Shelia Jackson demands "Martial Law" to end Shutdown

Either this commie bitch has no clue WTF martial law is, or she thinks we're so stupid, we don't know.
As usual, Sheila blows unbelievable shit out that ass she calls a face.

I don't think you know what she is talking about. So obviously you have no clue what martial law she is referring to. So I guess you are stupid.
Shelia Jackson demands "Martial Law" to end Shutdown

She was wrong, as usual, on several grounds

1- Congress NEVER approved the ACA , the Senate did;

2- Martial law was used by Ape Lincoln, during reconstruction to force the Southern Legislators to sign the Fourteenth Amendment


1. It was passed by both the house and the senate.
2. Abe Lincoln died three years before the 14th amendment was adopted with it not being proposed until 1866, didn't Abe die in 1865?
And finally, Abe Lincoln didn't use Martial Law. You are a moron.

I suggest you go back and reread whatever comic told you Lincoln never declared martial law.
She was wrong, as usual, on several grounds

1- Congress NEVER approved the ACA , the Senate did;

2- Martial law was used by Ape Lincoln, during reconstruction to force the Southern Legislators to sign the Fourteenth Amendment


1. It was passed by both the house and the senate.
2. Abe Lincoln died three years before the 14th amendment was adopted with it not being proposed until 1866, didn't Abe die in 1865?
And finally, Abe Lincoln didn't use Martial Law. You are a moron.

I suggest you go back and reread whatever comic told you Lincoln never declared martial law.

I think you should re read the post I quoted.
Abe Lincoln didn't use Martial Law to adopt the 14th amendment... Because he was dead.
Fucking smart people around here today.
Shelia Jackson demands "Martial Law" to end Shutdown

She was wrong, as usual, on several grounds

1- Congress NEVER approved the ACA , the Senate did;

2- Martial law was used by Ape Lincoln, during reconstruction to force the Southern Legislators to sign the Fourteenth Amendment


In case you can't find it, QW.

That doesn't make you statement that Lincoln never used martial law true, does it?

By the way, Lincoln did use the threat of force to shove the 13th Amendment down the throats of the Confederacy. Not saying he was wrong, just pointing out it is possible the poster got confused.
She was wrong, as usual, on several grounds

1- Congress NEVER approved the ACA , the Senate did;

2- Martial law was used by Ape Lincoln, during reconstruction to force the Southern Legislators to sign the Fourteenth Amendment


In case you can't find it, QW.

That doesn't make you statement that Lincoln never used martial law true, does it?

By the way, Lincoln did use the threat of force to shove the 13th Amendment down the throats of the Confederacy. Not saying he was wrong, just pointing out it is possible the poster got confused.

I am not going to even bother responding.
I was referring to the 14th amendment which was stated in the post I quoted. I am sorry you didn't get that. Now move along.
The Affordable Health Care for America Act (or HR 3962)[1] was a bill that was crafted by the United States House of Representatives in November 2009. At the encouragement of the Obama administration, the 111th Congress devoted much of its time to enacting reform of the United States' health care system. Known as the "House bill," it was the House of Representative's chief legislative proposal during the health reform debate, but the Affordable Health Care for America Act as originally drafted never became law.


The House passed the Senate bill with a 219–212 vote on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it.[117] The following day, Republicans introduced legislation to repeal the bill.[118] Obama signed the ACA into law on March 23, 2010.[119] The amendment bill, The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, was also passed by the House on March 21, by the Senate via reconciliation on March 25, and was signed by President Obama on March 30.

Mr Dingle Berry Sir,

This is what was debated and approved by the House:

H.R.3590 -- Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009 (Introduced in House - IH)

She was wrong, as usual, on several grounds

1- Congress NEVER approved the ACA , the Senate did;

2- Martial law was used by Ape Lincoln, during reconstruction to force the Southern Legislators to sign the Fourteenth Amendment


In case you can't find it, QW.

That doesn't make you statement that Lincoln never used martial law true, does it?

By the way, Lincoln did use the threat of force to shove the 13th Amendment down the throats of the Confederacy. Not saying he was wrong, just pointing out it is possible the poster got confused.

This poster NEVER gets confused:

The ten States were organized into Military Districts under the unconstitutional "Reconstruction Acts," their lawfully constituted Legislatures illegally were removed by "military force," and they were replaced by rump, so-called Legislatures, seven of which carried out military orders and pretended to ratify the 14th Amendment, as follows:

Arkansas on April 6, 1868; [Cite 38]
North Carolina on July 2, 1868; [Cite 39]
Florida on June 9, 1868; [Cite 40]
Louisiana on July 9, 1868; [Cite 41]
South Carolina on July 9, 1868; [Cite 42]
Alabama on July 13, 1868; [Cite 43]
Georgia on July 21, 1868. [Cite 44]

6. Of the above 7 States whose Legislatures were removed and replaced by rump, so-called Legislatures, six (6) Legislatures of the States of Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina and Georgia had ratified the 13th amendment, as shown by the Secretary of State's Proclamation of December 18, 1865, without which 6 States' ratifications, the 13th Amendment could not and would not have been ratified because said 6 States made a total of 27 out of 36 States or exactly three-fourths of the number required by Article V of the Constitution for ratification. "

In case you can't find it, QW.

That doesn't make you statement that Lincoln never used martial law true, does it?

By the way, Lincoln did use the threat of force to shove the 13th Amendment down the throats of the Confederacy. Not saying he was wrong, just pointing out it is possible the poster got confused.

This poster NEVER gets confused:

The ten States were organized into Military Districts under the unconstitutional "Reconstruction Acts," their lawfully constituted Legislatures illegally were removed by "military force," and they were replaced by rump, so-called Legislatures, seven of which carried out military orders and pretended to ratify the 14th Amendment, as follows:

Arkansas on April 6, 1868; [Cite 38]
North Carolina on July 2, 1868; [Cite 39]
Florida on June 9, 1868; [Cite 40]
Louisiana on July 9, 1868; [Cite 41]
South Carolina on July 9, 1868; [Cite 42]
Alabama on July 13, 1868; [Cite 43]
Georgia on July 21, 1868. [Cite 44]

6. Of the above 7 States whose Legislatures were removed and replaced by rump, so-called Legislatures, six (6) Legislatures of the States of Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina and Georgia had ratified the 13th amendment, as shown by the Secretary of State's Proclamation of December 18, 1865, without which 6 States' ratifications, the 13th Amendment could not and would not have been ratified because said 6 States made a total of 27 out of 36 States or exactly three-fourths of the number required by Article V of the Constitution for ratification. "


I'm not surprised Lee would say something like that. Blacks think Obama should be given unrestricted power to do any damn thing he wants to do.

Are you black? Then how the hell would you know what blacks think?

Or are you a racist who speculates endless on the motives and thoughts of minorities?

"You know how they are..."
I'm not surprised Lee would say something like that. Blacks think Obama should be given unrestricted power to do any damn thing he wants to do.

Are you black? Then how the hell would you know what blacks think?

Or are you a racist who speculates endless on the motives and thoughts of minorities?

"You know how they are..."
We know the tree by the fruit that it bears.
In case you can't find it, QW.

That doesn't make you statement that Lincoln never used martial law true, does it?

By the way, Lincoln did use the threat of force to shove the 13th Amendment down the throats of the Confederacy. Not saying he was wrong, just pointing out it is possible the poster got confused.

This poster NEVER gets confused:

The ten States were organized into Military Districts under the unconstitutional "Reconstruction Acts," their lawfully constituted Legislatures illegally were removed by "military force," and they were replaced by rump, so-called Legislatures, seven of which carried out military orders and pretended to ratify the 14th Amendment, as follows:

Arkansas on April 6, 1868; [Cite 38]
North Carolina on July 2, 1868; [Cite 39]
Florida on June 9, 1868; [Cite 40]
Louisiana on July 9, 1868; [Cite 41]
South Carolina on July 9, 1868; [Cite 42]
Alabama on July 13, 1868; [Cite 43]
Georgia on July 21, 1868. [Cite 44]

6. Of the above 7 States whose Legislatures were removed and replaced by rump, so-called Legislatures, six (6) Legislatures of the States of Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina and Georgia had ratified the 13th amendment, as shown by the Secretary of State's Proclamation of December 18, 1865, without which 6 States' ratifications, the 13th Amendment could not and would not have been ratified because said 6 States made a total of 27 out of 36 States or exactly three-fourths of the number required by Article V of the Constitution for ratification. "


He said the 14th amendment, not the 13th. ;)
The poster was confused.
She is a particularly ignorant woman. Martial law would have no effect on the government bodys now battling over the shut down.
Its just a procedure to speed up voting on bills in the House

Under the martial law procedure, longstanding House rules that require at least one day between the unveiling of significant legislation and the House floor vote on that legislation — so that Members can learn what they are being asked to vote on — are swept away. Instead, under “martial law,” the Leadership can file legislation with tens or hundreds of pages of fine print and move immediately to debate and votes on it, before Members of Congress, the media, or the public have an opportunity to understand fully what provisions have been altered or inserted into the legislation behind closed doors. This is the procedure that the Leadership intends to use to muscle through important bills in the next two days.

Statement by Robert Greenstein: House Leadership Invokes ?Martial Law,? Forcing Members to Vote on Key Bills Without Full Knowledge of What They Are Voting On: Move Represents Erosion Of The Democratic Process ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
I think this is a good idea.

GOP leadership in the Senate should combine with House Leadership, write legislation removing Obamacare from the laws of this nation, "INVOKE" martial law in the Congress and then just vote and pass it. Send it off to the Executive with a note that says, "You wanted a bill to sign. Here it is. Sign it or we will write legislation to remove you from office, pass it without anyone reading it, and then just send the US Marshall to arrest you.

Its just a procedural gimmick........And you're all for it.

You need to be evaluated for your own safety.

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