Shoulda Known; Media Blacksout that Armed Citizen Stopped Oregan Mall Shooter!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Media blackout: Oregon mall shooter was stopped by an armed citizen - Virginia Beach Conservative |

While reports of Tuesday's shooting at the Clackamas Town Center Mall in Oregon, dominated the national media, until Friday's horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, one very important detail has been repeatedly (and intentionally) left out of the MSM's coverage.

The shooter, Jacob Tyler Roberts, was confronted with an armed citizen, at which time he ran away and shot himself. By the time police arrived on the scene, Roberts was already dead.

That armed man was 22-year-old Nick Meli, who was at the mall shopping with a young woman who was babysitting her friend's baby.

It takes either a fool, a moron or a libtard to want to disarm law abiding citizens and leave only the criminals and kooks armed instead.

But then again, Libtards have always felt more comfortable among kooks anyway.
Oh yeah, and this was nowhere near the worst shooting at a US school. That was here,...

It took place in Michigan, in 1927. A school board official, enraged at a tax increase to fund school construction, quietly planted explosives in Bath Township Elementary. Then, the day he was finally ready, he set off an inferno. When crowds rushed in to rescue the children, he drove up his shrapnel-filled car and detonated it, too, killing more people, including himself.

But that is OK for libtards since the dude didnt use a gun.

Fucking morons.
Media blackout: Oregon mall shooter was stopped by an armed citizen - Virginia Beach Conservative |

While reports of Tuesday's shooting at the Clackamas Town Center Mall in Oregon, dominated the national media, until Friday's horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, one very important detail has been repeatedly (and intentionally) left out of the MSM's coverage.

The shooter, Jacob Tyler Roberts, was confronted with an armed citizen, at which time he ran away and shot himself. By the time police arrived on the scene, Roberts was already dead.

That armed man was 22-year-old Nick Meli, who was at the mall shopping with a young woman who was babysitting her friend's baby.

It takes either a fool, a moron or a libtard to want to disarm law abiding citizens and leave only the criminals and kooks armed instead.

But then again, Libtards have always felt more comfortable among kooks anyway.

An armed citizen saves the day?

Just like when citizens showed up with long rifles to engage the tower shooter.
You always hear about those who are killed by crazed/criminal gunmen, but for some strange reason you never hear about the mass killings that were prevented by lawfully armed citizens, Here is a link which gives examples of how guns SAVE innocent people.

Keep and Bear Arms - Gun Owners Home Page - 2nd Amendment Supporters

One of the articles describes how a gunman killed 15 woman and 8 men and wounded 19. These 23 people were murdered because they lived in a state which did not allow arms outside the home. The killing spree lasted 10 minutes because the shooter had problems with his weapon. These murders, or at least most of them, would have been easily prevented if any one of the victims had been armed. The same article describes a case where a mass murder of twenty customers and staff at a Shoney's restaurant was prevented by an armed customer in a state which had concealed carry permits. The only ones who got killed were two of the armed robbers. There are more examples at the following link:

GUN WATCH: Mass Killings Stopped by Armed Citizens

The problem with most crusaders, including those who want to do away with gun ownership, is that they never consider the consequences of their acts.
Odd, I live here in Portland, Oregon, and there was extensive coverage of this on the local news, never heard about this at all. Could it be that this is just another lie to cover up heinous spread of assault weopons in the US?
When I see it on the police report I will believe it. Until then, you assholes have lied far too many times already for me to give credibility to anything that you say.
When I see it on the police report I will believe it. Until then, you assholes have lied far too many times already for me to give credibility to anything that you say.

you're a lying sack of shit.
I live in Portland never heard about it, post riught before his local news source reporting it. Busted for lying
What a sorry sack of shit you are
"Mr I'm a gun owner"

I had a gun and I hid in a store while my friend and a baby were fully exposed to a madman, therefore somehow causing the madman to kill himself.
Hey old rocks here another local news source reporting it.

The friend and baby hit the floor. Meli, who has a concealed carry permit, positioned himself behind a pillar.
"He was working on his rifle," said Meli. "He kept pulling the charging handle and hitting the side."
The break in gunfire allowed Meli to pull out his own gun, but he never took his eyes off the shooter.
"As I was going down to pull I saw someone in the back of the charlotte move and I knew if I fired and missed I could hit them."
Meli took cover inside a nearby store. He never pulled the trigger. He stands by that decision.

Clackamas man, armed, confronts mall shooter | Washington - Oregon - Idaho

I had a gun and I hid in a store while my friend and a baby were fully exposed to a madman, therefore somehow causing the madman to kill himself.

Man with Concealed Carry Gun May Have Stopped Oregon Shooter

Meli told Portland, Oregon's NewsChannel 8 that as he wais about to fire, he saw someone move in the background and never pulled the trigger because "I knew if I fired and missed, I could hit them."
While at the mall with a friend and her baby, Meli "positioned himself behind a pillar" and took out his gun after hearing three gunshots.
Meli said the gunman "was working on his rifle" and "kept pulling the charging handle and hitting the side."
This break in the action gave Meli time to pull out his gun, which he claims the gunman saw before pulling the trigger on himself.
Meli eventually took cover at a nearby store.
Hey old rocks here another local news source reporting it.

The friend and baby hit the floor. Meli, who has a concealed carry permit, positioned himself behind a pillar.
"He was working on his rifle," said Meli. "He kept pulling the charging handle and hitting the side."
The break in gunfire allowed Meli to pull out his own gun, but he never took his eyes off the shooter.
"As I was going down to pull I saw someone in the back of the charlotte move and I knew if I fired and missed I could hit them."
Meli took cover inside a nearby store. He never pulled the trigger. He stands by that decision.

Clackamas man, armed, confronts mall shooter | Washington - Oregon - Idaho

old rocks ran away from this thread pretty quick.

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