Native-born citizens are criminals, says TIME; immigrants should be weary


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
immigrants in California are, in fact, far less likely than U.S.-born Californians are to commit crime. While people born abroad make up about 35% of California's adult population, they account for only about 17% of the adult prison population, the report by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) showed. Indeed, among men ages 18 to 40 — the demographic most likely to be imprisoned — those born in the U.S. were 10 times more likely than foreign-born men to be incarcerated.

Immigration: No Correlation With Crime - TIME
All the more reason why we should NOT be importing more criminals who come in ILLEGALLY!! Since we have enough born and bred.
immigrants in California are, in fact, far less likely than U.S.-born Californians are to commit crime. While people born abroad make up about 35% of California's adult population, they account for only about 17% of the adult prison population, the report by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) showed. Indeed, among men ages 18 to 40 — the demographic most likely to be imprisoned — those born in the U.S. were 10 times more likely than foreign-born men to be incarcerated.

Immigration: No Correlation With Crime - TIME

Well you know what the Mexicans tell themselves about visiting America, right?

America, it's a nice place to visit, amigo, and you CAN drink the water, but stay clear of the Americans.

They're a race of criminals.
The weary immigrant

Illegal Immigrant Gangs Commit Most U.S. Crime
Posted under Immigration

A soon-to-be-released FBI report sheds some more light on those “hard-working Americans” infiltrating our cities:

Criminal street gangs—mostly comprised of illegal immigrants—are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the United States and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs.

The alarming, but not surprising, information is revealed in a new report published by the Justice Department’s National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC), an FBI task force created in 2005 to curb the growing threat of violent gangs in the U.S. The NGIC teams up with state and local law enforcement agencies throughout the nation to enforce, study and intercept gangs and has published several reports documenting their activities.

The agency’s latest publication has not been made public but a national newspaper revealed some of its findings this week. It says that up to 80% of crime in the U.S. is committed by gangs and that gang membership in this country has grown to 1 million, an increase of 200,000 in the last few years.
Additionally, gangs are the “primary retail-level distributors of most illicit drugs” in the U.S. and several are sophisticated enough to compete with major Mexican drug-trafficking cartels. Most of the country’s state and local enforcement agencies have reported gang activity in their jurisdiction and the problem will only get worse, according to the FBI.

In fact, a high-ranking FBI director said gangs have followed the migration paths of illegal alien laborers to avoid big-city police departments that have cracked down on their activities. An example is the notoriously violent Salvadoran gang known as Mara Salvatrucha or MS-13, which has spread throughout the U.S.—to at least 42 states—and continues expanding.

In 2008 alone MS-13 members, all illegal immigrants with previous criminal records, committed atrocious crimes that received ample media coverage. In San Francisco an MS-13 gang banger murdered a father and son with an assault weapon because their car blocked his from making a turn. In Los Angeles an MS-13 member just released from prison murdered a high school football star as the teen jock walked home from the mall. In Maryland a 14-year-old honors high school student was shot to death on a crowded public bus by a Salvadoran illegal alien who proudly revealed he belonged to the MS-13.
Well you know what the Mexicans tell themselves about visiting America, right?

America, it's a nice place to visit, amigo, and you CAN drink the water, but stay clear of the Americans.

They're a race of criminals.

yea im sure you hear that all the time in Maine....:lol:
immigrants in California are, in fact, far less likely than U.S.-born Californians are to commit crime. While people born abroad make up about 35% of California's adult population, they account for only about 17% of the adult prison population, the report by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) showed. Indeed, among men ages 18 to 40 — the demographic most likely to be imprisoned — those born in the U.S. were 10 times more likely than foreign-born men to be incarcerated.

Immigration: No Correlation With Crime - TIME

Except for the Illegal aliens, they are 100 percent criminals. EVERY single one of them is guilty of a crime.
Just thinkin,, Suppose you were an honest, hardworking illegal picking tomatoes and migrating to other areas when the crops come in. These are the type of people we want amnesty for right?

But what if you now become a citizen? Do you want to continue this backbreaking work for low wages, moving your family around, or would you rather get some air conditioned Section 8 housing and watch TV all day?

Amnesty could be more expensive than anyone could possibly predict.

Who will pick the tomatoes then?
Just thinkin,, Suppose you were an honest, hardworking illegal picking tomatoes and migrating to other areas when the crops come in. These are the type of people we want amnesty for right?

But what if you now become a citizen? Do you want to continue this backbreaking work for low wages, moving your family around, or would you rather get some air conditioned Section 8 housing and watch TV all day?

Amnesty could be more expensive than anyone could possibly predict.

Who will pick the tomatoes then?
they have always had migrant workers out here....back as far as the 1920's and sure that wont end anytime soon....their status is somewhat different .....
I'm certain that many of the migrant farm workers here in NJ are illegals. And I respect their work ethic. But my question still remains. Will U.S. citizens do that kind of work? I am not being facetious. I suspect the answer is "no".

I am empathetic to foreign workers (even illegals) who are working their asses off. But my concern is (always) 'Can we afford it?" From SS to HC to welfare to even the price of tomatoes - is this a good time to even consider amnesty?
I'm certain that many of the migrant farm workers here in NJ are illegals. And I respect their work ethic. But my question still remains. Will U.S. citizens do that kind of work? I am not being facetious. I suspect the answer is "no".

I am empathetic to foreign workers (even illegals) who are working their asses off. But my concern is (always) 'Can we afford it?" From SS to HC to welfare to even the price of tomatoes - is this a good time to even consider amnesty?

All amnesty did in 86 was encourage 10 times as many illegals to flood this country. Another one will do the same. ENFORCE our laws. FINE the shit out of people that hire illegals, deport all the illegals we capture.

It was estimated in 86 we had 2 million illegal aliens in the Country and they did Amnesty, what did that encourage? Now we have up wards of 20 MILLION illegals in this Country, 1/5 of the Mexican population is illegally in this Country.
I'm certain that many of the migrant farm workers here in NJ are illegals. And I respect their work ethic. But my question still remains. Will U.S. citizens do that kind of work? I am not being facetious. I suspect the answer is "no".

I am empathetic to foreign workers (even illegals) who are working their asses off. But my concern is (always) 'Can we afford it?" From SS to HC to welfare to even the price of tomatoes - is this a good time to even consider amnesty?
You sure ?


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'I'm certain that many of the migrant farm workers here in NJ are illegals. And I respect their work ethic. But my question still remains. Will U.S. citizens do that kind of work? I am not being facetious. I suspect the answer is "no".'

This those jobs and I will answer the question.....

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