Should Trump be awarded a Nobel Peace prize?

Should President Trump be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize over N Korea agreeing to de-nucleaize?

  • Yes, immediately, he's made us far more safer in such a short time than that jackass Hussein Obama.

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • No, let's wait till it happens

    Votes: 14 32.6%
  • No, he should never get that prize.

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.
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While in favor of Trump's policies (most anyway), we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves on the North Korean issue. Kim Jung Il had a secretive nuke program while he was telling the west that he didn't. All we may see is Kim Jung Un, telling the president that he will freeze his nuke program in return for the ending of US and South Korea ending joint military operations. The president won't agree to this and thus the stalemate will continue.
naw , who wants an award that some 'euro' elites would give him and then expect The TRUMP to be appreciative . Best to let the elite scum trade prizes and pat each other on the back but The TRUMP should even reject any prize , imo !!
naw , who wants an award that some 'euro' elites would give him and then expect The TRUMP to be appreciative . Best to let the elite scum trade prizes and pat each other on the back but The TRUMP should even reject any prize , imo !!
Well, there is that option.
The president needs to give Kim Jung Un a gift while meeting with him. I suggest it be an "Alexa," so that we can surveil him. Also, it should be one with the laugh that randomly sounds off.
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.
If he denuclearizes North Korea, then yes he should get the Peace Prize
can't trust the 'nork' , its best to destroy the little 'rocket man' . Watch and see !!
Sure, he may de-nuclearize N. Korea, but you guys are failing to see the unrest he is causing in the US. All the things he may be accomplishing abroad are canceled by the regression he has caused stateside. He has separated Americans.
Sure, he may de-nuclearize N. Korea, but you guys are failing to see the unrest he is causing in the US. All the things he may be accomplishing abroad are canceled by the regression he has caused stateside. He has separated Americans.
------------------------------------------ and thats a good thing Frank . What American want to be standing with lefty liberals Frank .
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

I'm not sure but I think you have to attack and take out a third world dictator to win one of those thingies.
Sure, he may de-nuclearize N. Korea, but you guys are failing to see the unrest he is causing in the US. All the things he may be accomplishing abroad are canceled by the regression he has caused stateside. He has separated Americans.
Americans were already can thank bush and obama for that....
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.
FFS Yes, It looks good when DOPers are Cooking!


Nobel Peace Prize worship throne for ALL knives.
Sure, he may de-nuclearize N. Korea, but you guys are failing to see the unrest he is causing in the US. All the things he may be accomplishing abroad are canceled by the regression he has caused stateside. He has separated Americans.
Americans were already can thank bush and obama for that....
And Trump has brought them all together to a family reunion? I don't think so
I would resent such an insult.

Our current President should not be demeaned by being associated with the likes of criminals and imbeciles like Arafat, Algore and the moonbat messiah.

He can take the money but I'd hope he would remind the world how the committee rewards sociopaths and incompetent bed wetters though.

I would resent such an insult.

Our current President should not be demeaned by being associated with the likes of criminals and imbeciles like Arafat, Algore and the moonbat messiah.

He can take the money but I'd hope he would remind the world how the committee rewards sociopaths and incompetent bed wetters though.

------------------------------------- right on Pete !!

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