Should the FCC force FOX to warn viewers about GOLD


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Ya know, like they do with cigarettes? For example, before they air the commercials to buy GOLD, just have Greenscam or someone say, "Uhhh, please be advised that consumers buying GOLD coins are scalped when they buy and scalped when they sell." Seems fair. Similar to the junk pharmaceuticals they advertise for that have side-effects much worse than any disease.
Ya know, like they do with cigarettes? For example, before they air the commercials to buy GOLD, just have Greenscam or someone say, "Uhhh, please be advised that consumers buying GOLD coins are scalped when they buy and scalped when they sell." Seems fair. Similar to the junk pharmaceuticals they advertise for that have side-effects much worse than any disease.

Only FOX, eh?

Whatever happened to the liberal whine of "EQUALITY"?
Ya know, like they do with cigarettes? For example, before they air the commercials to buy GOLD, just have Greenscam or someone say, "Uhhh, please be advised that consumers buying GOLD coins are scalped when they buy and scalped when they sell." Seems fair. Similar to the junk pharmaceuticals they advertise for that have side-effects much worse than any disease.

Only FOX, eh?

Whatever happened to the liberal whine of "EQUALITY"?

Randi Rhodes before she quit used to do live reads on her radio show about buying
gold.Same with Ed Schultz...

But only FOX does it....

Typical Liberal bullshit.
Why single out Fox? Either the ads are legal or they aren't? Don't we have enough federal agencies to determine it? You almost gotta laugh when prescription drugs are advertised on one channel and a law firm suing the prescription drug manufactures for injuries resulting from the legal use of the product on another channel.

Did anyone stop and figure out that when you DIE, your children have to pay an ENHERITANCE AND/OR AN ESTATE TAX? Now, not saying anything that isn't known by those of us who want to pass on as much of our acquired wealth as we can to our children, BUT Gold, and SILVER, for that matter, are relatively easy to sell for CASH when one wants to. Seems, a K-rand here, or an American Eagle there, are quite easily converted, and IF you live in a larger city where there are MANY buyers out there, you can go around and find out who pays the top dollar. You already know what an oz. of gold is worth on the commodities market, and, if you have been buying from a dealer, over time, you already know what the SPREAD is between buying and selling, (even check out prices on e-bay!), and considering what the GOV'T takes off the top, perhaps looking at gold at it currently LOW (by the last few years rate) would be a nice thing to put away a 1 oz. piece per month, just as a little GIFT that your children can open up a box and see all just sitting there!

Anything that you can do to PRESERVE for your children what should be naturally theirs, and not infringed on by the gov't is a PLUS in my book. Your thoughts?
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The Federal Communications Commission?

There is not another oxymoron which can top that one.

The government has a vested interest in keeping people as Fiat Currency Slaves (as well as Debt and Tax slaves).

There's a reason why Big Government and their Bankster Cronies moved the dollar off the gold standard...printing money and debt bubbles benefit their consolidation of wealth and power.
Owning refined gold is usually done for the wrong reasons.

Buying low, selling high appeals to many it's about the same as "investing" your money at a craps table in 'Vegas.

Buying to hold because gold (or any precious metal) has never been worth zero....and perhaps you believe inflation will continue and accelerate....there's some sense in that.

But gold leaves footprints. FDR once outlawed private ownership of gold and folks were required to turn it in for $32.00/ounce regardless what they might have paid for it.

Sale of gold through commercial channels is tracked. Any sale at a profit attracts capital gains taxes. From the moment a commercial facility refines raw gold there's a footprint just waiting to be taxed. Set up as neatly for confiscation as a registered gun.

OK, so that probably won't happen. Just like FDR never took out after people's gold.

So what's safe?

Concentrate. Independent miners are positioned to be the winners. Most are not equipped to refine gold to ultimate purity. They work the ore down to a highly concentrated form then send it out for refining. At that point there's a footprint. There are records of who owns what. If they refine only what they need for the near term and keep the concentrate then there's no record. Nowhere.

Big mining companies can't do that but they wouldn't even if they could because they need to divvy up with shareholders. Independent small miners can sit on concentrate indefinitely or can sell it for cash, no checks, no credit cards, and definitely no records. No record even that it ever existed. Legal? No. There's the reason you won't see gold concentrate being hawked on FOX or CNBC or CNN or even PMSNBC. Not yet.

Now you figure it out from there.
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Owning refined gold is usually done for the wrong reasons.

Buying low, selling high appeals to many it's about the same as "investing" your money at a craps table in 'Vegas.

Buying to hold because gold (or any precious metal) has never been worth zero....and perhaps you believe inflation will continue and accelerate....there's some sense in that.

But gold leaves footprints. FDR once outlawed private ownership of gold and folks were required to turn it in for $32.00/ounce regardless what they might have paid for it.

Sale of gold through commercial channels is tracked. Any sale at a profit attracts capital gains taxes. From the moment a commercial facility refines raw gold there's a footprint just waiting to be taxed. Set up as neatly for confiscation as a registered gun.

OK, so that probably won't happen. Just like FDR never took out after people's gold.

So what's safe?

Concentrate. Independent miners are positioned to be the winners. Most are not equipped to refine gold to ultimate purity. They work the ore down to a highly concentrated form then send it out for refining. At that point there's a footprint. There are records of who owns what. If they refine only what they need for the near term and keep the concentrate then there's no record. Nowhere.

Big mining companies can't do that but they wouldn't even if they could because they need to divvy up with shareholders. Independent small miners can sit on concentrate indefinitely or can sell it for cash, no checks, no credit cards, and definitely no records. No record even that it ever existed. Legal? No.

Now you figure it out from there.

i buy junk gold and silver
Buying gold was the smart move about 20 years ago. Silver used to be around $30 oz but dropped down to around $19. Is silver a smart buy?
Buying gold was the smart move about 20 years ago. Silver used to be around $30 oz but dropped down to around $19. Is silver a smart buy?

It's now $18.81 and looks good for a buy within the next 2 weeks, depends on what goes on in the world.... China has built a 2,000 METRIC TONNE vault to house their gold, which is NOWHERE what they are holding today.... Now why would China build something like that?
Ya know, like they do with cigarettes? For example, before they air the commercials to buy GOLD, just have Greenscam or someone say, "Uhhh, please be advised that consumers buying GOLD coins are scalped when they buy and scalped when they sell." Seems fair. Similar to the junk pharmaceuticals they advertise for that have side-effects much worse than any disease.

Only FOX, eh?

Whatever happened to the liberal whine of "EQUALITY"?

Other than right-wing-oriented programming and shop-at-home networks, pretty much no media outlet advertises gold buying.

Because it''s a scam.

Did anyone stop and figure out that when you DIE, your children have to pay an ENHERITANCE AND/OR AN ESTATE TAX? Now, not saying anything that isn't known by those of us who want to pass on as much of our acquired wealth as we can to our children, BUT Gold, and SILVER, for that matter, are relatively easy to sell for CASH when one wants to. Seems, a K-rand here, or an American Eagle there, are quite easily converted, and IF you live in a larger city where there are MANY buyers out there, you can go around and find out who pays the top dollar. You already know what an oz. of gold is worth on the commodities market, and, if you have been buying from a dealer, over time, you already know what the SPREAD is between buying and selling, (even check out prices on e-bay!), and considering what the GOV'T takes off the top, perhaps looking at gold at it currently LOW (by the last few years rate) would be a nice thing to put away a 1 oz. piece per month, just as a little GIFT that your children can open up a box and see all just sitting there!

Anything that you can do to PRESERVE for your children what should be naturally theirs, and not infringed on by the gov't is a PLUS in my book. Your thoughts?

So spend a thou on some gold that you can sell for six hundred.

Yer a goddamn genius, Vagisil.
I have a few gold and platinum coins from the mid-90's. I would never consider using them to buy a pizza as the many apocalypse folks anticipate

What is up with this site's malware...try to click the thanks button and a damn external link pops up.
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Ya know, like they do with cigarettes? For example, before they air the commercials to buy GOLD, just have Greenscam or someone say, "Uhhh, please be advised that consumers buying GOLD coins are scalped when they buy and scalped when they sell." Seems fair. Similar to the junk pharmaceuticals they advertise for that have side-effects much worse than any disease.

So much Leftytoon. So little thought. Here let me help direct your wandering. The problem has shit to do with gold, pharmaceuticals or Fox. And certainly nothing to do with FCC purview. If you want to point a finger go back to 1984 when the Democrap congress and Reagan deregulated the airwaves and renounced the rules limiting the number of commercial minutes that could be broadcast in a given hour. That assclown move is what started all this crap. Thanks to that we have to endure shorter program content and 3 times as many commercials(60% of which are infomercials), where any charletan can sell a baldness cure. Not to mention skyrocketing cable prices from monopoly cable companies because there is no competition.

the question is, why fox, and not msnbc? buying gold is stupid I think, but people have rights.

They're too busy showing wall to wall reruns of Lockup.

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