Should teachers be armed?

Should teachers be armed?

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Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Should teachers be armed?

At this point I am saying Y. Show me why that is a bad idea and I will listen but I am tired of innocent children being killed in schools, which used to be safe. Today, society in general has gone berserk.. all these grieving families.. you never get over the loss of your children.. (Even women who have "chosen" abortion grieve, often deeply, for the lost child they will never know)
I wish that I could say "yes", but considering how questionable a teacher's judgement can be, my answer is currently "no".

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The teachers who have gone as far as to going to bed with their students are what make me question their judgement in general. If they are willing to go that far, who knows what else it is that they could be capable of?

Teachers are trained to teach, not to be SWAT team members
We saw in Uvalde how even highly trained police hesitate to confront a highly armed gunman.

To expect teachers to play “Die Hard” and Rambo” is fantasy
Should teachers be armed?

At this point I am saying Y. Show me why that is a bad idea and I will listen but I am tired of innocent children being killed in schools, which used to be safe. Today, society in general has gone berserk.. all these grieving families.. you never get over the loss of your children.. (Even women who have "chosen" abortion grieve, often deeply, for the lost child they will never know)
In general, it would not be a good idea to arm all teachers or expect them to come to the level where it would be practical. Many people (including many teachers) simply are not suited to carry, not being psychologically, or experientially fit to have guns in the classroom around kids. Nor are school classroom set up to safely have weapons controlled. It would be a matter of no time, at all, before some nut-ball teacher possibly going through other crises while teaching pulled a weapon and blew some kid away, not being able to handle the stress, yet weapon handy.
I wish that I could say "yes", but considering how questionable a teacher's judgement can be, my answer is currently "no".

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The teachers who have gone as far as to going to bed with their students are what make me question their judgement in general. If they are willing to go that far, who knows what else it is that they could be capable of?

actually, romantic chemistry is not as bad as... having such bad judgment that you shoot when you are not supposed to... and NO, I am NOT condoning have a sexual thing with a minor.. !

I was once attracted to someone WAY younger than me. Did I act on that? NO! But it was THERE... and it was a big distraction.. .until life (so to say) intervened and we were no longer in the same "sphere" Actually, this has happened to me more than once and one time someone WAY younger than me was or seemd to be attracted to me (or all people!) LOL

Well, I wasn't attracted in return, so that one was no biggie... but the point is that.. and I am FAR from saying that that woman was in any way "right" to go so far as to have sex with a minor! No, in fact, I sometimes think the age of consent for such should be about 25 or so (sounds ridiculous until you realize how serious a thing sex is.. creates another human life)..

I'm just saying that... I'm tired of all the grieving people these shooters make. We can' have a nation where even a small fraction of people are disabled by grief.. or virtually disabled.. or whatever...
In general, it would not be a good idea to arm all teachers or expect them to come to the level where it would be practical. Many people (including many teachers) simply are not suited to carry, not being psychologically, or experientially fit to have guns in the classroom around kids. Nor are school classroom set up to safely have weapons controlled. It would be a matter of no time, at all, before some nut-ball teacher possibly going through other crises while teaching pulled a weapon and blew some kid away, not being able to handle the stress, yet weapon handy.

If a person cannot be trusted to be a good teacher who cares about her/his students, then why are they being allowed to teach?

Vet prospective teachers better...

but having them unarmed against society's violent freaks...

I have not been convinced by anything said here yet, and likely will not be. Society is out of control. Guns... this is what htey are good for: giving good people CONTROL over evil ones
Its a difficult subject. It requires substantial training, practice time, and a thorough staff level rehearsed plan.
"you WILL take those puberty blockers and if you try to tell your parents, let me introduce you to Mr. argument settler, here."
This is the only post that makes me wonder about having armed teachers.

First, we have to produce better teachers...

If parents can home school or have a relative home school (since they have to work)


is the perfect solution (virtually perfect...)
I would trust an armed teacher (even if the teacher was a little nutty... [a "little"!]

more than all the violent freaks outside the classroom that society has to deal with today...

(I watch news daily... Every other week there is a "shooting" somewhere)
If a person cannot be trusted to be a good teacher who cares about her/his students, then why are they being allowed to teach?

Vet prospective teachers better...

but having them unarmed against society's violent freaks...

I have not been convinced by anything said here yet, and likely will not be. Society is out of control. Guns... this is what htey are good for: giving good people CONTROL over evil ones
Try to remember you are hiring teachers, not armed guards and there is no universal two for one sale. I have known a great many Sergeants, excellent at what they did for me and my unit, that were lousy teacher/instructors, and did well at one task group far better than they did at others or in other positions.
No school in America can be completely safe until it's surrounded by prison walls topped with razor wire and armed guards 24 hours a day.

It's asking too much of teachers to be the first line of defense.
No school in America can be completely safe until it's surrounded by prison walls topped with razor wire and armed guards 24 hours a day.

It's asking too much of teachers to be the first line of defense.
well, assuming you arebeing serious about the razor wire and etc...

it is that or arming teachers.. Why is one or the other not bein done (tht I know of?)
If no one sends their children to public school any more... you can hire all the teachers you want...

Sorry. You are not going to be able to do away with public education. You might as sell not even long for it, as it is not happening.
Should teachers be armed?

At this point I am saying Y. Show me why that is a bad idea and I will listen but I am tired of innocent children being killed in schools, which used to be safe. Today, society in general has gone berserk.. all these grieving families.. you never get over the loss of your children.. (Even women who have "chosen" abortion grieve, often deeply, for the lost child they will never know)

No they should not be armed.

Arming teachers is just allowing the problem to exist that calls for teachers to be armed. It doesn't solve anything.

The true answer is, find out what's changed and eliminate that.

30 years ago we didn't have school shootings or cops in schools (unless you count thug black cities). So if we didn't have shootings or cops in schools 30 years ago we have to see what has changed since then and get rid of that.

Getting rid of guns or adding guns will not fix the problem. If your boat has a hole in it the answer isn't "we need to keep a bucket onboard to bail water when we go out", the answer is "fix the hole".

Teachers shouldn't have to be armed at all, just like they haven't needed to be up until recently.