Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Recall Election?

Should All Wisconsin Taxpayers Be Forced To Pay For Walker Recall Election?

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I think Unions,Democrats, and Soros should search their souls and consider reimbursing Wisconsin Taxpayers for this Recall. Especially in these tough times. I hope they do the right thing.

Democrats are expensive little shits....

They're nothing more than drains on society - this is painfully clear on this whole Walker fiasco...

Progressives fucked up the capitol, now they're costing the people of Wisconsin more money with this recall bullshit (which Walker is going to clearly win) of course when Walker wins they will be back at the capitol destroying it again.

These "people" (democrats, unions etc) are fucking disgusting and belong in prison...

These socialist progressives have be a violent disgusting problem since the 60's...

Shame on them for making humans look like a bunch of dirty apes...

Don't be so sure about then returning to the Capitol. If Walker kicks their asses, they're in deep shit. The Democratic Party in Wisconsin could be in trouble for a long time over this. This really could be disastrous for them. I think they'll deeply regret picking this unnecessary fight. Especially after Wisconsin Taxpayers see the check Unions/Democrats are leaving them on this. Pissed off Taxpayers don't forget.

Hopefully they'll be in deep shit - I just see the same thing happening again. Democrat politicians fleeing to my backyard (again), dirty hippies and ignorant school teachers, not to mention the unions returning to the capitol destroying it yet again.

It's funny how stupid these apes are actually - they demand more money yet cost the taxpayers more money.... Are these sick twisted psychos even aware of who pays their salary???

Sadly, the teachers are the dumbest of them all... They want CBA rights to raise their salaries via coercion all the while costing the taxpayers big bucks for there little temper tantrum.

Their mentality is something fucked up.
I think this is a fair & important question. We all know Unions,Democrats, and George Soros are behind the Recall effort against Governor Scott Walker. So should all Wisconsin Taxpayers be forced to fund it?

Yes...all CA taxpayers had to pay for Davis' recall....and we got Ah-nold to boot.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
I think this is a fair & important question. We all know Unions,Democrats, and George Soros are behind the Recall effort against Governor Scott Walker. So should all Wisconsin Taxpayers be forced to fund it?

It's a silly question. Of course taxpayers should fund it. Should Republicans have paid for the recall of Grey Davis in CA?

The laws of WI have a recall mechanism. Elections are not funded by one side or the other. If you don't want to pay for a recall, get rid of it.
Take all the folks who signed the recall petition and divide the cost equally among them.

Sounds fair to me.

Sounds fair to you? In the United States, citizens are free to exercise their rights to petition for redress of grievances and vote without fear of reprisal from political opponents, should those opponents gain control of the organs of government. We don't let our government target people--for signing a petition, casting a vote, or running for an office--simply because they lost.

Were you raised in the Communist bloc or something?

While I do agree with you Legally, Ethically this one is on the left. The Trumped up this Campaign, The Threw Millions at it, and they appear unable to win it.

No we can't make people who Signed Pay Legally, But those Fuckers definitely Wasted a Lot of Time and Money with this Vendetta on the Behalf of their Union Buddies.
The Democrats should pay for their frivolous election. It's a self-serving put down of conservative acts the people of the state of Wisconsin voted for when they elected Governor Scott Walker to balance the budget and eliminate state debts.
I think i see a trend developing on this thread. Numerous Socialist/Progressive Democrats are showing up here pretending to care about Freedom and the Constitution. How convenient of them.
I think i see a trend developing on this thread. Numerous Socialist/Progressive Democrats are showing up here pretending to care about Freedom and the Constitution. How convenient of them.
Demmies will wage a self-serving war against Conservatives at your expense if you let them get away with it. Like what they're demanding on the national level for people opposed to someone who is not allowing his personal information to indict him, Democrats should have to wait until the next election or see to it this one reelects for a full term Governor Walker. It's not a good idea to spend 100% of your time electing people

The nation is fed up with elections that start and drag on for two or three years every 4 years. All we do anymore is fight about who is in and why Democrat votes are found after the election is over and a conservative Republican wins.
Of course it's not right considering the entire dog and pony show was entirely political. But until the people demand reform of the system, it won't happen. And if their demands are ignored, then they need to pro-actively work to remove the non-responsive representatives from office.
Unfortunately, our system is chock full of bullshit like this. Take for example the way the environmentalists manage to file suit after frivolous lawsuit to stall or even stop anything they don't like. If we could get tort reform passed so that the loser pays, it would go a long way towards improving the tort system.
Tort reform would also go a long way in clearing up civil court dockets which are chock full nonsense lawsuits.
Here's one that really pisses me off.
In Charlotte, NC, the local AAA Baseball franchise has been attempting to move from the current location to an new to be built stadium in the Downtown.
Each time the City Council and County Commissioners( the land in question is in the City but owned by the county....Go figure) this moron by the name of Jerry Reese files a lawsuit on some technicality which halts the project. His lone contention is his belief that this market can and should support a Major League franchise. I can tell you that multiple studies have concluded the market cannot support MLB.
In any event, with each suit, money is lost. And the project becomes more expensive.
Reese has lost every suit he has filed. Now if he had to cover the costs of his and the defendant's legal fees, he would perhaps think twice about filing these absent of merit, frivolous actions.
Often civil court judges have the authority to dismiss these suits with prejudice( meaning the issue cannot be revisited in that court) but because they were all once attorneys, they do not want to upset or anger plaintiff's attorneys. The system sucks.
I think i see a trend developing on this thread. Numerous Socialist/Progressive Democrats are showing up here pretending to care about Freedom and the Constitution. How convenient of them.

What's more interesting is that you've shed any pretense of caring about free and fair elections or the protections afforded to citizens by the Bill of Rights.

I'm still curious: did you grow up in the Communist bloc or something?
I think this is a fair & important question. We all know Unions,Democrats, and George Soros are behind the Recall effort against Governor Scott Walker. So should all Wisconsin Taxpayers be forced to fund it?

1. Short answer, "Yes." I'm sorry we don't have the "recall" process here in NY.

2. I've disagreed with Walker about collective bargaining right from the start.
I see this as the constitutional right of assembly...

3. ...especially since the union has no right to strike. Therefore, union demands notwithstanding, it is the public officials who rubber stamp the demands who are at fault.

4. That being vote would be to keep the governor in office.

Re #3, part of the problem with public unions here was that even though they had no right to strike, they did anyway. Sickouts, refusal to do anything "extra" (which included writing recommendations for college-bound students), etc. The law against organized work stoppages was basically unenforced/unenforceable.

Our public unions' political power was so great that they would confidently wait out any attempt at reasonable, budget-conscious contract resolutions - sometimes working without contracts for years as the media made periodic reports about their long-suffering.

It was an untenable situation.

"...basically unenforced/unenforceable."
Oh, yeah, it is.

Once again, the fault, I feel, is with elected officials....
...pass a law such as we have in NYC.

Here in NYC, the Taylor Law is very specific, and removes tenure from any who strike. Judges decide that sick-outs are strikes.

The most effective penalty seems to be removal of check-off, by which the city collects union dues, monthly, and turns same over to the union.

So the union won't allow strikes as they know that the same members won't be sending in their dues anytime soon....

Look, collective bargaining is good for all concerned....unless you see individual contract negotiations practical: we have 80,000 + teachers.

Make officials responsible for what they agree to...

'Checks' and balances, literally.
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I think i see a trend developing on this thread. Numerous Socialist/Progressive Democrats are showing up here pretending to care about Freedom and the Constitution. How convenient of them.
Demmies will wage a self-serving war against Conservatives at your expense if you let them get away with it. Like what they're demanding on the national level for people opposed to someone who is not allowing his personal information to indict him, Democrats should have to wait until the next election or see to it this one reelects for a full term Governor Walker. It's not a good idea to spend 100% of your time electing people

The nation is fed up with elections that start and drag on for two or three years every 4 years. All we do anymore is fight about who is in and why Democrat votes are found after the election is over and a conservative Republican wins.

They may have really stepped in it this time. Their Recall debacle is gonna cost Wisconsin Taxpayers. I don't think Democrats realize how pissed off they're gonna get when the Unions/Democrats hand them the tab. The Democrats may be done in Wisconsin for a long time. But we'll see i guess. Stay tuned.
I think i see a trend developing on this thread. Numerous Socialist/Progressive Democrats are showing up here pretending to care about Freedom and the Constitution. How convenient of them.

What's more interesting is that you've shed any pretense of caring about free and fair elections or the protections afforded to citizens by the Bill of Rights.

I'm still curious: did you grow up in the Communist bloc or something?

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"!!!

You....the flack for socialized medicine!!

1. ObamaCare is at odds with the concept of limited government, as the citizens’ right to choose- the definition of liberty- is sorely limited, and the government is in the drivers’ seat as to critical health matters.

2. Patients, providers, and employers are responsible for the ever-changing demands of unaccountable regulators. Citizens are mandated to purchase not just healthcare insurance, but specific, detailed and mutable policies, states are mandated to expand Medicaid, and operate carefully manicured exchanges, changing the relationships of American federalism.

a. ObamaCare is the rearrangement of the balance of the rights and the responsibilities of citizens.

"I'm still curious: did you grow up in the Communist bloc..."
How did you not choke on those words, Red???

Hey....don't you work for this administration?
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Everyone who signed the recall petition should pay their fair share

(Missouri already said this)
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How sad & ironic, the Unions/Democrats are gonna stick Wisconsin Taxpayers with their Recall tab. Unions/Democrats sticking it to the Taxpayers is what this fight is all about isn't it? They just can't help themselves. I think they really blew it on this one. There's only one thing worse than a Taxpayer scorned. The Dems could be in big trouble.
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I think i see a trend developing on this thread. Numerous Socialist/Progressive Democrats are showing up here pretending to care about Freedom and the Constitution. How convenient of them.

What's more interesting is that you've shed any pretense of caring about free and fair elections or the protections afforded to citizens by the Bill of Rights.

I'm still curious: did you grow up in the Communist bloc or something?

Free and FAIR=Fussfit recall?


Free and FAIR=Fussfit recall?

Free and fair, meaning there is no danger of the winners penalizing the losers, financially or otherwise, or targeting those who signed petitions against them.

In this country, we're free to vote our conscience--and seek redress of grievances--without fear of reprisal from the government, win or lose. What happened to you people? Are the tricorn hats back in storage now?
Free and FAIR=Fussfit recall?

Free and fair, meaning there is no danger of the winners penalizing the losers, financially or otherwise, or targeting those who signed petitions against them.

In this country, we're free to vote our conscience--and seek redress of grievances--without fear of reprisal from the government, win or lose. What happened to you people? Are the tricorn hats back in storage now?

:lol: Still pretending you care about Freedom and the Constitution ay? How convenient. You Union/Democrat cretins wanted this Recall, so you go ahead and pay for it. Leave the rest of us out of it.
Free and FAIR=Fussfit recall?

Free and fair, meaning there is no danger of the winners penalizing the losers, financially or otherwise, or targeting those who signed petitions against them.

In this country, we're free to vote our conscience--and seek redress of grievances--without fear of reprisal from the government, win or lose. What happened to you people? Are the tricorn hats back in storage now?


And Voters DID...those that LOST didn't like what did they do?

*FUSSFIT* and cost taxpayers millions through recall that those throwing the fit will LOSE.

Fine example.


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