Oppose Statehood for Puerto Rico (HR 2499)


Apr 29, 2010
Jamestown, NY
Well, you can have faith in the complete transformational sell out and enslavement of our Country and our people by the progressive traitors in our gov't....

Statehooders also believe that, while we are part of the U.S. economy and not able to vote for the President, and our lack of representation in congress, we are at a great disadvantage in obtaining our fair share of federal programs and funds. Under statehood, Puerto Rico would be entitled to two (2) Senators and six (6) Representatives.

Statehood will complete the full rights and benefits package of American Citizenship, now missing as an American Citizen from in Puerto Rico.

Traitors to our Country!!!! Why is it that our federal law enforcement or military leaders haven't arrested these progressive subversives? They are very lucky that true Americans like Patton and MacArthur are dead....

We voted our enemies in and we are being destroyed! If voting is not a fraud as well....

It is truly dark days for us all except for them who believe in and benefit most from a caste system of tyranny....

They are cutting gov't jobs here in NY, and talking about cutting social security and they want to give statehood to a third world country to make sure we are finished off....

It's not so rediculous or far out for many of our people and communities who have lost everything, and are in debt or in some type of bondage to SEIU employee memebers, or in so many other Countries where kids starve to death, are killed, or are taught to cut off your head.... What makes you think that voting is valid with treasonous miscreants controlling our gov't and institutions? They hold votes in Russia, and other Marxist/Fascist Countries don't they? Have they changed? How do you know? What's that all about over in Greece?

The different denominations and their Churches were a regular part of peoples lives back then, and even up to most recent times until the complete infiltration and subversion of our gov't and institutions by our Marxist/Fascist enemies. Our Founders called for non-denominational Judeo-Christian form of gov't called Republicanism that was to maintain control of our gov't in the preservation of our freedoms and way of life. That was the only seperation of Church and state enshrined by law by our Founders who were Judeo-Christian scholars and teachers.... The auspices of our gov't is to be used to govern and make laws according the universal moral codes borrowed from the holy texts by our Founders. This allowed people the freedom to worship and practice their religion within the scope of our moral laws in public and private life. The auspices of gov't were to remain non-denominational, and protected from subversion from secular and foreign elements which the Founders had plenty of experience in dealing with in their time, and kept it in mind when forming our gov't and laws. We have now been infiltrated, and subverted through deception and treachery, and our form of gov't and society is being over thrown by our enemies of our free form of Constitutional Republicanism.... What are we gonna do about it is the question?

I'm not sure the American people are up to what really needs being done because of the fear, inexperience, indoctrination, ignorance, lack of spirit and the division that exists in many of our people.

Here is a message me and my wife sent to Washington:

To whom it may concern,

At a time when federal spending levels threaten the stability and future of our economy, it does not make sense to push a bill that favors admitting a 51st state that is so poor that taxpayer-funded welfare benefit spending would be guaranteed.

What about the $6 BILLION a YEAR we'd start spending on ADDITIONAL WELFARE PAYMENTS to Puerto Rico citizens?

I do not believe for one minute that the loss of illegal mexican immigrants will hurt our economy in the long run when our gov't hands out visas like candy, and has allowed immigrants from commonwealth countries, various other illegals, and refugees that have flooded into our communities over the last several years and are just as unemployed as everyone else. Our jails, prisons and other various institutions are loaded.... Our schools and other social programs are over loaded and broke.

Don't you just get sick and tired of even hearing the words democrat - republican? They are both the same! How much further do they have to take us into the Marxist/Fascist abyss before you realize that you and your kids heads are about to be cut off? Even Fox news keeps people caught up in this deadly two party myth. Wait broke the wagon....

So far the actual voting on really emense and progressive laws, policies and programs over the last 30 years or more have resulted in where we are today. Talk is cheap unless you work in congress.... Lies abound, and party planks or platforms do not reflect the actions of their members....

Mr. Beck also forgot to mention today the emense social costs to us , our communities, and our form of gov't that already exist in our Country from the mass migration of Puerto Ricans already in our Country.... He forgot to mention that we have no voice or vote in any of these major transitional, anti-American governmental votes, policies and practices taking place in OUR GOV'T!!!! Democratic Republic is dead!!!!

They are cutting gov't jobs here in NY, and talking about cutting social security and they want to give statehood to a third world country to make sure we are finished off while the traitors appear to get voted back in at the same time....Faith.....

I have been speaking out against the mass influx of Puerto Ricans here in NY for a long time now, and know one wanted to hear it becaus the progressive media was telling everyone it was good for us...and it is not! WHOLE COMMUNITIES HAVE BEEN TRANSFORMED INTO THIRD WORLD SOCIALIZED GHETTOS!

Just before the last presidential election gov't agencies state wide here in NY worked in lock-step to bus in large numbers of Puerto Ricans into our communities to sway the vote in our more conservative towns. People were outraged, and ignored! They got these people off the buses and helped them get on social programs and into new housing apt's meant for the elderly and helped them buy and pay for houses and cars. This will continue until we are all broke and out of work, or we march on Washington and put a stop to all of it once and for all before it is too late for us and our kids. This truly is do or die for all of us....


Regardless, I believe that many voted in the last election ( thanks ACORN) and they will try to vote in November. The polls have to be protected from voter fraud this time. The year that Salazar was elected in Colorado, 2.5 million new voters were registered. People here illegally do not have the right to vote in this country.

Freedom , or individual liberty does not equate with a domestic invasion of our Country by foreign subversives being promoted and engineered by progressive Marxist/Fascist who have infiltrated our gov't and our institutions, and are using legal and illegal immigration along with the elimination of our private job sector to over-throw our free form of Constitutional Republican gov't. This has nothing to do with skin color, and everything to do with concentrating our wealth and power into the hands of the few top 1-2% of our population, and the enslavement of all people to SEIU and their Elitist Masters..... King George III and his henchmen reborn....

Foreign Criminals And Subversives Here Illegally Have No Rights Except To Leave Or Be Thrown Out Just Like The Miscreants In Our Gov't. Common Wealth Status, And Work Visas Given To Third World Countries, And Their People Without The Vote Of The American People Must Be Evoked Immediatly To Preserve And Protect Our Country, Our Way Our Of Life, And Our Form Of Gov't....

God Bless Arizona, And The American Way.... Terrorizing and vandalizing us, our public property and our true American representatives that are left to us in our gov't is not going to stop us from protecting ourselves, borders, communities, and our form of gov't....

The Reconquista movement is not a myth.

"They're good people just here to work"

That couldn't be further from the truth. Most that cross the border have no education and no skills. On top of not knowing English they are often illiterate in their own language. They are bankrupting hospitals. Seventy percent of births in Parkland hospital, Dallas Texas are from illegal aliens;

They are destroying our education system. Many are literally savage peasants. There was a machete attack a few years ago in Las Vegas, killed his girlfriend and cut her sons arm off;

You don't hear of the daily slaughter of innocent American citizens by illegal aliens. Here's a hint, a tiny fraction of the travesty;

The estimate is around two dozen citizens are killed by illegals every day, half by drunk driving (which is a national sport in Mexico) the other half by outright murder.

I lived in a neighborhood that in a ten year period went from mixed races, a pretty good cross section of America, to 95 percent Hispanic. There was not an English word to be heard, mariachi music blaring all hours. I used to walk the dog around the neighborhood and it went from getting the occasional smile when you catch someones eye to baleful stares from the invaders as though I was interrupting their recreation of Mexico in America with my white face.

I was self employed, barely scraping by and two illegal aliens stole all my tools. The neighbor was buyng pot from them and told the police they were illegals. That neighborhood now looks like ancient Aztec, filthy dirty, saw one peeing in his front yard last time I went through there and there's an endless parade of baby strollers.

This is a full scale invasion! It is not confined to the southwest anymore. When I visit NY ALL the landscapers are hispanic and ALL the food markets are staffed by non-English speaking hispanics, latinos, chicanos, whatever the hell you want to call them.

There is a minimum of thirty million and growing, largely thanks to birthright citizenship.I give a big thumbs up for NumbersUSA. I've been a mmber for 3-4 years now, it's very non-invasive and is truly an excellent service.

Well, you can have faith in the complete transformational sell out and enslavement of our Country and our people by the progressive traitors in our gov't....

Progressive traitor? Highspeed dragster... Falling down... Leftist fool...

Redundant, but incontrovertible truth, nonetheless...
Illegal immigrants are criminals in our Country and they know it! They are not Jews in Nazi Germany buy a long shot or Jews who came here legally. The Jewish community should be outraged by this sick and twisted progressive Marxist/Fascist anology that compares them to the foreign domestic invaders of our Country by criminal subversives. If you or anyone supports the continued presence of illegal subversives who have placed themselves above our laws to undermine them and our Country and support the continued invasion of our Country then you are anti-American enemy subversives guilty of treason against our Constitutional Republic! :twisted:

I can not post links on here until I reach a certain number of posts which is very limiting to the discussion and information I have on the issues....
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