Should Megan Kelly Join MSNBC Already


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
She is interviewing an Obama/Crooked Hillary supporter and discussing The Donald's fucking tax returns.
Hannity is the only one of FOX who tells it like it is and even he is too diplomatic and politically correct at times.
By the way, what kind of ongoing identity crisis is Megan going through. The Dorothy Hamill haircut, the dresses with bizarre cuts in them...terrible.
They should send any opposing viewpoints to the other station to help combat the bias. :rolleyes:
Megan is now interviewing Miss Piggy. :p This is who Crooked Hillary said represents the most sexist situation The Donald was involved in. In 1996, he owned the Miss Universe Pageant and Miss Piggy won. His employers told him she was not cooperating with the terms of the contract and is also putting on tons of weight. So he had her go to the gym for her own good. This is insane to even be an issue. That is why The Donald said he would hold back and not embarrass the families in the crowd by discussing Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie's actual sexual abuse of women. The Donald held the high ground throughout the debate.
She'd definitely help MSLSD's pathetic ratings. The Q3 cable news ratings just came out and once again Fox slaughtered both them and CNN for the 59th quarter in a row, which is almost 15 straight years for you low information dopes.

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