Should we vote for the man or his policies?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
In Conrad Black's opinion piece in today's The Hill, he writes about Peggy Noonan's column in the WSJ which is against Trump. Fair enough, but if her reasons are as Black suggests, then I have something of a problem with that. Obviously, we all have the right to choose, but my argument is on the reasons we should use to make that call. So, this isn't another thread about who you should vote for, but why you should pick this one over that one. Black writes:

Noonan has not been militantly hostile to most of Trump’s policies. She is, after all, a Reagan Republican and no great friend, politically speaking, of most Democrats. While she never gave Trump much credit for anything, she did not dispute his economic success, renunciation of the Paris climate and Iranian nuclear agreements, renegotiation of trade deals, building the wall on the southern border, identifying China’s threat or helping to conciliate Israel and a number of Arab powers. Her objections to Trump have been almost entirely to his garish personality and awkward administrative style, punctuated by endless indiscretions, frequent changes of personnel and fierce (if often humorous) disputes with former close colleagues.

Noonan might agree with many of Trump’s policies but she is unable to abide him as a person, especially in the great office he holds. With her latest column she elaborates on the evolution of her views, moving from an attack on Trump as a person to a formidable defense of Joe Biden as a plausible president. It is not an easy sell.

This is Noonan's column that appeared in the WSJ:

Trump gives us many reasons to dislike him IMHO, but what I am saying is that the decision for who to vote for should be based on policies rather than personalities. I would rather have a total asshole in the WH who does things that are in the best interests of the United States than a helluva nice guy who doesn't. Not just for us but for the generations which follow us. I see a huge difference between Trump and Biden; if you don't then so be it.
In Conrad Black's opinion piece in today's The Hill, he writes about Peggy Noonan's column in the WSJ which is against Trump. Fair enough, but if her reasons are as Black suggests, then I have something of a problem with that. Obviously, we all have the right to choose, but my argument is on the reasons we should use to make that call. So, this isn't another thread about who you should vote for, but why you should pick this one over that one. Black writes:

Noonan has not been militantly hostile to most of Trump’s policies. She is, after all, a Reagan Republican and no great friend, politically speaking, of most Democrats. While she never gave Trump much credit for anything, she did not dispute his economic success, renunciation of the Paris climate and Iranian nuclear agreements, renegotiation of trade deals, building the wall on the southern border, identifying China’s threat or helping to conciliate Israel and a number of Arab powers. Her objections to Trump have been almost entirely to his garish personality and awkward administrative style, punctuated by endless indiscretions, frequent changes of personnel and fierce (if often humorous) disputes with former close colleagues.

Noonan might agree with many of Trump’s policies but she is unable to abide him as a person, especially in the great office he holds. With her latest column she elaborates on the evolution of her views, moving from an attack on Trump as a person to a formidable defense of Joe Biden as a plausible president. It is not an easy sell.

This is Noonan's column that appeared in the WSJ:

Trump gives us many reasons to dislike him IMHO, but what I am saying is that the decision for who to vote for should be based on policies rather than personalities. I would rather have a total asshole in the WH who does things that are in the best interests of the United States than a helluva nice guy who doesn't. Not just for us but for the generations which follow us. I see a huge difference between Trump and Biden; if you don't then so be it.
Trump policy has been a failure. Look at the tax cuts. He said they would pay for themselves and deliver 4-6% gdp growth. Last year gdp growth declined to 2.3% and we had a trillion dollar deficit.

Are trade wars easy to win? So far the China trade war hurt farmers and lead to giant bailout. Steel has had all kinds of layoffs. Manufacturing also hurt. Failure.
The democrats are trying to win an election with all push and no pull. That doesn't often work. No one is excited about voting for Biden. The democrats are counting on people voting against Trump. Biden is literally an empty suit place-filler. The democrats' best chance is getting away with stealing the election with this blatantly obvious "mail-in election" fraud.
In Conrad Black's opinion piece in today's The Hill, he writes about Peggy Noonan's column in the WSJ which is against Trump. Fair enough, but if her reasons are as Black suggests, then I have something of a problem with that. Obviously, we all have the right to choose, but my argument is on the reasons we should use to make that call. So, this isn't another thread about who you should vote for, but why you should pick this one over that one. Black writes:

Noonan has not been militantly hostile to most of Trump’s policies. She is, after all, a Reagan Republican and no great friend, politically speaking, of most Democrats. While she never gave Trump much credit for anything, she did not dispute his economic success, renunciation of the Paris climate and Iranian nuclear agreements, renegotiation of trade deals, building the wall on the southern border, identifying China’s threat or helping to conciliate Israel and a number of Arab powers. Her objections to Trump have been almost entirely to his garish personality and awkward administrative style, punctuated by endless indiscretions, frequent changes of personnel and fierce (if often humorous) disputes with former close colleagues.

Noonan might agree with many of Trump’s policies but she is unable to abide him as a person, especially in the great office he holds. With her latest column she elaborates on the evolution of her views, moving from an attack on Trump as a person to a formidable defense of Joe Biden as a plausible president. It is not an easy sell.

This is Noonan's column that appeared in the WSJ:

Trump gives us many reasons to dislike him IMHO, but what I am saying is that the decision for who to vote for should be based on policies rather than personalities. I would rather have a total asshole in the WH who does things that are in the best interests of the United States than a helluva nice guy who doesn't. Not just for us but for the generations which follow us. I see a huge difference between Trump and Biden; if you don't then so be it.
It is the person and not the policies that deal with crises. We've all seen how Trump deals with crisis. He attacks the victims, ignores the problem, and then demands apologies. Zero character, zero honor. That's more than enough reason not to vote for him.
Vote your wallet and pocket book....that's all we have folks.....if we go back to the Obama daze....we will all leave the earth poorer than we are today...plain and simple......
Yeah let our kids pay for all them trump deficits.
Hey Obama drove our debt up even without a global pandemic shutdown....and you defended it....a thriving economy like Trump is famous for will stand a better chance of ridding America of debt than a Biden 12 million dollar tax hike......
In Conrad Black's opinion piece in today's The Hill, he writes about Peggy Noonan's column in the WSJ which is against Trump. Fair enough, but if her reasons are as Black suggests, then I have something of a problem with that. Obviously, we all have the right to choose, but my argument is on the reasons we should use to make that call. So, this isn't another thread about who you should vote for, but why you should pick this one over that one. Black writes:

Noonan has not been militantly hostile to most of Trump’s policies. She is, after all, a Reagan Republican and no great friend, politically speaking, of most Democrats. While she never gave Trump much credit for anything, she did not dispute his economic success, renunciation of the Paris climate and Iranian nuclear agreements, renegotiation of trade deals, building the wall on the southern border, identifying China’s threat or helping to conciliate Israel and a number of Arab powers. Her objections to Trump have been almost entirely to his garish personality and awkward administrative style, punctuated by endless indiscretions, frequent changes of personnel and fierce (if often humorous) disputes with former close colleagues.

Noonan might agree with many of Trump’s policies but she is unable to abide him as a person, especially in the great office he holds. With her latest column she elaborates on the evolution of her views, moving from an attack on Trump as a person to a formidable defense of Joe Biden as a plausible president. It is not an easy sell.

This is Noonan's column that appeared in the WSJ:

Trump gives us many reasons to dislike him IMHO, but what I am saying is that the decision for who to vote for should be based on policies rather than personalities. I would rather have a total asshole in the WH who does things that are in the best interests of the United States than a helluva nice guy who doesn't. Not just for us but for the generations which follow us. I see a huge difference between Trump and Biden; if you don't then so be it.
It is the person and not the policies that deal with crises. We've all seen how Trump deals with crisis. He attacks the victims, ignores the problem, and then demands apologies. Zero character, zero honor. That's more than enough reason not to vote for him.
And you think Biden is a "man of honor"?
Vote your wallet and pocket book....that's all we have folks.....if we go back to the Obama daze....we will all leave the earth poorer than we are today...plain and simple......
Yeah let our kids pay for all them trump deficits.
Hey Obama drove our debt up even without a global pandemic shutdown....and you defended it....a thriving economy like Trump is famous for will stand a better chance of ridding America of debt than a Biden 12 million dollar tax hike......
Trump has increased Obama deficits every single year. And he did that during a strong economy. Now his failed pandemic response is really gonna be costly.
In Conrad Black's opinion piece in today's The Hill, he writes about Peggy Noonan's column in the WSJ which is against Trump. Fair enough, but if her reasons are as Black suggests, then I have something of a problem with that. Obviously, we all have the right to choose, but my argument is on the reasons we should use to make that call. So, this isn't another thread about who you should vote for, but why you should pick this one over that one. Black writes:

Noonan has not been militantly hostile to most of Trump’s policies. She is, after all, a Reagan Republican and no great friend, politically speaking, of most Democrats. While she never gave Trump much credit for anything, she did not dispute his economic success, renunciation of the Paris climate and Iranian nuclear agreements, renegotiation of trade deals, building the wall on the southern border, identifying China’s threat or helping to conciliate Israel and a number of Arab powers. Her objections to Trump have been almost entirely to his garish personality and awkward administrative style, punctuated by endless indiscretions, frequent changes of personnel and fierce (if often humorous) disputes with former close colleagues.

Noonan might agree with many of Trump’s policies but she is unable to abide him as a person, especially in the great office he holds. With her latest column she elaborates on the evolution of her views, moving from an attack on Trump as a person to a formidable defense of Joe Biden as a plausible president. It is not an easy sell.

This is Noonan's column that appeared in the WSJ:

Trump gives us many reasons to dislike him IMHO, but what I am saying is that the decision for who to vote for should be based on policies rather than personalities. I would rather have a total asshole in the WH who does things that are in the best interests of the United States than a helluva nice guy who doesn't. Not just for us but for the generations which follow us. I see a huge difference between Trump and Biden; if you don't then so be it.
Trump is an egomaniacal jerk, almost a stereotypical New Yorker. As a person I dislike him. But, based upon his accomplishments, I think he's been a better than average president and head and shoulders above what Biden or Hillary could accomplish with their political double-speak and avoidance of hard decisions.
Vote your wallet and pocket book....that's all we have folks.....if we go back to the Obama daze....we will all leave the earth poorer than we are today...plain and simple......
Yeah let our kids pay for all them trump deficits.
Hey Obama drove our debt up even without a global pandemic shutdown....and you defended it....a thriving economy like Trump is famous for will stand a better chance of ridding America of debt than a Biden 12 million dollar tax hike......
Trump has increased Obama deficits every single year. And he did that during a strong economy. Now his failed pandemic response is really gonna be costly.
GLOBAL PANDEMIC AND AMERICANS NEEDING HELP TO GET THROUGH IT...obviously you only care about yourself.....
In Conrad Black's opinion piece in today's The Hill, he writes about Peggy Noonan's column in the WSJ which is against Trump. Fair enough, but if her reasons are as Black suggests, then I have something of a problem with that. Obviously, we all have the right to choose, but my argument is on the reasons we should use to make that call. So, this isn't another thread about who you should vote for, but why you should pick this one over that one. Black writes:

Noonan has not been militantly hostile to most of Trump’s policies. She is, after all, a Reagan Republican and no great friend, politically speaking, of most Democrats. While she never gave Trump much credit for anything, she did not dispute his economic success, renunciation of the Paris climate and Iranian nuclear agreements, renegotiation of trade deals, building the wall on the southern border, identifying China’s threat or helping to conciliate Israel and a number of Arab powers. Her objections to Trump have been almost entirely to his garish personality and awkward administrative style, punctuated by endless indiscretions, frequent changes of personnel and fierce (if often humorous) disputes with former close colleagues.

Noonan might agree with many of Trump’s policies but she is unable to abide him as a person, especially in the great office he holds. With her latest column she elaborates on the evolution of her views, moving from an attack on Trump as a person to a formidable defense of Joe Biden as a plausible president. It is not an easy sell.

This is Noonan's column that appeared in the WSJ:

Trump gives us many reasons to dislike him IMHO, but what I am saying is that the decision for who to vote for should be based on policies rather than personalities. I would rather have a total asshole in the WH who does things that are in the best interests of the United States than a helluva nice guy who doesn't. Not just for us but for the generations which follow us. I see a huge difference between Trump and Biden; if you don't then so be it.
Trump is an egomaniacal jerk, almost a stereotypical New Yorker. As a person I dislike him. But, based upon his accomplishments, I think he's been a better than average president and head and shoulders above what Biden or Hillary could accomplish with their political double-speak and avoidance of hard decisions.
What accomplishments? Drastically increasing debt?
Vote your wallet and pocket book....that's all we have folks.....if we go back to the Obama daze....we will all leave the earth poorer than we are today...plain and simple......
Yeah let our kids pay for all them trump deficits.
Hey Obama drove our debt up even without a global pandemic shutdown....and you defended it....a thriving economy like Trump is famous for will stand a better chance of ridding America of debt than a Biden 12 million dollar tax hike......
Trump has increased Obama deficits every single year. And he did that during a strong economy. Now his failed pandemic response is really gonna be costly.
GLOBAL PANDEMIC AND AMERICANS NEEDING HELP TO GET THROUGH IT...obviously you only care about yourself.....
He ran a trillion dollar deficit last year.
As a former Democrat, now stanch independent, I only vote on policies not the person. Ones record is taken into consideration when validating ones policies, promises. Trump has a three year record, Biden a carrier spent milking the cow and financially feathering the bed of his children, family members, and himself, at our expense.
As a former Democrat, now stanch independent, I only vote on policies not the person. Ones record is taken into consideration when validating ones policies, promises. Trump has a three year record, Biden a carrier spent milking the cow and financially feathering the bed of his children, family members, and himself, at our expense.
3 year record of failure, the pandemic response being the worst.
Vote your wallet and pocket book....that's all we have folks.....if we go back to the Obama daze....we will all leave the earth poorer than we are today...plain and simple......
Yeah let our kids pay for all them trump deficits.
Hey Obama drove our debt up even without a global pandemic shutdown....and you defended it....a thriving economy like Trump is famous for will stand a better chance of ridding America of debt than a Biden 12 million dollar tax hike......
Trump has increased Obama deficits every single year. And he did that during a strong economy. Now his failed pandemic response is really gonna be costly.
We told you that a socialist presidency would cost us billions of dollars....and as you can see we were has cost us a fortune getting the Obama nightmare over turned and then the shutdown happened....but I place my faith in Trump not OBiden.....

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