Should the control of public schools be returned to the states?

Personal insults and no ability to refute what I said. Classic dumbass!

Come on! Get into the fight, or does tenure protect you from that also?
Personal insults! You really are a neanderthral. You started the insults now when I use insults in return that indicates I can not refute, you. You are a joke. You can rant and rave and dictate all you like but that really is nothing to respond to. You have proved to me you are a lunatic and have zero understanding of what is being taught in school.

My break is over, so go ahead with you hissy fit, I wont be here to read it.
Personal insults and no ability to refute what I said. Classic dumbass!

Come on! Get into the fight, or does tenure protect you from that also?
Personal insults! You really are a neanderthral. You started the insults now when I use insults in return that indicates I can not refute, you. You are a joke. You can rant and rave and dictate all you like but that really is nothing to respond to. You have proved to me you are a lunatic and have zero understanding of what is being taught in school.

My break is over, so go ahead with you hissy fit, I wont be here to read it.

I countered your stupidity with facts. You have none.

Your "break is over"? Still working that Walmart greeter job and pretending to be a teacher? Seek help.

BTW, what is a neanderthral?
into my Florida high school were forced to attend another year of high school in order to mee the more rigorous state standards than what were required in their previous states
What is, "mee"? You are teacher yet cant spell?

Care for me to go on, hypocrite.

I had a typo. You can't spell!
You have an excuse, you cant think.

I am tired of your stupidity. Tell the customers at Walmart to "get their shit and get out!" Have a nice poor excuse for a life!
Public schools should be under the control of the local community they serve.

And they still are; the pols like bigger buildings and more stuff, so they latch on to the free money; so do the teachers and admins.

Only partially. The Feds mandate so much crap, that the local admins have plenty of cover to spend excessively on buildings and bloated staff.
Too bad having more money doesn't do much. The generation that sent people to the moon and created all kinds of new inventions and science went to schools that had only blackboards and chalk; today they have all kinds of gadgets, laptops, and other rubbish and they're producing mostly halfwits with high self-esteem.

You're assuming that's a result of teachers. I called home an unruly student last week. He shows no respect to myself, my classroom, to the other students, and flat out nobody. While I'm on the phone with his mom and I hear him yell at her "who's on the phone you bitch?!", and mom kind of chuckled it off...I realized in that precise moment that nothing I could do would ever make him respect anybody. He's a product of his upbringing. When parents raise a group of entitled kids, they're going to bring that entitlement to the classroom. Wen those entitled kids become adults (which we're starting to see), don't be surprised when they act in such a fashion in all walks of life, including school.

Last quarter I had a senior-an 18 year old student-demand that I give him a "B", despite him doing NO WORK. He told me the work was pointless and stupid...which even if that was the case, it's still illogical to expect a "B". I told him that's not fair to the students who put in effort and earn their "B's", and that that's not the way the world works. Mom was in the main office the following morning demanding to speak to me and explain why her kid had an "F". When I say he did no work-I literally mean he did no work. I told his mom that I'd show her example of his work and discuss with her, but that he's never handed any in so I didn't even have that to show her.

TLDR: Entitlement is an issue that transcends the school system.

I'm aware of all that and more. It doesn't change the fact that teachers and their unions let admins get away with poor rules and stupid sociological experiments, and are their own worst enemies. I've met teachers that are barely educated themselves, complete airheads, had all the pop psychology crap down pat while not knowing squat about the subjects they're supposed to be teaching. Most are fine with kids being taught complete rubbish re American history as well.

I agree about parents being a big problem as well; the solution to that is of course expelling the little animals and let their parents worry about them; how many teachers will stand up to admins and fight for that, though? Probably very few.

I think more would than you'd think. I'm all for 2nd chances.

Last year I was CC'ed an emai from admin about a student I had in class (all of his teachers were CC'ed) thanking us for all of the "second chances" that we've given him. There's no such thing as multiple second chances. He was arrested numerous times, causes problems for all of his 7 teachers (so I know it wasn't just me) and negatively impacted the education of every single student he had a class with. He was constantly talking, getting up, shouting at the top of his lungs, jumping on top of desks, throwing items at other students (including an open condom), he peed in a water bottle, climbed out of the window. I'm given kids like that because 99% of them I have a great relationship with and get strong results...this kid was something else. I told admin it was severely detrimental to my classes, the AP told me "I'm done dealing with him..."...the AP literally told me she wasn't going to deal with it anymore, which is great for them but he's still in my class (most) days. So what did I do before this?:

Everything below I did at least 3 times (lterally):

-Called home and spoke with dad
-Met with dad for conference night
-Emailed his football coach
-Wrote him up to the office
-Asked him what I could do to make class better for him
-Moved his seat
-Offered positive phone calls home for good behavior (offered this, but he never earned it)
-Assigned him detention

There's nothing else I could have done. He's still at the school and will only be tossed out about a month before graduation. The amount of support we get from admin (which isn't really their fault-it's pressure from the district) to keep kids enrolled is ridiculous. I'm not saying we should crucify the kids, I'm just saying lets move them somewhere else where they're better suited.
Too bad having more money doesn't do much. The generation that sent people to the moon and created all kinds of new inventions and science went to schools that had only blackboards and chalk; today they have all kinds of gadgets, laptops, and other rubbish and they're producing mostly halfwits with high self-esteem.

You're assuming that's a result of teachers. I called home an unruly student last week. He shows no respect to myself, my classroom, to the other students, and flat out nobody. While I'm on the phone with his mom and I hear him yell at her "who's on the phone you bitch?!", and mom kind of chuckled it off...I realized in that precise moment that nothing I could do would ever make him respect anybody. He's a product of his upbringing. When parents raise a group of entitled kids, they're going to bring that entitlement to the classroom. Wen those entitled kids become adults (which we're starting to see), don't be surprised when they act in such a fashion in all walks of life, including school.

Last quarter I had a senior-an 18 year old student-demand that I give him a "B", despite him doing NO WORK. He told me the work was pointless and stupid...which even if that was the case, it's still illogical to expect a "B". I told him that's not fair to the students who put in effort and earn their "B's", and that that's not the way the world works. Mom was in the main office the following morning demanding to speak to me and explain why her kid had an "F". When I say he did no work-I literally mean he did no work. I told his mom that I'd show her example of his work and discuss with her, but that he's never handed any in so I didn't even have that to show her.

TLDR: Entitlement is an issue that transcends the school system.

I'm aware of all that and more. It doesn't change the fact that teachers and their unions let admins get away with poor rules and stupid sociological experiments, and are their own worst enemies. I've met teachers that are barely educated themselves, complete airheads, had all the pop psychology crap down pat while not knowing squat about the subjects they're supposed to be teaching. Most are fine with kids being taught complete rubbish re American history as well.

I agree about parents being a big problem as well; the solution to that is of course expelling the little animals and let their parents worry about them; how many teachers will stand up to admins and fight for that, though? Probably very few.

I think more would than you'd think. I'm all for 2nd chances.

Last year I was CC'ed an emai from admin about a student I had in class (all of his teachers were CC'ed) thanking us for all of the "second chances" that we've given him. There's no such thing as multiple second chances. He was arrested numerous times, causes problems for all of his 7 teachers (so I know it wasn't just me) and negatively impacted the education of every single student he had a class with. He was constantly talking, getting up, shouting at the top of his lungs, jumping on top of desks, throwing items at other students (including an open condom), he peed in a water bottle, climbed out of the window. I'm given kids like that because 99% of them I have a great relationship with and get strong results...this kid was something else. I told admin it was severely detrimental to my classes, the AP told me "I'm done dealing with him..."...the AP literally told me she wasn't going to deal with it anymore, which is great for them but he's still in my class (most) days. So what did I do before this?:

Everything below I did at least 3 times (lterally):

-Called home and spoke with dad
-Met with dad for conference night
-Emailed his football coach
-Wrote him up to the office
-Asked him what I could do to make class better for him
-Moved his seat
-Offered positive phone calls home for good behavior (offered this, but he never earned it)
-Assigned him detention

There's nothing else I could have done. He's still at the school and will only be tossed out about a month before graduation. The amount of support we get from admin (which isn't really their fault-it's pressure from the district) to keep kids enrolled is ridiculous. I'm not saying we should crucify the kids, I'm just saying lets move them somewhere else where they're better suited.

Sounds like a amish kid to me....or perhaps Asian?

Anyhow, is it really the kids fault or the culture he grew up in?

I a m surprised he has a father....most kids like this grow up in a household with only a mother present...and she usually has so many kids she can not keep track of them....even if she wanted to. not mention the race of the kid...we do not want to make all of them look bad and it would just invite obscene name calling attacks from the liberals.
Should the control of public schools be returned to the states?

Absolutely. Per the Tenth Amendment, the federal government has no business sticking its nose into education.
They don't if school districts don't want the's as easy as refusing the Title 1 and free lunch program money.

Sadly it is not that simple.

When a school refuses to take Federal money they are put under a Federal Microscope.

To begin with they still have to meet other requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act, including providing annual student testing, and demonstrating school accountability and adequate yearly progress.

Elaine Quesinberry, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Education, told Education World that it was uncertain of the ramifications if a district did not accept the funding. "Title I is tied to other federal dollars, so we are looking at the implications if they opt out of it," she said. "We hope the states and districts realize this [Title I money] is important and will work with us to use it for the kids who need it."

Not to mention any school that does not accept Federal Money is incrreasing their exposure for a Federal Lawsuit.

Not even to mention the headline in the local board turns down 1 million dollars or whatever the sum is...which is usually large. Many citizens would be very irritated by that and they will vent their fury on the school board. Too many have this idea of 'never turn down money from the feds' matter what. They view it as money that does not come out of their pockets and money their school should matter the ramifications.....especially since most schools have financial problems.

If some minority in such a school complains about discrimination the Feds will sweep down like avenging angels....simply because the Feds understand that any school that refuses their money is doing it because they do not want Federal Control....the feds see this as a threat and simply will use any excuse to make an example of such a school....and no easier way to do it than to accuse them of some kind of civil rights violation which would be very,very expensive for the school.

Thus due to the fear of the powers of the Feds most schools decide it is better to go along in order to get along as in they have enough problems already without irritating the feds.
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They don't if school districts don't want the's as easy as refusing the Title 1 and free lunch program money.

The federal government is in violation of the Tenth Amendment, for collecting taxes for that purpose in the first place, much less holding those funds hostage to illegally forced its will on states.
They don't if school districts don't want the's as easy as refusing the Title 1 and free lunch program money.

The federal government is in violation of the Tenth Amendment, for collecting taxes for that purpose in the first place, much less holding those funds hostage to illegally forced its will on states.

If the Supreme ct. and or congress is unwilling to abide by and enforce the constitution what good is it?
They don't if school districts don't want the's as easy as refusing the Title 1 and free lunch program money.

The federal government is in violation of the Tenth Amendment, for collecting taxes for that purpose in the first place, much less holding those funds hostage to illegally forced its will on states.

If the Supreme ct. and or congress is unwilling to abide by and enforce the constitution what good is it?

This is why such arguments mean nothing, and haven't since the corrupt Chase Court appointed by Lincoln. 'Constitutional law' has been a joke ever since. Some people still think it's relevant, but they also probably think they're going to win the lottery some day, too, same kind of 'faith'. How many know for instance that in hearing religious cases of all kinds, the SC rarely cites any precedents earlier than 1947?

We're ruled by judicial fiat now, not Constitutional guidelines or influence.
Too bad having more money doesn't do much. The generation that sent people to the moon and created all kinds of new inventions and science went to schools that had only blackboards and chalk; today they have all kinds of gadgets, laptops, and other rubbish and they're producing mostly halfwits with high self-esteem.

You're assuming that's a result of teachers. I called home an unruly student last week. He shows no respect to myself, my classroom, to the other students, and flat out nobody. While I'm on the phone with his mom and I hear him yell at her "who's on the phone you bitch?!", and mom kind of chuckled it off...I realized in that precise moment that nothing I could do would ever make him respect anybody. He's a product of his upbringing. When parents raise a group of entitled kids, they're going to bring that entitlement to the classroom. Wen those entitled kids become adults (which we're starting to see), don't be surprised when they act in such a fashion in all walks of life, including school.

Last quarter I had a senior-an 18 year old student-demand that I give him a "B", despite him doing NO WORK. He told me the work was pointless and stupid...which even if that was the case, it's still illogical to expect a "B". I told him that's not fair to the students who put in effort and earn their "B's", and that that's not the way the world works. Mom was in the main office the following morning demanding to speak to me and explain why her kid had an "F". When I say he did no work-I literally mean he did no work. I told his mom that I'd show her example of his work and discuss with her, but that he's never handed any in so I didn't even have that to show her.

TLDR: Entitlement is an issue that transcends the school system.

I'm aware of all that and more. It doesn't change the fact that teachers and their unions let admins get away with poor rules and stupid sociological experiments, and are their own worst enemies. I've met teachers that are barely educated themselves, complete airheads, had all the pop psychology crap down pat while not knowing squat about the subjects they're supposed to be teaching. Most are fine with kids being taught complete rubbish re American history as well.

I agree about parents being a big problem as well; the solution to that is of course expelling the little animals and let their parents worry about them; how many teachers will stand up to admins and fight for that, though? Probably very few.

I think more would than you'd think. I'm all for 2nd chances.

Last year I was CC'ed an emai from admin about a student I had in class (all of his teachers were CC'ed) thanking us for all of the "second chances" that we've given him. There's no such thing as multiple second chances. He was arrested numerous times, causes problems for all of his 7 teachers (so I know it wasn't just me) and negatively impacted the education of every single student he had a class with. He was constantly talking, getting up, shouting at the top of his lungs, jumping on top of desks, throwing items at other students (including an open condom), he peed in a water bottle, climbed out of the window. I'm given kids like that because 99% of them I have a great relationship with and get strong results...this kid was something else. I told admin it was severely detrimental to my classes, the AP told me "I'm done dealing with him..."...the AP literally told me she wasn't going to deal with it anymore, which is great for them but he's still in my class (most) days. So what did I do before this?:

Everything below I did at least 3 times (lterally):

-Called home and spoke with dad
-Met with dad for conference night
-Emailed his football coach
-Wrote him up to the office
-Asked him what I could do to make class better for him
-Moved his seat
-Offered positive phone calls home for good behavior (offered this, but he never earned it)
-Assigned him detention

There's nothing else I could have done. He's still at the school and will only be tossed out about a month before graduation. The amount of support we get from admin (which isn't really their fault-it's pressure from the district) to keep kids enrolled is ridiculous. I'm not saying we should crucify the kids, I'm just saying lets move them somewhere else where they're better suited.

We had 'thug school' for those kids in the 1960's; the teachers were all tough guys, went to class armed, and had no qualms about punching them out if they dared raise a hand to them. they flunk out or get thrown out of there it was 'reform school' or hoping some union apprentice program would take them on. Most just went to prison.
Should the control of public schools be returned to the states?

Absolutely. Per the Tenth Amendment, the federal government has no business sticking its nose into education.
They don't if school districts don't want the's as easy as refusing the Title 1 and free lunch program money.

Sadly it is not that simple.

When a school refuses to take Federal money they are put under a Federal Microscope.

To begin with they still have to meet other requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act, including providing annual student testing, and demonstrating school accountability and adequate yearly progress.

Elaine Quesinberry, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Education, told Education World that it was uncertain of the ramifications if a district did not accept the funding. "Title I is tied to other federal dollars, so we are looking at the implications if they opt out of it," she said. "We hope the states and districts realize this [Title I money] is important and will work with us to use it for the kids who need it."

Not to mention any school that does not accept Federal Money is incrreasing their exposure for a Federal Lawsuit.

Not even to mention the headline in the local board turns down 1 million dollars or whatever the sum is...which is usually large. Many citizens would be very irritated by that and they will vent their fury on the school board. Too many have this idea of 'never turn down money from the feds' matter what. They view it as money that does not come out of their pockets and money their school should matter the ramifications.....especially since most schools have financial problems.

If some minority in such a school complains about discrimination the Feds will sweep down like avenging angels....simply because the Feds understand that any school that refuses their money is doing it because they do not want Federal Control....the feds see this as a threat and simply will use any excuse to make an example of such a school....and no easier way to do it than to accuse them of some kind of civil rights violation which would be very,very expensive for the school.

Thus due to the fear of the powers of the Feds most schools decide it is better to go along in order to get along as in they have enough problems already without irritating the feds.

More ignorance? NCLB went away years ago!
They don't if school districts don't want the's as easy as refusing the Title 1 and free lunch program money.

The federal government is in violation of the Tenth Amendment, for collecting taxes for that purpose in the first place, much less holding those funds hostage to illegally forced its will on states.

Sorry! It doesn't happen that way, as much as you enjoy your fantasy!
Should the control of public schools be returned to the states?

Absolutely. Per the Tenth Amendment, the federal government has no business sticking its nose into education.
They don't if school districts don't want the's as easy as refusing the Title 1 and free lunch program money.

Sadly it is not that simple.

When a school refuses to take Federal money they are put under a Federal Microscope.

To begin with they still have to meet other requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act, including providing annual student testing, and demonstrating school accountability and adequate yearly progress.

Elaine Quesinberry, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Education, told Education World that it was uncertain of the ramifications if a district did not accept the funding. "Title I is tied to other federal dollars, so we are looking at the implications if they opt out of it," she said. "We hope the states and districts realize this [Title I money] is important and will work with us to use it for the kids who need it."

Not to mention any school that does not accept Federal Money is incrreasing their exposure for a Federal Lawsuit.

Not even to mention the headline in the local board turns down 1 million dollars or whatever the sum is...which is usually large. Many citizens would be very irritated by that and they will vent their fury on the school board. Too many have this idea of 'never turn down money from the feds' matter what. They view it as money that does not come out of their pockets and money their school should matter the ramifications.....especially since most schools have financial problems.

If some minority in such a school complains about discrimination the Feds will sweep down like avenging angels....simply because the Feds understand that any school that refuses their money is doing it because they do not want Federal Control....the feds see this as a threat and simply will use any excuse to make an example of such a school....and no easier way to do it than to accuse them of some kind of civil rights violation which would be very,very expensive for the school.

Thus due to the fear of the powers of the Feds most schools decide it is better to go along in order to get along as in they have enough problems already without irritating the feds.

More ignorance? NCLB went away years ago!

That is correct....Under obama it was replaced with ..
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Could you explain how that works?

Should the control of public schools be returned to the states?

Absolutely. Per the Tenth Amendment, the federal government has no business sticking its nose into education.
They don't if school districts don't want the's as easy as refusing the Title 1 and free lunch program money.

Sadly it is not that simple.

When a school refuses to take Federal money they are put under a Federal Microscope.

To begin with they still have to meet other requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act, including providing annual student testing, and demonstrating school accountability and adequate yearly progress.

Elaine Quesinberry, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Education, told Education World that it was uncertain of the ramifications if a district did not accept the funding. "Title I is tied to other federal dollars, so we are looking at the implications if they opt out of it," she said. "We hope the states and districts realize this [Title I money] is important and will work with us to use it for the kids who need it."

Not to mention any school that does not accept Federal Money is incrreasing their exposure for a Federal Lawsuit.

Not even to mention the headline in the local board turns down 1 million dollars or whatever the sum is...which is usually large. Many citizens would be very irritated by that and they will vent their fury on the school board. Too many have this idea of 'never turn down money from the feds' matter what. They view it as money that does not come out of their pockets and money their school should matter the ramifications.....especially since most schools have financial problems.

If some minority in such a school complains about discrimination the Feds will sweep down like avenging angels....simply because the Feds understand that any school that refuses their money is doing it because they do not want Federal Control....the feds see this as a threat and simply will use any excuse to make an example of such a school....and no easier way to do it than to accuse them of some kind of civil rights violation which would be very,very expensive for the school.

Thus due to the fear of the powers of the Feds most schools decide it is better to go along in order to get along as in they have enough problems already without irritating the feds.

More ignorance? NCLB went away years ago!

That is correct....Under obama it was replaced with ..
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Could you explain how that works?


All carrot, no stick!

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