Should Party Members be financially responsible for their elected Candidates?

Do you agree with holding party members responsible legally or financially for elected candidates

  • Yes, parties should answer grievances against them including reimbursing certain costs to the public

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, parties are free to elect leaders even if it incurs greater cost to the public because of abuses

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All voters and taxpayers are equally responsible for costs, even if they voted against

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Parties should pay costs of abuses by their elected candidates, but not voters or members

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All Party members should be held to pay the costs of their Party and Candidates' policies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, I also believe Obama's policies pose greater danger by political division risking US security

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I don't believe Obama is any worse or dangerous than Bush or other presidents

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Dear USMB:
The last fight I had, where I was sandwiched between people on the left and right blaming each other and projecting onto me from both sides, seemed to have escalated because
M - moderate who leans right/libertarian secular
believes we all get the govt we deserve, and if the candidate who wins screws up, we all pay
and our only recourse is how we vote. M is not into this idea I have that you can or should fund
your own solutions, but relies on electing better leaders and voting on better policies period.

L - liberal who blames and opposes Conservatives and Christians, and hates when they blame
and oppose liberals, uses voting for the Democrats as the only way to oppose and stop Conservatives.
Does not take financial responsibility for fixing problems caused by Democrats, and does not think that belongs to the people who vote for Democrats or who are members of the party that elect them.

C - I am a Constitutionalist who treats political and personal beliefs equally as religious beliefs
that should be private and require taking personal responsibility for, not imposing these on others and making them pay. I believe the Democrats who cost taxpayers money for abuses done through the offices they are elected to should be the responsibility of the party, members, and/or voters who elected them, to hold those wrongdoers accountable to pay restitution and damages to the taxpayers in proportion to what they did wrong.

So I was arguing that my objecting to L's position of not taking any responsibility for voting for Obama and Democrats is different because I DO take responsibility for what the Party and Democrats have done,
so I feel I DO have the right to compel my fellow Democrats to share that responsibility.

This is not the same as M's objections for just blaming L for voting for Obama and Democrats

I was arguing when I rebuke L for not doing enough to take responsibility for Democrats,
I have standing because I am doing what I am asking of others; I am complaining because
it is insulting to blame me when I scold Democrats as if I am the same as opponents like M.

For the POLL I want to know how many people think like M, L or C.

Do you believe voters and party members should accept legal or financial
responsibility for holding Leaders elected by that party responsible
for paying costs of abuses or damages if they make unlawful decisions that impose
burdens on the public to correct.

Either by making sure they pay the costs, or charging the costs to the party (and possibly insurance),
or if the members themselves are responsible for the costs of the policies of that leader they elected by party.

ALSO: the original fight between C and L was that I argued Obama was more dangerous by dividing America and demonizing the Conservative Christian, Constitutionalists and Tea Party than Bush whose policies were still more unifying by not demonizing Christians and Constitutionalists as the enemy.

Bush's wrongdoings can still be addressed by going through the Christian and Constitutionalist channels.
But when Obama and Democrats enforce divisive policies, opposing these groups, it's harder to fix that.
If you exclude and demonize Constitutionalist views, this already weakens the spirit of govt and of America.

If you can answer that also, I added that at the bottom of the Poll,
whether you think Obama poses greater danger to America, or Bush did.

I think Bush's trails are easier to track and fix.
But the damage Obama has done, by going against and outside Constitutional lines,
and started messing with and mixing in private sector with public sector, that is much harder to resolve.
Especially after alienating and demonizing the half of the nation that enforces Constitutional principles.
“I am a Constitutionalist...”

There is no such thing as a 'Constitutionalist.'

Or everyone is a 'Constitutionalist,' rendering the designation meaningless.

Otherwise, the premise of your post is ridiculous.
What is this, a psychiatric forum? Who cares about your personal beliefs? If you have some information to share or wish to make (and support) a particular point, fine. But this is not the place for rambling self evaluation.

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