Shouldn’t a nation with a taxpayer funded welfare system rigorously defend its border?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Democrats don’t believe they have an obligation to fiscally protect REAL Americans. How / why are you okay with that?

(I’ll take the ignorance about to be spewed out of play in advance.)
LefTard: “Illegals can’t collect welfare benefits.”
Smart, sane people able to look past their nose know the illegal is the link to the anchor baby able to collect.
Democrats believe that America should be punished for its founding and growth. Forcing Americans to support the poor of the world is a good start.
Democrats don’t believe they have an obligation to fiscally protect REAL Americans. How / why are you okay with that?

(I’ll take the ignorance about to be spewed out of play in advance.)
LefTard: “Illegals can’t collect welfare benefits.”
Smart, sane people able to look past their nose know the illegal is the link to the anchor baby able to collect.

"A nation"

There is no nation without a border.
sealing our borders and becoming isolationists does not benefit the US.

Move to North Korea is you want your secure border .
We can have open borders or a welfare state - not both, at least not for long.

imo - passing more immigration laws when we fail to fully enforce the laws already on the books is a waste of time...but it makes for good political theater.

Every Congress and every administration since 1986 when amnesty was granted to millions of illegals in exchange for securing the border and tighter laws on employing illegals have failed in their duty to follow through.

The Democrats had a chance to reform immigration law to their liking in 2009 thru 2011. A period of time during which they passed every other legislation that was important to them. Obviously the illegal immigration status quo was 'to their liking', useful as a campaign gimmick to take down from the shelf and dust off every even numbered year...thus the foot dragging now.

When the economy flails illegal numbers decline, they go back home. When the economy is booming like now, the numbers increase. It's primarily about the money, cheap labor and exploitation...the emotional response is just the pretty ribbon on an empty package - there is no benefit to the citizens of the host country for allowing illegal aliens to stay via sanctuary cities. Visa overstays are nearly 40% of the illegal population - that should be settled with a few strokes on a keyboard. What's up with that?
sealing our borders and becoming isolationists does not benefit the US.

Move to North Korea is you want your secure border . could move to Mexico since you prefer to live among filthy, immoral thirdworlders...huh?
What other developed nation allows illegal aliens, and has unsecure borders? Nobody is saying to stop LEGAL IMMIGRATION.

All other governments take their sovereignty serious and protecting their people from foreign invaders is paramount.
Something went terribly wrong here.
sealing our borders and becoming isolationists does not benefit the US.

Move to North Korea is you want your secure border .
lol... please tell me your not conflating the two... sealing borders & isolationism! Was that in the 'talking points' or do you recognize how effectively sealing borders could exponentially facilitate a nation from NOT being isolationist...
All developed nations secure their borders, and do not allow illegal aliens. Canada, UK, Australia, the EU, Mexico, Asian countries, etc.

Yet the leftist in the U.S. get their jollies, and feel good sentiments from calling that policy racist. Countries like North Korea, and Cuba have walls and border security to keep their oppressed populace IN THE COUNTRY. Big difference.
All developed nations secure their borders, and do not allow illegal aliens. Canada, UK, Australia, the EU, Mexico, Asian countries, etc.

Yet the leftist in the U.S. get their jollies, and feel good sentiments from calling that policy racist. Countries like North Korea, and Cuba have walls and border security to keep their oppressed populace IN THE COUNTRY. Big difference.
It's all about one thing... ( ? ) and if the price of staying in elected office means dispensing entitlements like Santa, to the detriment of the citizenry and Nation... O Well... so be it!
All developed nations secure their borders, and do not allow illegal aliens. Canada, UK, Australia, the EU, Mexico, Asian countries, etc.

Yet the leftist in the U.S. get their jollies, and feel good sentiments from calling that policy racist. Countries like North Korea, and Cuba have walls and border security to keep their oppressed populace IN THE COUNTRY. Big difference.
It's all about one thing... ( ? ) and if the price of staying in elected office means dispensing entitlements like Santa, to the detriment of the citizenry and Nation... O Well... so be it!

Sad but true.

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