Should Bill Ayers be on death row?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
What the hell happened? Bill Ayers bombed the Pentagon and Police Departments and Military Recruitment centers and Corporate Headquarters.
Why is he a free man today?
What the hell happened? Bill Ayers bombed the Pentagon and Police Departments and Military Recruitment centers and Corporate Headquarters.
Why is he a free man today?

It seems the FBI was using illegal surveillance tactics and violated their 4th amendment rights.
"Due to the illegal tactics of FBI agents involved with the program, government attorneys requested all weapons- and bomb-related charges be dropped against the Weather Underground. The Weather Underground was no longer a fugitive organization and could turn themselves in with minimal charges against them."

Why Weren't Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn Convicted of Terrorism? Weather Underground
You know who should be on death row, or been executed? Johnathan Pollard.
Ayers, Dohrn helped organize flotilla group and stirred up crowds on the streets of Egypt.
Former Weather Underground leaders William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, as well as Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, helped organize the Free Gaza Movement, which launched the six-ship flotilla from Turkey to Israel that ended in a violent clash with Israeli Defense Forces, reported.

In January, the trio were spotted in Egypt attempting to stir up crowds on the streets with 1,400 other left-wing activists after the Egyptian government refused to allow Free Gaza Movement members to enter the Gaza Strip. About 100 marchers were eventually allowed to cross the border, where they were met by former Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh.

BigGovernment quotes author Philip Weiss, who wrote that he witnessed Ayers and Dohrn arguing with fellow activists over whether to accept Egypt’s offer to allow a small number of them into Gaza...

...This wasn’t the first time that the Free Gaza Movement, whose board of directors include well-known leftists Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein, sent vessels to Gaza to deliberately provoke a reaction from Israel.

“On August 23, 2008, two FG boats – one of them a 66-foot yacht named The Dignity – sailed from Cyprus to Gaza, where they docked and symbolically ‘broke’ the Israeli ‘siege’ when their passengers disembarked. The Israeli navy, seeking not to ignite international disapproval by intercepting the boats, made no attempt to stop them. The passengers, who were greeted by crowds of thousands in Gaza, claimed to be the first people to freely enter Gaza in 41 years,” according to David Horowitz.

“Two months later The Dignity made its second trip from Cyprus to Gaza, this time carrying 26 FG activists and some medical supplies. The yacht arrived at a Gaza port on October 29, 2008 – again with no resistance from the Israeli navy… FG made another voyage to Gaza in November 2008, when its members accused Israel of conducting ‘chemical warfare on Palestinian fishermen.’”

“On December 29, 2008, The Dignity, bound for Gaza, was loaded with 3.5 tons of Cypriot-donated medical supplies and 16 radical activists, including former Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney. At the time, a major Israeli military offensive was taking place in Gaza, in retaliation for Hamas’ relentless rocket attacks against southern Israeli cities….Because of the tense situation, on this occasion the Israelis diverted The Dignity before it could arrive in Gaza.”

And if there’s any doubt that this was a political set-up instead of a humanitarian mission, the fact that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez promised to join a future convoy should dispel any doubts.
i heard some bill ayers interview last night. it's clear to me that he was acting as an international vigillante. he took it upon himself (with friends) to counter terrorize his own government because he thought it was his duty, became a self appointed authority in his own mind. he's glad he did it. i'd hate to be him and have to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life
I don't know about Death row, after all he is the presidents buddy. But there is no way he should have got off scot free. Our legal system screwed the pooch on that one....
He should have been taken to the back of the barn years ago and given his last rights.
I don't think so. I don't condone blowing up places and killing innocent people but, what he did was his way of fighting back against tyranny, and a rigged system.
The FBI was and still does use illegal surveillance tactics and violate the 4th amendment, so
"In April 1971, The "Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI" broke into an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania.[30] The group stole files with several hundred pages, 98% of the files targeted left wing individuals and groups."Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI"

"Not condoning the breakin, but had they not done this and stolen FBI files, the FBI would have continued to act illegally. And of course, the FBI was doing their own breakins and black jobs, without warrants."

"By the end of April, the FBI offices were to terminate all files dealing with leftist groups.[31] The files were a part of an FBI program called COINTELPRO.[32] However, after COINTELPRO was dissolved in 1971 by J. Edgar Hoover,[33] the FBI continued its counterintelligence on groups like the Weather Underground. In 1973, the FBI established the 'Special Target Information Development' program, where agents were sent undercover to penetrate the Weather Underground. Due to the illegal tactics of FBI agents involved with the program, government attorneys requested all weapons- and bomb-related charges be dropped against the Weather Underground. The Weather Underground was no longer a fugitive organization and could turn themselves in with minimal charges against them."

The existence of COINTELPRO was first revealed when every document in the Media, Pennsylvania office of the FBI was stolen by unknown persons on March 8, 1971. Some sixty documents were then mailed to selected publications, and others were sent directly to the people and groups named. These documents broke down as follows: 30 percent were manuals, routine forms, and similar procedural materials. Of the remainder, 40 percent were political surveillance and other investigation of political activity (2 were right-wing, 10 concerned immigrants, and over 200 were on left or liberal groups), 25 percent concerned bank robberies, 20 percent were murder, rape, and interstate theft, 7 percent were draft resistance, another 7 percent were military desertion, and 1 percent organized crime, mostly gambling.
The 1960s and COINTELPRO: In Defense of Paranoia

In Los Angeles, the FBI worked with the police department to support Ron Karenga, the leader of a black nationalist organization that was feuding with the Panthers. Two Panther activists were killed in a shootout at UCLA in 1969, for which five Karenga supporters were subsequently indicted, and three convicted. Louis Tackwood, an LAPD agent-provocateur who went public in 1971, says that the LAPD gave Karenga money, guns, narcotics, and encouragement.[8]

In Seattle, FBI agent Louis Harris recruited David Sannes in 1970, a patriotic veteran who was willing to help them catch some bombers. Sannes worked with explosives expert Jeffrey Paul Desmond and FBI agent Bert Carter. Their instructions were to find people interested in bombing. "For a few of the members it was a matter of many weeks of persuasion to actually have them carry through with the bombing projects," said Sannes. When Carter made it clear that he planned to have one bomber die in a booby-trapped explosion, Sannes dropped his FBI work and went public. "My own knowledge is that the FBI along with other Federal law enforcement agencies has been involved in a campaign of bombing, arson and terrorism in order to create in the mass public mind a connection between political dissidence of whatever stripe and revolutionaries of whatever violent tendencies," Sannes reported in an interview on WBAI radio.

So...The FBI was involved in bombings THEMSELVES. If you are doing the bombing, TOO, your case against others who are bombing is shredded. Especially ironic when the FBI is and was supposed to be upholding law and order.

That is why he was let go, and if you want to punish those that break the laws, and carry out bombings, one could state a case against the FBI.

Why Weren't Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn Convicted of Terrorism? Weather Underground
What the hell happened? Bill Ayers bombed the Pentagon and Police Departments and Military Recruitment centers and Corporate Headquarters.
Why is he a free man today?

He should be executed once for every person he killed.
Yes. Bill Ayers should be in prison, preferably on death row.

Instead, he was set free to spread his progressive filth among impressionable students, funded by taxpayer money.

Go figure.
He should have been taken to the back of the barn years ago and given his last rights.
I don't think so. I don't condone blowing up places and killing innocent people but, what he did was his way of fighting back against tyranny, and a rigged system.
The FBI was and still does use illegal surveillance tactics and violate the 4th amendment, so
"In April 1971, The "Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI" broke into an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania.[30] The group stole files with several hundred pages, 98% of the files targeted left wing individuals and groups."Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI"

"Not condoning the breakin, but had they not done this and stolen FBI files, the FBI would have continued to act illegally. And of course, the FBI was doing their own breakins and black jobs, without warrants."

"By the end of April, the FBI offices were to terminate all files dealing with leftist groups.[31] The files were a part of an FBI program called COINTELPRO.[32] However, after COINTELPRO was dissolved in 1971 by J. Edgar Hoover,[33] the FBI continued its counterintelligence on groups like the Weather Underground. In 1973, the FBI established the 'Special Target Information Development' program, where agents were sent undercover to penetrate the Weather Underground. Due to the illegal tactics of FBI agents involved with the program, government attorneys requested all weapons- and bomb-related charges be dropped against the Weather Underground. The Weather Underground was no longer a fugitive organization and could turn themselves in with minimal charges against them."

The existence of COINTELPRO was first revealed when every document in the Media, Pennsylvania office of the FBI was stolen by unknown persons on March 8, 1971. Some sixty documents were then mailed to selected publications, and others were sent directly to the people and groups named. These documents broke down as follows: 30 percent were manuals, routine forms, and similar procedural materials. Of the remainder, 40 percent were political surveillance and other investigation of political activity (2 were right-wing, 10 concerned immigrants, and over 200 were on left or liberal groups), 25 percent concerned bank robberies, 20 percent were murder, rape, and interstate theft, 7 percent were draft resistance, another 7 percent were military desertion, and 1 percent organized crime, mostly gambling.
The 1960s and COINTELPRO: In Defense of Paranoia

In Los Angeles, the FBI worked with the police department to support Ron Karenga, the leader of a black nationalist organization that was feuding with the Panthers. Two Panther activists were killed in a shootout at UCLA in 1969, for which five Karenga supporters were subsequently indicted, and three convicted. Louis Tackwood, an LAPD agent-provocateur who went public in 1971, says that the LAPD gave Karenga money, guns, narcotics, and encouragement.[8]

In Seattle, FBI agent Louis Harris recruited David Sannes in 1970, a patriotic veteran who was willing to help them catch some bombers. Sannes worked with explosives expert Jeffrey Paul Desmond and FBI agent Bert Carter. Their instructions were to find people interested in bombing. "For a few of the members it was a matter of many weeks of persuasion to actually have them carry through with the bombing projects," said Sannes. When Carter made it clear that he planned to have one bomber die in a booby-trapped explosion, Sannes dropped his FBI work and went public. "My own knowledge is that the FBI along with other Federal law enforcement agencies has been involved in a campaign of bombing, arson and terrorism in order to create in the mass public mind a connection between political dissidence of whatever stripe and revolutionaries of whatever violent tendencies," Sannes reported in an interview on WBAI radio.

So...The FBI was involved in bombings THEMSELVES. If you are doing the bombing, TOO, your case against others who are bombing is shredded. Especially ironic when the FBI is and was supposed to be upholding law and order.

That is why he was let go, and if you want to punish those that break the laws, and carry out bombings, one could state a case against the FBI.

Why Weren't Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn Convicted of Terrorism? Weather Underground
Bullshit!! The highlighted part shows you DO condone what he did. Fucking hypocrite.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
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You gotta admit that there is something very weird about the Ayers saga. A judge doesn't throw out every felony because of alleged impropriety by law enforcement. They throw out the evidence gleaned by each alleged illegal surveillance. Since Ayers was never tried there is no double jeopardy issue. Ayers admitted his role in the numerous crimes committed by his gang of domestic terrorists and since there is no statute of limitations he can still be tried on felony murder.
I don't know about Death row, after all he is the presidents buddy. But there is no way he should have got off scot free. Our legal system screwed the pooch on that one....

Yea, we need to come down hard on the anti-government types.
I don't know about Death row, after all he is the presidents buddy. But there is no way he should have got off scot free. Our legal system screwed the pooch on that one....

Yea, we need to come down hard on the anti-government types.

There would be riots in the streets if McVeigh was let off because of alleged illegal surveillance by the FBI, and rightfully so. How can the left defend the reign of terror perpetrated by Ayers and his gang of domestic terrorists? Nobody was killed? How about Ayers girlfriend and a couple of other terrorists when they were making a bomb intended to blow up Ft. Dix Soldiers at a dance? It is alleged that Ayers's wife helped plan the Brinks robbery where two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were gunned down. She wasn't charged allegedly because the Feds thought she would spend the rest of her life in prison. Today she is teaching Law.

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