Should HE choose Daniel or Leo as his boyfriend?


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2017
I hope that I have chosen the most appropriate forum.

This thread is ONLY for gay-friendly people or open-minded people who do not yet hold any firm opinions on this topic.


While I was surfing the Web today, I came across the most fascinating ten-part Peruvian film series (each part is only about 15 minutes). It involves "Joaquin" and two other young men who vie to be his boyfriend. It's entitled "Por que no seguiste?" (Spanish speakers will forgive me for not using the first question mark and the accent. My keyboard doesn't have that ability.)

Chapter 10 (the last one of the season) is considered so "hot" that YouTube requires you to swear that you are of age. (Apparently, the powers that be at YouTube thought that it was too naughty to show "Joaquin" and "Daniel" kissing and then waking up next morning in the same bed.)


If you have some extra time, you may wish to check out the series. If you happen to be a parent, teacher, or physician, this series may help you in forming your attitude on this still controversial topic. (It has English subtitles, which were apparently NOT written by a native speaker of English.)

(Sorry. I am too stupid to know how to link to YouTube.)
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