Shooting a dog <> shooting a fetus.... What's the diff?

Everybody knows that unborn dogs are puppies and puppies grow up to be dogs. They are all cute little wiggly puppies that are canines. A fetus, on the other hand is of undetermined species.
the fetus of a human being is determined to be a unique separate human being,,

theres no confusion,, its a scientific fact,,,
With a show of hands, how many of the whiners here have a fly swatter/trap in their house or on their property?

Mouse trap?

Ant killer?

Bee killer?

Mosquito zapper?

So she shot a dog.

Believe it or not culling was forever and still is a functional farming skill. I know the link I provided says " not for dogs" but I think it's fairly relative.

I am floored by the reactions of those who have no problem with culling humans.... to this mundane account of something normal to a farm oriented culture.

I believe this activity goes on regularly in the Agri-belt with all types of animals for a variety of reasons.

Ultimately I wish she just brought the animal to a no kill shelter. But that's just me.

Nobody is shooting fetuses.
the fetus of a human being is determined to be a unique separate human being,,

theres no confusion,, its a scientific fact,,,
Not in the eyes of the law.

Fetuses are not counted in the Census.
They are not counted as deductions for tax purposes.
They are not counted in the agencies that record vital statistics until a birth certificate

I'm always amused when pregnant women say something like 'When the baby arrives," like it's flying in from Toledo!
Dumb has it killed chickens, it was biting others, that is a dog we would put down on a farm. The dogs are there to protect livestock and property not be a danger.

I'm pretty sure she broke the law. I don't believe it's legal to unnecessarily murder a puppy.

It killed chicken??? Wow! That's what dog do.

So, are you going to admit you were wrong about it biting a human? It' was a sweet innocent untrained dog. If it's not a good hunting dog, I'm pretty sure the rules in her state don't allow for you to put the dog down. Give it to a shelter or new forever home.

You are proving you'll defend ANYTHING the Republicans do or say. Pathetic.

“And I hope that people understand from this that what the point of this story is is that most politicians they will run from the truth, they will shy away and hide from making tough decisions. I don’t do either of those. I tell the truth and I make tough decisions.”

You make the wrong decisions. The point I get from the story is you are a cold hearted bitch.

You made the wrong decision bitch. Not the tough decision and not the right decision. That's what I get from this.

14-month-old wirehaired pointer named Cricket was “aggressive” and “untrainable” before shooting and killing the canine in a gravel pit
Yeah....had a very sick animal and needed to say good bye...13 year old lab.

I was keeping him alive more for me than for him. What a shock...when I was seeking euthanasia services. I was met with a barrage of shaming and finger pointing as if I wasn't already hurting enough.

I did locate a vet who was willing. Soon thereafter the city passed an ordinance forbidding vets to argue with euthanasia. Either offer it or don't. MYOB.
Nonsense. I have had dogs my whole life. Putting a dog down when their time comes is just a fact of life.

I have never heard of anyone least of all a Vet “shaming “ anyone for doing what had to be done For the ANIMAL

Digging a pit and throwing a 14 month old puppy into it and shooting it is not the above.

Killer Kristi openly said she hated the animal. THAT was why she did what she did
Nonsense. I have had dogs my whole life. Putting a dog down when their time comes is just a fact of life.

I have never heard of anyone least of all a Vet “shaming “ anyone for doing what had to be done For the ANIMAL

Digging a pit and throwing a 14 month old puppy into it and shooting it is not the above.

Killer Kristi openly said she hated the animal. THAT was why she did what she did
They can try to spin it all they want right? Them defending this just proves again they'll defend anything Republican politicians do. No wonder they believe all politicians are scum. Their politicians are scum.

But I will say this about vets. They'll suggest you do a $8000 surgery and guilt you if you say no put the dog down. So honestly, now that I think of it, there is a fine line between right and wrong when it comes down to caring for your pet. For example, you can't tell the doctor to put gramma down because you can't afford to pay for her surgery and it's the humane thing to do. But then again hospitals are forced by law to save the person's life. So maybe we should pass a law that even if a person can't afford the surgery, vets have to perform them.
There's been a Bunny in our yard for some time now, playing 'Catch Me If You Can' with our Collie. He can't, of course. He's not real serious about it anyway because Collies aren't really hunters. Curious, mostly.

The other night he's rasing hell and we see the Bunny running around like crazy and we hear this high-pitched, tiny little scream. The dog had a baby bunny in his mouth, running around the back yard with it.

The wife runs outside and gets it out of his mouth and releases it outside the fence. Completely unharmed. Ten secconds later, he's got another one!! She gets him to let go of that one. Again, completely unharmed. Mama Bunny had been waiting and watching not too far away, frozen still, like they do.

Two minutes later, all three bunnies hop away.

Another time, we had our other Collie tied up to our garage on the Farm in Michigan and the wife wakes up at 2:00AM, looks out the window and sees him playing with a Fawn. No spots so he/she must have been a few Months old, but they were playing! Doing the crouchy thing and bolting one way or the other.

I was raised on a Farm and that's the kind of dog you want. Not one of these drooling, killing machines that are actually very stupid. Bred for fighting or Hog Hunting and too stupid for much else. Anything else, actually.

Most of the dogs on Farms just kind of 'Show Up' one day. They're wild or semi-wild anyway. Yes, there are packs of wild dogs in the Country. Big ones. Dangerous ones. And sometimes one of them takes off on his own for one reason or another.

If he's a good dog, you keep him. If he's not, you destroy him.

You people taking shots at Noem don't know about anythig other than dogs as companions. Which is okay, I guess. But that's not why Humans and dogs have a relationship. Dogs on Farms are working dogs. Believe it or not, unlike dimcraps, Dogs LOVE to work. Love it.

When I was a kid, we had to 'grain' our cattle to fatten them up for market. But they were Free Range Cattle. Wouldn't have any other way. So when it came time tp grain them, we'd send the dogs to get them and about an hour later, they'd all come down to the barn, slowly, happily.

We'd use the dogs to cut the Milk Cow out of the herd every morning. We'd use them to cut a heifer too young to breed out of the herd to keep it away from the Bull.

Dogs are working animals on a Farm. If they go bad, and some do, they have to be destroyed.

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