Should America Bid Farewell to Exceptional Freedom?

Congressman Paul Ryan delivered this speech to the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs in Oklahoma City on March 31, 2010. It's pretty long but an excellent read.

RealClearPolitics - Should America Bid Farewell to Exceptional Freedom?


Sadly, there are too many in America that do not understand this:

This presumptuous reform has put this nation ... once dedicated to the life and freedom of every person ... on a long decline toward the same mediocrity that the social welfare states of Europe have become.
This presumptuous reform has put this nation ... once dedicated to the life and freedom of every person ... on a long decline toward the same mediocrity that the social welfare states of Europe have become.

Total nonsense
Unsurprisingly, one of our resident Animal Farm Piglets doesn't grok freedom.
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We are discussing the freedom to not purchase vs. being coerced by the government to buy something against one's will.

You are still complaining about a right that you yourself have not lost. It is totally relevant
i assume your dodging is an admission that you do

Please explain what difference it makes.

I do not currently have health insurance. My right to not purchase health insurance in the future is threatened.

However, I would rather be insured and when things in my life change, that too will change. That does not change the fact however, that my right to choose not to purchase health insurance is threatened.


Please explain why you would not have health insurance and what your current plans are if you become seriously ill or injured. Don't you think unemployed people should have coverage?

The reason I am uninsured is that I am unemployed for the time being. I have thus far chosen not to take COBRA because the cost is prohibitive (even with the subsidy that passed in 2009) although I have until May 20th to decide if I want to continue coverage. If nothing serious happens between now and then, I will go uninsured until I find employment or an affordable policy.

If something serious happens... well, then, I will have to deal with that when the time comes. As of right now, feeding my family, keeping their roof over their heads and keeping them clothed are more important to me.

Your question about the unemployed is a good one. I would guess that you have read posts from me about my feelings on those who are uninsured, because I have said it in many different threads, but you may have missed it or not realized that it was me who said it.

I think those who do not have insurance and want insurance should be provided it. I am more than willing to have my taxes increased (when I am working that is, not much I can say right now) in order to make sure that needy families have needed care. I am, however, opposed to the mandate because many of those needy who are going to be forced to purchase insurance, are not going to receive 100% subsidies and are not going to be able to afford paying for these insurance plans with or without subsidies. In other words, it is going to add hardships to these families, not to mention the problems that this is going to give small businesses who are going to have to add people onto their policies who don't have it now and don't want it and the possibility that this will cause more unemployment. I have given my thoughts on what this will do to small business before. Right now, I'd rather not write it out again if you don't mind.

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We are discussing the freedom to not purchase vs. being coerced by the government to buy something against one's will.

You are still complaining about a right that you yourself have not lost. It is totally relevant

Wrong-o Boy-o.

A right doesn't exist only when exercised.

You yourself have lost have no intent of exercising this so called right and neither do any other conservatives
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Is that a future post, or are you referring to your childish tantrum about being free to shirk YOUR personal responsibility and stick everyone ELSE with YOUR medical costs? You lazy fucking welfare queen socialist commie...

You should go have yourself committed. 'Tard.:cuckoo:

Hey Gun boy, let's kill 2 turds with one stone...let's implement a national ID card with a "Do NOT treat" signature clause. If you refuse to buy health insurance, and then you are injured in an accident, paramedics can look at the card and leave you morons to die, instead of expecting me and every other American to pay for your medical treatment.
That is an idea but let us add this clause in there that doctors also get to make that decision whether they will work/treat for those who don't go with that national planned insurance and those who choose to work under the thumb of big insurance government daddy?

Since we are all free to make these choices then doctors and patients alike should be able to make up their own choice and preferences.

Since we have people that want national insurance (TAX) programs and those who don't want national insurance (TAX) programs we should have options for the care providers also who choose to work in that system or out of that system.

Bigger and more government plus more taxes on the people is not the answer.
You are still complaining about a right that you yourself have not lost. It is totally relevant

Wrong-o Boy-o.

A right doesn't exist only when exercised.

You yourself have lost have no intent of exercising this so called right

Having no intent of exercising a right does not mean that one has not lost that right.

Many believe they have a right to drive. That is debatable, but for shits and grins let's say it is a right. If someone chooses not to drive they still have the right to drive... until someone comes along and takes their driver's license away from them for some reason. Just because they choose not to exercise the right to drive, does not mean they don't have the right.

You are still complaining about a right that you yourself have not lost. It is totally relevant

Wrong-o Boy-o.

A right doesn't exist only when exercised.

You yourself have lost have no intent of exercising this so called right and neither do any other conservatives

You have no idea what I may wish to decide either now or in the future.

A person who doesn't speak has not given up his first amendment rights.

A person who doesn't own a gun has not given up his 2nd amendment rights.

A person who doesn't vote hasn't given up his rights as a citizen.

Rights exist whether or not we take action to exercise them - a concept which seems to be beyond your cognitive abilities.
It's not surprising that someone who is Exceptionally Stupid would fail to GROK the Exceptional Freedom that Americans have experienced. It is unusual in human history for average people to be as free as we once were; and it's a shame to see our government actively destroying that freedom via abuse of power.

How right you are...

It is just awful the way that evil Dictator Obama has locked up all of those Tea Bagging protesters. So many Tea Baggers just disappear in the middle of the night.

Oh for the good ole days of freedom when blacks knew their place

I'm sure he would like to do that...but he feels at this time just demonizing them will have to do.:eusa_angel:
It's not surprising that someone who is Exceptionally Stupid would fail to GROK the Exceptional Freedom that Americans have experienced. It is unusual in human history for average people to be as free as we once were; and it's a shame to see our government actively destroying that freedom via abuse of power.

How right you are...

It is just awful the way that evil Dictator Obama has locked up all of those Tea Bagging protesters. So many Tea Baggers just disappear in the middle of the night.

Oh for the good ole days of freedom when blacks knew their place

Red herring anyone?:eusa_eh:
Playing the Race Card is a concession that you don't have a valid point to make.

Just sayin'.

It is just putting into historical perspective the yearning for "the good ole days" when we had so much more freedom.

We have never had as much freedom as we do right now

Try again, dimwit. We had WAY more freedom in the 70s until Carter introduced gas lines to us.
It's not surprising that someone who is Exceptionally Stupid would fail to GROK the Exceptional Freedom that Americans have experienced. It is unusual in human history for average people to be as free as we once were; and it's a shame to see our government actively destroying that freedom via abuse of power.

How right you are...

It is just awful the way that evil Dictator Obama has locked up all of those Tea Bagging protesters. So many Tea Baggers just disappear in the middle of the night.

Oh for the good ole days of freedom when blacks knew their place

I wonder who was being locked up while you liberals were whining and crying about it while Bush was President? Remember when you guys were lying about all the freedoms you lost when HLS was passed? Wire taps? Yet have nothing when your man does the same thing.

BTW, when is Gitmo being closed? Or how about the troops? When are still waiting for the parades that would follow the withdraw Obama and democrats promised us.

Typical lib. Open mouth and the lies flow like released dam water.

Or when does the NSA wiretapping cease?:eusa_whistle:

They're so full of shit and such a joke.:lol:
Exceptional FREEDOM?

The Bush-Cheney regime exhibited such extreme modes of governance in its embrace of an imperial presidency, its violation of domestic and international law, and its disdain for human rights and democratic values that it was hard to view such anti-democratic policies as part of a pervasive shift towards a hidden order of authoritarian politics, which historically has existed at the margins of American society. How else to label such a government other than shockingly and uniquely extremist, given its political legacy that included the rise of the security and torture state; the creation of legal illegalities in which civil liberties were trampled; the launching of an unjust war in Iraq legitimated through official lies; the passing of legislative policies that drained the federal surplus by giving away more than a trillion dollars in tax cuts to the rich; the enactment of a shameful policy of preemptive war; the endorsement of an inflated military budget at the expense of much-needed social programs; the selling off of as many government functions as possible to corporate interests; the resurrection of an imperial presidency; an incessant attack against unions; support for a muzzled and increasingly corporate-controlled media; government production of fake news reports to gain consent for regressive policies; use of an Orwellian vocabulary for disguising monstrous acts such as torture ("enhanced interrogation techniques"); furtherance of a racist campaign of legal harassment and incarceration of Arabs, Muslims and immigrants; advancement of a prison binge through a repressive policy of criminalization; establishment of an unregulated and ultimately devastating form of casino capitalism; the arrogant celebration and support for the interests and values of big business at the expense of citizens and the common good, and the dismantling of social services and social safety nets as part of a larger campaign of ushering in the corporate state and the reign of finance capital.

Blah ... buh blah blah blah .... blah blah blah blah.... buh blah blah blah ......:eusa_whistle:
What good does it do to pass civil rights legislation in the 1960s, only to turn around and enslave everyone in 2010?

But just keep playing the Race Card - it's clear it's the only one in your deck.

Please explain how you are enslaved in 2010?

I'm sure everyone who fought for civil rights would love to compare notes with you

People are enslaved by commie legislation perpetrated on us by the left.

Next ....
You should go have yourself committed. 'Tard.:cuckoo:

Hey Gun boy, let's kill 2 turds with one stone...let's implement a national ID card with a "Do NOT treat" signature clause. If you refuse to buy health insurance, and then you are injured in an accident, paramedics can look at the card and leave you morons to die, instead of expecting me and every other American to pay for your medical treatment.
That is an idea but let us add this clause in there that doctors also get to make that decision whether they will work/treat for those who don't go with that national planned insurance and those who choose to work under the thumb of big insurance government daddy?

Since we are all free to make these choices then doctors and patients alike should be able to make up their own choice and preferences.

Since we have people that want national insurance (TAX) programs and those who don't want national insurance (TAX) programs we should have options for the care providers also who choose to work in that system or out of that system.

Bigger and more government plus more taxes on the people is not the answer.

I think everyone who voted for Obama should have their taxes increased to pay for their beloved health care insurance programs...and leave the rest of us out of it.

It's only fair....and isn't fairness what we're after anyways.

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