SHOCK CONFESSION: Bill Ayers Reveals He Is Author Of Obama's 'Dreams Of My Father'

This stuff worked so well for them in 2 elections, no wonder they're trying to bring it back.

The funny part is how they claim Obama hasn't been vetted. He has, more so than any candidate in American history. The people have heard all their stories many times. And correctly rejected them as being bizarre conspiracy theories.

That cracks me up too.

Another one -

His career is ruined.

I've read here that he'll never get elected again.


Dingbats don't seem to realize that there is nothing higher than elected leader of the free world. Twice.

I can guarantee 2 things:

1. The monkey in chief didn't write it.
2. Some commie did whether that was Axelrod or Ayers makes no difference.

The book is a badly written pile of dog shit that I own. I'm trying to think of a legal, creative way of destroying it.

Someone should break it to this guy that the Cold War is over and Muslims are his enemy now.

They keep saying that not all Muslims are their enemy. Actually, there's at least one they worship.
ExposingReligion Blog - Behind the Conservative Veil: News Corp., Fox News, Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post

Did RC Christian really write this?
"I'm trying to think of a legal, creative way of destroying it."

Never mind that he's probably lying about owning it.

Does he really believe its illegal to destroy a book?

Hint for RC Christian: The fascist t-potties are not in power. If you want to destroy, by all means do.
Very funny how the rw's will repeat this lie about Obama while also lying about their heroes whose books were indeed written by someone else.

I'm remembering threads where the very same idiots swore up and down that $arah wrote her own books.


funny how you have proof yet you still have to pass around it's a LIE

that must of burst some bubbles of your Saint Obama

everything about the man is made up, manufactured, a lie, fake, you have to live with it you fell for it
but here's this for your saddness:eusa_boohoo:

Staffy - you're not very bright. That avi proves that.

This post makes no sense but even when you're able to string words together, your only real ability is to mimic someone else.

I'm headed down to breakfast before they stop serving.

Have yourself a nice apoplectic fit.

my dear, you're the one throwing fits in this thread
maybe if you eat something it might help your temper tantrums over people talking about your, Dear One Obambam...
and how bright does one have to be to get their panites all bunched up over someone saying they wouldn't mind having a, DUEL
now off with you old slow not so bright one....
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as i said, steve-mcerrand is a nice and lovely troll.

he delivers shit no one else would try to lay down.

sarah palin, birfer shit, now this.

this is why i am here, to get the real good news.

I like Steve, he is always very respectful despite our disagreeing.


Yes, very respectful. Especially when it comes to entire ethnic groups. He never utters a cross word.

That might be - he is cool with me, though and I don't care if I disagree with him.

Others, left and right, would do good to follow his example ~
I like Steve, he is always very respectful despite our disagreeing.


Yes, very respectful. Especially when it comes to entire ethnic groups. He never utters a cross word.

That might be - he is cool with me, though and I don't care if I disagree with him.

Others, left and right, would do good to follow his example ~

Aren't most here cool with you? He is not setting the example, if you think about it.

Basically, you are saying that...because he is nice to like an admitted white supremacist. That is fine. But lets not pretend that the dude even remotely understands the concept of respect.
Also meant to say -

Only an idiot does not see that that Ayers was joking in the video and in the so-called proof in print was very clear that it was a joke with the crackkpot rw's the brunt of the joke.

Its the same with fox, lushbo and other professional liars.

The rw's know they are dupes. They know they are being lied to.

And they suck it up.

I'd love to know what causes this phenomenon. I suspect they're so desperate to feel like they belong to something important, they'll even swallow lies as huge as this one.

I hate to break this to you, Luddly but you progressives bought into a "myth" six years ago when you jumped onto the Obama bandwagon. What you now refer to as Right Wing "lies" are us simply pointing out that this President doesn't have a clue what he is doing and hasn't since he took office.

The reason I use the term "myth" when it comes to Barack Obama is because when you take the time to REALLY look at his adult life? The remarkable thing is how few exceptional things he's done since he left Harvard Law School as the first minority President of the Law Review. He was showered with rewards for that distinction...a six figure book deal, a guest lecturer's spot at a prestigious university, and a position at one of Chicago's finest law firms...but when you look at what he did with each of those things it's quickly apparent that Barack Obama "showed up" but never excelled. I would make the assertion that's because he's adverse to doing the hard work that being exceptional requires. Writing a book is hard work. He tried doing so when he first got out of Harvard. He had that six figure advance and time off from his cushy law firm job. He decided to do his writing in Bali...nice work if you can get it. The only problem is...he didn't write a book. His original publisher cancelled their deal with him because after years of waiting for what they'd paid him for...they hadn't received a book. But then five months after meeting and befriending Bill Ayers...SHAZAAM!!!...Barry writes a book that is a literary tour d' force? This from a guy who's only known writing samples prior to this are a few PAINFULLY awful poems he wrote in college.

It's rather obvious from examining how Emile Jones gave Obama the work of other Democratic lawmakers to put his name how Democrats in the US Senate were pressured to do the same once Barry became a "hot up and comer" that having others do his work for him is something the Barack Obama has been doing for quite some time.
[ame=]Fallen - YouTube[/ame]
Seeing we have no examples of what he wrote when he was editor of the Harvard Law Review, I would hesitate to use his work there as part of his resume.
I agree with the guy mentioned above that the style seem very muck like Ayres' work and my opinion is that the book was a collaboration, with obama providing an outline and anecdotes, and Ayres setting the prose.
HOW? Obama's book was written and published BEFORE he had his first introduction meeting with Ayres?

No. It wasn't.

A good and fair article on the topic

Archived-Articles: Who Wrote Dreams From My Father?
Sorry Ed, that article is nothing but utter bull crap and filled with speculation with absolutely no support showing this op's stance and speculation as even being remotely true....

Bill Ayers met Obama briefly 2-3 months before Obama's book went to print....books aren't written and published with accolades in 2-3 months....that's just simple mathematics with some common sense...

I mean, how do you honestly get around that? Is there proof that Ayers knew Obama for a year or two before this supposed first meeting and introduction to Ayres in the couple of months preceding Obama's book being published....

It takes editing and re-editing and proofing and then to blue line, all before publication and print and distribution....let alone the time to actually write the book....

It seems that it is not only UNTRUE that Bill Ayres wrote Obama's book Dreams from my Father, but an IMPOSSIBILITY, from looking at the timeline.

As far as Obama having another ghost writer that helped with his book, that I don't know.....
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HOW? Obama's book was written and published BEFORE he had his first introduction meeting with Ayres?

No. It wasn't.

A good and fair article on the topic

Archived-Articles: Who Wrote Dreams From My Father?
Sorry Ed, that article is nothing but utter bull crap and filled with speculation with absolutely no support showing this op's stance and speculation as even being remotely true....

Bill Ayers met Obama briefly 2-3 months before Obama's book went to print....books aren't written and published with accolades in 2-3 months....that's just simple mathematics with some common sense...

I mean, how do you honestly get around that? Is there proof that Ayers knew Obama for a year or two before this supposed first meeting and introduction to Ayres in the couple of months preceding Obama's book being published....

It takes editing and re-editing and proofing and then to blue line, all before publication and print and distribution....let alone the time to actually write the book....

It seems that it is not only UNTRUE that Bill Ayres wrote Obama's book Dreams from my Father, but an IMPOSSIBILITY, from looking at the timeline.

As far as Obama having another ghost writer that helped with his book, that I don't know.....

The Obama/Ayers meeting took place 5 months before the publication of Obama's book...ample time for someone to take what Obama had tried to write (and failed) and turn it into a book.
No. It wasn't.

A good and fair article on the topic

Archived-Articles: Who Wrote Dreams From My Father?
Sorry Ed, that article is nothing but utter bull crap and filled with speculation with absolutely no support showing this op's stance and speculation as even being remotely true....

Bill Ayers met Obama briefly 2-3 months before Obama's book went to print....books aren't written and published with accolades in 2-3 months....that's just simple mathematics with some common sense...

I mean, how do you honestly get around that? Is there proof that Ayers knew Obama for a year or two before this supposed first meeting and introduction to Ayres in the couple of months preceding Obama's book being published....

It takes editing and re-editing and proofing and then to blue line, all before publication and print and distribution....let alone the time to actually write the book....

It seems that it is not only UNTRUE that Bill Ayres wrote Obama's book Dreams from my Father, but an IMPOSSIBILITY, from looking at the timeline.

As far as Obama having another ghost writer that helped with his book, that I don't know.....

The Obama/Ayers meeting took place 5 months before the publication of Obama's book...ample time for someone to take what Obama had tried to write (and failed) and turn it into a book.
No, he did not meet him 5 months before the book was in print....He met him for the very first time on March 15th at 12 noon....

STOP trying to fool yourself in to believing that Ayres wrote this book or had time to write this book, when he did not even KNOW Obama just 4 months before the book hit the takes months for editing and reediting and proofing and then to sign off on the blue line copy, before something then goes to the printer, then gets proof read again and then gets shipped to market....I did this for a living...not books, but catalogs, which are much smaller than books, with less copy facts and more pictures....but none the less, the process is the same.

You really think from his very first casual meeting with Ayres on March 15th at this board meeting, that Obama then convinced Ayres to write his book or rewrite his book and Ayres did this for him in one month? It takes 3 months once a book is written, to get it edited and to a printer and then to the stores that are going to sell it, at minimum!

I'll say it again, it is absolutely, without a doubt, IMPOSSIBLE for Ayres to have writen Obama's book from the timeline of them meeting for the first time in March of that year....impossible.
Admit it, you republican Obama groupies will sure miss him when he leaves. Not to worry though, he'll leave the economy in better shape than he found it. Or maybe that is a republican's biggest worry?
I have some confessions to make as well..

I wrote the Rosetta Stone.
And the Bible.
I wrote all the shakespearean plays.
And the Constitution.

I’ve been alive forever,
And I wrote the very first song.
I put the words and the melodies together,
I am music,
And I write the songs.

I write the songs that make the whole world sing.
I write the songs of love and special thing s.
I write the songs that make the young girls cry.
I write the songs, I write the songs.
I have some confessions to make as well..

I wrote the Rosetta Stone.
And the Bible.
I wrote all the shakespearean plays.
And the Constitution.

I’ve been alive forever,
And I wrote the very first song.
I put the words and the melodies together,
I am music,
And I write the songs.

I write the songs that make the whole world sing.
I write the songs of love and special thing s.
I write the songs that make the young girls cry.
I write the songs, I write the songs.

Hey, Barry Manilow, who sang I Write The Songs, did not write it. Bill Ayers did not write it either.
I have some confessions to make as well..

I wrote the Rosetta Stone.
And the Bible.
I wrote all the shakespearean plays.
And the Constitution.

I’ve been alive forever,
And I wrote the very first song.
I put the words and the melodies together,
I am music,
And I write the songs.

I write the songs that make the whole world sing.
I write the songs of love and special thing s.
I write the songs that make the young girls cry.
I write the songs, I write the songs.

Hey, Barry Manilow, who sang I Write The Songs, did not write it. Bill Ayers did not write it either.

That's because I wrote it. :eusa_shifty:
Admit it, you republican Obama groupies will sure miss him when he leaves. Not to worry though, he'll leave the economy in better shape than he found it. Or maybe that is a republican's biggest worry?

The economy was in the toilet when he took office. After five years of overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since The Great's not much better. Considering that we've spent trillions of dollars on stimulus programs, bail outs and quantitative easing is it really something to be "proud of" to have an economy that is slightly better than in the toilet?

It's analogous to a submarine with serious leaks being brought from 1,000 feet below the surface to 990 feet and expecting THAT to cheer up the crew as the boat fills with cold sea water!
Admit it, you republican Obama groupies will sure miss him when he leaves. Not to worry though, he'll leave the economy in better shape than he found it. Or maybe that is a republican's biggest worry?

The economy was in the toilet when he took office. After five years of overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since The Great's not much better. Considering that we've spent trillions of dollars on stimulus programs, bail outs and quantitative easing is it really something to be "proud of" to have an economy that is slightly better than in the toilet?

It's analogous to a submarine with serious leaks being brought from 1,000 feet below the surface to 990 feet and expecting THAT to cheer up the crew as the boat fills with cold sea water!

The market when from under 8K to over 16K.

UE went from 10% to around 7%.

Manufacturing is coming back to the US.

And most of the top corporate entities are seeing the largest profits in history.

The "problem" now is getting people back to work.

Historically that was done by hiring people into state and federal jobs.
This tightens the labor market and raises salaries.

Eisenhower did it.
Kennedy did it.
Reagan did it.
Clinton did it.
Bush Jr. did it.

But congress closed the spigot on Obama. We now have Austerity. Deficit has been going down. terms of folks should be ecstatic.

Rich are getting richer..poor are getting poorer.

Why the sad face?


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