Our Kennedy.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Bill Maher nails it.

Bill Maher on JFK vs Reagan: 'Our Kennedy Is Kennedy' | Video Cafe

Bill Maher had a few words for the Republicans who still "get a lump in their throat" for "their Kennedy" Ronald Reagan during his New Rules segment this Friday night.

MAHER: Now, I don't know if all politics is local, but I do think all politics is tribal and just as some people are dog people and others are cat people, some have a chip in their brain to be Democrats and others to be Republicans. We have Kennedy, you have Reagan. We have marijuana, you have Metamucil.

We want gays in the military. You want them in the airport restroom. [...]

The one reason we looked uglier in the '80's, is because we were uglier. It was when the baby boomers, the generation that was supposed to be different, just gave up and sold out completely. Kennedy's time was the time of "Ask not what your country can do for you." Reagan's was the time of "Greed is good."

JFK was far from perfect, but he was a true wit and a sex machine and he knew how to wear a pair of shades. Reagan was an amiable square in a cowboy hat who had sex with a woman he called mommie.

Kennedy was James Bond. Reagan was Matlock. Love him or hate him, we win. Republicans can call Reagan their Kennedy all they want, but it's like calling Miller High Life 'the champagne of beer. It's why calling someone your Kennedy will never really cut it, because our Kennedy, is Kennedy.

I heard Bill has an increase in ratings............A dozen or so decided to watch him...............
Nobody calls Reagan "our Kennedy"

Kennedy would get primaried out in today Progressive Dem Party, he's to the right of most modern Presidents
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I want to know how much CO2 the eternal flame on Kennedy's grave has pumped into the atmosphere.

I'm sure we can link a few tornadoes or floods to it.
Holy Cow Spider Man..............

Kennedy is destroying the planet from his grave..................

Can you knock it out with a web....................

The Liberals want the real Spider Man to save the planet from this Pure Evil.................
Nobody calls Reagan "our Kennedy"

Kennedy would get primaries out in today Progressive Dem Party, he's to the right of most modern Presidents


unlike this prezbo

Kennedy did take responsibility for his actions

but it doesnt stop there

his peace through strength policy

argued to lower the debt

tax cutter

favored balanced budgets

unlike this admin that

considers a series of blank checks "the budget"

yeah they would have thrown him out on his ear
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.?

Who said that..................................

Why have you and the Liberal Horde perverted his message...............................
"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

This quote alone would get Kennedy kicked out of the (entitlement for votes) Democrat Party of today.
"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

This quote alone would get Kennedy kicked out of the (entitlement for votes) Democrat Party of today.

But he is their HERO................

Used in this very OP..............

Surely we misunderstand the words of JFK.................

JFK was closer to today's libertarians than to either the liberals or the conservatives.

He was for smaller government, strong military, and he cut taxes.

Kennedy would not be a democrat today.
"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

This quote alone would get Kennedy kicked out of the (entitlement for votes) Democrat Party of today.

But he is their HERO................

Used in this very OP..............

Surely we misunderstand the words of JFK.................


if he is their hero

then they will really like this line from the speech

We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.
JFK was closer to today's libertarians than to either the liberals or the conservatives.

He was for smaller government, strong military, and he cut taxes.

Kennedy would not be a democrat today.

I just don't see Pelosi & Kennedy hugging, no how, no way......:lol:
Bill Maher nails it.

Bill Maher on JFK vs Reagan: 'Our Kennedy Is Kennedy' | Video Cafe

Bill Maher had a few words for the Republicans who still "get a lump in their throat" for "their Kennedy" Ronald Reagan during his New Rules segment this Friday night.

MAHER: Now, I don't know if all politics is local, but I do think all politics is tribal and just as some people are dog people and others are cat people, some have a chip in their brain to be Democrats and others to be Republicans. We have Kennedy, you have Reagan. We have marijuana, you have Metamucil.

We want gays in the military. You want them in the airport restroom. [...]

The one reason we looked uglier in the '80's, is because we were uglier. It was when the baby boomers, the generation that was supposed to be different, just gave up and sold out completely. Kennedy's time was the time of "Ask not what your country can do for you." Reagan's was the time of "Greed is good."

JFK was far from perfect, but he was a true wit and a sex machine and he knew how to wear a pair of shades. Reagan was an amiable square in a cowboy hat who had sex with a woman he called mommie.

Kennedy was James Bond. Reagan was Matlock. Love him or hate him, we win. Republicans can call Reagan their Kennedy all they want, but it's like calling Miller High Life 'the champagne of beer. It's why calling someone your Kennedy will never really cut it, because our Kennedy, is Kennedy.


Actually Kennedy was a conservative and definitely would be a Republican today. So claim the liberal left.
JFK was closer to today's libertarians than to either the liberals or the conservatives.

He was for smaller government, strong military, and he cut taxes.

Kennedy would not be a democrat today.

the democratic party underwent a massive shift to the far left in the late 1960's. as a matter of fact, they even pushed the extreme left to completely new, unheard of before limits

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