Should health care depend on ability to pay?

Should the relative quality of health care depend on a patient's ability to pay?

  • Yes, it's fine for richer people to get better health care.

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • No, no one should be deprived health care because their poor.

    Votes: 10 58.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
In another thread, we were talking about mixing private and public health care schemes. The problem with this approach, in the view of some, is that it allows richer patients to get better care, and subsequently condemns poor patients to the lower quality care. Thus the poll.

And yes, I misspelled a word in the poll questions, that I now cannot edit. Sue me.
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It does depend on the ability to pay. You dont get the service of others without compensating them. Someone is free to take care of their health and do it on their own or look for a charitable doctor to handle the service if they can not afford to pay.

But you can not procure someons services for nothing, or expect that they perform services without compensation.

It's that simple.
Our current system DOES depend on your ability to pay.

Yes, its true that the Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA gives free health care in our emergency rooms but only to a point. Its also true that Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA illegals get free care, free baby delivery, free abortions.

But, what you get for free might be only "stabilization" and then you're told to 'see your regular doctor' for follow up. Mittens did NOT know it but what that often means is, 'go home and die quietly'.

If you do have health insurance, that insurance company decides who gets treatment and who does not.

I would have though you would already know these things.

In answer to your questions:

In other countries, 'no one is deprived health care because they are poor'.

In the US, 'rich people get better care'.
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Our current system DOES depend on your ability to pay.

Yes, its true that the Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA gives free health care in our emergency rooms but only to a point. Its also true that Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA illegals get free care, free baby delivery, free abortions.

But, what you get for free might be only "stabilization" and then you're told to 'see your regular doctor' for follow up. Mittens did know it but what that often means is, 'go home and die quietly'.

If you do have health insurance, that insurance company decides who gets treatment and who does not.

I would have though you would already know these things.

In answer to your questions:

In other countries, 'no one is deprived health care because they are poor'.

In the US, 'rich people get better care'.

Hmm... not sure how that answers my questions, or even what you're trying to say, but I'll assume you answered "No".
Our current system DOES depend on your ability to pay.

Yes, its true that the Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA gives free health care in our emergency rooms but only to a point. Its also true that Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA illegals get free care, free baby delivery, free abortions.

But, what you get for free might be only "stabilization" and then you're told to 'see your regular doctor' for follow up. Mittens did know it but what that often means is, 'go home and die quietly'.

If you do have health insurance, that insurance company decides who gets treatment and who does not.

I would have though you would already know these things.

In answer to your questions:

In other countries, 'no one is deprived health care because they are poor'.

In the US, 'rich people get better care'.

Hmm... not sure how that answers my questions, or even what you're trying to say, but I'll assume you answered "No".

Not gonna follow you around and around in circles again because you don't make sense and you ignore what is written.

Read the very first line of my reply.

I did not vote in your poll because its senseless. It makes more sense to deal with reality and the reality in the US is that health care, the degree and the quality, depends on how much money you have. Period.
Hmmm - I just looked at the votes - three have voted that "it's fine for richer people to get better health care".

Then why do rw's like Reagan's SOCIALIST free care for the poor that the rich have to pay for?
Our current system DOES depend on your ability to pay.

Yes, its true that the Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA gives free health care in our emergency rooms but only to a point. Its also true that Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA illegals get free care, free baby delivery, free abortions.

But, what you get for free might be only "stabilization" and then you're told to 'see your regular doctor' for follow up. Mittens did know it but what that often means is, 'go home and die quietly'.

If you do have health insurance, that insurance company decides who gets treatment and who does not.

I would have though you would already know these things.

In answer to your questions:

In other countries, 'no one is deprived health care because they are poor'.

In the US, 'rich people get better care'.

Hmm... not sure how that answers my questions, or even what you're trying to say, but I'll assume you answered "No".

Not gonna follow you around and around in circles again because you don't make sense and you ignore what is written.

Read the very first line of my reply.

You mean this?
"Our current system DOES depend on your ability to pay."

The question is whether it should be that way, or not. Whether it is that way currently is irrelevant. You seem confused.
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Hmmm - I just looked at the votes - three have voted that "it's fine for richer people to get better health care".

Then why do rw's like Reagan's SOCIALIST free care for the poor that the rich have to pay for?

The one's who do are idiots, like Reagan was for signing the bill. Like you are for supporting corporatists.
Should richer people drive nicer cars, wear better clothes, live in better homes? Sure if they pay their own way, why not?
Our current system DOES depend on your ability to pay.

Yes, its true that the Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA gives free health care in our emergency rooms but only to a point. Its also true that Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA illegals get free care, free baby delivery, free abortions.

But, what you get for free might be only "stabilization" and then you're told to 'see your regular doctor' for follow up. Mittens did know it but what that often means is, 'go home and die quietly'.

If you do have health insurance, that insurance company decides who gets treatment and who does not.

I would have though you would already know these things.

In answer to your questions:

In other countries, 'no one is deprived health care because they are poor'.

In the US, 'rich people get better care'.

Hmm... not sure how that answers my questions, or even what you're trying to say, but I'll assume you answered "No".

He tends to babble on and on and on and on and on about nothing and everything... simultaneously. Most of us are convinced he's a meth head or something.
Should richer people drive nicer cars, wear better clothes, live in better homes? Sure if they pay their own way, why not?

Right - it provokes the more general question: Should rich people be able to buy a better quality of life?

I suppose many would say that health care is different, and that the principle shouldn't be generalized. But I'm wondering on what grounds it's considered a special case. Food and shelter are arguably just as fundamental to our survival as health care - why shouldn't they be treated in similar fashion?
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Should richer people drive nicer cars, wear better clothes, live in better homes? Sure if they pay their own way, why not?

Absolutely. Good point and it goes to MY point that the rich should not have to pay for MY nicer car, clothes and health care.
Everyone should be equal. Just because someone is poor doesn't mean they should have crappy healthcare.
Everyone should be equal. Just because someone is poor doesn't mean they should have crappy healthcare.

Equality? You some kind of commie? :lol:

I am all for equality of healthcare for children, invalids, etc...those people that cannot take care of themselves. The able bodied Adults can fuck off......:razz:

It depends upon where you live. Here in the USA we have equality of opportunity- not of outcomes. We all start off equal at birth - what happens from there is up to the individual. Many do not realize that poverty is a choice.....
In another thread, we were talking about mixing private and public health care schemes. The problem with this approach, in the view of some, is that it allows richer patients to get better care, and subsequently condemns poor patients to the lower quality care. Thus the poll.

And yes, I misspelled a word in the poll questions, that I now cannot edit. Sue me.

lets see.... pay for a private room.... or get put in a 6 bed ward for free. If you aren't paying a dime... why complain about being in a ward? I want a private room... and pay for that.... privileged.

paying for expensive drugs...... yep, even the rich have to pay their way for expensive drugs. I was just given a prescription for an asthma inhaler.... 200 bucks WITH insurance. If i wanted it...i had to pay for it. Pretty simple.... wallgreens was not just going to give it to me out of the kindness of their own hearts.

Specialty expensive doctors..... cool! The rich still have to pay for them.... and if the doctor is not willing to work for free.... why should he be forced to treat someone who is not paying him? I buy insurance that covers the doctors I want..... why should complaints be made about getting what ever they get... for free.

It's so damn funny, they make it out as if the "rich" are not paying their way for what they want.

the poor want everything.... they just don't want to pay for it.
Our current system DOES depend on your ability to pay.

Yes, its true that the Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA gives free health care in our emergency rooms but only to a point. Its also true that Reagan's SOCIALIST EMTALA illegals get free care, free baby delivery, free abortions.

But, what you get for free might be only "stabilization" and then you're told to 'see your regular doctor' for follow up. Mittens did NOT know it but what that often means is, 'go home and die quietly'.

If you do have health insurance, that insurance company decides who gets treatment and who does not.

I would have though you would already know these things.

In answer to your questions:

In other countries, 'no one is deprived health care because they are poor'.

In the US, 'rich people get better care'.

something wrong with regans free health care? Its better then nothing..... In my opinion all care should be to a point if you are not paying for it.... and for only citizens since you bring up the illegals who are scamming us.

Stable is the goal of an emergency room... it is not a day to day treatment center. If the poor dont want to be stabilized..... they may feel free not to show up. If they dont want to pay for follow up... or sit in a free clinic for 15 hours....that's up to them to figure it out... just like everyone else.

As for .... "go home and die" ... everyone dies.

exactly.... insurance companies tell you what they will and wont cover.... you cant have everything you want.

no one here is deprived health care of you are poor.... show up at any emergency room if you dont believe me.

In the US.... the rich pay their way... they are not getting anything that is not available to the poor.
Hmmm - I just looked at the votes - three have voted that "it's fine for richer people to get better health care".

Then why do rw's like Reagan's SOCIALIST free care for the poor that the rich have to pay for?

Who says they "like it"

at least they are paying for said free care to the poor.

the liberal poor... dont pay a cent into it.

Everyone should be equal. Just because someone is poor doesn't mean they should have crappy healthcare.

in a utopian world... sure.

we do not live in a utopian world.

just becasue someone i poor... also does not mean they should get what others pay for themselves.... and should be happy with what they are getting

for free.
Everyone should be equal. Just because someone is poor doesn't mean they should have crappy healthcare.

in a utopian world... sure.

we do not live in a utopian world.

just becasue someone i poor... also does not mean they should get what others pay for themselves.... and should be happy with what they are getting

for free.
The rest of the industrialized nations provide care to all their people. The US doesn't.

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