons of American civil liberties how this is going to work.

I'd love to know. :)
I grew up on a farm. I've got to tell you, fences don't even adequately contain livestock and you think a fucking fence is going to keep people out? You guys want to turn the entire country into a gated community as opposed to dealing with the root issue?

Nobody says it's the ONLY solution - but - it's a start. The fence that was built in San Diego did the trick but bleeding hearts are up in arms cause now the illegals have to cross futher down where there is more danger to them. So where is it written that the USA is suppose to be responsible for these people who are disrespecting OUR laws????!! It's time to do whatever is necessary!

Call me a bleeding heart if you want. I am actually just pragmatic and think you guys are too emotionally labile to really come up with any good ideas on this issue.

It has nothing to do with emotions - more with common sense. The ideas are there but the PC crowd keeps putting them down and refuse to address any of them! We go back to the repubs wanting cheap labor and the dems wanting the votes (misguided reason as more hispanics than not would give them their vote if something WAS done to stop the flow).
Nobody says it's the ONLY solution - but - it's a start. The fence that was built in San Diego did the trick but bleeding hearts are up in arms cause now the illegals have to cross futher down where there is more danger to them. So where is it written that the USA is suppose to be responsible for these people who are disrespecting OUR laws????!! It's time to do whatever is necessary!

And they are still crossing the fence right? That basically proves my point. Aside from a fence, what else do you want to do?
What about illegal Canadians? :confused:

Which brings up a good point? What about those illegal Canadians?

Poverty in Mexico is the root of the problem. It would be more beneficial for both countries if we were assisting Mexico than spending an assload of money to send people over the border only to have them come right back.

The real harm I do see on this issue is the illegal immigrants taking jobs from Americans. This could be addressed if we were willing to accept that we can't simply deport and keep out every illegal immigrant and set up policies so that they would be promised the same pay and benefits that an American worker would get. That would level the playing field and take away the benefit for hiring illegals.

But the right won't have that.

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