Shrub's invasion of Iraq justifies Putin's invasion of Crimea


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully. Sure looks like Raygun didn't win the cold war after all.
Shrub destroyed all U.S. credibility and integrity with the Iraq invasion. Putin hasn't learned that lesson yet, but I bet he does.
This could make the whole global economy come unraveled. That's what Obama is trying to prevent. If it happens, all those U.S. corporations will lose their asses. China kicks them out and takes their factories. Then we don't have all that cheap Chinese product, and we don't make anything in this country, so we are shit out of luck. China takes over trade with central and south America, and then we don't have cheap groceries from them either. China has many more hungry mouths to feed.
No food, no clothes, no nothing. You better hope Obama doesn't fail.
What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully. Sure looks like Raygun didn't win the cold war after all.
Shrub destroyed all U.S. credibility and integrity with the Iraq invasion. Putin hasn't learned that lesson yet, but I bet he does.
This could make the whole global economy come unraveled. That's what Obama is trying to prevent. If it happens, all those U.S. corporations will lose their asses. China kicks them out and takes their factories. Then we don't have all that cheap Chinese product, and we don't make anything in this country, so we are shit out of luck. China takes over trade with central and south America, and then we don't have cheap groceries from them either. China has many more hungry mouths to feed.
No food, no clothes, no nothing. You better hope Obama doesn't fail.

How many UN sanctions did Crimea violate? How many Crimeans were murdered by their government?
Nonsense. Two wrongs don't make a right. Though it should be pointed out that Putin's "invasion" has nothing in common with the invasion of Iraq.
What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully. Sure looks like Raygun didn't win the cold war after all.
Shrub destroyed all U.S. credibility and integrity with the Iraq invasion. Putin hasn't learned that lesson yet, but I bet he does.
This could make the whole global economy come unraveled. That's what Obama is trying to prevent. If it happens, all those U.S. corporations will lose their asses. China kicks them out and takes their factories. Then we don't have all that cheap Chinese product, and we don't make anything in this country, so we are shit out of luck. China takes over trade with central and south America, and then we don't have cheap groceries from them either. China has many more hungry mouths to feed.
No food, no clothes, no nothing. You better hope Obama doesn't fail.

Obama has already failed. Have you priced a steak lately?

Obama's planned destruction of our economy is going exactly as planned, and idiots like you keep calling for more.

Calling Bush shrub just shows that you are nothing but a partisan asshole who is incapable of original thought.

you have the mind of a junior high kid with an IQ of 15.
Not really, but Bushii screwed the pooch. Direct intervention in other countries doesn't often work, especially when its unilateral. In Iraq, there was no doubt the sunnis were mistreating the kurds and shiaa, and W actually was trying to create a representative democracy. That's hardly the case in Crimea, and Putin really wanted to carve off the entire eastern part of Ukraine.
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What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully. Sure looks like Raygun didn't win the cold war after all.
Shrub destroyed all U.S. credibility and integrity with the Iraq invasion. Putin hasn't learned that lesson yet, but I bet he does.
This could make the whole global economy come unraveled. That's what Obama is trying to prevent. If it happens, all those U.S. corporations will lose their asses. China kicks them out and takes their factories. Then we don't have all that cheap Chinese product, and we don't make anything in this country, so we are shit out of luck. China takes over trade with central and south America, and then we don't have cheap groceries from them either. China has many more hungry mouths to feed.
No food, no clothes, no nothing. You better hope Obama doesn't fail.

Oh come on, Crimea is right next door to Russia. Iraq was on the other side of the world. So we're a much better super-bully. President Bush did destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression his father helped to achieve in the First Gulf War, but I don't think that has any thing to do with Russia taking the Crimea back from a Ukraine that wants to align with the EU.
5 years + and the ignorant left-wingers still have no better argument than to blame President Bush for all the ills of the world and the outright failure of Obozo!

What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully. Sure looks like Raygun didn't win the cold war after all.
Shrub destroyed all U.S. credibility and integrity with the Iraq invasion. Putin hasn't learned that lesson yet, but I bet he does.
This could make the whole global economy come unraveled. That's what Obama is trying to prevent. If it happens, all those U.S. corporations will lose their asses. China kicks them out and takes their factories. Then we don't have all that cheap Chinese product, and we don't make anything in this country, so we are shit out of luck. China takes over trade with central and south America, and then we don't have cheap groceries from them either. China has many more hungry mouths to feed.
No food, no clothes, no nothing. You better hope Obama doesn't fail.

Obama has already failed. Have you priced a steak lately?

Obama's planned destruction of our economy is going exactly as planned, and idiots like you keep calling for more.

Calling Bush shrub just shows that you are nothing but a partisan asshole who is incapable of original thought.

you have the mind of a junior high kid with an IQ of 15.

And people who call Obama Obozo or worse are what? Intelligent, thought provoking personalities?

What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully..


The US is special.

When the US president does it it means is NOT a crime.

But when the Russian Prime Minister does it means is terrible, awful , sanctionable.


What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully..


The US is special.

When the US president does it it means is NOT a crime.

But when the Russian Prime Minister does it means is terrible, awful , sanctionable.



What small minds, both invasions are the same as the battle of hastings and germanys invasion of poland, theyre all the same /sarcasm
We have no national security interests in Crimea or Ukraine. So why are the wingnuts whining about us not doing anything?
The funny part is watching how Liberals filter any bad thing that's Obama's fault onto Bush.

1. Event
2. Obama > Bush Excuse Sausage Factory Explanation
3. It's Bush's Fault
the Left; idiots that they are talking out of both sides of their mouths; likes to pretend how different they are; but cant even begin to defend obama without filtering everything they say through Bush

idiots and hypocrites
What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully. Sure looks like Raygun didn't win the cold war after all.
Shrub destroyed all U.S. credibility and integrity with the Iraq invasion. Putin hasn't learned that lesson yet, but I bet he does.
This could make the whole global economy come unraveled. That's what Obama is trying to prevent. If it happens, all those U.S. corporations will lose their asses. China kicks them out and takes their factories. Then we don't have all that cheap Chinese product, and we don't make anything in this country, so we are shit out of luck. China takes over trade with central and south America, and then we don't have cheap groceries from them either. China has many more hungry mouths to feed.
No food, no clothes, no nothing. You better hope Obama doesn't fail.

Oh come on, Crimea is right next door to Russia. Iraq was on the other side of the world. So we're a much better super-bully. President Bush did destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression his father helped to achieve in the First Gulf War, but I don't think that has any thing to do with Russia taking the Crimea back from a Ukraine that wants to align with the EU.

actually leftard Bush built a large coalition in Iraq

on the other hand obama couldnt get a single county on board with him to address slaughter in Syria

libs are losers who lie to themselves
We have no national security interests in Crimea or Ukraine. So why are the wingnuts whining about us not doing anything?

well it certainly isn't anyone's business, and if Russia wanted to take Germany, hey it's all good, eh comrade?
What goes around comes around. One bully deserves another. Putin is serving notice that the U.S. is not the only super power bully. Sure looks like Raygun didn't win the cold war after all.
Shrub destroyed all U.S. credibility and integrity with the Iraq invasion. Putin hasn't learned that lesson yet, but I bet he does.
This could make the whole global economy come unraveled. That's what Obama is trying to prevent. If it happens, all those U.S. corporations will lose their asses. China kicks them out and takes their factories. Then we don't have all that cheap Chinese product, and we don't make anything in this country, so we are shit out of luck. China takes over trade with central and south America, and then we don't have cheap groceries from them either. China has many more hungry mouths to feed.
No food, no clothes, no nothing. You better hope Obama doesn't fail.

Oh come on, Crimea is right next door to Russia. Iraq was on the other side of the world. So we're a much better super-bully. President Bush did destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression his father helped to achieve in the First Gulf War, but I don't think that has any thing to do with Russia taking the Crimea back from a Ukraine that wants to align with the EU.

actually leftard Bush built a large coalition in Iraq

on the other hand obama couldnt get a single county on board with him to address slaughter in Syria

libs are losers who lie to themselves
You're drooling on your keyboard.
obama couldnt even get the United Nations the loony Left thinks so highly of; let alone one of our friends, to get on board to do anything about slaughter going on in Syria; i guess it's like a LWNJ is saying here; we dont have any national security interests there either (obama said it mus be addressed on humanitarian grounds; but that too fell by the wayside)

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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