Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
The father of a Florida shooting survivor acknowledged Tuesday he omitted words in an email he sent media outlets accusing CNN of using scripted remarks at a town hall on guns and school safety.
Dozens of conservative websites called the network's Feb. 21 town hall forum scripted after Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School junior Colton Haab skipped the event and said the network had told him what question to ask. The websites call it proof the forum was slanted against gun rights. President Donald Trump tweeted about it on Friday, saying "Just like so much of CNN, Fake News!"
CNN countered with a release of email exchanges between producer Carrie Stevenson, Colton Haab and his father Glenn and accused Glenn Haab of deliberately altering email sent to Fox News and the Huffington Post.
Glenn Haab told The Associated Press he omitted some words from the email but said he didn't do it on purpose.
"There was nothing malicious behind it," he said.
In one exchange, 17-year-old Colton Haab proposes several questions to ask at the town hall, including one on whether to arm teachers. His father, a Republican gun owner, later emailed Stevenson a four-page document with a roughly 700-word speech and a series of questions he said Colton wanted to ask.
Stevenson told the father the additional language he proposed was "way too long" and Colton would need to stick to the question "that he submitted." The words "that he submitted" were left off the email sent to Fox News and Huffington Post.
CNN said Stevenson had discussed which one of Colton's several questions to ask at the forum and they mutually agreed on one using his own words and a statement he made during another television appearance.
Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat
Well, there goes another rightwing wacko talking point. Damn, why, just why, does the truth come out???
Oohh, the poor little Trumpeters..
Why are you attacking these children
Why are you attacking this child
You;re so big and tough picking on a kid.
This kid was dodging bullets while you were home writing platitudes.
The father of a Florida shooting survivor acknowledged Tuesday he omitted words in an email he sent media outlets accusing CNN of using scripted remarks at a town hall on guns and school safety.
Dozens of conservative websites called the network's Feb. 21 town hall forum scripted after Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School junior Colton Haab skipped the event and said the network had told him what question to ask. The websites call it proof the forum was slanted against gun rights. President Donald Trump tweeted about it on Friday, saying "Just like so much of CNN, Fake News!"
CNN countered with a release of email exchanges between producer Carrie Stevenson, Colton Haab and his father Glenn and accused Glenn Haab of deliberately altering email sent to Fox News and the Huffington Post.
Glenn Haab told The Associated Press he omitted some words from the email but said he didn't do it on purpose.
"There was nothing malicious behind it," he said.
In one exchange, 17-year-old Colton Haab proposes several questions to ask at the town hall, including one on whether to arm teachers. His father, a Republican gun owner, later emailed Stevenson a four-page document with a roughly 700-word speech and a series of questions he said Colton wanted to ask.
Stevenson told the father the additional language he proposed was "way too long" and Colton would need to stick to the question "that he submitted." The words "that he submitted" were left off the email sent to Fox News and Huffington Post.
CNN said Stevenson had discussed which one of Colton's several questions to ask at the forum and they mutually agreed on one using his own words and a statement he made during another television appearance.
Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat
Well, there goes another rightwing wacko talking point. Damn, why, just why, does the truth come out???
Oohh, the poor little Trumpeters..

But yet we saw David Hogg rehearsing his lines and he certainly has a tendency to show up in the news media even before this event in Lakeland, Florida......just a coinkydink. What is so ironic about this alleged shooting is that three deputies and a school officer that was armed "stood down" and hid only driving home the point that the police are not there to protect but to arrive after the fact and the SCOTUS even ruled that in 2005.
Why are you attacking these children
Why are you attacking this child
You;re so big and tough picking on a kid.
This kid was dodging bullets while you were home writing platitudes.

You little Trumpsters are the ones who accused CNN of scripting the survivors response to the attack. I wonder, how many threads did you losers run with on that claim.
I'm clearly not attacking the kids, I'm attacking losers like yourself.
The father of a Florida shooting survivor acknowledged Tuesday he omitted words in an email he sent media outlets accusing CNN of using scripted remarks at a town hall on guns and school safety.
Dozens of conservative websites called the network's Feb. 21 town hall forum scripted after Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School junior Colton Haab skipped the event and said the network had told him what question to ask. The websites call it proof the forum was slanted against gun rights. President Donald Trump tweeted about it on Friday, saying "Just like so much of CNN, Fake News!"
CNN countered with a release of email exchanges between producer Carrie Stevenson, Colton Haab and his father Glenn and accused Glenn Haab of deliberately altering email sent to Fox News and the Huffington Post.
Glenn Haab told The Associated Press he omitted some words from the email but said he didn't do it on purpose.
"There was nothing malicious behind it," he said.
In one exchange, 17-year-old Colton Haab proposes several questions to ask at the town hall, including one on whether to arm teachers. His father, a Republican gun owner, later emailed Stevenson a four-page document with a roughly 700-word speech and a series of questions he said Colton wanted to ask.
Stevenson told the father the additional language he proposed was "way too long" and Colton would need to stick to the question "that he submitted." The words "that he submitted" were left off the email sent to Fox News and Huffington Post.
CNN said Stevenson had discussed which one of Colton's several questions to ask at the forum and they mutually agreed on one using his own words and a statement he made during another television appearance.
Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat
Well, there goes another rightwing wacko talking point. Damn, why, just why, does the truth come out???
Oohh, the poor little Trumpeters..

But yet we saw David Hogg rehearsing his lines and he certainly has a tendency to show up in the news media even before this event in Lakeland, Florida......just a coinkydink. What is so ironic about this alleged shooting is that three deputies and a school officer that was armed "stood down" and hid only driving home the point that the police are not there to protect but to arrive after the fact and the SCOTUS even ruled that in 2005.

Fuck off stupid. Anyone, who gives a speech or debates for that matter, do practice what they are going to say. They practice for hours. Fact.
Fuck man, you have to get out of your trailer home once in awhile. Your post was about as ignorant as it can get.
The father of a Florida shooting survivor acknowledged Tuesday he omitted words in an email he sent media outlets accusing CNN of using scripted remarks at a town hall on guns and school safety.
Dozens of conservative websites called the network's Feb. 21 town hall forum scripted after Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School junior Colton Haab skipped the event and said the network had told him what question to ask. The websites call it proof the forum was slanted against gun rights. President Donald Trump tweeted about it on Friday, saying "Just like so much of CNN, Fake News!"
CNN countered with a release of email exchanges between producer Carrie Stevenson, Colton Haab and his father Glenn and accused Glenn Haab of deliberately altering email sent to Fox News and the Huffington Post.
Glenn Haab told The Associated Press he omitted some words from the email but said he didn't do it on purpose.
"There was nothing malicious behind it," he said.
In one exchange, 17-year-old Colton Haab proposes several questions to ask at the town hall, including one on whether to arm teachers. His father, a Republican gun owner, later emailed Stevenson a four-page document with a roughly 700-word speech and a series of questions he said Colton wanted to ask.
Stevenson told the father the additional language he proposed was "way too long" and Colton would need to stick to the question "that he submitted." The words "that he submitted" were left off the email sent to Fox News and Huffington Post.
CNN said Stevenson had discussed which one of Colton's several questions to ask at the forum and they mutually agreed on one using his own words and a statement he made during another television appearance.
Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat
Well, there goes another rightwing wacko talking point. Damn, why, just why, does the truth come out???
Oohh, the poor little Trumpeters..

But yet we saw David Hogg rehearsing his lines and he certainly has a tendency to show up in the news media even before this event in Lakeland, Florida......just a coinkydink. What is so ironic about this alleged shooting is that three deputies and a school officer that was armed "stood down" and hid only driving home the point that the police are not there to protect but to arrive after the fact and the SCOTUS even ruled that in 2005.

Fuck off stupid. Anyone, who gives a speech or debates for that matter, do practice what they are going to say. They practice for hours. Fact.
Fuck man, you have to get out of your trailer home once in awhile. Your post was about as ignorant as it can get.

LOL!!! He was suppose to be telling about the events of that day and that doesn't need any coaching....the truth speaks for itself, dumb YOU need someone to tell you how to tell the truth? Probably, since you are a leftard....and here's a heapin' helpin of "FUCK YOU" and don't be shy about askin' for seconds.....I have plenty more to serve.

Hope this helps!!!
Why are you attacking these children
Why are you attacking this child
You;re so big and tough picking on a kid.
This kid was dodging bullets while you were home writing platitudes.

We’re not attacking this child, we’re attacking his lying father who was scripting his kid. When CNN refused to allow that he then went to FOX and accused CNN of trying to script his kid.

This set lie set off a wave of right wing hysteria and further attempt to minimize the movement the other students have started.

Once again FOX is caught disseminating “fake news”.
Why are you attacking these children
Why are you attacking this child
You;re so big and tough picking on a kid.
This kid was dodging bullets while you were home writing platitudes.

We’re not attacking this child, we’re attacking his lying father who was scripting his kid. When CNN refused to allow that he then went to FOX and accused CNN of trying to script his kid.

This set lie set off a wave of right wing hysteria and further attempt to minimize the movement the other students have started.

Once again FOX is caught disseminating “fake news”.

LMAO! Every kid that went up to the "meeting" was reading from a script with a question given to them by CNN and they were drama club members. David Hogg having to rehearse his lines about the alleged events of that day. Sounds a lot like the aftermath of Sandy you remember this interview of Robbie Parker when he didn't realize that the cameras were rolling???

It appears that media outlets were duped by FAKE NEWS yet again.
As excited as you may be to "pin one on the opposition" we've seen all too often that these outlets aren't interested in much more than quick headlines.
To Fox's credit I did see several disclaimers throughout the day where they admitted the rush to judgment. Disclaimers that weren't burried on page 10 or done at the end of a program when viewers are already tuned out.

Father of school shooting survivor allegedly doctored CNN emails

CNN should sue his ass off.
The father of a Florida shooting survivor acknowledged Tuesday he omitted words in an email he sent media outlets accusing CNN of using scripted remarks at a town hall on guns and school safety.
Dozens of conservative websites called the network's Feb. 21 town hall forum scripted after Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School junior Colton Haab skipped the event and said the network had told him what question to ask. The websites call it proof the forum was slanted against gun rights. President Donald Trump tweeted about it on Friday, saying "Just like so much of CNN, Fake News!"
CNN countered with a release of email exchanges between producer Carrie Stevenson, Colton Haab and his father Glenn and accused Glenn Haab of deliberately altering email sent to Fox News and the Huffington Post.
Glenn Haab told The Associated Press he omitted some words from the email but said he didn't do it on purpose.
"There was nothing malicious behind it," he said.
In one exchange, 17-year-old Colton Haab proposes several questions to ask at the town hall, including one on whether to arm teachers. His father, a Republican gun owner, later emailed Stevenson a four-page document with a roughly 700-word speech and a series of questions he said Colton wanted to ask.
Stevenson told the father the additional language he proposed was "way too long" and Colton would need to stick to the question "that he submitted." The words "that he submitted" were left off the email sent to Fox News and Huffington Post.
CNN said Stevenson had discussed which one of Colton's several questions to ask at the forum and they mutually agreed on one using his own words and a statement he made during another television appearance.
Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat
Well, there goes another rightwing wacko talking point. Damn, why, just why, does the truth come out???
Oohh, the poor little Trumpeters..

But yet we saw David Hogg rehearsing his lines and he certainly has a tendency to show up in the news media even before this event in Lakeland, Florida......just a coinkydink. What is so ironic about this alleged shooting is that three deputies and a school officer that was armed "stood down" and hid only driving home the point that the police are not there to protect but to arrive after the fact and the SCOTUS even ruled that in 2005.

So he is articulate. Is that a bad thing. Only an idiot wouldn't decide what he was going to say before they turned the national cameras on him.
The father of a Florida shooting survivor acknowledged Tuesday he omitted words in an email he sent media outlets accusing CNN of using scripted remarks at a town hall on guns and school safety.
Dozens of conservative websites called the network's Feb. 21 town hall forum scripted after Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School junior Colton Haab skipped the event and said the network had told him what question to ask. The websites call it proof the forum was slanted against gun rights. President Donald Trump tweeted about it on Friday, saying "Just like so much of CNN, Fake News!"
CNN countered with a release of email exchanges between producer Carrie Stevenson, Colton Haab and his father Glenn and accused Glenn Haab of deliberately altering email sent to Fox News and the Huffington Post.
Glenn Haab told The Associated Press he omitted some words from the email but said he didn't do it on purpose.
"There was nothing malicious behind it," he said.
In one exchange, 17-year-old Colton Haab proposes several questions to ask at the town hall, including one on whether to arm teachers. His father, a Republican gun owner, later emailed Stevenson a four-page document with a roughly 700-word speech and a series of questions he said Colton wanted to ask.
Stevenson told the father the additional language he proposed was "way too long" and Colton would need to stick to the question "that he submitted." The words "that he submitted" were left off the email sent to Fox News and Huffington Post.
CNN said Stevenson had discussed which one of Colton's several questions to ask at the forum and they mutually agreed on one using his own words and a statement he made during another television appearance.
Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat
Well, there goes another rightwing wacko talking point. Damn, why, just why, does the truth come out???
Oohh, the poor little Trumpeters..

But yet we saw David Hogg rehearsing his lines and he certainly has a tendency to show up in the news media even before this event in Lakeland, Florida......just a coinkydink. What is so ironic about this alleged shooting is that three deputies and a school officer that was armed "stood down" and hid only driving home the point that the police are not there to protect but to arrive after the fact and the SCOTUS even ruled that in 2005.

So he is articulate. Is that a bad thing. Only an idiot wouldn't decide what he was going to say before they turned the national cameras on him.

The father is obviously a NaziCon Trump supporter.
The father of a Florida shooting survivor acknowledged Tuesday he omitted words in an email he sent media outlets accusing CNN of using scripted remarks at a town hall on guns and school safety.
Dozens of conservative websites called the network's Feb. 21 town hall forum scripted after Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School junior Colton Haab skipped the event and said the network had told him what question to ask. The websites call it proof the forum was slanted against gun rights. President Donald Trump tweeted about it on Friday, saying "Just like so much of CNN, Fake News!"
CNN countered with a release of email exchanges between producer Carrie Stevenson, Colton Haab and his father Glenn and accused Glenn Haab of deliberately altering email sent to Fox News and the Huffington Post.
Glenn Haab told The Associated Press he omitted some words from the email but said he didn't do it on purpose.
"There was nothing malicious behind it," he said.
In one exchange, 17-year-old Colton Haab proposes several questions to ask at the town hall, including one on whether to arm teachers. His father, a Republican gun owner, later emailed Stevenson a four-page document with a roughly 700-word speech and a series of questions he said Colton wanted to ask.
Stevenson told the father the additional language he proposed was "way too long" and Colton would need to stick to the question "that he submitted." The words "that he submitted" were left off the email sent to Fox News and Huffington Post.
CNN said Stevenson had discussed which one of Colton's several questions to ask at the forum and they mutually agreed on one using his own words and a statement he made during another television appearance.
Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat
Well, there goes another rightwing wacko talking point. Damn, why, just why, does the truth come out???
Oohh, the poor little Trumpeters..

But yet we saw David Hogg rehearsing his lines and he certainly has a tendency to show up in the news media even before this event in Lakeland, Florida......just a coinkydink. What is so ironic about this alleged shooting is that three deputies and a school officer that was armed "stood down" and hid only driving home the point that the police are not there to protect but to arrive after the fact and the SCOTUS even ruled that in 2005.

So he is articulate. Is that a bad thing. Only an idiot wouldn't decide what he was going to say before they turned the national cameras on him.

The truth doesn't require rehearsing or a does it??? Unless it is a lie, no ?
The father of a Florida shooting survivor acknowledged Tuesday he omitted words in an email he sent media outlets accusing CNN of using scripted remarks at a town hall on guns and school safety.
Dozens of conservative websites called the network's Feb. 21 town hall forum scripted after Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School junior Colton Haab skipped the event and said the network had told him what question to ask. The websites call it proof the forum was slanted against gun rights. President Donald Trump tweeted about it on Friday, saying "Just like so much of CNN, Fake News!"
CNN countered with a release of email exchanges between producer Carrie Stevenson, Colton Haab and his father Glenn and accused Glenn Haab of deliberately altering email sent to Fox News and the Huffington Post.
Glenn Haab told The Associated Press he omitted some words from the email but said he didn't do it on purpose.
"There was nothing malicious behind it," he said.
In one exchange, 17-year-old Colton Haab proposes several questions to ask at the town hall, including one on whether to arm teachers. His father, a Republican gun owner, later emailed Stevenson a four-page document with a roughly 700-word speech and a series of questions he said Colton wanted to ask.
Stevenson told the father the additional language he proposed was "way too long" and Colton would need to stick to the question "that he submitted." The words "that he submitted" were left off the email sent to Fox News and Huffington Post.
CNN said Stevenson had discussed which one of Colton's several questions to ask at the forum and they mutually agreed on one using his own words and a statement he made during another television appearance.
Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat
Well, there goes another rightwing wacko talking point. Damn, why, just why, does the truth come out???
Oohh, the poor little Trumpeters..

But yet we saw David Hogg rehearsing his lines and he certainly has a tendency to show up in the news media even before this event in Lakeland, Florida......just a coinkydink. What is so ironic about this alleged shooting is that three deputies and a school officer that was armed "stood down" and hid only driving home the point that the police are not there to protect but to arrive after the fact and the SCOTUS even ruled that in 2005.

So he is articulate. Is that a bad thing. Only an idiot wouldn't decide what he was going to say before they turned the national cameras on him.

The truth doesn't require rehearsing or a does it??? Unless it is a lie, no ?

So every political speech, every sermon, every graduation speech, and every other prepared statement is a lie? Comeon Dale. You know better than that.
The father of a Florida shooting survivor acknowledged Tuesday he omitted words in an email he sent media outlets accusing CNN of using scripted remarks at a town hall on guns and school safety.
Dozens of conservative websites called the network's Feb. 21 town hall forum scripted after Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School junior Colton Haab skipped the event and said the network had told him what question to ask. The websites call it proof the forum was slanted against gun rights. President Donald Trump tweeted about it on Friday, saying "Just like so much of CNN, Fake News!"
CNN countered with a release of email exchanges between producer Carrie Stevenson, Colton Haab and his father Glenn and accused Glenn Haab of deliberately altering email sent to Fox News and the Huffington Post.
Glenn Haab told The Associated Press he omitted some words from the email but said he didn't do it on purpose.
"There was nothing malicious behind it," he said.
In one exchange, 17-year-old Colton Haab proposes several questions to ask at the town hall, including one on whether to arm teachers. His father, a Republican gun owner, later emailed Stevenson a four-page document with a roughly 700-word speech and a series of questions he said Colton wanted to ask.
Stevenson told the father the additional language he proposed was "way too long" and Colton would need to stick to the question "that he submitted." The words "that he submitted" were left off the email sent to Fox News and Huffington Post.
CNN said Stevenson had discussed which one of Colton's several questions to ask at the forum and they mutually agreed on one using his own words and a statement he made during another television appearance.
Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat
Well, there goes another rightwing wacko talking point. Damn, why, just why, does the truth come out???
Oohh, the poor little Trumpeters..

But yet we saw David Hogg rehearsing his lines and he certainly has a tendency to show up in the news media even before this event in Lakeland, Florida......just a coinkydink. What is so ironic about this alleged shooting is that three deputies and a school officer that was armed "stood down" and hid only driving home the point that the police are not there to protect but to arrive after the fact and the SCOTUS even ruled that in 2005.

So he is articulate. Is that a bad thing. Only an idiot wouldn't decide what he was going to say before they turned the national cameras on him.

The truth doesn't require rehearsing or a does it??? Unless it is a lie, no ?

So every political speech, every sermon, every graduation speech, and every other prepared statement is a lie? Comeon Dale. You know better than that.

Giving an eyewitness account requires coaching from someone that wasn't even there? C'mon, Bulldog, you know better than that. The truth is what it is and doesn't need to be "coached".....

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