Should GOP Prez candidates sign a pledge to ban anyone who served in the W Administration from their administration?


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Let's be serious. George W Bush is the worst traitor in American history. His administration was packed with left wing Zionist Fascist Traitors.

Trump's biggest errors:

Chris Wray - W Administration attorney
Bolton - W official
Milley - promoted by W


Victoria Nuland - responsible for taking US taxdollars, rigging Ukraine's election for Zionist Fascist Zelenskky, and bilking America for $ trillions.

ALL backed Traitor Joe.

NONE are actually conservative.
NONE have any patriotism at all to the United States
ALL are Zionist Fascist Traitors

Every GOP candidate should be asked

Will you ban anyone and everyone who served in the W Administration from your Administration?
W was a bonafide neocon robber baron and a full blown idiot. His neocon friends should definitely be scrutinized before nominating or appointing them to any position. But it's hard because most of them are two timing, double dealing weasels who make themselves undetectable by good people. By all means, we should avoid anyone who ever supported the Lincoln project. MAGA.
Let's be serious. George W Bush is the worst traitor in American history. His administration was packed with left wing Zionist Fascist Traitors.

Trump's biggest errors:

Chris Wray - W Administration attorney
Bolton - W official
Milley - promoted by W
His daddy was friends with William Barr.

Should GOP Prez candidates sign a pledge to ban anyone who served in the W Administration from their administration?​

It would be a reasonable start.
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